September 19, 2015

The NYT would like us to talk about "Generation Z."

Somehow there are 2 articles:

1. "Move Over, Millennials, Here Comes Generation Z."
Sure, millennials were digital; their teenage years were defined by iPods and MySpace. But Generation Z is the first generation to be raised in the era of smartphones. Many do not remember a time before social media.

“We are the first true digital natives,” said Hannah Payne, an 18-year-old U.C.L.A. student and lifestyle blogger. “I can almost simultaneously create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone, all from the user-friendly interface of my iPhone. Generation Z takes in information instantaneously... and loses interest just as fast.”
2. "How to Spot a Member of Generation Z."
“This group seem much less attached to traditional gender binaries or linear definitions of sexuality,” said Lucie Greene, a trend forecaster at J. Walter Thompson, the advertising giant. “It’s all about individualism and the right to be whatever you want.”
Individualism and the right to be whatever you want is the line I've heard all my life. Conformity was always the problem of those terrible people of the past. (By the way, I used to work at J. Walter Thompson, back around the time when Generation Z people were getting born.) [I mean the parents of the Gen Zs were getting born.]


rehajm said...

Individualism and the right to be whatever you want

Nonconformists all look alike.

themightypuck said...

These people hate individualism.

Christopher said...

So is "Generation Z" an actual term now or is the NYT just trying to make it a term?

Anonymous said...

Generation Z: "I have the right to be what I want, and what I want is to lay about uselessly and collect a check from taxpayers who work."

Original Mike said...

"These people hate individualism."

You can say that again.

Luke Blanshard said...

ITYM, back when Gen Z's parents were being born.

holdfast said...

Speaking of young 'uns and digital [clocks], it appears that everyone's favorite Somali Texan isn't quite the inventor he claimed to be. Instead of "investing" or "building" a digital clock, he merely transplanted the guts of a mid-1980s digital clock into a metallic-looking pencil case. Which had the net effect (intentional or not) of looking kinda like a hollywood representation of a bomb.

Reverse Engineering Mohamed's Clock

holdfast said...

"inventing", damnit.

jr565 said...

In your days it was conformity to existing norms, which actually existed. Current lack of conformity is about not even accepting that there are norms. Even stating that is hateful.

Unknown said...

I know this isn't the point of the post, but someone will comment on how 'tech savvy' all of these people who grew up with this technology must be. Let's see a story on that. To paraphrase a line from "The Caine Mutiny", today's technology is designed by geniuses to be used by idiots. If you had to be proficient in FORTRAN or PASCAL to use a computer, very few people would use computers. If all you've ever seen is a digital clock, you don't know how to read the big hand and the little hand.

Michael K said...

Someday these kids will have to get a job. I hope they understand what that means.

holdfast said...

“This group seem much less attached to traditional gender binaries or linear definitions of sexuality,”

Really? They majority of them? Or just the UCLA Lifestyle Bloggers?

Qwerty Smith said...

The totalitarian kids do not hate individualism or freedom. They simply hate other people's individualism and freedom. They love tolerance for the things they like, individualism and freedom for those who agree with them, redistribution when they gain something or lose nothing, and oppressing others while proclaiming that others oppress them. They simply don't recognize this. It's like the Khmer Rouge mistook themselves for Smurfs.

Sebastian said...

“It’s all about individualism and the right to be whatever you want.”

Except a "science-denying," SSM-opposing, wallet-protecting, gun-owning, US-loving, MSM-despising, privilege-enjoying, binary-affirming, jihad-attacking paleface.

holdfast said...


No kidding - though it's not really their fault. Although I'm not particularly science-gifted, I used to help my Dad, an engineer, assemble and fix desktop PCs. Try pulling apart an iPhone - it won't get you far (ok, I actually did disassemble my first gen iPhone to replace a broken button, but since then they've gotten much tighter).

Hagar said...

I have always said that we have to have rules so that we may know what we are deviating from.
Without rules there is just anarchy.

Renee said...

The sale if individualism is just marketing.

MayBee said...

Sounds like we are about to run out of generations.

J. Farmer said...

An 18-year-old lifestyle blogger? What the hell does an 18-year-old know about life or style?

J. Farmer said...

@MayBee said...

"Sounds like we are about to run out of generations."


Tari said...

"This group seem much less attached to traditional gender binaries or linear definitions of sexuality"

Lucie, my "Gen Z, hyper-masculine, gun-loving, rugby-playing, all-boys' school-attending Texas boys have 3 words for you:


Anonymous said...

Sounds like we are about to run out of generations

Nah, we'll continue with Generation AA, like in an Excel spreadsheet.

Ambrose said...
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tim maguire said...

MayBee said...Sounds like we are about to run out of generations.

Sometime in the next few years, they'll regret starting with X.

pm317 said...

I thought Generation AA was already there.

Nichevo said...

Sounds like they would be insular and exploitable, especially sexually. Keep giving out your info, kids...

rehajm said...
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hombre said...

"...Individualism and the right to be whatever you want." Nothing new here. Just an exposition of the new conformity and the old lefty theme: "I'm God and he's not."

Mark 10:6 "But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’"

J. Farmer said...


Isn't that passage from Jesus' condemnation of divorce?

Anonymous said...

"Generation Z takes in information instantaneously... and loses interest just as fast.” Meaning: they don't process the information, they are cyborgs.

“It’s all about individualism and the right to be whatever you want.” As individual as their Facebook friends and followers who get upset by a vicious utterance in cyberspace.

TosaGuy said...

Generation Zombie?

cubanbob said...

The NYT and Madison Avenue: the harmonic resonance of bullshit and pretentiousness.

Freeman Hunt said...

The decline continues apace!

Freeman Hunt said...

"I can almost simultaneously create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone"

No, you can't. Not well anyway.

Big Mike said...

(Yawn). Another made-up trend popularized by the Times. Can you let us know if they actually find a real one, Professor.

Anonymous said...

Anything genuine is over once it reaches the NYT. I became much less interested in generational segmentation when it became less about communicating with peers/romantic prospects and more about marketers figuring out how to reach whomever more efficiently through whatever devices - and that's where it always ends up after a few years. Hannah Payne will no doubt be leading that pack.

Achilles said...

MayBee said...
"Sounds like we are about to run out of generations."

There are technological advances not far around the corner to the point where a "generation" is no longer applicable. When we no longer die because of old age we wont need to label groups by age.

hombre said...

@jfarmer: Yes, but it is a scripture of general applicability derived from Gen. 1:27.

n.n said...
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Anonymous said...

As a side note, post-social media, it's been interesting watching computers and programming become a geeks-only domain again over the last ten years. While immersed in technological devices, the social media savvy actually don't have to know much of either except when it's very specific. I suppose that's how it should be.

n.n said...

Each generation, especially Generation "Z", are judgmental. The fashion today is to maintain an air of tolerance, while simultaneously establishing a congruence with moduli that are exclusive. The notable progress is an effective denial that these congruences exist, and claims that selectively expanding the modulus set somehow reflects equal treatment. These unprincipled stances have reached their peak with the State's establishment of a pro-choice doctrine. Ironically, the progress of liberalism has exposed these bigots or sanctimonious hypocrites to increasing public scrutiny, beginning with supporters of selective-child, continuing with supporters of excessive and unmeasured/illegal immigration, and culminating with the "=" movement.

Denial of individual dignity. Debasement of human life. Corruption of natural imperatives. Perhaps Generation "Z" will discover their principles and let the Dodo Dynasty reach its unremarkable end.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The rotary blades on one of those Phillips/Norelco shavers need to be replaced every once and so often.

My face is a bit more scruffy right now than I'd rather.

Bilwick said...

“It’s all about individualism and the right to be whatever you want.” Really? Let's see show you vote, Generation Z, and then we can decide on how individualistic you really are. (Clue: Statism=death of individualism.)

Achilles said...

Is it me or are the people in generation Z saying the same thing their parents were at that age? Those were almost exact quotes I read from woodstock and other flower child garbage. They all talked about individuality while saying other marxist crap.

The difference is the older generations. Before the codgers would yell "get off my lawn you little welps!" Now the boomer codgers are yelling "Gimme your money then get off my lawn you little welps!"

furious_a said...

The Pentagon are going to have to raise the enlistment age: the Quds Force irregulars are going to mop the floor with Generation Z.

traditionalguy said...

Z is finding a meaning in life that must be lived without hope of self supporting gainful employment. My guess is that they need a way to be awarded points for being nice to everyone. I like that.

But war as an acceptable activity still runs strong in their genes. This should be interesting . Like Rand Paul many don't want war and prefer to live in peace. The question is whether fake war games will suffice.

Ken Mitchell said...

Balogna. Most kids these days cannot use the technology that surrounds them; like fish who cannot perceive the water in which they swim, they are incapable of managing the tech that they use.

Paco Wové said...

"I can almost simultaneously create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone, all from the user-friendly interface of my iPhone."

Yeah, but can you create an iPhone?

And your granddad's generation put a man on the Moon.

furious_a said...

Investment advice: go long on fainting couches.

Nichevo said...

Am I the only one who despises the notion that a newspaper wants to control or dictate the national or whatever conversation? Doesn't that seem like the kind of people who need to have a JDAM dropped on them?

BN said...

I worry most about Gen Z's grandchildren (which I am hereby dubbing the "Missing Generation"). Who needs kids anymore anyways?

And I'm dubbing their children the "Borger Generation."

BN said...

Professor, can you please check your linguistics studies research to see whether it is Japan or Europe which no longer has a word for "aunt/uncle"?

CStanley said...

Well we might run out of generations with all of the rejection of "traditional gender binaries". Do these kids know that zygotes are binary?

BN said...

Of course there probably is a new word being made by Gen Z like "auntcle" or something.

n.n said...


Sex is indisputably binary. Gender, or rather gender roles, it seems, can be manipulated with sufficient force.


The Press is the Fourth Estate. It is one of the major institutions of society. Reporting with a bias should be expected. Fortunately, with sufficient knowledge and experience, the corrupted signal can be reasonably filtered to reconstruct something approaching the truth, and so the Fourth Estate can still serve a useful function.

Paco Wové:

Generation Technician.

Anonymous said...

Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. It has been done before. It leads away from civilization.

Michael said...

Data, information, knowledge, wisdom. "Taking in information" is one thing. Making something out of it is another.

Craig Howard said...

I grew up in the fifties and sixties. Our parents' generation (the Great One!) were amazed at how easily we learned to turn on a TV, change the channels, and adjust the volume. Fat load of good that did us.

Laslo Spatula said...

I'm not that interested in the names of Generations, other than the Baby Boomers who sent America into its Death Spiral.

However: those girls of "Generation Z" are -- by far -- the easiest to fuck in the ass.

They have grown up knowing no true male figure -- not Dad on weekends, not Step-Dad free-range loafing, not their teachers and not the guy serving coffee at Starbucks -- and are hungry for a Strong Eye.

They have self-esteem as brightly colored as an M&M candy shell, and just as sturdy.

Tell them that you respect their Feminism and -- as such -- you don't want to devalue their Vagina, and: blow-jobs and anal sex pours down like confetti.

Anal sex all the time. We are not ready for the Vagina. The Vagina is sacred. Suck my cock, then I'll fuck you in the ass, as your previous Feminist mentors have meant all along. This is what they must have meant, because: Vagina.

Am I the first guy to ejaculate in your hair? I'm Glad We Can Share That Moment.

I am Laslo.

BN said...

"I'm not that interested in the names of Generations, other than the Baby Boomers who sent America into its Death Spiral."

I have always thought it ironic that the "greatest generation" raised the "worst generation". How did that happen?

buwaya said...

You can do all that at once on an iPhone ?
I'm more out of date than I thought.
I can't even post a link here on my Samsung tablet.

MAJMike said...

Aristotle and Plato talked about the "damn younger generation" in the Athens agora.

Mark said...

If you are going to quote scripture in this discussion, the most applicable to the topic is Luke 2:34, "“Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign of contradiction . . ."

Jesus and his Church have been since the beginning the most counter-cultural people out there. And they still are today. While being in the world, they are not of the world and do not seek to conform to the ways of the world, but something higher.

BN said...

MM: What did Alexander the Great think about "the damn younger generation" of Athenians? The ones that were left after he conquered them, I mean.

Alex said...

Yeah they're such non-conformists that they all are socialists, vote Democrat and can't wait to bow down to ISIL. As long as they get their iPhone 6.

Henry said...

I can hardly wait for generation umlaut.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Wow. The Z's y'all know seem to be very different from so many of the Z's I know. Yes, some of them are whiny douches, especially the ones the liberal media likes to make a fuss over. But an amazing number of them are self-motivated, highly self-disciplined achievers who are also surprisingly patriotic. Yeah, they don't give a shit either way about gay marriage. They also don't care for gun control, being relentlessly taxed, don't believe black lives matter more than white lives, or all the other crap the liberal Establishment is trying to foist on them. I'm optimistic about the future. Just have to finish shoveling the dirt on all these Boomers.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"to be" is bullshit.

"to become" is misleading fluff, yet much more accurate than to be.

Just because you think you understand language shibboleths as such doesn't mean the shibboleth hasn't accomplished the task of fooling/tangenting to nowhere. You think you compensate when you've done nothing of the sort, but instead only added layers of poop.

Now I want you to pay me: wisdom don't come free yo.

Michael K said...

the Quds Force irregulars are going to mop the floor with Generation Z.

Actually, I see the kids joining the military every week when I interview and examine them. They are not these fools we read about. In Los Angeles, about half are Hispanic and the rest divided between white and Asian, mostly Chinese and Korean. About 10% or so are black. A significant fraction want to go to college on the GI Bill, which is still an attraction. I see kids who have college degrees but who want to be SEALs and are not applying to be officers. They are hard ass kids.

Believe me, there are no "Occupy" types joining the military except Bergahl who slipped through and shouldn't have. He was kicked out of Coast Guard basic training. Somebody slipped badly there. He should have been disqualified on psych grounds. I see it all the time. They don't get in except by mistake.

Aussie Pundit said...

This group seem much less attached to traditional gender binaries or linear definitions of sexuality

Those binaries weren't created by "Tradition", they were created by the evolutionary process.

and yeah, we get it. Bisexuality is cool right now.
Why not just say that without all the palaver about binaries, linear definitions and other circuitous language?

Eric said...

Another "Generation" for the NYTimes to get wrong.

Linda Fox said...

When I first read Heinlein's Starship Troopers, I thought - what an interesting idea, but - that political situation could never happen.

Boy, was I wrong. We really have hit Crazy Times.

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