February 9, 2015

"And Beck needs to respect artistry and he should have given his award to Beyoncé and at this point, we tired of it."

"Because what happens is when you keep on diminishing art and not respecting the craft and smacking people in the face after they deliver monumental feats of music, you’re disrespectful to inspiration. And we as musicians have to inspire people who go to work every day. And they listen to that Beyoncé album and they feel like it takes them to another place. Then they do this whole promotional event, that, you know, they’ll run the music over somebody’s speech, the artist, because they want a commercial advertising. Like no, we not playing with them no more. And by the way, I got my wife, I got my daughter, and I got my clothing line so I’m not going to do nothing to put my daughter at risk — but I am here to fight for creativity. That’s the reason why I didn’t say anything tonight. But y’all know what it meant when ‘Ye walked on the stage."

Kanye West at the Grammys, which I think is a reality show.


Gahrie said...

Kanye won't be happy until Black people win all of the Grammys.

he's biting the hand that feeds him and his family very well for very little effort.

MayBee said...

i do not understand Beyonce, worship. but there is a lot of it.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Has Kanye been informed of the tremendous regard for his music in the Islamic State? Perhaps a tour can be arranged.

furious_a said...

Didn't Kanye assault a white woman at the last Grammys?

Big Mike said...

Kanye needs to be smacked in the face.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The rich and famous Mr. West inspires millions of young people not to give a rat's ass about their education.

Mark said...

With friends like these, Beyoncé doesn't need enemies.

Given my iPad automatically corrected her name, I don't think she has a lack of publicity or fame.

I was happy to see Beck win it. Not my favorite album of his, but after 2 decades he has quite a catalog and ala Dylan is fond of changing styles for each one.

Kanye West, the one person negative PR department for Beyoncé.

Shanna said...

Kayne seems to have decided he is Beyonce's champion and it's really weird. They aren't together, right? How many times is he going to do this?

jr565 said...
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madAsHell said...

They're going to need more first place ribbons.

jr565 said...

Mark wrote:
I was happy to see Beck win it. Not my favorite album of his, but after 2 decades he has quite a catalog and ala Dylan is fond of changing styles for each one.

Good point. What does Beyonce's album sound like? A lot like her last album. She never changes it up. Beck at least is versatile. His later albums sound little to nothing like Odelay.
Now, I'm not a huge fan of Beck. But at least he doesn't do the same style songs over and over like Beyonce. And Kanye.

jr565 said...

There's something wrong with Kanye. He is probably autistic or has some learning disability. Or is literally insane.
When he talks he speaks in run on sentences that aren't even linked together. (much like his song Bound - that is one disjointed song)
But if he is in his right mind and not suffering from Asperger's, he should know that his actions reveal him to be a total and complete douche. Beck should have hauled off and kicked him in the balls, then beat him about the head with the grammy in his hands.
I could care less about Beyonce and her album or her documentary about her greatness. Her music doesn't take me anywhere. She lost the Grammy and it's not assigned because Kanye likes albums.

chickelit said...

Is it possible that this West creep is just a black racist and is upset that Beck won anything?

Didn't Obama call him West out for being a jackass at the Grammy's. How about not inviting his ilk to the awards next time?

Brando said...

Kayne is just your everyday bigot. Probably comes from having a middle class upbringing and he feels he needs to compensate for his lack of "black authenticity" and so he has taken to race in a deeply pathetic way. It also doesn't help that he's a plain old asshole.

This Beyonce worship is also quite weird. It's gone far beyond fandom and crossed into a strange compulsion.

TreeJoe said...

In general a mainstream exists as a structure to show what is considered to be acceptable behavior and, in some places, thoughts.

We see this in the media, we see them in the professional world, and we see them in the arts.

Kanye isn't trying to produce cutting edge art; he's just constantly disrespectful and rude to other artists. He's beclowned himself time and again.

Stop inviting him to these events. Stop giving him an independent platform to espouse such hatred of others and disdain for others.

Of course he can still perform, of course people will still be able to access his music, but stop giving him an audience alongside all of the other artists.

jr565 said...

After every win the camera should pan to Kanye to see if he approves of the win. And if he doesn't they should give the grammy to who he says should win it. Do you want to make a speech again, Kanye? Best Heavy Metal Album. Should that go to Beyonce, Kanye? Please, storm the stage and let us know.

furious_a said...

Kanye needs to either SFTU or else get himself on the Selection Committee; otherwise he's going to get his heart broken every year.

Tom said...

Yes, I think I'll start with the Bigoted Word Salad. Uh, can you put the Moron Dressing on the side, please? Oh, thank you.

JRoberts said...

If I were Jay Z, I'd have my body guards keeping an eye on Kanye. This creepy Beyonce stalker act could take a bad turn.

Balfegor said...

I don't know why everyone is saying he's a racist -- apparently the last time he did this, it was also for this Beyoncé woman. Maybe he just really, really likes her music? Is there a pattern of him only doing this when non-Blacks win and Beyoncé doesn't (i.e. when a Black artist wins but it's not Beyoncé), or doing this for other Black artists when non-Black artists win?

Shanna said...

I don't know why everyone is saying he's a racist -- apparently the last time he did this, it was also for this Beyoncé woman.

It was. Last time he was mad about Taylor Swift. He is just really invested in Beyonce in particular for some reason.

kcom said...

"After every win the camera should pan to Kanye to see if he approves of the win."

He could do that Roman emperor thing with the thumbs up and thumbs down.

damikesc said...

I love that on their reality show, Kim was apoplectic that a comedian in, I think, Belgium, used a racist term.

I'll let our blog lawyer know that the song title is verbatim. Not anything I made up

He joked about the song "Niggas in Brussels" which Kim found extremely racist.

She did, however, note that the "song title was 'Niggas in Paris'".


Yeah, changing the city makes a racist term somehow MORE racist.

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jr565 said...

shouldn't we replace the Grammys with the Kanyes? And every award should go to Beyonce. Even if she doesn't have an album out

Brando said...

"I don't know why everyone is saying he's a racist..."

Because he IS a racist. When asked how he'd describe himself in one word, he said "black". He's obsessed with blackness, and can't stand the idea of white people getting awards when black people could have won. He's a sad, pathetic bigot.

Laslo Spatula said...

He has an obsession with Beyonce; he married Kim Kardashian.

Perhaps it is as simple as Sir Mix-A-Lot put it:

I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, wanna pull out your tough
'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed

Note that the people he has stage-crashed -- Beck and Taylor Swift -- don't have buns, hun.


I am Laslo.

robinintn said...

Once is a douche. Twice is a coordinated publicity stunt.

khesanh0802 said...

This is news worthy? I am way too cynical!

RonF said...

Don't they have a security team at the Grammys? Why wasn't he prevented from walking on stage? Forcibly, if necessary?

Known Unknown said...

Kanye West is the best performance artist currently working today.

It's all a put on.

CWJ said...

This the guy South Park set up as the genius who couldn't get the fish sticks gay fish joke.

That was is 2009 and he's learned nothing since then.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Mrs. Takeshima interrupts Harvard Law graduation ceremony because her son Jason was passed over for admission due to racial preferences in the admission procress. Will Kanye back her plea for meritocracy and not favoritism?

Sebastian said...

Looks like Walker Derangement Syndrome precedes the actual campaign.

A "controversial" governor - right. But "controversial" is just stuff liberals don't like.

Heather said...

I'm more frustrated with Sam Smith getting four grammys. He didn't even thank the guy who really inspired him.

Laslo Spatula said...

Kanye West. Beyonce. Cucumber.

I think we all know what happened.

I am Laslo.

Anonymous said...

This is like his albums. Uncreative.

It was great the first time he did it. Got him on all the late night talk shows.

But you've got to come up with something new the second time around. Otherwise, it gets old.

Rob said...

If somebody is disrespectful to inspiration, the solution is obvious: pop a cap in his ass.

Shanna said...

I'm more frustrated with Sam Smith getting four grammys. He didn't even thank the guy who really inspired him.

Yeah, that's funny after I just read the article the other day about his giving writing credits to Tom Petty and somebody else because the song 'Stay with Me' is basically 'won't back down' and now that's all I can hear...

Matt said...
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mccullough said...

I think he was being sarcastic

jr565 said...

"I just know that the Grammys, if they want real artists to keep coming back, they need to stop playing with us. We ain’t gonna play with them no more."

So, does this mean that Kanye will stop coming to the Grammys? Grammys keep doing what you're doing.
Put your money where your mouth is Kanye.

Unknown said...

"I just know that the Grammys, if they want real artists to keep coming back, they need to stop playing with us. We ain’t gonna play with them no more."

OK. Don't.

Profound disrespect towards the industry should be rewarded.

Fernandinande said...

And they listen to that Beyoncé album and they feel like it takes them to another place.

An elevator?

holdfast said...

Ever notice that Kanye is basically a midget? IMDB has his height at 5'8", but that's probably with lifts. A serious short-man complex that man has.

Beyonce's music is a lot of fun - it's bouncy and you can dance to it. She's kinda the black Katy Perry.

YoungHegelian said...

I guess I can see why the C&W music awards are separate from the Grammys. At the C&W awards there might be a white guy who could, just maybe, pummel the shit out of KW.

It sad but true that there are people who will act out until someone either clocks them or can seriously threaten to clock them. KW seems to be one of those people.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Only negroes should be allowed to win Grammys.

Wince said...

An old expression comes to mind...

"Who asked you?"

Big Mike said...

@Balfegor, it's because Kayne only gets upset when a white person beats out Beyoncé.

Anonymous said...

It is well documented that Beyonce gets her talent from channeling demons.


I'm Full of Soup said...

Hmmm perhaps Kanye and Mike Huckabee could square off, kill each other and make the world a better place.

Chef Mojo said...

I am utterly disinterested in the Grammy's, and have been for several decades. Back then, I found it boring and irrelevant as far as the music I like. I know the name Beyoncé, and I know she's a performer, but honestly? I've never heard any music of hers. It's just not part of my world. Kanye West? Same thing. I'm passionate about listening to music, and I love wide selection of styles, but I don't take my cues from the music "industry." Now, that is an ironic word to use to describe the business of recording music.

FluffotheDragon said...

Black privilege.

walter said...

West: Dick
Beck:n Wimp

"I was just so excited he was coming up. He deserves to be on stage as much as anybody,"

Butt c'mon West, do explain what this means
"by the way, I got my wife, my daughter, and I got my clothing line, so I’m not going to do nothing that would put my daughter at risk"

So..if single and sans child...what?
I picture him taking a sip from his drink and putting it back on Kim's ass shelf while he says this.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Balfegor said...
I don't know why everyone is saying he's a racist

He's done this twice now. The first time was a couple of years back when Taylor Swift won and then last night when Beck won. Both artist are white. Not proof positive, but you can see why people might tend to believe he's got a racial chip on his shoulder.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Clearly Beck wasn't ready for Bey's jelly.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...He's done this twice now.

[looking into camera robotically] Kanye West...doesn't care about white artists.

Shanna said...

Both artist are white.

Both artists won against Beyonce. It is equally logical to say this is about her.

I mean, it's probably a combination considering his nonsense after Katrina but whatever.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...


Alex said...

West is the consummate black racist and an unrepentant one. Like a black KKK member that the press unconditionally loves.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Shanna said...

Both artists won against Beyonce.

Personally, I think he's just a narcissist. I think he likes Beyoncé and is just pissed off that everyone doesn't like her as much as he does.

What offends me is that the music industry "bigwigs" just sit there staring at their shoes while this happens. Can you imagine what would have happened, say 1979, if Don Henley had got coked up and pulled a stunt like this? He'd have got the bum's rush in a hurry!

Alex said...

Notice the black-haired infobabe called West a 'loser' and the blond chick was apoplectic and ready to kill black-haired infobabe. You are NOT allowed to criticize St. Kanye. However this is a positive sign.

Alex said...

Here's the link

Alex said...

What offends me is that the music industry "bigwigs" just sit there staring at their shoes while this happens.

What really blew my mind was Beck praising Kanye afterwards. Either he's scared shitless to say anything about St. Kanye or he's internalized the white-liberal guilt thing to the point that he can't defend himself.

walter said...

He's excercising black privilege at this point. Beck might as well profess "I'm not worthy!"

walter said...

KW: "You know, people be looking at me like I got a problem or something. Like I’m uncontrollable or something."

From RS..some of it might be true: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/videos/kanye-west-sounds-off-on-racism-fashion-industry-at-wireless-festival-20140705#ixzz3RH6hbfA3

Sam L. said...

I would not bet on it being a reality show. My money's on unreality.

Tank said...

Kanye's English homework:

I tired of it.

You tired of it.

He tired of it.

She tired of it.

We tired of it.

They tired of it.

Kanye's mom:

No, no sonny boy, it's:

I be tired of it.

You be tired of it.

He be tired of it.

She be tired of it.

We be tired of it.

They be tired of it.

Eva-boda tired of it.

Just finished a Spenser book. He and Hawk talk like that. Did black people learn how to talk from Parker's books?

William said...

I've heard of most of the Academy Award nominees, and ii have even seen many of their movies. Most of the Grammy awards people I have never heard of, and, if I have heard of them, I'm not familiar with their music. I know Beyoncé is good looking, and Kanye West is obnoxious, but I'm in no big hurry to listen to their music. ...Popular music is not all that popular, at least if you measure popularity across age demos.

Anthony said...

I find Beyonce's music to be rather run of the mill. Much rather listen to, say, Pink who is far more interesting.

Brando said...

"What really blew my mind was Beck praising Kanye afterwards. Either he's scared shitless to say anything about St. Kanye or he's internalized the white-liberal guilt thing to the point that he can't defend himself."

The answer's much simpler--same as the MTV VMAs, these "controversies" are completely staged and agreed upon beforehand among all parties. It gets them in the news, and free publicity for the event, in hopes of getting more coverage and ratings next year (and publicity for the artists). They have Kayne fill the roll of pea-brained bigot, who grabs microphones from skinny weak white people (he wouldn't dare take a microphone from Toby Keith, or he might find it lodged in his rectum) and he plays to it. Without these dustups, no one would follow these events at all.

Brando said...

"I find Beyonce's music to be rather run of the mill. Much rather listen to, say, Pink who is far more interesting."

I'd probably find Beyonce's music more enjoyable if I wasn't constantly being told by the media how amazing she is. Sometimes it's better to get into music that is no longer popular so you can skip over the hype.

Okay, that came out really hipster....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

"They have Kayne fill the roll of pea-brained bigot, who grabs microphones from skinny weak white people (he wouldn't dare take a microphone from Toby Keith, or he might find it lodged in his rectum)"

If it is "staged", all the better to emasculate a strapping white guy, no?

damikesc said...

Beyonce's music is a lot of fun - it's bouncy and you can dance to it.

It also sounds so similar to her other work that her albums come with carbon paper attached.

What really blew my mind was Beck praising Kanye afterwards. Either he's scared shitless to say anything about St. Kanye or he's internalized the white-liberal guilt thing to the point that he can't defend himself.

Nah. He's just an epic pussy.

I want a conservative guerilla group to make it a point to disrupt EVERY single award ceremony.

They all suck anyway.

Rusty said...

Is he related to a Kardashian?

Shanna said...

Rusty, he married one I think.

Sometimes it's better to get into music that is no longer popular so you can skip over the hype.

Okay, that came out really hipster....

Heh. I find myself buying music that is no longer popular because you can't listen to it on the radio (except xm or pandora or something and sadly my car is too old to play that stuff). Where am I going to hear Ella Fitzgerald if I don't have a cd? Or I have a pandora station that is bubblegum oldies or something.

Everything on the radio is the same stuff, over and over again. Boring.

walter said...

Brian Williams was there and has blogged about the stabbing.

chickelit said...

EMD said Kanye West is the best performance artist currently working today.

That's what otherwise sane people said about Crack around here. I never bought it for a second.

chickelit said...

That's what otherwise sane people said about Crack around here. I never bought it for a second.

I mean, is the Althouse blog and comments like a reality show too?

Anthony said...

'd probably find Beyonce's music more enjoyable if I wasn't constantly being told by the media how amazing she is. Sometimes it's better to get into music that is no longer popular so you can skip over the hype.

Okay, that came out really hipster....

Ha. I watched one of her concert videos a couple years ago because I thought I should see what all the fuss was about (I did kinda like whatever group she was in) but was underwhelmed. I started listening to some more popular music on the radio and do rather like quite a bit of it (loved a couple of Lorde's songs and "Pompeii" by Bastille). Never even heard the Beck album.

But yeah, I think a lot of the sales are just from a desire to be part of the In crowd.

-- Terminally Un-hip Rush fan

buwaya said...

Home sick, wife recorded the Grammy's for some reason, watched most of it with her. Best parts were Tom Jones, Gaga and Bennett (88! and she can sing but there were better at this, like Doris Day), and AC/DC.

The rest, bleh. background noise.

damikesc said...

But yeah, I think a lot of the sales are just from a desire to be part of the In crowd.

Looking at how music sales are tanking...you're not alone, apparently.

Anonymous said...
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the gold digger said...

Isn't his mother an English professor?

(run to google)

Yes. She is. Do you think she just dies when she sees that sort of thing? Or does she encourage it so it seems like he is keeping it real?

Douglas B. Levene said...

Beck is a genius (even though this particular album was far from his best), and Beyonce is a talented pop star. OK?

Douglas B. Levene said...

Just remember: The Beatles never won a Grammy, nor did the Rolling Stones, the Jefferson Airplane, the Doors, the Kinks, the Who, or the Grateful Dead, but the Captain & Tennille did (1975). The winners are usually pop pap, quickly forgotten.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The Gold Digger said...

Isn't his mother an English professor?

(run to google)

Yes. She is. Do you think she just dies when she sees that sort of thing? Or does she encourage it so it seems like he is keeping it real?

Actually, she died in 2007.


holdfast said...

"What really blew my mind was Beck praising Kanye afterwards. Either he's scared shitless to say anything about St. Kanye or he's internalized the white-liberal guilt thing to the point that he can't defend himself."

He's such a loser, baby.

Alex said...

The Beatles never won a Grammy...

Actually Sgt Pepper won "Best Album" for 1967.

Rusty said...

Shanna said...
Rusty, he married one I think.

Kardashians are people!?

I did not know that.

Alex said...

At the 10th Annual Grammy Awards in 1968, Sgt. Pepper won in the categories of Best Album Cover, Graphic Arts, Best Engineered Recording, Non-Classical and Best Contemporary Album. It also won Album of the Year, the first rock LP to receive this honour.[248]

uffda said...

I have almost zero interest in who wins any music/film awards. But I am disgusted that someone's big moment is marred and the story is all about the ego hound. Next we will have Code Pink on the Olympic medal stand chanting their "more important" message.

C'mon people. Big security bodies should be tackling this bozo and hauling him offstage to be held for the cops. Take the camera off him instantly and get back to honoring the winner. There is a reason baseball no longer shows idiots running onto the field.

Chef Mojo said...

I'm with Douglas on Beck. Beck is a musical genius. His "" series is really amazing. Every now and then, Beck and a bunch of changing musicians meet for a day, choose an album they'd like to reinterpret, figure out how they're going to do it and record the songs, usually in one take. All in one day without rehearsal. Their take on Velvet Underground & Nico is phenomenal.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Isn't Beyonce the one who got up and shook her ass in front of a sign that said "SLUT", then all the feminists declared it to be "empowering"?

Unknown said...

So Kanye tells some cat who plays like 14 instruments - and write all his own material - that he needs to respect the artistry of a woman who needs 4 writers for 1 song?

Douglas B. Levene said...

I stand corrected. Thanks! I didn't remember that.

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