A HuffPostWomen headline.
1. I'm telling you — and I've told you before — the job of cranking out one "feminist" post after another is not easy. And isn't it just what you'd expect in a phallocracy? — that they'd relegate this job to women. How I pity the slaving female scribes of HuffPostWomen.
2. Great name, by the way: Elonë Kastratia.
3. Is "period pads" really an expression? Never heard it, perhaps because I've sojourned scantily in Europe.
4. Here's a better story about sanitary napkins: "How do you cut the school dropout rate for girls in a remote pocket of Uganda? And how do you create jobs for village women? The answer to both questions: sanitary pads. The story begins in 2009, when 26-year-old Sophia Klumpp and her husband-to-be Paul Grinvalds – she's from the U.S., he's from Canada — began working for a nonprofit group in a rural village in Uganda. Klumpp saw that many of the teenagers in school used threadbare rags or tufts of mattress stuffing as sanitary pads. The embarrassment and the fear of an accident kept many of them away from school for the four or five days of their period each month...."
5. Great name, Klumpp. Good work. Much better than protest-littering in Europe.
magine if men were as disgusted with rape as they are with periods
I am MORE disgusted by rape than women's periods.
SO, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about or doing, except for your own self-righteous, insecure, hateful reasons.
When I get mad
I put it down on a pad
Give you something that you never had
Have an acquaintance who was just complaining about the cost of pads. And here's a story of someone putting them out there free for the taking!
So we have a woman, who sounds ethnically Greek, living in Germany, but is running a PR Campaign in English?
The Francophones must be screaming "Sacrebleu"
I'm a major consumer of maxipads.
I use them as bike helmet forehead pads.
They've spent billions perfecting them to hold moisture without squirting it into your eyes when you hit a bump.
Modern "new dryer" ones don't hold up very well in time. You want the old regulars.
The WSJ long ago had an article on the feminine hygiene producers trying to get a all-month habit started, thinking that would really help the bottom line.
Recently panty-liners have been promoted as a way to avoid cameltoe.
Never give up.
"So we have a woman, who sounds ethnically Greek"
That can't be her real name.
Rape is a Patriarchy made Law to protect OUR women. But it helps to have a connection with a patriarchal society's rules to enjoy its protections.
Or a woman can just complain about why she cannot possibly get her own gun or take self defense classes as she roams the streets at night.
sojourned scantily? Ha!
"Is "period pads" really an expression?"
Also, these people are stupid.
"Welcome to our swinging bachelor pad! Say, your slacks are really tight... just like mine. Boy, it is certainly no difficulty now for women to see our bulges!"
"So we have a woman, who sounds ethnically Greek..."
Her name is Castrate Ya.
Can't you just picture Althouse sojourning scantily in Europe with her feminist sisters Klumpp and Kastratia, 3 modern women dressed only in period pads?
I'm not going to click. I'm already barely smart enough to do my job; if I go getting stupider via self-exposure to "HuffPost Women" I'll wind up in an unemployment line.
I will therefor just assume that the Very Important Reason is that she likes attention.
We have tampons in a drawer in our kitchens at work.
Do we really need to buy their fucking tampons?
The tampons are stacked next to the salt and pepper and ketchup packets.
Do women know how little men give a shit about menstruation?
We also have a special room in the office for women to pump their tits.
The office has soft lighting, spa music and a comfortable chaise.
Rape disgusts me far more than menstruation.
I have never indulged a girl's rape fantasy in bed, and never will. I do immensely enjoy period sex though - that's when they usually like it rough (assuming they don't normally).
I suppose tampons are more absorbant than straw, but that's quite a strawman she's erecting.
The Ugandan story is useful. Overlooking basic sanitary and psychological needs because they are taken for granted in the west would not seem a safe approach.
The twitter thing--I mean, that's just silly. Maybe there are cultures somewhere in the world where menstruation remains a taboo, probably in places like Uganda where people are less cosseted as to what we would deem basic sanitation, but certainly not in America. I don't know where that idea comes from. It's just blood. It's not even inherently disgusting in the way that poop is; it's like mucus. I have a cold, I'm hacking up a lot of mucus right now, it's thick and green and kinda gross, and sure, would I want to eat it? No. Does it look attractive once it's outside my body? No. But to have some deep-rooted sense of disgust that this stuff touches me? Meh.
damikesc said...
"Do women know how little men give a shit about menstruation?"
I don't think that women generally know how little men give a shit about any number of things that women and that woman particularly think are of immense importance.
I see she was pretty immediately challenged with "well, most men are"
and she countered with the example of teen *boys* making rape jokes and being grossed by periods.
1) they make period jokes, and dead baby jokes, too. Stuff that is upsetting and shocking is fodder for jokes.
2) They grow out of it.
3) So now the phallarchy is being assumed on the basis of teen boys.
Teen boys also make jokes about jerking off.
They are assuredly not grossed out by it.
"Is period pads really an expression"
Yes. In Britain.
pduggie said...
"So now the phallarchy is being assumed on the basis of teen boys."
It does suggest that these people are in some sense psychological stunted by trauma during their pubescent years. Stupid teenage boys hurt impressionable teenage girls, who then grow up incapable of allowing that their male counterparts might also grow up.
On the other hand, truth to tell, it's not wholly unrealistic when quite a significant fraction of men don't really grow up. Then again, if they're still hashing through teenage trauma, did the women either?
Elonë Kastratia
Didn't she write a book on Feminism & Eastern Orthodoxy with Ivanna Kutchakokoff?
rhhardin: My wife was AMAZED when I repaired my bike helmet with a "lightdays" pad. I'm such a handy guy...
Also, what kind of doofus is "disgusted" by women's periods? It's hard for me to picture anyone who has been a husband and father thinking that way. Or even a guy who has cut a finger once or twice.
That writer needs to hang out with a better class of men.
Did she at least get academic credit for this performance art?
Always ask yourself what the agenda is.
I always ask myself as a man - what do these feminazis want from me? To die?
Do most Germans subscribe to this demonization of all men by feminists?
Here's the "logic" of progressive feminists:
Carol J. Stewart · Top Commenter · Penn Valley, California
Tell us what YOU would do if raped. Who would YOU report it to? What agency would YOU have confidence in? In what court would YOU seek justice? Women and children victims are TERRIFIED and TRAUMATIZED by such an experience and then must undergo invasive medical exams by STRANGERS looking for 'evidence' that almost NEVER gets processed, and then forced to talk to MORE strangers, most of which are NOT educated, NOT empathetic, and MOST of whom don't BELIEVE them. And then, IF THEY ARE 'LUCKY', and the perp is arrested, get to TELL THEIR TALE IN COURT among a bunch of OTHER strangers, and 9 times out of 10, NOTHING is done.
Basically, RAPE IS HORRIBLE! Thus, men are all evil and stuff.
Isn't that woman's name a microagression?
Given the subject matter, I now consider this blog unviewable. I will check back in 5 to 7 days.
I'll bite:
Carol J. Stewart · Top Commenter · Penn Valley, California
Tell us what YOU would do if raped.
Got to the police.
Who would YOU report it to?
The police. Just like with any other crime.
What agency would YOU have confidence in?
I'd have confidence in me killing somebody, but the police are a better option.
In what court would YOU seek justice?
Criminal court, probably.
These are some easy questions.
Women and children victims are TERRIFIED and TRAUMATIZED by such an experience and then must undergo invasive medical exams by STRANGERS looking for 'evidence' that almost NEVER gets processed, and then forced to talk to MORE strangers, most of which are NOT educated, NOT empathetic, and MOST of whom don't BELIEVE them.
Guess what --- the families of murder victims deal with the same stuff.
She seems to confuse a lack of evidence with a lack of processing.
And then, IF THEY ARE 'LUCKY', and the perp is arrested, get to TELL THEIR TALE IN COURT among a bunch of OTHER strangers, and 9 times out of 10, NOTHING is done.
Are there OTHER crimes we should leave at the mercy of mob justice? How about false rape charges? Should I be allowed to just butcher a woman who makes a false accusation?
Ann, I'm not one to tell you what to do, but if you want to prevent feminism from being a joke --- well, it's not up to MEN to correct these issues.
And periods are unpleasant. Ditto for taking a dump. But both are natural things and stuff you learn to deal with.
Hell, I had a job where my FIRST day I was sent to the women's rest room with a shovel and a mop.
Because some chick made it NECESSARY to clean using a shovel and a mop.
And, no, I was not a janitor. Just the new guy.
Bob Boyd said...
That can't be her real name.
She picked that name because, like any true feminist, she hates men; it's no doubt fake because google ["Elonë Kastratia" -pads -padding -"sanitary napkins"] = five results, two in Finnish, two in Taiwan news, none in English.
The Woman - Mother Nature - is keeping Femen-ists down. Fight the woman! Slap Her with your pads.
Beneath a thick carpet of Euro street litter - cigarette butts and dog feces - sanitary napkins almost seem an upgrade.
"We also have a special room in the office for women to pump their tits.
The office has soft lighting, spa music and a comfortable chaise. "
So... are any of them hot? Work late nights or weekends???
"I don't think that women generally know how little men give a shit about any number of things that women and that woman particularly think are of immense importance. "
+ 1 bazillion!
I saw a women squat on the beach and thought she was pinching a loaf. The rare clumber was on the scent. As we got closer I realized it was a bloody rag. I almost threw up.
Is there any other women material on the tampon other than blood? Perhaps flesh or some cartilage from the fallopian tube. I swear I saw some sort of smega that was not blood on that rag.
I never saw a woman pump her tits and I have to say I would like to witness it....in a non-threatening way, natch.
Does the milk come out like a raging fawcett or just drip drip? And do the women have to squeeze their tits to get the milk out or does it flow naturally?
Why do some women choose to pump and others not? Or do they all pump?
I once licked a women's pussy.
With a name like that, I'll bet she has a soprano voice to die for.
After several weeks when I was so busy at work that I had no time for lunch (in at 8AM and out at 6:30PM with no breaks) it sure is good to know that someone had the time to type up cute messages on maxi-pads and post them all over town.
I think I'm getting caught up. I might possibly have a free hour or two next week. I was thinking of nailing condoms up all over town. Trouble is, it seems like empty condoms is a bit lacking (like maxi-pads without cute, typewritten messages).
I wonder if Laslo has any recommendations?
Back when I was eight years old or so, I saw in a restroom at Juilliard a vending machine for "sanitary napkins." I assumed something like the disposable towels you got at Chinese restaurants. What I actually got, as I described it to my mom later, was like a little white paper caterpillar. She about killed herself laughing.
To me, the most fascinating aspect is to see the personality traits that used to inform dour Protestant clerics (at least the stereotypes; I have no idea how accurate they were) show up in this angry little corner of the feminist world.
Also, I'm not Laslo, but I wish I was.
"Imagine if men were as disgusted with rape as they are with periods"
Generally I don't find moral actions disgusting the way I do bodily functions. And generally I'm not too disgusted by women's periods. Unless they are somehow having a period on me.
I think most men could care less about women's periods the same way they could care less about women's bowel movements.
But if you asked the vast majority of men whatt hey thought of rape, they'd say it was morally reprehensible.
So, if you're a man, unless you're a rapist, or live in a muslim country you probably are not giving a pass to rapists.
Are women though giving passes to false accusers of rape. They certsinly are giving passes for the demagoging of 50% of the population and grossly exaggerating the Rape statistics.
"I saw a women squat on the beach and thought she was pinching a loaf. The rare clumber was on the scent. As we got closer I realized it was a bloody rag. I almost threw up.
Is there any other women material on the tampon other than blood? Perhaps flesh or some cartilage from the fallopian tube. I swear I saw some sort of smega that was not blood on that rag.
How dare you be disgusted! Having a period is a natural function for women, no different than breastfeeding.
I can almost imagine the next Sandra fluke making free tampons be the next cause for women.
Pookie Number 2,
" dour Protestant clerics (at least the stereotypes; I have no idea how accurate they were) "
NOT AT ALL accurate. Please tell me you're not surprised...
Consider this volume from which that author (if IIRC) extracted a cover story for Christianity Today way back in the pre-internet age, titles (again IIRC) "Were the Puritans Right About Sex.")
Slight spoiler: the author's conclusion was YES they were, but in ways completely contradictory to the Conventional Wisdom™ about Puritan thought.
I'm telling you — and I've told you before — the job of cranking out one "feminist" post after another is not easy. And isn't it just what you'd expect in a phallocracy? — that they'd relegate this job to women.
Not only do women have to write it, they have to read it. You don't think men are going to read that shit, do you?
Rae, 3/12/15, 3:19 PM, for me that woman's name is a macroagression.
Blogger Todd Roberson, nailing a condom to anything, now that's microagression.
This woman lampoons tampons.
I am starting to thing that if women are fantasizing constantly about rape in every way imaginable, it maybe isn't that horrible.
Less horrible than being led into a walk-in refrigerator at the back of a restaurant at gunpoint.
Less horrible than being paralyzed for life by a drunk driver.
Less horrible than being thrown into a pit with all of the other men of your village and machine gunned.
Less horrible than being the wife, mother or sister of such men.
Maybe less horrible than having your future stolen from you by a con artist.
Sure, you can add aggravating circumstances to up the horror factor, but we are mostly talking about acquaintance rape here with this hugely inflated statistics, aren't we?
Is that a problem worthy of so much of our time? Especially when so much of it could be avoided by the woman with a few simple precautions? Juanita Broaddrick never should have gone into that hotel room with Bill Clinton, for example.
But I guess if one were deceived into getting a degree in women's studies, what does one do for a living? How does one get attention? We can all think of bitter harridans on Twitter who feel like that have to up the outrageousness with every tweet in order to stay part of the conversation.
I am talking here as a serial rapist, BTW, one who has often enjoyed having sex while high with women who were also high.
NOT AT ALL accurate. Please tell me you're not surprised...
I'm not surprised. I don't have any first-hand knowledge, so my impressions are all media-derived, and hence probably way off.
Wouldn't these have much more impact written in blood?
In our multi-generation household, I am the guy who takes out the trash. Panti-liners are part of it. I never thought anything about it before.
BTW, Titus, I was once in Antigua, right in front of Barclay's bank, a woman squatted down and peed in the gutter. I guess that's better than doing it on the sidewalk (pavement).
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