July 16, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner accepts an award.

"If you want to call me names, make jokes, doubt my intentions, go ahead. The reality is, I can take it."

ADDED: "Siri is correcting users who refer to the Olympic athlete by her previous name."
Apple's voice recognition program has shown it has a sense of humor, but also demonstrated a more aggressive side - when it downright insulted anyone who asked it to work out zero divided by zero.

But now it is showing itself to be a progressive software - and is correcting anyone who refers to Caitlyn Jenner as Bruce.
On a related note, I don't like to change blog tags or create duplicative tags, but I realize using my old "Bruce Jenner" tag seems to be inviting criticism. That's weird thing to say, though, isn't it? No one has criticized me for this. I'm visualizing it for myself. That's how the culture works.


Michael K said...

Just weird. Women with penises are the new thing.

Jaq said...

And if you don't like it, I will kill you with my car!

Known Unknown said...

The sad truth is that most people struggling through their own trans identity crises will not have the financial wherewithal nor the media support to do what Caitlyn Jenner is doing.

It's the Murphy Brown syndrome. Candice Bergen later admitted that Dan Quayle actually had a valid point about single motherhood.

Anonymous said...

Courage? This would gag a maggot.

rhhardin said...

Awards are always for the wrong thing. Some organization swallows it up to remain in control of a field.

Tank said...

I don't want any of the things he mentions. I want to see him get help for his illness. He is a severely troubled man.

Patrick said...

I'm sorry, Dave. I can't let you do that.

Todd said...


OK, listen, this is going to be really, really good. See we start out with this guy. A really athletic guy. A guy that wins awards and medals he is so athletic! See? And then he gets lots of attention, earns lots of money, gets on TV! He marries into a family, raises a family and that family gets on TV! No, stay with me here, OK? It gets better! He then decides that he is REALLY a woman! Yes, a woman! He then makes a big deal out of getting a sex change BUT not a real sex change! He gets the boobies but keeps the penis! Yes, he keeps the penis! Then [and here is the really good part] everybody gets in line to tell everyone else how brave he [wait, now she] is for getting [not getting] the sex change! Then he gets on TV some more, gets even more awards (this time for the boobies, not for the athletics) AND a bunch of women also get on TV to tell everyone else how brave this guy [gal] with lots of fame and lots of money and a famous family and already on TV is for making this brave transition to being a woman with a penis!

YES! Isn't that fantastic!

What, what? What do you mean no one will believe it? But the script is already written!

Greg Hlatky said...

"So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, 'Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!' Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success."

William said...

I don't know any transgendered people such as Caitlyn, but I have known a few extremely effeminate men. I think they were given a hard time particularly during adolescence. I think tolerance and sympathy should be extended to such people. That said, I'm not at all sure Caitlyn has chosen the best way to negotiate her gender issues, but her case is so sui generis, who even knows. Celebrities with upwards of a hundred million dollars are not bound by laws of gravity, mortality, or taxes. I think that tall men should not wear high heel shoes or cut off their penis, but, as noted, tall, rich men are entitled to do anything they please.

Michael K said...

"I think tolerance and sympathy should be extended to such people"

I agree. This is just nauseating but he is involved with the right women for this exhibitionism thing.

mgarbowski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mgarbowski said...

Freedom is the freedom to say 2+2=4.

H said...

Shouldn't she get some kind of recognition as the only woman to win the men's decathlon in the Olympics? How about her picture on the $10 bill? (Yes, I know the person on the bill has to be dead, but I foresee the effort to replace Alexander Hamilton won't be resolved in the next 50 years, so Jenner is a possible candidate.)

Bob Boyd said...

" I think that tall men should not wear high heel shoes or cut off their penis"

What about short guys?

PB said...

Anything he/she did before the "change" should be referred to as Bruce Jenner accomplishments. Anything after should be identified as Caitlyn Jenner accomplishments. Caitlyn never could have achieved those things. Bruce did.

Quaestor said...

"Caitlyn Jenner" claims to be a woman trapped in a man's body. I'll believe it when that Decathlon medal is returned to the IOC.

LYNNDH said...

Enough already! This person's 15 minutes of fame were so long ago.

Quaestor said...

mgarbowski wrote: "Freedom is the freedom to say 2+2=4."

The Party says "Caitlyn Jenner" is a woman.

mccullough said...

An award from ESPN doesn't mean anything

Shawn Levasseur said...

Replacing Jenner's new name for his old? But what if you are referring to his accomplishments prior to that?

The fights before Muhammed Ali changed his name are still referred to by his original name (e.g. "Clay vs. Liston"), so that seems to be the way to handle it. Caitlyn Jenner may be the person in all the magazines today, but Bruce is the guy who won Olympic gold and was on the Wheaties box.

So if Siri is doing that correction, it may be a disservice, depending on what you are searching for.

But in looking at the linked article, it may not so much be a "politically correct" thing, but more that whatever source Siri is using has the names cross referenced and presents it with the current name. If you asked about the height of "Cassius Clay" you'd get "Muhammed Ali is...".

sparrow said...

You can not stand on principle if you can not stand up to social disapproval.

Quaestor said...

Bruce is the guy who won Olympic gold and was on the Wheaties box.

Ah, there's the rub... the Decathlon isn't open to women. If this woman trapped in a man's body bullshit isn't bullshit, then "Bruce Jenner" was posing as man when he/she/it competed in the Decathlon at Montréal Olympic Games. Ergo fraud.

Return the medal, Caitlyn!

Shawn Levasseur said...

Names aside, I feel that this year's award was off. Bruce/Caitlyn is no longer of the sports world, but of that freak show that is Reality TV.

This award, the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, has frequently been given to sports figures who have gone through tough diseases (even to the point it was named after Ashe, who died of AIDS). But has also been given to the likes of the athletes who were aboard United 93 on 9/11, and Pat Tillman the NFL player who quit and joined the military after 9/11, and died in the service.

Giving it to someone who could just be doing all this to prop himself up from being a supporting character in the Kardashian family TV shows, to a star in his own right, doesn't sit well with me.

Laslo Spatula said...

"I've really enjoyed this evening, Caitlyn: you are an amazing woman..."

"Thank you, Todd. You are an amazing man. In fact, you make me want to do something I've never done before..."

"Something you've never done before? Really?"

"I want you to suck my giant woman-cock."

"Your what?"

"My woman-cock. I am a woman, with a cock. I want you to suck my woman-cock."

"Uh -- I didn't realize..."

"Realize what? That a woman can be strong? That a woman can be confident of herself? That a strong, confident woman can ask for what she wants?"

"Not quite that, I think..."

"Todd: this strong, confident woman wants you to suck her woman-cock. Lick it, suck it, cherish it. Tickle my female testicles."

"I actually don't suck cock, myself..."

"You mean you don't suck man-cock. I understand. This, though, is different."

"Uh, I don't suck ANY cock, really..."

"Sucking on a woman-cock doesn't make you gay, Todd."

"Actually, I don't think there is such a thing as 'woman-cock'..."

"Really? Am I not a woman? Do I not have a giant, throbbing, pulsating cock?"

"Don't get me wrong: I see your cock, I just am not sure of the 'woman' part..."

"That is terribly judgmental of you, Todd. I am disappointed. Disappointed and hurt."

"Don't be hurt, Caitlyn. I just don't suck cock. It is no reflection on you as a person."

"As a woman, Todd."

"Okay, as a woman, Caitlyn."

"Well, now this is awkward. I'm sitting here with my dress pulled over my waist, my panties at my ankles and my giant shaved woman-cock just... standing here."

"It is a bit awkward, yes."

"You sure you can't just suck it a little? Just the tip?"

"I -- I can't do that, Caitlyn. In fact, I think I need to be going..."

"I'm sorry this had to work out this way, Caitlyn..."

"One last question, Todd -- please?"

"Yes, Caitlyn?"

"As a young boy, did you ever have any secret desire to fuck Bruce Jenner in the ass?"

"Good-bye, Caitlyn..."

I am Laslo.

mikesixes said...

No matter what this Jenner person chooses to call himself, the Olympic exploits were the work of a man named Bruce Jenner. These days I'm reminded more and more of this old riddle:
How many legs does a normal dog have, if you call the tail a leg?
Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one.

damikesc said...

You mean the guy who offered an interview with ABC to get ESPN to give him an award is a bit of a bitch? Stunning.

Remember, he still plans of fucking women. He just wants to wear dresses because he thinks "being a woman" consists, solely, of maintaining his sterotypes of women.

Anything he/she did before the "change" should be referred to as Bruce Jenner accomplishments. Anything after should be identified as Caitlyn Jenner accomplishments. Caitlyn never could have achieved those things. Bruce did.

No. Anything he does after he goes to court and changes his name can be Caitlyn accomplishments (which will consist of...what? Starring in shit reality shows?)

Until then --- it's still Bruce.

madAsHell said...

Wow! He's 65 years old, and wants to talk about what's between his legs.
It seems rather infantile.

Browndog said...

...I realize using my old "Bruce Jenner" tag seems to be inviting criticism. That's weird thing to say, though, isn't it? No one has criticized me for this. I'm visualizing it for myself. That's how the culture works.

Trying and convicting yourself of a thought crime, in your mind, then tell everyone you had to because of "the culture".


Thorley Winston said...

I’m planning to buy my first smart phone. This story reaffirms my earlier suspicion that I should stay as far away from Apple products as possible.

TrespassersW said...

So Siri is a tool for eliminating double plus ungood thoughts.

Swifty Quick said...

I'm visualizing it for myself. That's how the culture works

Most conservatives are fairly inured to it. Which is why the progressives have ramped up the retribution to shut down their businesses and fine them hundreds of thousands of dollars for single instances of expressing their opinions or of following their deeply-held beliefs.

Michael said...


You don't have to use Siri. Your "suspicions" about Apple are unwarranted. Smart phones have been on the scene for quite a while. Welcome aboard.

Anonymous said...

Oddly, the thing that feels strangest to me is the choice of the name "Caitlyn." Added to his long, flowing brown locks and mini skirts, I think he's rejecting his cis-age as well.

Even though it existed previously, in American popular usage, Caitlyn is the name of a younger generation. Caitlyn is what the former Bruce would have named another daughter. It is not a Boomer name. Someone born in Bruce's era would be a Katherine or Kathy.

Joe said...

At this point, Bruce is still a cross-dressing man.

Laslo Spatula said...

Coming in the December Playboy:

"Caitlyn Jenner Exposed."

Their first nude pictorial of a transgender woman.

Should sell big.

I am Laslo.

Jason said...

STOP THE HATE! Bruce Jenner exhibits incredible courage and bravery every time he gets in his car and lets Caitlyn drive.

khesanh0802 said...


What a load of horse dung this whole thing is.

Static Ping said...

The thing is the only memorable ESPY moment I can remember is Jimmy Valvano's speech when he was battling cancer. That was a good speech, period. And I remember Stuart Scott accepting an award when he had cancer, but I do not recall anything he said. Otherwise the ESPYs are basically a manufactured event that no one really remembers a week later. And I watch sports.

Clyde said...

As Ted said in the movie TED 2, "There are no chicks with dicks, there are only men with tits."

damikesc said...

At this point, Bruce is still a cross-dressing man.

That isn't going to change, either.

Anthony said...

I wonder, does Siri recognize the phrase "F*ck you"?

So, Lauren Hill fights cancer while still trying to play basketball, provides inspiration for tens of thousands, perhaps millions, and leaves a legacy both of her own courage and a foundation, while ultimately losing her battle -- you know, DYING -- but ESPN decides that a pampered television celebrity who decided he was really a woman is more worthy of an award.

So yeah.

The entire entertainment-news media complex is simply degenerate and utterly unserious.

richard mcenroe said...

You could substitute "drag queen" for "Bruce Jenner" and see if that makes anyone feel better...

lgv said...

Are we supposed to refer to Caitlyn Jenner winning the men's Olympic decathlon? I think keeping Bruce Jenner for historical references to be wholly appropriate. So Siri is being a bit PC.

Mark said...

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right. The obvious, the silly, and the true had got to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s centre."
-- Chapter 7, George Orwell's Two Thousand Fifteen.

Chris403 said...

It's one thing to ask people to refer to him as a woman. But liberals seem to think Bruce is literally a female. It's madness.

Christopher said...

Ah, good old thought control and political correctness. When opinions become verboten it is quite difficult to determine what the public thinks, but as with many things involving biology sex can lead us to the truth.

Simply put if you want to determine whether a person actually is being honest about this subject just ask them if they'd have sex with a transgendered person who identifies with their particular gender of choice (assuming that person has had decent surgery and looks the part). Then just look to their answer to determine if they're being honest.

FleetUSA said...

As long as this person still has a Johnson, I will call this person a man.

Unknown said...

Don't worry about criticism or waste your time changing tags. Just refer any critics to that Kevin D. Williamson essay you linked to awhile back.

Unknown said...

The King has no clothes.

We are now asked, no, make that required, to look at a man and call him a woman.

The dominant ruling class demands that we accept a lie that we can disprove at a glance.

This pathetic man is clearly psychotic and needs psychiatric intervention, but instead his illness is celebrated.

Welcome to the 21st century.

Unknown said...

" I think that tall men should not wear high heel shoes or cut off their penis"

"What about short guys?"

What about guys in shorts? What about guys in short skirts?

Unknown said...

My wife wanted to watch the train wreck because she thought it was funny, I literally could not stand to be in the room. The award show was exactly (for me) like televising bowel movement. I don't object to the dump, just can't watch it.

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