February 27, 2015

"Boy, Blowing Up A DNC Media Hit Job On Scott Walker In Realtime Sure Is Fun!"

"The Latest Attempt To Launch A New Walker Smear Crashes & Burns On The Launch Pad. And There Was Much Rejoicing."
As it so happens, this Jezebel writer, Natasha Vargas-Cooper, either didn't do any research at all on this piece or she deliberately left out the whole story.

As it so happens, there is a pretty damn good reason Scott Walker deleted these [sexual assault] reporting requirements.

He did it because - get this! - the University of Wisconsin *asked* him to.
(Via Instapundit.)


Virgil Hilts said...

There was a time when I would have assumed this was just sloppy incompetence. That is no longer my assumption. If it were true the story would have already been pulled and an apology posted. More people will see the headline at Memeorandum than will see the "correction" that grudgingly follows. Mission accomplished. Alinski would be proud.

CatherineM said...

Katha Politt breathlessly posted yesterday that Scott Walker has a "love child," only to apologize later that it was too good to be true. She "didn't realize" it was debunked.

Today's journalists. Pathetic.

CatherineM said...

PS it shows how freaked out they are by him that they keep digging in the dirt.

traditionalguy said...

Just wait until MSNBC gets hold of it and links it with serious women wondering out loud why Walker fled from college in his senior year. What was he afraid of getting arrested for????

Drago said...

CatherineM: "PS it shows how freaked out they are by him that they keep digging in the dirt."

They aren't "digging in the dirt."

They are busy synthesizing the dirt.

Revenant said...

Today's journalists. Pathetic.

What few people realize is that journalism has ALWAYS been pathetic. There was no golden age when reporters were scrupulously honest and did a good job.

What we *did* once have was an environment where there were lots of outlets for journalism. Cities would have multiple dailies, each with a vested interest in explaining why their rivals were full of it. Codes of ethics don't keep people honest -- fear of getting caught does.

As the media market shrunk and consolidated into a handful of left-wing papers and networks, that fear of being caught out by the competition vanished. There was no competition.

Thanks to the internet, that's starting to change again. There may not be a rival to the local paper, but there are millions of people with the ability to tell others when the paper lies.

kcom said...

"PS it shows how freaked out they are by him that they keep digging in the dirt."

It shows, as always, that they doubt their ability to win on the merits and on the issues. It's all about the politics of personal destruction to them. They take after their leader.

RMc said...

I'll wait patiently for the retraction and apology.

Gahrie said...

I'm still pushing Bolton/Ernst in 2016...but anybody who can drive the Leftys this batshit crazy is definitely worth a second glance.

Gahrie said...
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Michael K said...

To paraphrase Olbermann, "pitiful."

wildswan said...

It might be that people will at last see how the lefties are ready to say anything that's destructive about Republicans - ready to lie about 49 % or more of the country thinks.

Anyhow each time a lie gets exposed some more people see how the liberal media-lie machine works. And someday,... someday ... the Big Lie about conservatives will tip over and just suddenly look silly.

mesquito said...

And Natasha's daddy, Marc Cooper, is associate professor of professional practice, at the Annenberg journalism school, USC.

Charlie Eklund said...

That fact about Natasha's father...well, it figures, doesn't it?

Anthony said...

I've already seen it linked on Facebook. *sigh*

Chuck said...

Jezebel.com was of course the home to the knee-jerk reaction against the journalists who first began to question the Rolling Stone Virgina Gang Rape story.

There doesn't seem to be any adult supervision at Jezebel.

Lewis Wetzel said...

A few years ago Hugh Hewitt wrote an interesting article on what goes on at an elite J School:

The 16 students are not evenly split--there are 14 women and just two men. Two-thirds of the M.S. class this year are women, a reflection of what Lemann calls the "feminization" of journalism programs across the country. Robert Mac Donald, the assistant dean for admissions and financial aid, ran down the demographics for me: The average age of an M.S. student is just shy of 28, the mean is 26, the youngest is 20, and the oldest is 63. Whites make up 69 percent of the new class; 11 percent are African American, 7 percent Hispanic, 6 percent Asian, 3 percent Middle Eastern, and 4 percent South Asian. The school doesn't yet keep stats on religious background, though Mac Donald believes there has been a significant increase in Muslim students post 9/11. A fifth of the students are from the New York area, and between 37 to 40 percent are from "the corridor"--from Boston to Washington. Another fifth are from the west coast, and 10 percent are foreign. It is a pretty "blue" student body, and willing to pay handsomely for the privilege of their credentials. A year at CSJ--tuition, living expenses, incidentals--comes to $59,404 according to Mac Donald, though 85 percent of the students receive some financial aid, with packages ranging from $1,000 to $50,000. The average scholarship is $5,200, which means that these students are putting a lot of money into the program.

Read the whole thing here:

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I like how in the original piece the UW system is described as "beloved."

If something is "beloved" I guess it's extra suuuuuper totally mean to trim its budget!

John Cunningham said...

As the imbecilic lies of the Party press organs pile up, will the sheeple ever get the point?

B said...

Just wait until MSNBC gets hold of it

The low rated left-wing programming at MSNBC is being gutted. There might not be anyone left to repeat this smear.

deepelemblues said...

Watching people get hot and bothered over picayune controversies that will not be remembered six months from now except by Dana Milbank and the padded-room section of Salon - okay, that's all of Salon - is pretty entertaining.

Anthony said...

Scott Walker Tosses Black Babies In The Air And Catches Them On HIs Bayonet.

Anthony said...

Scott Walker Hands Out Cholera-Infected Blankets To Indians.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker does not wash his hands after doing #1.

Anthony said...

Scott Walker Shot The Sheriff. . . . .And The Deputy!

SteveR said...

Scott Walker had sex in college

Anthony said...

Scott Walker Was On The Grassy Knoll.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker calls Harley Davidson Sportsters "Skirtsters".

Michael K said...

It's not a J school but the dynamics are the same. This is education grad school.

“microaggression”—the hottest concept on campuses today, used to call out racism otherwise invisible to the naked eye. UCLA’s response to the sit-in was a travesty of justice. The education school sacrificed the reputation of a beloved and respected professor in order to placate a group of ignorant students making a specious charge of racism.

The pattern would repeat itself twice more at UCLA that fall: students would allege that they were victimized by racism, and the administration, rather than correcting the students’ misapprehension, penitently acceded to it.

The coming teacher class.

David said...


Yesterday's Scott Walker news.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker cannot tell the difference between "Star Wars" and "Star Trek."

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker was not allowed to join ISIS because he cannot tell who is and who is not a Christian.

Lewis Wetzel said...

They say all roads lead to Rome. They don't, they lead to Scott Walker, and when you get there he runs you over with his Harley.

Beta Rube said...

My 35 year old niece posted this on Facebook without the correction and her feminist friends went nuts. Caps lock, exclamation marks, and deep outrage.

They are automatons responding to a world full of perpetual, imaginary grievance.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker calls the crawlspace under his home the "Union Hall."

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker was the fifth, sixth, and seventh Beatle.

Anthony said...

Scott Walker Outed Valerie Plame.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If you are an illegitimate child, there is a 50-50 chance that Scott Walker is your father.

Anthony said...

Scott Walker Executes Prisoners And Then Sends The Family A Bill For The Bullet.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker okayed the last launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger. F*ckin' la-de-da lady astronauts . . .

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker doesn't have lactose intolerance. He hates cheese, in all its manifold forms.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker believes the Bears are the most underrated team in the NFL.

Edmund said...

Scott Walker killed Dumbledore. And Gandalf.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker thinks that the funniest thing in the world is the Johnny Carson / Jack Webb copper-clapper-caper skit.

Lewis Wetzel said...

When Scott walker goes to McDonalds (which is a lot), he orders a "McUnionBuster."
And he gets it.
Damn right.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Prohibits Singing of This Land Is Your Land at Wisconsin Schools.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Gibson or Fender? Scott Walker says "Gibson." Adjust your purchasing plans accordingly.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I like that, Sebastian!

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Wore an Obama Mask for Halloween.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Is Financing Campaign from Secret Slush Fund of Union Dues Withheld by State.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Says He Twits on Twitter.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Confesses Real First Name Is Herbert.

CWJ said...

Scott Walker cooks puppies for Obama's dinner.

And they're delicious!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker asks for the "Gringo menu" at Taco Bell.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Says He Can See Canada from His House.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker serves home-made "kinderwurst" at his Superbowl parties.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Wants to Bring Back Original Pledge of Allegiance Salute.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Ordered Staff to Photoshop Mustache out of Old Photos.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Prostitutes in Milwaukee have been known to offer their clients a "Scotty Walker" for $40.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Another good one, Sebastian!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker is rumored to have spent $4000 for an untanning booth in the governor's mansion.

Sebastian said...

And keep up the good work, Terry.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Plans "Pilgrimage" to Stone Mountain, GA.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker calls kids from Milwaukee "pickaninnies."

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Needs Help from Attendant at Supermarket Self-Checkout.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Says He Has "No Memory" of 1966 NCAA Finals.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker originated the tradition of saying "What is this sh*t?" when served sushi.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Won't Reveal Name of Favorite UW Prof Blogger.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Scott Walker plans to merge the UW school of Medicine and Public Health with the School of Truck Driving and Mortuary Science of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Played Accordion at Weddings to Put Self Through College.

Sebastian said...

Scott Walker Denies Crush on Paul Jones, Kathleen Willey.

Birches said...

It could be because it's so late, but I was laughing hysterically.

Thanks guys.

furious_a said...

Yet another skull 💀 for Scott Walker's throne.

furious_a said...
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furious_a said...

Every time you blowup a DNC media Scott Walker hit piece you make Dana Milbank cry.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Scott Walker Says He Can See Canada from His House.

2/27/15, 9:49 PM"

I could not surpass this comment in 1098 years of earnest effort. 1100 and I think I could match it.


Guildofcannonballs said...

Scott Walker stole the Hat given to John F. Kerry by the CIA.

Scott Walker was handing ammo to the snipers when Hillary was Over There Selflessly For Her Country.

Scott Walker had sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewisky.

Scott Walker stole Al Gore's creation, the Internet, and gave credit to DARPA.

The glove fits Scott Walker.

Scott Walker shot J.R.

Scott Walker spiked Ted's only drink in Chappaquidick That Night.

Scott Walker has polio.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Scott Walker, said Marion Barry, "... set me up."

Guildofcannonballs said...

Scott Walker had voted 1251 times for Norm Coleman, narrowly stealing the election until Justice was restored with Walker safely back in WI.

Scott Walker lied on his college admissions hence had to drop out in hopes of avoidance of future scrutiny.

Scott Walker is not Laslo.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Scott Walker taught Hannibal Lector what words to use to get dudes to off themselves.

After cancer was solved for the sixteenth time, Scott Walker, using ^^+£^%€+ Koch money, forced the Scientists to Undiscover all 16 cures.

Guildofcannonballs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

"I believe in an omnipotent God, and only for that reason therefore believe He was able to penetrate the ceremony (if He were one shade less omnipotent, He wouldn't have made it). -William Frank Buckley Junior.

This makes me think of Tupac. Not the content, a focus on words and the message conveyed and most precisely how the content is chosen best to be delivered in that way..

The content is about marriage and E. Taylor.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Scott Walker's real name is Scotty Weiker, Lowell's kin.

Lowell Weicker

Guildofcannonballs said...

Conveyed v. Content: you all win I lose.

I miss rote. I do care about content, but what I wanted to more emphasize was the delivery. With the w.

It looks like I've, God willing, a long way to go.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Bu bu bu is a locution, if my understanding of the phrase be accurate, and right off thank you GM for that addition to my vocabulary, not having unaborted children the only baby-talk I do is to Barnie and I wouldn't previously had thought of denigrating him that way--I didn't think it would work--my writing of it proves its effectiveness, in at least one, biased of course, metric.

Guildofcannonballs said...

You bet your ass Superfuckingman was walking again: only the sickest of fucks didn't let C. Reeves keep walkin' and his name, the one who killed Superman goes by the faux name "Walker" like only Manson-_Sadists have been known to do.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Not only did they delay, they denied, FORFUCKINGEVER.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I cannot in good conscious anymore complain without solutions.

Let's think of Tupac.

"All I see is racist (hatred) faces,
We under, I wonder what it takes to make this...
One better place let's see race get wasted."
Take the evil out the people they be acting right: both Black and White smoking crack tonight.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My fascination revolves around the fact I understand WFB little more than I understand Tupac and I consider them both genius.

I should like to think I understand WFB more, but I don't. I don't know shit about either or really even myself. Yet the conclusive connection of artists who's results gravitate my-brain-wise don't pay my rent neither.

Guildofcannonballs said...

darkness or thick mist that makes it difficult to see.
"my eyes were straining to see through the murk of the rainy evening"
murky; gloomy.

Phil 314 said...

a thread morphs from Scott Walker absurdity to Tupac. Now that's a thread!

Bill said...

Scott Walker laughed at the death of Little Nell!

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