February 6, 2015

"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition..."

"... people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Said Obama, causing some anti-Obamists to get on their high horse. 


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chickelit said...

Isn't someone who pretends to call out unnamed people getting on their high horse actually getting on a high horse himself?

I'm not sure to whom he's speaking these days when he says such things (pronouns used out of disrespect). He's certainly not speaking to American people and if he thinks he is he's the most tone deaf President in my memory.

Zero resonance with anyone but the Cook-types.

chickelit said...

I suppose the parts about Jim Crow and slavery resonate with his black constituency but only because it vilifies whitey as a big faceless group.

Unknown said...

please pew gallop how many still believe this moron graduated from two ivy league schools. ill take an althouse poll

Seeing Red said...

Europeans bring up the their tribal skirmishes 500-1000 years ago. We don't care who stole someone's cow back then. Even the Hatfields and Mc Coys buried the hatchet.

And The Crusades were a very delayed response to the Muslim invasion. If we could only contact Charles The Hammer for some perspective.

As to peaceful, talk to Hindis. 80 million dead.

Big Mike said...

how many still believe this moron graduated from two ivy league schools

@Steve Last, you have discovered the difference between having the credentials of an educated man and genuine education.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Why are the crimes of Stalin and Mao not religious crimes? They were adherents to the religion of atheism and all were required to convert or die, just. like. Islam.

mtrobertsattorney said...

By the way, today Obama finally unveiled his strategy for dealing with ISIS. For the most part, it's unintelligible chatter. But a critical part of it has something to do with securing rights for transgendered folks.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

----The South was the last holdout, but pretty much every state had some embarrassing anti-black legislation on the books at some point.

Citation please?

Zach said...

Like Obama knows anything about the Crusades that he didn't get from Indiana Jones.

Or anything about the Inquisition he didn't get from Monty Python.

Shallow and ignorant is no way to go through life.

Michael K said...

"If we could only contact Charles The Hammer "

For president.

Randolf said...

What Obama and his apologists here do is remind me of what someone (Buckley?)said about the Cold War - that for western liberals, anti-communists were worse than communists.

For Obama and his fans here, being against Islamic Fascism is worse than being an Islamic Fascist...

chickelit said...

For Obama and his fans here, being against Islamic Fascism is worse than being an Islamic Fascist...

True, but why is that, exactly? I don't want to hear from my side. I want to hear from Cook's side.

Why is being against Islamic Fascism is worse than being an Islamic Fascist?

Quaestor said...

Peggy Noonan wrote elsewhere: "Everything’s frozen. When you ask, 'What is the appropriate U.S. response to ISIS?' half the people in Washington answer: 'George W. Bush broke Iraq and ISIS was born in the rubble. There would be no ISIS if it weren’t for him.' The other half answer: 'When Barack Obama withdrew from Iraq, ISIS was born in the vacuum. There would be no ISIS without him.'

Both assertions are bullshit. ISIS (or ISIL) was born in Syria, and is still headquartered there in a small city called Ar-Raqqah. George W.Bush did not invade Syria. However, back during the Arab Spring (does anyone remember that abortion?) Barack Obama and his minions (chiefly Hillary Clinton) were very busy undermining Bashar Assad's secular dictatorship by covertly arming the rebels, a loose coalition of Sunnis, Christians, and Ismailis.

Obama's civil war mongering (Remember Benghazi? Chris Stevens was trying to buy back MPADS missiles that had been given to some shady characters who had claimed to be anti-Assad rebels, but were in fact ISIS fighters.) created the vacuum in Syria that spawned ISIS.

Fen said...

"what would Jesus say?"

Jesus would say that anyone who wants to bring up the Crusades every time Islam slaughters innocents is an idiot.

Fen said...

But that's all good. When your son is beheaded by Islam for taking it up the ass, we'll talk about how he had it coming because of Istanbul.

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"You don't have to invoke any predecessors, Cookie is an unrepentant Stalin apologist."

You can be a dope without also being a liar, President Mom Jeans.

The irony. It is funny.


Our comrade Bob is a Trotskyite. You know. Compassionate communism.

And I'll repeat. Moderate Isalam is irrelevent until they, like CiCi? and the king of Jordam, take on radical Islam themselves and reform it.
Until then we have to treat all of them as if they can become radical islamists.

Big Mike said...

Like Obama knows anything about the Crusades that he didn't get from Indiana Jones.

Note to everyone who voted for Barack Obama in either 2008 or 2012: you chose poorly.

james conrad said...

I think everyone is getting tired of Obama's ignorant lecturing bullshit, the man is an empty suit.

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