May 18, 2015

"The sect leaders make a very conscious effort to impregnate the women. Some of them, I was told, even pray before mating, offering supplications for God..."

"... to make the products of what they are doing become children that will inherit their ideology."


Known Unknown said...

So Mad Max: Fury Road is a documentary?

Jaq said...

The evidence that women are more likely to get pregnant by rape is described in this article (link is external) in the journal Human Nature by Jonathan and Tiffani Gottschall.

Human history is what it is. Be glad we are not mallard ducks, which, it appears, reproduce almost exclusively by "legitimate" rape.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm beginning to think that maybe I ought to take a second look at The God Delusion.

traditionalguy said...

Fruitful rape is the male Muslim's goal. They have been told they will conquer the world's wealth and enslave all of the women by out breeding the West.

But would Pro Lifers find an exception here that allows an abortion choice by the woman.

The fog of war comes rolling in.

Hagar said...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's books are worth reading to get a handle on where all this is coming from.
She also has a gift for writing, so her books make good reads as well.

Anonymous said...

...and pray tell, children, that is why Genghis Khan's DNA is has the widest dispersion of any man in history.

YoungHegelian said...

Goodluck Jonathan was such a hapless president. I can see why the Nigerians didn't re-elect him. Even with all the oil money that's flowed into Nigeria, the government can't even defend its own people. What a crock!

Make no mistake about it. It's Nigerian incompetence & corruption that's letting this happen. Even the much poorer countries of Cameroon & Chad seem to be able to keep Boko Haram reduced to making incursions from Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to Boko Harem, perhaps we can agree that:

"Sum Men needs a killin"

My anti-CP lawyer wife is willing to make exceptions, how bouts you?

sparrow said...

"But would Pro Lifers find an exception here that allows an abortion choice by the woman."

Of course not: virtue is not genetic. You do not punish the child for the sins of the father.

Jaq said...

Even with all the oil money that's flowed into Nigeria, the government can't even defend its own people. What a crock!

Defending ones own people is an imperative of democracy. That's why it is such a hoot seeing comments advocating looking the other way after massacres like 911 or advocacy of the refusal to try to get intelligence on what might happen next.

Fail to protect the people, lose the next election. There is no buying your way out of that proposition.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Oh get off your high horses people. Remember the Sabian women? Its just like that. Book Haram is no different than your average Italian.

damikesc said...

Tradguy, most pro lifers accept abortion for rape.

buwaya said...

The Democrats should consider this strategy.
A few tweaks on the messaging to college girls may suffice.
Make one for the team, pretty much.
Some Social Justice/Feminism/Empowerment boilerplate can be ginned up no doubt.

rhhardin said...

They don't call them sects for nothing.

traditionalguy said...

damisec...I can remember the laws that made abortion a crime in the pre SCOTUS discovery of rights to privacy of a woman.

That old law recognized exceptions for saving the life of the mother, rape and incest. It was not a politicians issue then. It was a medical ethics issue.

Bob R said...

This is just a distraction from the real rape culture on our college campuses.

damikesc said...

That old law recognized exceptions for saving the life of the mother, rape and incest. It was not a politicians issue then. It was a medical ethics issue.

When SCOTUS expanded "Health of the mother" to include 'emotional health", then yeah, it became a purely political issue.

Pro-lifers are way more willing to compromise than pro-choicers.

Hagar said...

This is not about sects, but fundamental Islam, set forth in the Koran, and not to be questioned.

Fernandinande said...

tim in vermont said...
Be glad we are not mallard ducks, which, it appears, reproduce almost exclusively by "legitimate" rape.


And "Some female ducks and geese have evolved complex genitalia to thwart unwelcome mating attempts, according to a new study.
"These structures are wonderfully devious, sending sperm down the wrong road or impeding penetration," says Birkhead."

Fernandinande said...

sparrow said...
Of course not: virtue is not genetic.

Yes it is.

sparrow said...


Care to back that up?

Jason said...

I can trace my ancestry back to William The Conqueror. As can millions of others.

There's a reason for that.

And a reason why so many Irish and Scottish have red hair.

'Twas ever thus.

Jason said...

Rape culture!!

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

But would Pro Lifers find an exception here that allows an abortion choice by the woman.

The Pro-Lifers that would bar abortion even in the case of rape are about as extreme as the Pro-Abortion contingent that would permit abortions to happen right up to the point where labor begins.

Jason said...

Not really. I regard rape as irrelevant to the sanctity of life.

It's not the extreme position. It's the only logical one.

CarlF said...

This proves once again how terrible Christians are, since all religions are the same. (/sarc)

Krumhorn said...

It's beyond ironic that the Spanish Muslim in The Conquest of Grenanda utters these immortal words:

I am as free as nature first made man,
Ere the base laws of servitude began,
When wild in woods the noble savage ran.

Yeah, I think I'm sticking with Hobbes on this (although not his philosophy of government), the experience of mankind over the millennia is solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.

Which is not irrelevant to the assault of the progs today on broken windows policing.....and policing in general. If you do not stay vigilant on the little stuff, it's not many further steps to hundreds of young girls being kidnapped and raped and young boys shot by the noble savages with government powerless to do anything about it.

There is only a very small number of things that government in a free society needs to do. And public safety and national defense are two of them.

- Krumhorn

pious agnostic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pious agnostic said...

I propose that since a criminal should not profit from his criminal behavior; and since rape is a crime and offspring is a boon:

Abortion in the case of rape should be mandatory.

Sebastian said...

Just imagine how bad things would be in Nigeria if they were to import U.S. college rape culture.

“Western education should end”

Maybe Brandeis can invite him for next year's Commencement.

Anonymous said...

The Pro-Lifers that would bar abortion even in the case of rape are about as extreme

How extreme are you, Big Mike?

If a woman is raped and in her 35th week of pregnancy, is she allowed to have an abortion?

How about this. The life of a child is irrelevant to the emotional health of the mother. Sad mom's don't get to kill their children.

jimbino said...

Doesn't matter what religion the parents profess, all children are born atheists, without any belief in god, unicorns, talking snakes or other superstitions.

Jaq said...


Funny how little facts like that can get stuck in one's mind in error. Thank you. If I had thought about it even for a second, I would have known that Mallards pair off and around here, each pair seems to find it's little puddle. But everybody has seen a duck rape if they have spent any time at a park where ducks are fed.

Jaq said...

Doesn't matter what religion the parents profess, all children are born atheists, without any belief in god, unicorns, talking snakes or other superstitions.

That's a pretty confident statement. The kind of statement that Muslims make about all children being born Islamic. I am an atheist myself, but I am not foolish enough to believe that religious belief is not somehow adaptive to survival in humans. Or was for hundreds of thousands of years. It's like saying that "No Canada goose is born wanting to be migratory because many choose not to."

But everything is always black and white with you.

furious_a said...

How many of our girls has #BringBackOurGirls brought back?

Thanks to the until-recently legacy of junta rule, Nigeria's elected civilian governments don't trust the military enough to field a.professional army. In their minds, the threat of a coup is more immediate than Boko Haram overrunning Lagos.

Anonymous said...

But everything is always black and white with you.

I think he can't help himself. It's like Mick and yelling usurper. He's trying to convince us it's true and repetition means it's true.

furious_a said...

Time for more Obama b-b-but THE CRUSDADES!! moral equivalence sleaze.

buwaya said...

Apparently Boko Haram is getting beaten lately by a troop of over-aged white mercenaries brought in to handle the problem.

Anonymous said...

furious_a said...
How many of our girls has #BringBackOurGirls brought back?

The only thing that stops a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun...

what that our WH understood that...

Larry J said...

While things like this are going on in many parts of the world, here in America we hear college women decry a "rape culture" where the word rape is very loosely defined. They whine about "trigger warnings" and "micro aggressions" and other blithering nonsense, only making themselves look foolish and unemployable. Most of them should be ashamed of themselves.

Where true rape occurs, turn it over to law enforcement and prosecute to the full extent of the law. Don't let a bunch of academic amateur cops and tribunals handle the matter. Sooner or later, one of them is going to so contaminate a case that a legitimate instance of rape may not be prosecutable. What then?

Jaq said...

I agree, BTW, that the jihadis are batshit nuts but I think they have an ideology that is very good at ruling over chaos. That is why they need to be defeated now, and convincingly. Because creating chaos is far easier than creating order.

n.n said...

Procreative or sacrificial rites. The juxtaposition offers an unprecedented insight into the world's two leading cults.

sparrow said...

The modern west lacks conviction, courage or an ideology worth fighting to uphold. The culture has given up it's heritage in favor of pleasure-seeking. We're done; it only a matter of how long it takes to die.

Anonymous said...

most pro lifers accept abortion for rape

Maybe some, but not most. Two quick examples: Neither Scott Walker nor Paul Ryan "accepts" allowing legal abortion for rape victims.

jimbino said...

Am I wrong in asserting that believers like Tim in Vermont bear the burden of showing that children are not born atheist, not having any discernible belief in god?

CWJ said...

Quick, deploy the hashtags!

damikesc said...

Maybe some, but not most. Two quick examples: Neither Scott Walker nor Paul Ryan "accepts" allowing legal abortion for rape victims.

And the head of the DNC supports abortion at any point of its gestation.

And a large part is when it happens. If you were raped and decide 6 months later to abort, no, won't be supported.

pious agnostic said...

Jimbino, I think you are wrong. My reasoning goes like this.

Assume that your proposition is correct, that all children are born atheist, and learn theism.

A disproof of this would be a single child born who was not an atheist.

Clearly, since there are theists, there must have been a first one; from whom did he learn it?


Unknown said...

jimbino, I hope you are trying to be funny. Stating it first does not usually mean you are right until someone else makes the case that you are wrong.

damikesc said...

Am I wrong in asserting that believers like Tim in Vermont bear the burden of showing that children are not born atheist, not having any discernible belief in god?


You can probably use that any time you ask the question "Am I wrong?" as well.

Jaq said...

Am I wrong in asserting that believers like Tim in Vermont bear the burden of showing that children are not born atheist, not having any discernible belief in god?

Try just a little harder jimbino, but sure, I'll bite.
What I said was that humans are born with a pre-disposition to believe in a god or gods. Humans are not born with a pre-disposition to atheism. Atheism is hard. Look at all the people who pretend to be atheists, yet have such strong beliefs, for example, that the sexes are "created" equal? How the fuck could that happen in a chaotic world with chaotic evolution? Look at yourself. You have extremely strong views of how the world is. Where did those rules come from? Creation with no author but chaos? Or does it come, at some level, from a belief in a creator, with some final authority, so deeply ingrained in your thinking that even you, an avowed atheist can't shake it?

Jaq said...

BTW, I am not a theist. I just try not to fool myself.

Jaq said...

Everybody who makes a huge fucking deal about being an atheist should begin every declaration about anything that is not provably reducible to measurable and well understood components, for example subjects like QM and General Relativity, should begin every such declaration with the words "In my opinion..." since any claim to more authority than that is an unacknowledged reliance on the authority of God. There is no meaning in chaos, no right and wrong.

Fernandinande said...

jimbino said...
Doesn't matter what religion the parents profess, all children are born atheists, without any belief in god, unicorns, talking snakes or other superstitions.

Sure, but so what? They can't walk, talk or hold their liquor, either. That doesn't mean that walking and talking are unnatural or goofy.

Anonymous said...

madisonfella said...
most pro lifers accept abortion for rape

Maybe some, but not most. Two quick examples: Neither Scott Walker nor Paul Ryan "accepts" allowing legal abortion for rape victims.

Are you ok with abortion being legal in the case of rape?

n.n said...

Children are born with a predisposition to the occult (e.g. fantasy). With experience in reality, and adoption of a scientific framing, they become either agnostic or theistic. There is no logical or rational premise to affirmatively reject or conclude about phenomenon outside of the scientific domain. Both natural and enhanced (e.g. technological) perception are, in fact, limited in both time and space within the scientific domain. Atheism is an ideology similar to theism but without the acknowledgement of faith and a religious (i.e. moral) consensus.

Deirdre Mundy said...

mr-- Except theists don't actually believe that kids are born knowing God.

In the Bible, God speaks to Abraham as an adult. Moses encounters the burning bush as an adult.

When children know about God, it's because adults have taught them.

Of course, that also goes for literacy. proper hygiene. Not biting people to steal their things.

Kids are born savage. Adults civilize them. Arguing that something is wrong because kids aren't born knowing it makes no sense. Arguing that something is right because children are born that way also makes no sense. Children are natural Coprophages, for instance.

Gahrie said...

Clearly, since there are theists, there must have been a first one; from whom did he learn it?

That one's easy for Christians. They learned it from God himself when he talked to Adam in the Garden.

chickelit said...

jimbino said...

Doesn't matter what religion the parents profess, all children are born atheists, without any belief in god, unicorns, talking snakes or other superstitions.

Doesn't matter to what race or which culture the parents belong, all children are born lovers of nature, including National Parks. The hatred and avoidance is taught.

chickelit said...

Eric asked: Are you ok with abortion being legal in the case of rape?

That's the wrong question to ask madfellow. Ask whether partial birth abortion should be legal in the case of rape. Partial birth abortion is the kook fringe litmus test for true believers such as our President.

clint said...

"Deirdre Mundy said...
mr-- Except theists don't actually believe that kids are born knowing God."

Christian theists and jewish theists and lots of deist and other theists agree with you.

The Koran explicitly says otherwise, so muslim theists disagree with you. Muslim theists like, for example, the evil Boko Haram folks who are raping these women to produce more muslims.

RecChief said...

Religion of PEACE, YO!

Titus said...

I had sex on a plane tonight first time with my seat partnered nyc yo Boston. He was so nyc and 31. Now th meeting hubby in the city. The kid across the aisle who was like 20 watched

Titus said...

I had sex on a plane tonight first time with my seat partnered nyc yo Boston. He was so nyc and 31. Now th meeting hubby in the city. The kid across the aisle who was like 20 watched

Titus said...

I initiated by putting leg next to his the arm etc. he had this funky skirt like bottom with calf length tight shorts all in black spandex with slouchy princess Lea boots the topwas a tank with tanks on his sides and the entire ensemble was attached. He was able to convert the skirt into like a sweat shirt. We used the tray tables so people couldn't see cocks. No cum though. His name was dannick Off to dinner in TriBeCa with hubby. Ciao

Anonymous said...

Blogger chickelit said...
Eric asked: Are you ok with abortion being legal in the case of rape?

That's the wrong question to ask madfellow. Ask whether partial birth abortion should be legal in the case of rape. Partial birth abortion is the kook fringe litmus test for true believers such as our President.

Oh, I definitely have a follow up question depending on the answer.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Question for Obama.

Knowing what we know now... #

I wont hold my breath.

chickelit said...

Titus said...
I initiated by putting leg next to his the arm etc. he had this funky skirt like bottom with calf length tight shorts all in black spandex with slouchy princess Lea boots...blah blah

The shorts on an airplane sounds like an Althousian nighmare. Well played, Titus.

rcommal said...


Rusty said...

mr said...
I propose that since a criminal should not profit from his criminal behavior; and since rape is a crime and offspring is a boon:

Abortion in the case of rape should be mandatory.

Why? What crime did the kid commit?

Rusty said...

Blogger Titus said...
I had sex on a plane tonight first time with my seat partnered nyc yo Boston. He was so nyc and 31. Now th meeting hubby in the city. The kid across the aisle who was like 20 watched

5/18/15, 8:26 PM
Blogger Titus said...
I had sex on a plane tonight first time with my seat partnered nyc yo Boston. He was so nyc and 31. Now th meeting hubby in the city. The kid across the aisle who was like 20 watched

5/18/15, 8:29 PM
Blogger Titus said...
I initiated by putting leg next to his the arm etc. he had this funky skirt like bottom with calf length tight shorts all in black spandex with slouchy princess Lea boots the topwas a tank with tanks on his sides and the entire ensemble was attached. He was able to convert the skirt into like a sweat shirt. We used the tray tables so people couldn't see cocks. No cum though. His name was dannick Off to dinner in TriBeCa with hubby. Ciao

OK. Titus.
I know you think you're being adorable. But there's a fine line between being adorable and being creepy.
You crossed the "Fabulous" line and are now just creepy.
Lazlo you ain't.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Titus, sorry I missed it. Would have ratted you out so fast and LOUDLY! and posted the footage everywhere.

Wonder if faggots get a free pass these days or if they'd have set the plane down for one of those "fab" emergency landings.

Does your catamite know what kind of animal you are? Or are you his, it is always confusing because your behavior is deviant even for a deviant.

In truth I question your existence. I used to suspect you were an Althouse puppet but you write so badly and with such little resonance. Then again what would a woman know? Nothing you have ever written is hot. You don't actually seem to have sex.

If you ever get raped, though, please write about that.

Bad Lieutenant said...

And no, I'm not sure rape babies should be executed for the sins of the father. Hell, it's half hers! She can always adopt out.

I'll execute that rapist for you though.

Overall I think the burdens for women should be higher. If rape isn't so convenient to wash away perhaps they'll be smarter or fight harder. Frankly it's hard to see who they want to win sometimes. If every Western male were dead the females could get along, just have to give it up to a new patriarchy, a fresh and exciting exotic one. People like Freeman would fight to the death I'm sure, but the Althouses and the Victorias would go along to get along.

MAJMike said...

A prime goal of any terrorist or revolutionary movement is to demonstrate that the existing government is incapable of protecting the population at-large.

ISIS/ISIL and Boko Haram are successful in this respect.

Jaq said...

I used to enjoy Titus's comments, now I just ignore them. He used to sort of honestly explore stuff, now he is just in it for shock value and insults.

Titus said...

I thought about the airplane guy today while giving a presentation I realized he was so unique in dress and style that there were few places other than Bensonhurst where he could thrive. He had heard and muscles too. On my way to DC. Performance review time.

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