September 28, 2015

"Carly Fiorina is an ice-cold shade queen debate princess and I’m in love with and terrified of her."

A quote from a feminist in a NYT article titled "Carly Fiorina Both Repels and Enthralls Liberal Feminists."

That particular feminist is Erin Gloria Ryan, managing editor of Jezebel:
“I am constantly pivoting mentally with her,” Ms. Ryan said, adding that she had not at all been torn about opposing Mrs. Palin or Mrs. Bachmann. Mrs. Fiorina, she said, is “contrary to the conservative female narrative, the way she looks, the way she presents herself, the no-nonsense businesswoman thing.”
Ever think about the ways in which Carly Fiorina is the opposite of Sarah Palin? Palin had the appropriate political position that made her seem like an apt choice for VP. State governor. But then she wasn't ready to talk under the questioning that suddenly got aimed at her when she was chosen and it screwed up the confidence we were too ready to put in her because of her political credential.

Fiorina makes us wonder right from the beginning whether she's appropriate, because she's held no political position, but start aiming those challenging questions at her and she's ready to speak straight to the issues with astounding stamina and conviction that make us want to believe she can do what it takes.


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narciso said...

at the time of that interview, you value so highly, her son was going to Iraq, fighting Suleimani's militias and the hordes directed by many of the players which would become the Islamic State, you notice how no one cares about Zawahiri even though he commands forces to Pakistan to West Africa?

Mark said...

"I'm actually holding out for a Rubio/Carson ticket. As I really want to be able to accuse any liberal opposed to their policies as being straight up racists."

Given Carsons statements about Muslims, I don't think your playing of the racist card will work.

Brando said...

"If the Dems are not smart enough to nominate someone outside the political class and the GOP does it will be a landslide."

Everyone running for president that we've heard of is of the "political class"--otherwise you wouldn't know who they are. It is possible to have never been elected to office and still be a part of the "political class."

Whether one side gets a "landslide" next year will depend on two main things: fundamentals (economy, national security events) and campaigns (whether one side nominates a weak candidate vs a strong one). Simply saying "our guy/girl never held political office and yours did!" isn't going to automatically do it.

"A huge chunk of the base will stay home if Rubio is on the ticket."

I highly doubt this. With a Hillary presidency on the line, the only Republicans (including GOP leaners) I see staying home are the ones who wouldn't mind a third Democratic term. The pro-life, pro-free market conservatives who don't think much of Rubio now (because they see him as soft on immigration--I'm not aware of any heresies from him re: abortion or the economy) will find a new appreciation of him if he's the nominee, and absolutely will not sit idly by as a pro-abortion amnesty-extremist and newly populist Hillary gets elected.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
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Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Given Carsons statements about Muslims, I don't think your playing of the racist card will work.

Muslim isn't a race. And besides, It's not like it's hard to find Democrats who have said dumb things about Christians.

Hagar said...

2016 could be the year they gave an election and nobody came.

traditionalguy said...

I notice that one Commenter is now demanding that anything said about Queen Florina's craft must have his approval. That is so funny.

Pointing out Fiorina's inauthentic playing of a role of the sexy woman in authority remains easy. It is only confirmed by seeing she has put a weak minded man under an actress's charms.

Big Mike said...

I think Russ Douthat has a balanced discussion of the video Carly Fiorina refers to. I've seen the video, which is why the angry blustering of Althouse's old friend Dahlia Lithwick that the videos "don't exist." Steinem falls into the same trap -- she hasn't looked but confidently asserts that the video doesn't exist. Well, it exists. I've seen it, and so has Douthat.

damikesc said...

This is going to lead to either actual coverage of the videos --- or eventual admissions by all of her critics that they didn't watch them and their opinions, therefore, are immaterial.

jr565 said...

rcocean wrote:
Throw in his obvious support for free trade, open borders, amnesty (despite his lying flip-flop during the primary) and large numbers of Republicans just said 'no thanks' and stayed home.

And the alternative was Obama. So, was it better to have a squishy Repub who could be kept in line, or Obama? Those were the only choices.

jr565 said...

Actually I meant to link to Andrew Mccarthy but Cooke is good too.

Many critics bring up the point that there is not religious test for those running for president. However, the issue really would be would the muslim president be able to pass the religious test in not imposing a sharia type law which he viewed to be above the constitution.
A lot of people got on Huckabee's case when said the laws should be governed by biblical law. Werent' they in effect disqualifying a hard core Christian from running for president? Because they thought he would put church above state and impose Christian laws on the land?
I think he was in fact saying we are already a Christian nation, or one founded on biblical teaching, so its not that far fetched anyway.
Regardless, those objecting to Huckabee have the exact same argument that Ben Carson has about muslims.
The difference being, Islam is even more based on the absolute adherence to the word of god than Christianity is. Islam literally means submit. Apostasy is death. Its very hard for there to be a reformation considering it would require questioning the prophet which could lead to death.So, for a muslim to run the country he'd have to be extremely non muslim in his outlook. And most muslims are not that secular.

Granted, I wont argue that NO muslim could ever serve. It would require, though, a very secular muslim.

BN said...

This is way old and nobody will read it but those of you who still think there's a chance of salvation for this country and this world, bless your hearts.

friscoda said...

Fiorina should end up as chief of staff. She would do all the talk shows on Sunday and no take any guff. She could then run for office after that.

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