October 6, 2015

"I think she was a bit of a hero," said Rihanna about Rachel Dolezal...

"... because she kind of flipped on society a little bit. Is it such a horrible thing that she pretended to be black? Black is a great thing, and I think she legit changed people’s perspective a bit and woke people up.”

IN THE COMMENTS: Marty Keller said: "Name one."

For some reason that caused this song to play in my head: "You're only pretty as you feel/Only pretty as you feel inside..."


James Pawlak said...

What did Dr. King say about his hopes and the color of skins?

Gahrie said...

Have we truly reached the point where people who are famous only for lying are now "heroes"?

JCC said...

Elizabeth Warren...hero. Being Indian is such a great thing and all.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Ever met any successful show biz people? They tend to be narcissistic and dumb as stumps. Not all of them are dumb, but you can usually tell who is dumb the minute they open their mouth about anything not show biz related.

Fandor said...

WHO said what about WHO?

Michael K said...

Mental illness is the new normal for the left.

pm317 said...

another celebrity spouting stuff. Wasn't the problem she financially benefited from the lie like scholarships and stuff?

Phil 314 said...

“I don’t know spiritually and metaphysically how this goes, but I do know that from my earliest memories I have awareness and connection with the black experience, and that’s never left me.”

Structural racism.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think I can almost understand where she was coming from. Right now, Amin probably the county just south of where her parents are, and don't remember the last time I saw any Blacks who weren't just passing through. Only real minorities are the Indians, and the rare Hispanic. Pretty lily white.

Carnifex said...

Apparently she has taken some bran damage from allowing her erstwhile boyfriend to beat the shit out of her. Pretty girl though. I'd hit it.

Marty Keller said...

"I think she legit changed people’s perspective a bit and woke people up.”

Name one.

averagejoe said...

Black people don't hold other black people accountable, even when they're white.

Hagar said...

Ms. Dolezal has a right ti "identify" as a Black if she wants to, but she does not have right to deceive people who rely on her "identification" as being truthful.

Big Mike said...

So Rihanna agrees that it takes a honkey to run a chapter of the NAACP right? Surprised she admits it.

Todd Roberson said...

Why anyone cares what Rhianna says is beyond me. Unless her butt learns to talk I have no interest in anything she says.

wildswan said...

Current liberals try out new and exotic types of "liberation" the way the decadent Romans tried out exotic dishes made from a thousand larks tongues or giraffe balls. And for pretty much the same reason - rich and bored amid cultural collapse. White people try to be black; men say they're women; administrators say there are no genders or there are twenty-three; women accept the hook-up culture and then call their hook-ups rape; black people call other blacks "coons"; greedy, undisciplined people pretend to be Buddhists; teachers boast of ignorance; students scream with terror at having to learn something new. They are all playing because they are afraid to grow-up.

Kirk Parker said...
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Achilles said...

Progressives are all about creating privileged classes. They can accept a few free-loaders here and there as long as they support the privilege machine.

This woman said the right things about race, promoted racial division, and overall pushed the progressive agenda. It does not matter that she is a total fraud. She helped the agenda. That is what is really important.

Feminists do exactly the same thing. Most of them are total frauds. Hillary is the pinnacle of feminist movement now... because she was married to the right man. A man who happened to be a serial philanderer, groper, abuser, and rapist. But Hillary supports the machine. Who cares if she is absolutely corrupt if she can bring utopia closer.

Brando said...

Sounds like Chris Brown knocked some sense out of her.

Tank said...

LOL.. Brando and I had the same thought.

Probably sexist or paternalistic or mean or something.

tim in vermont said...

Really? [directed at the comment thread, not Rihanna]

Peter said...

Perhaps it's about a right to be accepted as whatever you say you are, even if you're not.

Or perhaps it's just another demand that everyone acknowledge the beauty of The Emperor's New Clothes, that we must all be made to say what we know to be false, that a white woman is black if she says she is (just as a boy is a girl if/because he says so).

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength: it is so if authority says so; all must be bullied until they acknowledge the New Truth (even if it contradicts yesterday's Truth).