The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports:
Walker... said he was praying about whether to make a White House run. "Any major decision I've made in my life, politics or otherwise, I've tried to discern God's calling on, so this would be part of it," he told reporters Thursday...
On Thursday, Walker committed to appear on Jan. 24 at the Iowa Freedom Summit sponsored by Citizens United and Steve King, a congressman from western Iowa best known for conservative stands such as his criticism of illegal immigration. Walker said that forum would give him the opportunity to "share our vision, talk about what we've done in Wisconsin and see if that matches the interest of people in states like Iowa."...
[T]he governor is taking other steps... including hiring Rick Wiley to manage his potential presidential campaign. "I wanted someone who had an understanding on a national basis but who I had been familiar with from years ago in Wisconsin" to advise the campaign, Walker said....
Meanwhile, the Washington Post is on Scott Walker's case, with
"Scott Walker has no college degree. That’s normal for an American, but not a president" and
"Scott Walker just threw some amazing shade at Chris Christie over his Dallas Cowboy fandom":
We don't need a president who thinks they were called on by God to do the job or would lie about thinking that.
"This is the type of owner I'll be looking to hug after a #Packers win on Sunday:"
Don't get cocky. It'll be hard to win with Rodgers scrambling around on crutches.
@OMike, agreed.
Still, Walker > Christie on this topic.
I wouldn't vote for Walker or Christie.
Not that it matters, since California will go to Hillary or Fauxcohauntas or whoever the Dems nominate.
We don't need a president who thinks they were called on by God to do the job
I would venture that more than a few of our presidents have felt called upon by God, including most of the great ones.
I'll never understand the popular fetish of a college degree. It might have some relevance if you are comparing two 22 year old candidates for an entry level job, it has no bearing on someone's presidential qualifications. Scott Walker has demonstrated an ability to run and statewide campaigns, raise money, negotiate with legislators, and do all the day to day business of running the executive functions of the State of Wisconsin. This is all relevant experience, the fact that he never took English composition or introduction to college physics is not.
We don't need a president who thinks they were called on by God to do the job or would lie about thinking that.
Dollars to donuts your vote was up for grabs for the Republicans before this, amirite?
Walker has a lot of appeal amongst the base. I have no idea how well he'll do against Rick Perry, Jeb Bush, or Jersey the Hut, but I personally prefer him to those guys.
Even the Democrats claim to believe in God, and that God is on their side.
We don't need a president who does not think they were called on by God to do the job or would lie about that.
Scott Walker has demonstrated an ability to beat Democrats like rented mules
There, fixed it for you.
Herbert Hoover had a college degree.
Jimmy Carter had a college degree.
Richard Nixon had a college degree.
Pol Pot had a college degree.
I've got no problem with a candidate praying for guidance. I also have no problem with a candidate not praying but lying about it.
I also have no problem with a candidate not having a degree.
I'd say the universities will be out in force, along with the credentialed, trying to destroy Walker.
Because if the President can be uneducated, then everyone can be President and uneducated. And I don't mean uneducated as a slur on Walker. I too, am uneducated.
But if the highest post in the land has no college degree, doesn't that say something about the worth of a college degree? You don't need one.
Can't have that message getting out.
Expert Trolling.
Didn't know they taught that in Wisconsin.
It would be funny if that was garage.
You know Walker is running for President when Slate writes an entire article based on one sentence recorded in 2013 by Walker.
This is the Democrats with bylines phase of the campaign where they throw crap against the wall just to see what will stick.
He might be a bike rider. You let the beard grow when the forecasts have the temperature under 25F for a few days ahead.
For contrast:
"And as he talked, leaning forward out of his chair, his belief in his destiny poured out of Lyndon Johnson with such passion and intensity that, as had been said about him, “He was big all right, but he got bigger as he talked to you.” And now, on the ranch lawn in 1958, “he was very aggressive,” Herring says. “Anyone who didn’t agree with him was wrong. He knew he was going to win. He knew in his own mind that he was destined to be President of the United States.” He didn’t use the word “destined,” Herring says. “That wasn’t a word in his vocabulary.” But he used other words that conveyed the same meaning. “He told us, ‘I’m going to be President. I was meant to be President. I was intended to be President. And I’m going to be.’ ”"
Robert A. Caro, "The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson."
Sure Wash Post, let's have another highly credentialed but mostly mediocre president like the last four: Obama, Bush the 2nd, Clinton, Bush the 1st.
[Correction- each of them was very good at kicking our fiscal cans down the road.]
We don't need a president who thinks they were called on by God to do the job or would lie about thinking that.
Isn't that just them hearing what they want to hear?
HRC is happy to see Repubs self destructing and otherwise picking each other apart. The press is glad to stoke the fires. There are far more things that the range of possible candidates agree on then don't, compared to any Democrat.
I just want a Republican to win. We know what SCOTUS will look like after 8 years of any Dem. For starters...
It is amazing how consistently God advises politicians to seek more money and power.
Then again, half the people he gives this advice to end up losing, so maybe he's trying to teach a lesson about hubris or something.
I would estimate 50% of Philly's 16 City Council members do not have college degrees. And you can't tell the difference between those who do and those who don't have a degree- both groups are incompetent and lazy.
In reality a publicly owned entity with union workers probably makes Walker barf. I highly doubt Walker is going to hug any owners because he won't be in the stands with them.
Walker is subtly pitching woo to Huckabee supporters.
If there is an everyman in politics it is Scott Walker. And yes I am sticking with my favorite quotes about him:
"Does Walker sizzle? no
Is he a particularly charismatic speaker? No.
Does he sit on a throne made from the skulls of his enemies? Yes. Yes he does."
Meanwhile Christie hugs people in the owners box that aren't even looking at him licking the boots of the wealthy like a democrat.
Who do you think the media would side with? I know that's rhetorical...
Let's ask all the candidates if they prayed over whether to run for President.
I bet they all say they did!
"I've tried to discern God's calling on, so this would be part of it."
That seems misquoted.
He must have said "I've tried to discern God's calling, so this would be part of it" or "I've tried to discern God's calling on this, so this would be part of it."
"I bet they all say they did!"
They'd be stupid not to.
Given our recent experience with Ivy League elitist politicians from both parties, I would have no problem at all with a president who doesn't possess the credential of a college degree. A sheepskin doesn't denote that a candidate has the necessary skills to do the job, only that he's persistent enough to graduate. Walker at least has executive branch-type experience as a governor, which all of the legislators who want to be president do not. An effective governor has to have the interpersonal skills to deal with other branches of government, something which our current president notably lacks.
I pray to God FOX won't have too many shots (i.e., more than one) of Christie sitting in his warm box at the big game tomorrow. Or Walker for that matter. Does politics have to intrude on everything?
It is amazing how consistently God advises politicians to seek more money and power.
Then again, half the people he gives this advice to end up losing, so maybe he's trying to teach a lesson about hubris or something.
I want to see one politician blame God.
"I was doing great and then God fucked up my answer in the debate!"
"Don't get cocky. It'll be hard to win with Rodgers scrambling around on crutches."
Hell, we don't care how hurt that QB is at game time. Jerry bought-off them refs back in training camp. I bet Jerry made the call to re-instate old DonkeyKong Suh, just so he could get the favorables last Sunday.
Rich, drunk, whoring billionaire owners trump populist, blue-collar, Everyman owners any day. This is not your Daddy's NFL!
All garage has to do is convince the feds to cutoff all funding to WI since that would cause Walker "to cease to exist".
It is amazing how consistently God advises politicians to seek more money and power.
Just the people you want in control of nuclear launch codes. People that have conversations with their personal god.
I'm an agnostic. But if somebody is religious, I certainly would hope that they would pray for guidance when they're making a decision as important as whether or not to run for president. After all, it's kind of a big deal. I don't believe it's hubris that motivates that course of action, just doing what you think is prudent and right.
Of course you could argue that a candidate announcing that he prays to god is calculated and disingenuous I guess. You could say they're just trying to appeal to a particular demo with statements like that, if you assume they're really not religious or as devote as they claim to be.
The college degree isn't a problem, his bald spot and accent are though. Not a great orator, to say the least.
I dont think he needs a degree if he is impressive enough, but as a lifetime politician he doesn't have anything to lean on there. His whole career is as a partisan, maybe that works for some primaries but not all.
I'll be very interested to see how the lack of a degree plays out. I consider it a plus, but we'll see t plays out. The credentialed idiots at the WaPo seem threatened by it.
Revenant said...
"It is amazing how consistently God advises politicians to seek more money and power."
It isn't nearly as consistent as the people who are trying to help the poor, or anyone who says it is "for the children."
Point of order: If we are suddenly in a war of religions, shouldn't we have one too? As Constantine once observed, armies need a banner to conquer under.
Just the people you want in control of nuclear launch codes. People that have conversations with their personal god
The President isn't in control of nuclear launch codes.
How many times have the experts with degrees at WaPo beclowned themselves?
An educated fool is no less a fool then an uneducated fool.
Point of order: If we are suddenly in a war of religions, shouldn't we have one too?
I wasn't aware you were currently an atheist.
Mark said:
",,,but as a lifetime politician he doesn't have anything to lean on there. His whole career is as a partisan, maybe that works for some primaries but not all. "
That kind of record didn't seem to hurt Bill Clinton or Obama.
I dont think he needs a degree if he is impressive enough, but as a lifetime politician he doesn't have anything to lean on there.
Degree or not, the "lifetime politician" part is what bothers me. When your real-life work experience compares unfavorably to that of Barack Obama, that's a problem.
"Point of order: If we are suddenly in a war of religions, shouldn't we have one too? As Constantine once observed, armies need a banner to conquer under."
The Green Bay Packers works for me.
That kind of record didn't seem to hurt Bill Clinton or Obama.
"Just as qualified as Clinton and Obama" is an awesome slogan for a Republican primary candidate.
Christ did not have a college degree, but Bill O'Reilly does - and from Harvard yet!
"That kind of record didn't seem to hurt Bill Clinton or Obama."
Democrats aren't partisan.
Romney is telling donors he is looking at running in 2016. I miss Mitt.
Mitt's running! (On Drudge via WSJ)
Forget Bush, Christe or Walker!
Romney in 2016!
Romney is telling donors he is looking at running in 2016
Romney is the most qualified person in public life to be president. He would probably do a great job...he'll never be elected.
Oreilley's is like a certificate program from the Harvard School of Government I think. But he never fails to mention he went to Harvard. And I am not saying he is not a smart guy- he is.
You got to get elected first-
Romney isn't mean enough - he does not have the stomach to tell Hillary or Faucahontas they are full of soup.
The most logical response is, being educated does not require a degree. How insulting, to be referred to as uneducated. Jimmy carter and Hoover we both educated, and by deed, smart. Leaders? Yea, college educated is only mentioned to avoid talking about Walkers accomplishments. If college educated is the standard, Newts our man.
You can feel called by God to run without thinking you're called by God to win.
Let's remember that distinction while we lampoon Walker for his religiosness.
Meanwhile, the Washington Post is on Scott Walker's case, with "Scott Walker has no college degree. That’s normal for an American, but not a president"
Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln could not be reached for comment.
The college degree isn't a problem, his bald spot and accent are though. Not a great orator, to say the least.
I dont think he needs a degree if he is impressive enough, but as a lifetime politician he doesn't have anything to lean on there. His whole career is as a partisan, maybe that works for some primaries but not all.
1/9/15, 3:00 PM
I see Walker as a guy who loves Wisconsin and America.
Dignity, determination and dough is what's needed to win the presidency.
Let Hillary make delusional "vast right-wing conspiracy" accusations and Warren practice her neo-war whoops to rally their followers with warmed over Great Society bromides.
The United States needs a new direction and a leader that can put us back on the road to prosperity, a "common sense problem solver with a love for America and optimism about the future."
Like Reagan, Mitt Romney could be that president.
Let's see how the great debate unfolds over the next two years.
How many southern goobers, which make up the base, have a degree?
Please, this is a major plus.
It won't matter, he, or no other pube can win national elections.
Romney, running again? That'll be a hoot. I look forward to the primary debates between "cripes, yet *another* Bush" and "the guy who couldn't even beat Obama".
[Romney] does not have the stomach to tell Hillary or Faucahontas they are full of soup.
Mr. Romney didn't have the stomach to tell Candy Crowley she was full of soup.
Rush Limbaugh doesn't have a degree. Go ahead and laugh. But. Rush is successful. He also is successful in spite of all experts in radio, ALL experts that pointed out that a noontime national radio show will fail in local markets.
My point is, there are lots of markers for success, and while college has value, it is no predictor of success.
But again. Talking about Walkers lack of degree (ala Burke) avoids the discussion about Walker sitting on his throne, fasioned out of the skulls of those he has defeated.
Just the people you want in control of nuclear launch codes. People that have conversations with their personal god.
Ah, you must has missed that born again Southern Baptist peanut farmer from Georgia. The most openly religious president in my lifetime, Jimmeh Carter was as holy-roller as they come. His family was as well, with Billy there as the designated black sheep/sinner stumbling around in the dark hoping to bump into redemption.
Fandor- I think Romeny could be a very good president but he lacks the fire in the belly and he does not inspire people. Reagan did.
I like Walker and I don't question his faith but Rand Paul has a secret weapon.
"Kelley Paul, wife of U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks about her upcoming book in her home town of Russellville, …"
Walker's OK, and I don't mind him praying about anything. However I have noticed that ministers who voluntarily change churches, almost always say they are called by God to do so, and it's almost always to a bigger church with a bigger budget.
Many, many Christians look for God's will. Walker is signaling to these Christians that he knows the lingo. But these Christians also know that if you talk about your treasure, or brag about your faith, your treasure is here, on this earth.
I would ask Scott Walker, are you trying to reach out to these reporters, and bring them to Christ? Or are you bragging?
A.J....47% of the electorate was "inspired' to vote for Romney last time around. Many of those voters feel they were robbed and would vote for Mitt again. Others who voted differently, or not at all, could be persuaded to see the governor in a new light since "hope and change" has failed miserably.
Romney doesn't need to be Ronald Reagan.
Being Mitt Romney is more than sufficient to take on the office of the presidency. He's something different for the 21st century; an honorable man, smart, determined and resolute in his vision to lead our nation to new heights.
Mitt Romney loves our country.
As to fire in the belly; you don't jump in the arena unless you're made of stern stuff.
And furious_a...Candy Crowley was "full of soup", and Mitt should have asked who he was debating, Obama or Crowley. He should have shut her down as a one sided "fact" checker. It was a mistake. I'm sure he learned from it. In future debates, we need a Brian Lamb, cSpan type moderator, who asks questions without the partisan sucker punch follow ups network hacks deliver.
Leave the brinkmanship to the candidates being questioned. Let them rise or fall on their own responses and forbid the moderators from throwing a life line to a floundering debater.
My question to both of you is:
If there was a Romney vs Clinton matchup, who would you vote for?
Or a Romney vs. Warren?
47% of the electorate was "inspired' to vote for Romney last time around. Many of those voters feel they were robbed and would vote for Mitt again. Others who voted differently, or not at all, could be persuaded to see the governor in a new light since "hope and change" has failed miserably.
That is an excellent plan for defeating Obama when he runs in 2016.
Oh. wait.
Garage Mahal wrote:
"Just the people you want in control of nuclear launch codes. People that have conversations with their personal god."
Some atheists believe that they have a thing called a "conscious" that they consult.
In my state, a cop sued for the right to take his oath w/o the "God" part. To each his own, but
1) The word oath is bound up with God or gods. The origin of the word isn't Christian, it has always meant swearing by a god or gods, something that transcended the self.
2) Without the "God" part, are you swearing your oath to the state? Your conscious? How is this an improvement over God?
I don't want to hear about how God doesn't exist. The cop in my state still wanted to have a swearing in ceremony. He was pledging allegiance to something. I wonder what it was?
"I like Walker and I don't question his faith but Rand Paul has a secret weapon."
But have you seen our Tonette?
Walker may indeed be a man of faith. Most men are not. He will test that faith soon when the donors chose him or do not. It will be a miracle if they chose him.
garage mahal said...
It is amazing how consistently God advises politicians to seek more money and power.
"Just the people you want in control of nuclear launch codes. People that have conversations with their personal god."
Atheists have killed so many more people over the last couple centuries than people who believe in any god, and particularly Christianity.
Hillary's a grifter like her brothers and Warren is an affirmative action fraud.
Does that answer your question?
Still waiting for the first "identifies as an athiest" to run.
America is a religious country, you college town liberals forget that.
Revenant said...
47% of the electorate was "inspired' to vote for Romney last time around. Many of those voters feel they were robbed and would vote for Mitt again. Others who voted differently, or not at all, could be persuaded to see the governor in a new light since "hope and change" has failed miserably.
That is an excellent plan for defeating Obama when he runs in 2016.
Oh. wait.
1/9/15, 7:25 PM
Oh wait, no Democrat is going to disown Obama and run against his policies. On the contrary that Democrat will embrace Obama's policies and pledge to go forward. Obama will be in a fashion on the the 2016 ballot.
Oh wait, no Democrat is going to disown Obama and run against his policies.
So far as most Americans are concerned, Obama is a bad President with bad policies, Bush was a bad President with bad policies, and the last actually good President with good policies was Bill Clinton.
His wife's going to be the Democratic candidate. "A vote for Hillary is a vote for a third Clinton term" is an easy sell.
Meanwhile, what are the Republican Party's big ideas?
1. "Let's nominate the brother of the guy most Americans think was a bad President".
2. "Let's nominate the guy who supports all the policies of the aforementioned bad President, and has already shown he can't win an easy election against a scandal-plagued President saddled with a bad economy".
If either of them's the nominee, Hillary wins in a landslide.
On the contrary that Democrat will embrace Obama's policies and pledge to go forward.
Hillary will praise the Obama accomplishments that people liked and promise to fix the stuff they don't like. If Republicans want to win, they need to nominate somebody new who can plausibly claim to represent new ideas. The Republicans lost in 2008 and 2012 because they were trying to run for a third Bush term, and Bush was a shitty President.
"But have you seen our Tonette?"
I'm sure she is a great asset too.
Walker went to Marquette for a number of years. Better than a BA from Columbia.
each of them was very good at kicking our fiscal cans down the road
So is Scott Walker. And half the state of Wisconsin keeps rewarding him for doing so.
I am a person of faith, but also one with many doubts about fallible human theology. I spent the first 20 years of my career as a business consultant, working with senior executives. Based on that experience, I doubt that God is a micromanaging CEO of this incredible vast enterprise.
IMHO, the power of prayer is NOT in getting God to give you direction or what you want. It's in humbling yourself in order to think more effectively.
"IMHO, the power of prayer is NOT in getting God to give you direction or what you want. It's in humbling yourself in order to think more effectively."
I think you're right, which is why this atheist thinks pray is a good thing.
"Pol Pot had a college degree."
If memory serves me well, Pol Pot was a law professor before killing a third of the people of Cambodia. Educated in France. So he had that going for him.
Pol Pot may have had a degree, but like Walker Ghengis Khan did not.
How stupid do you want to make your college degree comparisons?
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