April 13, 2015

Meade IM's from the deck.


Bobber Fleck said...

The 23-year-old Fitchburg man pulled from Lake Mendota on Saturday had been fatally stabbed and cut, the Dane County Medical Examiner's Office reported on Monday.

The Dane County Sheriff's Office is investigating the death of Jacob D. Payne as a homicide.

A canoeist found Payne's body shortly after 4 p.m. Saturday near Governor's Island.


Be said...

What is that plant? It can't be an avocado: too leafy.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Feed me, Seymour!

rhhardin said...

Doberman in repose.

Next room across the hall.

pm317 said...

Meade is having an animated conversation with a plant.

Ann Althouse said...

It's 4 avocados, grown from the seeds of regular store-bought avocados. Meade is rather proud of them.

madAsHell said...

It would have been more exciting if the paint on the railing hadn't already dried.

Unknown said...

You should get a nice telescope to do some skywatching from that deck.

Be said...

He Should be proud: they're tough to grow! Of a dozen sprouts from the compost only two survived. Neither is as leafy as what Mr. Meade filmed.


Phil 314 said...

Quite a dramatic video. As the wind increased I feared for the plant.

Coconuss Network said...

Great job. None of my avocado tries worked.

Shouting Thomas said...

Free at last!

Two and a half years into retirement.

No more dealing with HR dirtbag bureaucrats and their "niceness" and "fairness" obsession, which is to say, no more dealing with people like Althouse. Is there anything more suffocating and oppressive than her ultimate HR drone obsessions?

No more dealing with fags and fag hags and their wretched back stabbing weasels... like Meade. I can't be called down to the principal's office for refusing to kiss ass!

What a relief!

I'm free... free... of Althouse and Meade's dirtbag obsessions. They will have to pursue their great dream of pussifying and faggotizing men without me.

Until the pieces of shit in the nursing home get control of my body and I go to hell, I'm enjoying a period of freedom sheer bliss.

I don't have to deal with assholes like Althouse and Meade any more!

Ann Althouse said...

"Quite a dramatic video. As the wind increased I feared for the plant."

Thanks for noticing the narrative arc of Meade's artistry.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Jolly good show, Thomas. Is there some occasion for your Emancipation Proclamation, or do invalid links to movies of avocados excite you?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ann, does the arc bend to the side like Peyronie Bill's?

Meade said...

LOL! X 11. (not at the murder but everything else)

Anonymous said...

:) Brings back memories of my Mom and her jars lining the kitchen window sill in our house in San Diego when I was 4-5 yrs old. She tried several times. Unfortunately, we never got an Avocado tree from the tries.
Never-the-less I love avocados!

Hum...I see you have had windy days too. My macro imaging has come to a halt due to our windy days. Now, if I had a nice potted plant like Meade's Avocado I would have something to play with. I'd just drag indoors. :)
Kudo's to Meade. I'd be proud too. I don't have a "green thumb" at all.