August 22, 2015

"It's the same way as saying we meet with the tea party. Who is the tea party? There's hundreds of thousands of people."

Said Scott Walker, asked about whether he'd meet with Black Lives Matter activists.

The headline meme is that he "stumbled."


Michael K said...

He could just meet with George Soros.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

(1) I don't understand what this blog post is supposed to be about. I'm not trying to be cute, here. I really don't know.

Is it that "the media" is out to get Walker? If so, then so what?

Isn't spotting undue implications/bias in news reporting something they teach in high school? Hell, they taught us that back when I was in 7th grade.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for Walker because he's being put upon by some of the news media? Forget about it. Won't happen.


(2) There are a great many ways to respond to the question "Will you meet with black lives matter activists." I'd be inclined to think favorably of the candidate who answered, "Highly improbable."

(3) I find myself reminded of some presidential candidate a while back who was asked whether there would be a place for Jesse Jackson in his campaign, and the answer was something like, "Yes. Every campaign needs someone to write bumper stickers."

Probably contrived, but still decent theater.

Bay Area Guy said...

If Walker starts to fall behind, he should challenge Trump to a 1-on-1 debate. Any of GOP candidates who land a few above-the-belt blows on the Donald will improve their standing immensely.

garage mahal said...

BLM doesn't have any money. What a ridiculous question.

Wince said...

The objective is to adopt tactics similar to the left and make meeting with BLM a political liability.

Without the press in the tank, however, that's not too easy.

Vet66 said...

BLM is supported financially in their cross-country rabble rousing techniques. Ignoring the black lives lost in black-on-black violence. Mahal, how do you think these same BLM anarchists hit the hot spots around the country to fan the flames of reparations? In a Prius? All lives matter despite what BLM pushes and until they lose their failed mantra they are proving to the rest of us that they are little more than selfish anarchists trying to milk the system and "white guilt" for their own financial goals. Won't happen except from the likes of Soros and Steyer who deserve what they get, namely, the company of losers.

bbkingfish said...

Stumble. Fumble. Bumble.

Walker 2016.

Now that's a grabber of a political slogan.

garage mahal said...

Wisconsin imprisons more blacks than any other state. Walker and his radio shock jock allies have been scaring White Wisconsin about the Black Menace for decades. They win election after election playing that race card. To Walker I'm sure it was a ridiculous question.

Michael K said...

"BLM doesn't have any money. What a ridiculous question."

That's why I suggested Soros. He signs their paychecks, after all.

Birkel said...

"garage mahal" is innumerate.
This just in.

garage mahal said...

Soros bankrolls BLM? I bet you have a totally legit source for that.

Anonymous said...

garage calling for a 'legit source' is all too cute.
I wonder if he recognizes himself in a mirror?

Michael K said...

garage needs education, as usual.

Some of the groups that made that happen -- such as the Gamaliel Foundation, the Drug Policy Alliance, Make the Road New York and Equal Justice USA, among others -- have long been funded by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, according to the Washington Times.
By looking at OSF tax records, the Times discovered that in the most recent year for which records are available alone, Soros gave $33 million to radical groups that worked to keep Ferguson whipped up and on the front pages across the country.
U.S. director of OSF programs Kenneth Zimmerman admitted to the Times that Soros money had funded groups in Ferguson, but he washed his hands of the ensuing damage, saying OSF had not ordered the groups to act as they did.

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

What about white lives? What about Hispanic lives, Asians? Why meet with activists, the agitators? Why not meet with the real people? Why do blacks need poverty pimps, a faked black guy, to speak for them? Why can't they speak for themselves?

Tea Party is a bottom-up organization. Sounds messy to leftists that everyone has a voice.
BLM and the Occupy movements are top-down. Everyone has to stay in the activists controlled Progressive plantation, else they will be attacked.

Anonymous said...

Soros' money is our money, a whole chunk of taxpayers "Stimulus" money. $2 billion of our money, siphoned off to Petrobra after Soros bought into the Brazilian oil to pump oil offshore.

rhhardin said...

Black jive matters.

Vet66 said...

Mahal, you will love this one; they call it "dark money." Nice try with the deflection.

Gahrie said...

Wisconsin imprisons more blacks than any other state

I seriously doubt this.

garage mahal said...

Thank you for that unlinked, copy and paste blurb that didn't mention BLM.

Beldar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Black incarceration rate in Wisconsin:


Beldar said...

"Have you met and attempted to negotiate any kind of binding agreement with the leaders of the radical anarchists?"

"I don't know. Do the radical anarchists admit that they HAVE leaders?"


This same sort of stuff came up during the Occupy Wall Street/Occupy [whatever] "movement." Everyone's a leader; everyone has a heckler's veto; no one can speak for, nor negotiate on behalf of, an amorphous, unincorporated, disorganized "movement" of this sort.

Of course, that's never stopped lots of people -- Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc. -- from claiming that they speak for the "black community" or whatever.

buwaya said...

I understood that Wisconsin was a "progressive" state going back a century or so, that it was mostly run by Democrats, that it's bureaucratic "permanent government" was liberal Democrat and has been so since forever, and that most black Wisconsinites live under liberal Democrat local governments and in liberal Democrat school districts, and that this has been the case nearly the whole time since when most of them immigrated there from the South.
I am probably making a mistake here somewhere, so please correct me.
BTW, black educational performance is particularly bad in Wisconsin, bad even vs some of the poorer Southern states. I'm not surprised that other metrics correlate.

Anonymous said...

Walker has always been slow on his feet when trying to think of what to say. That is why his political campaign requires reporters to submit written questions ahead of any press conferences or conference calls.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt this.

And you're seriously wrong. Per-capita, Wisconsin jails more blacks than any other state in the country. At 4416 per 100,000 it's not even close to the national average of 2290.

But when it comes to whites, Wisconsin jails 415 which is really close to the national average of 412.

Anonymous said...

CX - upon further review, South Dakota jailed 4710 blacks per 100,000.

So Wisconsin is actually in second place when it comes to "Most Racist State" award. Guess that makes it all better.

jr565 said...

What's the purpose of meeting with the BLack Lives Matter crowd. They aren't actually interested in dialogue, just hectoring you on your white privilege.

jr565 said...

madisonfella wrote:
CX - upon further review, South Dakota jailed 4710 blacks per 100,000.

So Wisconsin is actually in second place when it comes to "Most Racist State" award. Guess that makes it all better.

Really now. Just because a state jails more blacks than other states doesn't prove racism. Do you look at states where whites are jailed the most and say its racist towards whites? The number of jailings is an aggregate number, based simply on the number of people jailed that year. If 15,000 blacks are jailed in one year that simply means that 15,000 blacks were jailed. Of that 15,000 some may have been jailed for racial motivations, but many more were probably jailed for being criminals.

garage mahal said...

"am probably making a mistake here somewhere, so please correct me."

Several mistakes. Wisconsin is not progressive. Republicans control every single level of government and all gov agencies. Go back and count Republican governorship terms versus Democratic terms. Why did George Wallace decide to run in primaries in Wisconsin, and do well? Fear of blacks is a constant in state electoral politics.

Michael K said...

"Thank you for that unlinked, copy and paste blurb that didn't mention BLM."

Google is your friend.

" Wisconsin is not progressive."

Correct. WAS Progressive and learned from the experience.

"Fear of blacks is a constant in state electoral politics."

Fear of Milwaukee is the correct description.

Anonymous said...

Just because a state jails more blacks than other states doesn't prove racism

Perhaps. But when it is almost double the national average then something is amiss.

Do you look at states where whites are jailed the most and say its racist towards whites?

If there was a state that had almost twice the national average, then yes I would. But there is no such state, so your point is moot.

Let me guess - you're one of those enlightened people who believes "racism" no longer exists, if it ever did. Right?

buwaya said...

Jailed per capita is a pretty comparable metric.
As for Republican control, that is now, but not historically, and it doesn't apply to where black people are actually doing poorly. Was Milwaukee underspending on education ? Is Madison selectively jailing black people - today? It might be interesting to see who is in the county jail.

buwaya said...

Racism exists, but its not a bit clear who the racists are.

Michael K said...

Let me guess - you're one of those enlightened people who believes "racism" no longer exists, if it ever did. Right?

No, I am one of those people who are as old as Thomas Sowell and who remembers, like Sowell, when racists were white.

Michael said...

The Progs would be well advised to ease the BLM out of the picture. Because it is backfiring and will get worse if it is given more attention. People do not give one shit about it.

garage mahal said...

"We're white" Meanwhile supporters of the GOP frontrunner are hoping they can collect bounties for "confirmed kills" at the border from GOP frontrunner.

jr565 said...

"We're white" Meanwhile supporters of the GOP frontrunner are hoping they can collect bounties for "confirmed kills" at the border from GOP frontrunner

Confirmed kills? What?

jr565 said...

Garage, if Wisconsin is lilly white maybe the illegals should flood into your town? It would provide a bit of diversity.

jr565 said...

one problem with the issue of unfair incarceration rates, is that you are only looking at the number of incarcerated, and not how they were incarcerated.
To be in jail, they first had to get arrested. Then had to go on trial. then had to be found guilty. At all steps along the way they would be dealing with different, cops, different judges, different juries which are made up of random people, and different circumstances on their individual case.
if they were found guilty, where was the racism. At what step of the process. Yes, the cops are all racist. Got it. But why would a jury have to find them guilty? Is the jury similarly racist? How do you know, since the makeup is different every time?
Then, you are simply taking a number of incarcerated, and applying it to some population norm and noting a discrepancy. Is that valid?

garage mahal said...

If you want to end illegal immigration start jailing business owners who hire them. That's what drooling morons who support Trump don't get. Republican elites do not give one fuck about illegal immigration.

garage mahal said...

Oops, wrong thread.

buwaya said...

The incarceration rate is quite valid, but its not clear what it's valid about.
Maybe Wisconsin is particularly effective at catching criminals, or it may have particularly zealous prosecutors (wasn't there something about that recently?), or particularly bloodthirsty juries (doubtful as most criminals plead), or especially useless public defenders.
But note that nearly all crime is very local and the black population is highly concentrated, so whatever the cause, if it is related to institutional racism, it is a very local racism. The best test is what I said before - count noses at the Madison county jail.

Fernandinande said...

madisonfella said...
gahrie: I seriously doubt this.

And you're seriously wrong.

He's seriously right because the original claim was to an absolute number, not a rate, like "Per-capita, Wisconsin jails...".

Liberal states generally have higher rations of black/white imprisonment:


"An adult black man is seven times more likely than his white counterpart to reside behind bars. Paradoxically, the largest disparities are found in political domains controlled by liberals -- the leaders in the struggle for racial justice. By examining how criminal behavior is distributed within the races, the paradox is resolved showing it to be an unintended consequence of liberal benevolence and goodwill."

Big Mike said...

If Black lives actually mattered then the people who run that organization would be trying to teach young Black men not to react with violence at perceived "disses."

If Black lives actually mattered then young Black men would be taught that "you don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time."

If Black lives actually mattered then the people who run that organization would be pressing folks like de Blasio and Rahm Emanuel to crack down on inner city gangs.

In fact, if Black lives actually mattered then Black mothers would be teaching their sons not to pick fights with armed white men, the way Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown did, and would be teaching their daughters not to have babies with men who aren't married to them.

Fernandinande said...

jr565 said...
What's the purpose of meeting with the BLack Lives Matter crowd.

Politics. It would've been nice if Walker had said "No, I haven't met with them because their spiel is based on lies."

jr565 said...
Then, you are simply taking a number of incarcerated, and applying it to some population norm and noting a discrepancy. Is that valid?

Of course not. NCVS data closely matches arrest and conviction rates with regard to race - which is why it's rarely mentioned, I guess, since it doesn't comport with the "white people, especially non-socialists, are bad" propaganda.

Fernandinande said...

jr565 said...
Then, you are simply taking a number of incarcerated, and applying it to some population norm and noting a discrepancy. Is that valid?

Asians are arrested and jailed at lower rates than whites, just about everywhere including Wisconsin (1/3 the white rate, IIRC), but I've yet to hear anyone complain that the cops are anti-white, pro-Asian racists.

Drago said...

garage: "That's what drooling morons who support Trump don't get."


"drooling morons" are those who lack even the most rudimentary understanding of basic mathematics.

You know, like someone who is incapable of distinguishing between an absolute value as compared to per capita.

Thanks for playing.

Perhaps you could get a do over for middle school?

In the meanwhile, why don't you let the adults continue their conversation.

There's a good lad.

Drago said...

garage mahal: "If you want to end illegal immigration start jailing business owners who hire them."


Of course, it's not like anyone is coming here for the welfare benefits or anything.

Only a moron dumb enough to believe it was Breitbart hack underlying the Weiner "sexting" could have missed that.

Big Mike said...

If you want to end illegal immigration start jailing business owners who hire them. That's what drooling morons who support Trump don't get. Republican elites do not give one fuck about illegal immigration.

Except that under IRCA it's illegal for an employer to discriminate against an illegal immigrant by turning him or her down for employment. After an offer of employment the hired person merely has to fill out their part of a form I-9 and offer some easily-forged documents (such as a drivers license and social security card) and all is well. The employee must sign the form "under penalty of perjury," but if he or she does so then the employer's hands are tied. And if Obama won't deport murders and rapists then his administration is wildly unlikely to deport a mere perjurer.

That's what drooling morons who think they can fix illegal immigration by punishing employers don't get.

furious_a said...

jr565 said...
What's the purpose of meeting with the BLack Lives Matter crowd.

That depends on if they're actually, you know, black -- see #BlackerThanShaunKing

jr565 said...

Fernandinante wrote:
Asians are arrested and jailed at lower rates than whites, just about everywhere including Wisconsin (1/3 the white rate, IIRC), but I've yet to hear anyone complain that the cops are anti-white, pro-Asian racists"

Of course. The racial grievance merchants cite one statistic that they say shows something while ignoring other statistics that disprove their argument.

Or maybe, for whatever reason, we just really like Asians in this country. Even more than whites. Even in Wisconsin. Either that, or the stats do not really say anything about race either way, except that a lot of black people are in jail.

I'll note that the feminists do this too. They highlight that STEM and the sciences are underrepresented by women. And suggest there is some patriarchal chauvinism going on. THey ignore other fields though where women dominate, like nursing. And don't mention that matriarchical chauvinism going on there.
Nor do they mention other fields that men dominate, like sanitation that women have little interest in joining.
This selective usage of statistics to further an agenda is both bald facedly obvious and obnoxious at this point. It's not going to stop the left from continuing to trot out the stats though.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Guess I missed that on NBC News. Must have been busy arranging my sock drawer.

jr565 said...

"If you want to end illegal immigration start jailing business owners who hire them. That's what drooling morons who support Trump don't get. Republican elites do not give one fuck about illegal immigration."
There are two groups supporting illegal immigration. The businesses that want to pay people off the books at below minimum wage, and the left who are trying to get votes.
On the view recently they had on Kelly Osborne, and while she was ostensibly trying to land a few haymakers on Donald Trump for his racism she said "“If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilets, Donald Trump?” Take that Donald! Oh, wait. That's offensive!

But its true. People like Kelly hire illegals, at I'm sure below minimum wage, certainly below a living wage to do menial work, like clean toilets. If you legalized all the illegals, who is going to clean YOUR toilets Kelly?

Which actually points out the problem with the lefsts argument on this. They want the votes, but they are undermining the middle class if they flood the market with workers who they actually want to have "living wages" since they are also pushing a path to citizenship. So now we are going to have 15 million people not cleaning toilets, but competing for Mcdonalds type jobs with Americans who can't get those jobs because they aren't there.

Michael K said...

"I've yet to hear anyone complain that the cops are anti-white, pro-Asian racists."

I examine applicants to the military. About 20% here in Los Angeles are Asian. I have yet to interview an Asian kid who admits to smoking marijuana whereas it is about 40% of white, Hispanic and black.

Big Mike said...

@jr565, shorter version of what you wrote: "Kelly Osborne and wealthy liberals like her should learn to clean their own toilets and mow their own lawns."

furious_a said...

What's the purpose of meeting with the BLack Lives Matter crowd.

This is what happens when one meets with the #BlackLivesMatter crowd.

amielalune said...

1) Why would Walker be required to meet with the BLM organization at all? Why is anyone? Did Zero meet with the Tea Party? Hell, he wouldn't even meet with GOP congressmen.

2) Who is the head of BLM? Who speaks for them? Anyone wearing the T-shirt?

Stupid, stupid people.

Quaestor said...

#BlackLivesMatter doesn't meet with anyone.

garage mahal said...

Business owners are required by law to hire undocumented workers? Where do you guys get this shit? Breitbart?

Michael K said...

Garage, having never hired anyone, has no idea what it is like.

Maybe you should ask someone who has actually hired someone.

Big Mike said...

@garage, you could simply look up the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986. The documents the employers are required to use are trivial to forge, and the law forbids the employers from asking for further documentation.

Unknown said...

----Walker and his radio shock jock allies have been scaring White Wisconsin about the Black Menace for decades.

Liberalsl don’t give a crap if hundreds of black people die. Its just a cold fact. Look at all the big Democrat ruled cities.

Conservatives identify with black victims and want to address out of control crime to save ALL LIVES. But we’re the racists!!!!1!

War is peace
Up is Down
Liberals are caring

hoyden said...

jr565 sez, "There are two groups supporting illegal immigration. The businesses that want to pay people off the books at below minimum wage, and the left who are trying to get votes."

If illegal immigrants voted Republican the Democrats would engage in scorched earth, top down, mass deportation. It's the Liberal way.

jeff said...

I'm with Madisonfella, let's bring incarnation rates inline with demographics by building halfway houses to acclimate inmates back into the community. We can start with building them in the Shorewood Hills and Orchard Ridge neighborhoods of Madison and Shorewood and Bay View areas in Milwaukee county.

Unknown said...

----ease the BLM out of the picture. Because it is backfiring and will get worse if it is given more attention. People do not give one shit about it.----

Weren’t Democrats having trouble attracting white voters before BLM ramped up the friction?

White lives don’t matter could be a rather problematic meme.

Mark said...

Jeff, I think you need to brush up on Madison geography if you think Orchard Ridge is hoity toity like Shorewood Hills.
Plenty of ex cons in Orchard Ridge, plenty of shoots fired calls too.

hoyden said...

Why would Walker want to talk with BLM? There is no up-side talking with a Democrat controlled special interest group. BLM is the albatross around Democrat's neck; the price the Democrats pay for currying race-centric special interest groups.

cubanbob said...

madisonfella said...
Just because a state jails more blacks than other states doesn't prove racism

Perhaps. But when it is almost double the national average then something is amiss."

What is your point? Are you in favor of crime? If those arrested were arrested falsely then you would have an argument. otherwise the question just as easily can be framed as why are WI blacks disproportionately more criminal?

Garage as per usual is just being jerky. All these bullshit agitators travel around the country with no expenses and no visible funding. Only someone as intentionally deluded as Garage believes that.

As for Walker, why should he waste his time with some bullshit leftist agitprop commie front? His response should be I don't give a shit about criminal lives. I care about the decent people and victims.

Rusty said...

Livermoron said...
garage calling for a 'legit source' is all too cute.
I wonder if he recognizes himself in a mirror?

Just don't use a laser pointer near him.

Birkel said...

Point of order:
Illegals don't have to be paid less than legal workers to be cheaper to the employer. This is the difference between pay and compensation (from the employee's position) and pay and total cost (from the employer's position).

Taxes and unemployment benefits (tax by another name) matter too.

Anonymous said...

Easy-peasy, Scott: Just look for a bunch of white kids blocking traffic. The one with the most tats is probably your man.

donald said...

I seriously doubt this.

And you're seriously wrong. Per-capita, Wisconsin jails more blacks than any other state in the country. At 4416 per 100,000 it's not even close to the national average of 2290.

But when it comes to whites, Wisconsin jails 415 which is really close to the national average of 412.

That's not what that fat faggot wrote. He said the most. He then crawfished with rate.

When he posted it I went straight to the web. Will true about percentage, which he could have stated, I find it rich, that it's happening in commie cocksucking central. How fucking funny.

Michael K said...

How many people remember that increased sentences for "victimless crimes' came from black Congressmen asking for more serious penalties for crack cocaine than powder cocaine ?

Nobody on the left. That's for sure.

jr565 said...

Today on the news Martin o'malley talked about how the dems need to concern themselves with bringing back good paying jobs. Since it's harder and harder for people to make it. Um, maybe look to legalization of 15 milliion of people into work force, for what will amoun to low paying jobs.

buddy larsen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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