November 5, 2014

Ezra Klein has "9 takeaways from the 2014 election."

"1) The Democrats lost...."

I know Vox is about explaining things to people who are presumed to be newcomers in need of spoon-feeding, but come on!

And it's not as if the next 8 items get much more sophisticated. "2) The night had few bright spots for Democrats...."


traditionalguy said...

Elementary Talking Points to comfort the troops... And don't fear Ebola either

tim maguire said...

The next 8 don't get much more sophisticated (there's that "s" word again, it always seems to come up when liberals are involved) because Ezra Klein doesn't get much more sophisticated. For the life of me, I can't figure out this guy's success. He has no special talents, his opinions are cookie cutter, his analyses devoid of insight...all he's got going for him is that he's the perfect milquetoast liberal with no original, potentially boat-rocking ideas.

But that describes nearly all liberals, so how does he parlay unexceptionalism into a lucrative career?

PB said...

Ezra's an idiot.

The Clinton's were big losers here. The candidates they stumped for, particularly Hillary's, lost worse than anticipated.

Polarization, passing legislations, I think that if the Republicans actually bring things to a vote (something Reid definitely didn't do) and allow Democrats to propose amendments, things will be a LOT better.

Michael K said...

" Obama is going to go ahead and announce a major executive action all of them disagree with? At this point, if the action happens at all, my guess is it will be a lot smaller than supporters are expecting."

I can only hope he is that smart. I fear he isn't.

The Senate will not be as "polarized" as he hopes. Reid had alienated a lot of Democrats by blocking any amendments that they might have liked to show the folks at home.

I think we could see some bipartisan bills now and the Democrats see that the hard left did not win much.

Tom Steyer and Sandra Fluke look like losers today.

Brennan said...

Professor: Even Ezra realizes that he still must explain the outcome to his low information, low attention readers. I appreciate that he makes that his first point. I'd rather he have some fun with it.

"Let me be clear. The Democrats lost because President Obama is a drag on the ticket, a drag on the country, and a drag on the world."

Clayton Hennesey said...

I always thought Ezra Klein was the guy who founded those eHow sites.

How to surf the Internet

Things you will need:

1. A computer

2. An Internet connection

3. A Web browser

Drago said...

Michael K: "I think we could see some bipartisan bills now and the Democrats see that the hard left did not win much."

Especially now that the dems on the Hill (particularly the Senate) now feel completely emboldened to call out obama and his idiot staff.

Great article in the Wash Post (first time I've ever said that!) this morning related to that:

Anonymous said...

Juvenalia for the LIV's.

Big Mike said...

5) Hillary Clinton is arguably also a winner here.

Fourteen candidates she supported lost to twelve she supported who won (I'm counting Landrieu as a goner.) Several of those she supported would have won with or without her support (e.g., Cuomo).

If the party that is trying to fly with only a left wing wants to nominate a candidate in 2016 with negligible coattails, by all means do it.

Jaq said...

Hillary is the "winner" here because nearly everybody else in her foxhole has been wiped out?

Granny Warren is looking more an more like the nominee, as the liberals drag the party over the cliff.

Anonymous said...

He's a genius!

furious_a said...

Jeff Bezos' decision to let Young Ezra walk from the Wapo is looking smarter and smarter.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

My takeaways, for Republicans

1. If the primaries choose electable candidates, they win.

2. Midterms aren't Presidential elections. Republicans do much better on off-years. Unfortunately, the Presidential election is more important.

3. Obama is toxic to everyone but himself. He's still President, he's still popular enough to dictate his own agenda. Any other President would have approval ratings in the low 30s or lower. Don't count him out.

4. The impact of this election on 2016 may be very limited. Remember 2010? How'd 2012 go?

So, don't get cocky. The next election is going to be hard.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Ezra Klein has the ability to sound non-partisan, but his conclusions are always pro-Democrat.

n.n said...

Tee time is over. Care for a spot of Tea?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

There's this one:

"3) Democrats told themselves the wrong stories about this election."

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Takeaway for Democrats-

That Obamacare vote was stupid, and cost you dearly. Don't do something like that again.

Skeptical Voter said...

Cut Lil Ezra some slack. He's only a few months away from being weaned from his sippy cup.

furious_a said...

Hillary is the "winner" here because nearly everybody else in her foxhole has been wiped out?

Yes. It's less important to advance one's cause than it is to be the one squatting atop the rubble.

Jaq said...

My takeaway? It's going to be Granny Warren, not Hillary.

jacksonjay said...

"The issue of the Constitution is that the text is confusing because it was written more than 100 years ago and what people believe it says differs from person to person and differs depending on what they want to get done."

Ezra Klein

Why pay any attention to Klein "takeaways"?

viator said...

Says Klein "Hillary Clinton is arguably also a winner here."

But "Republicans now have every congressional seat for Arkansas for the first time in 141 years"

Rand Paul

Jaq said...

Re Obamacare, I agree with John Lynch, and I am sure the 27 Democrat Senators who are now out of the Senate since making that vote agree, but I would expand it to include, next time a bunch of snot nosed whippersnappers tell you to ignore the electorate and a special election in a blue state that goes against you, and when you find yourself waist deep in the big muddy and the stupid fools say to march on, DON"T DO IT!

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Yeah, notice how Ezra Klein doesn't mention Obamacare? That's what I mean about having pro-Democrat conclusions. It's the obvious cause for the Republican Congressional majority. Can't admit that.

SteveR said...

Hillary Clinton lost. She didn't help anyone and old, tired and screechy also lost.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

Has anyone launched a full-on Vocks parody site yet?

9 takeaways from the 2014 election.

1) It was yesterday.

RecChief said...

I refuse to give Vox the click necessary to read Ezra's drivel.

On the other hand, Roger Simon has some cautionary words

n.n said...

I think this is about overreach, rather than about Obamacare specifically. This outcome was a confluence of disparate streams. It's a taste of chaos -- a dose of their own medicine -- for the central directorate. Now, sit down and listen. Tee time is over.

Gahrie said...

Remember, he's writing for low information voters...some of them might not have even noticed we had an election last night.

Achilles said...

John Lynch said...
My takeaways, for Republicans

"1. If the primaries choose electable candidates, they win."

Like in Kansas where the establishment went scorched earth on the challenger.

Brando said...

Why are people still reading that guy? He presents no useful analysis at all.

The takeaway from this is that the GOP ran much better campaigns this time around, and the Dems didn't have much to work with. The "war on women" play didn't work (ask Udall), their president was a weight around their necks, and security issues hyped by the administration brought out a more right-leaning electorate. The GOP avoided pulling some Akins, and the Democrats had some gaffes to spare. Both parties took their lessons from the last two cycles.

mccullough said...

The point about Christie was interesting. As head of the RGA, he did a very good job. His stock has risen a bit.

jr565 said...

Takeaway #10 Harry Reid was a real asshole to change the rules in the senate. Now repubs can get legislation through a lot easier. Damn you Harry Reid!

Unknown said...

The left destroyed Christie with nothingburger bridgegate, now the left will build him back up. They want him to face Hillary. At least that's my sense. Pre-engineered elections are how the left thrive.

Brando said...

I always had the same advice about football--"if you control the line of scrimmage, every other part of your game can be mediocre and you'll still win. So put everything into having a great offensive and defensive line."

By Ezra Klein standards, I should have my own show on ESPN.

Unknown said...

#5: Incoherent delusional wish- think gibberish.

Keep up that delusion, leftists. Hillary is not as inevitable as you assume. Americans don't like pre-selected inevitable dictators shoved down their throats. Nor do they appreciate re-treads who have already lorded over us.

#reality burns

JSD said...

I don’t think Democrats understand Latinos. All Mexicans are Latinos but not all Latinos are Mexican. In South Texas, Mexicans are conservative and Catholic. Their Democrat leaning is based on a keen understanding of patronage politics. But Democrats pushing Wendy Davis to turn Texas purple was jaw dropping delusional. She lost the border counties in the March primary to Ray Madrigal, a 71 year old attorney whose entire campaign consisted of paying the $200 filing fee. They were never going to vote for a pinche weta from Fort Worth. I suspect that down the road, many Mexicans will follow the path of Irish and Italian immigrants and lean republican in later generations.

Scott M said...

Remember when he asked his previous bosses for a shitload of money? Has he done anything but prove them prescient for denying him since?

chillblaine said...

"Hillary Clinton is arguably also a winner here."

Right now, Hillary's brand looks like the goat carcas on day two of a game of Bushkazi. They may yet drag her across the goal line, but not before she takes plenty more whacks.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Here's another takeaway for Democrats-

A minority President can survive, and get reelected, even in the face of terrible circumstances and awful performance.

The rest of the party may get hammered, but the President will make it.

Something to think about.

RecChief said...

Micki Kaus points out that several Democrat losers last night were sponsors or supporters of the gang of 8 amnesty.

Sheheen and Warner are exceptions, but had much closer races than expected.

Kaus thinks it's due to amnesty.

Unknown said...

The media continue to foist Hillary on us. The day isn't even over, and the media continue to foist away. The democrats don't have anyone else? That's really pathetic.
The media and Hollywood do not understand a problem called over-exposure and fatigue.

Jupiter said...

Ezra Klein? Was Bozo the Clown unavailable?

Shanna said...

The media continue to foist Hillary on us.

A few years ago they renamed our airport the 'bill and hillary clinton' airport. Ugh. There was no public debate on this, obviously.

She's not even from Arkansas! I don't claim her and I wish she'd just go away.

Unknown said...

Mark my words: they will come for our juiceboxes.

PB said...

Obama is going to continue to be toxic to Dems in 2016. I think his reputation and approval is going to deteriorate further as more information comes out about the crap his administration has pulled. All the Republicans are going to have to say is,

"Why didn't you stand up and object with the president did this? Did you support and vote for him in 2008 and 2012? It goes to competence and judgement."

Matt Sablan said...

"Remember when he asked his previous bosses for a shitload of money? Has he done anything but prove them prescient for denying him since?"

-- He might be writing drek, but is it profitable drek?

Jaq said...

What Obama just didn't understand is that this is why lefties end elections once they are in power.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile I'm happy because they finally fixed my absurdly gerrymandered district last election - and gerrymandered it the other way, which at least reflects affiliation on the ground - so I now, more or less, am okay with my representatives, both those leaving and those being promoted from within. It feels much different than always being vaguely embarrassed about who my rep was.

Drago said...

One of the key underreported aspects of Vox Media bringing the "Vox" team aboard was to get their hands on the technical expertise of the tech team.

That technical team has been deployed across all the Vox Media content verticals and has already delivered value to justify the cost to Vox Media.

Those content verticals include Polygon, The Verge, SBNation, etc.

Vox Media wanted/needed a specific "Standard News" vertical so they got that (and Ezra) as well.

Inside Vox Media it is understood and was fully expected that the news side operation was going to take several years (if not longer) to get the sort of talent on board that could drive eyeballs to the Vox News.

I happen to be in a unique position to know these things. I don't know them simply because I'm awesome or anything (not that I would argue with that characterization).

SteveR said...

@JSD exactamente!

Freeman Hunt said...

The takeaway by people on Facebook seems to be that Republicans are stupid or evil. That they are calling their own "friends" stupid or evil seems lost on them.

Jaq said...

Well Drago, maybe you ought to tell them that this kind of motivated, insightless pablum is damaging their brand.

Unless your brand has nothing to do with attracting smart people.

Drago said...

tim in vermont said...
Well Drago, maybe you ought to tell them that this kind of motivated, insightless pablum is damaging their brand.

Everyone knows that.

But the question is who would you replace them with?

Right now Vox is not in a position to attract talent away from the bigger dogs.

Not yet anyway.

Time will tell.

Drago said...

Freeman: "That they are calling their own "friends" stupid or evil seems lost on them."

That's because they are stupid.

Thus, perfect dem base voters.

Quaestor said...

Never mind Klein's takeaways, that fellow has never demonstrated any ability to follow a faultless argument to its inevitable conclusion. Squaring circles is his stock in trade. To progressive pundits 2 + 2 = 5 whenever it's convenient.

Here's one of my takeaways: the continued convergence of banality with venality in the ranks of the Party of the Heart. Background... I've been a supporter of Rene Ellmers since she challenged Bob Etheridge for the 2nd District seat in North Carolina (Etheridge was the belligerent drunk who earned infamy via YouTube). Though not a constituent I joined Ellmer's camp as a contributor and canvasser.

This year Ellmers was challenged herself by Clay Akin, a person famous for being famous backed by huge money raised in the lefty fever swamps of California. I never followed American Idol, and it's winners and losers have never gained control of a single Quaestor neuron, but when I saw Penn & Tellers Bullshit episode titled Holier Than Thou about modern "saints" I realized that adulation can make the weak-minded think much too highly of themselves.

Akin got trounced last night, no surprise. What surprised me, nay, what disappointed me is the news that Clay Akin's campaign will be aired as a reality program on the Esquire channel this coming spring. Not a news or public interest program, a "reality show." Akin made a deal for big bucks since before his campaign officially launched last spring. What a turd.

RecChief said...

It is really quite amazing to see twitter feeds, facebook feeds and so on. Liberals/progressives have no self awareness whatsoever. blaming the's one: "If youre a woman who voted for Abbott, fall off the planet"

It's truly a cult, fueled by emotion and the desire to lay down a tribal marker as being more empathetic, more science-y, more "resaon"-based than those icky GOPers (and I won't go into the permutations on "Republican). It's quite astonishing.

Quaestor said...

AprilApple wrote: The media and Hollywood do not understand a problem called over-exposure and fatigue.

This is natural. Hollywood always makes and remakes the same movie until even the 14 year old violence and sex freaks that comprise their core market stop buying tickets. There are so many dead horses being beaten in Hollywood it's a miracle the place isn't hidden under a cloud of flies.

Brando said...

How does Hillary benefit from any of this? There's only two possible reasons this could be:

1) The shellacking lowers Obama's stature, making Democrats think (falsely) that Hillary would have been the better choice back in '08.

2) The Democrats who were wiped out are less of a threat to her in 2016. Even O'Malley has less stature, having had his successor lose big.

Neither of these is all that compelling--she is already practically the Democratic nominee, because no one dares run, endorse anyone else, or raise money for anyone else as long as she looms in the sidelines. It's creepy how the Democrats have backed off for her benefit, like she's some sort of royalty not to be crossed. Even though she hasn't announced yet!

Plus, she can't help but be associated with the same presidency and foreign policy for which she served as Sec of State. There may be other Democrats hurt more than her, but she didn't come out of this like a rose. In fact, the idiot candidates who tried identifying with her instead of Obama (like Grimes) didn't help themselves either. They some how have this idea that Hillary does well among Appalachian types, even though the only reason she did well in the Appalachian primaries is that she was running against Mr. Arugula.

ARThompson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

The 2nd Order Eddington Monkey says:

Aboolective Afterat Candipicbeculturesome Democrecturvats Demor Demser Elver Execans Flooliked Froment Givervat Illicteretand Jubaliction Moculturida Muchalidity Notaretts Obamaked Polostion Republies Republike Smake Spolans Videncess Waitingrome Waticausion Whonhors Wington Wroblin

RecChief said...

watching presser right now. lots of words, but...bla blah blah..if the Republicans have ideas that I think are good, I'll try to work with them.maybe. It's Boehner's fault I'm going to take executive action on Amnesty...bla bla bla

ARThompson said...

My takeaway from the Wisconsin gubernatorial race is that $5 million of Mary's personal assets is a lot to spend when none of it can be deducted.

Given her business acumen and history in Europe, she could have easily turned that $5 million into $83.3 million in just a couple years before being downsized.

All snarkiness aside, her personal monetary sacrifice does imply that she was invested in this election. The press and the DNC did not do her service by failing to vet and prep her, respectively.

Danno said...

Thanks for posting on this so the rest of us don't have to visit Vox and add traffic to his website. I have never been impressed with Ezra, especially his opinions on the ACA. He got K-O'ed in his Obamacare debate with Avik Roy.

Unknown said...

@ 1:40 Quaestor-
Wow-That is big news that the whole Clay Akin thing is a Hollywood production.

Holier than thou - you can watch the entire paradigm-busting thing.

Penn and Teller should make a bullshit episode on the Clintons.

Anonymous said...

That weta es still pinche caliente, no.

Brando said...

Here's a question--will there be any Senate defections? I could imagine Joe Manchin switching sides, as it couldn't possibly hurt him in West Virginia. Angus King would be a harder sell, as he is more left of center.

Will the Democrats keep Reid? Or will the long knives come out, and Schumer do what he always wanted, and take over his party's Senate leadership?

Bobby said...

My issue with Ezra's #5- "Hillary is also arguably a winner here (because) a more Democratic year could have led to some new stars who might have been able to challenge her in 2016" is that it's not self-evident and he makes no real effort to demonstrate it. His only example- Baltimore's O'Malley losing luster because he wasn't succeeded by a Democratic Governor- isn't very persuasive and, in any case, would be singular as opposed to the plural "stars."

Who were these other Democratic stars that were cut down in 2014? Is he suggesting that some combination of incumbent Senators Mark Pryor, Mark Udall, Mary Landrieu or Kay Hagan were considering challenging for the White House? Was it one of the non-incumbents like Grimes or Braley or Nunn whom we're supposed to believe we're going to turn around and declare for President next year? Was it one or more of the gubernatorial candidates?

This is my problem with Ezra's site. He's calling it "explanatory journalism" and trying to trade off the data-driven, information analysis offered by his rival Nate Silver, but Ezra does very little quantitative analysis- it's all opinion and conjecture, no different than you could get from the old schhool "analysts" on CNN, MSNBC or Fox.

Brando said...

"This is my problem with Ezra's site. He's calling it "explanatory journalism" and trying to trade off the data-driven, information analysis offered by his rival Nate Silver, but Ezra does very little quantitative analysis- it's all opinion and conjecture, no different than you could get from the old schhool "analysts" on CNN, MSNBC or Fox."

Yeah I wouldn't put Klein and Silver in the same category. Silver actually seems not to have a dog in the fight--I think his politics are more libertarian than anything--and he seems most interested in figuring out what the data say and maintaining his credibility in interpreting it. Klein clearly is a cheerleader for the Left, but has presented no interesting takes on any issue, like say Yglesias does (who at least makes interesting points and not just repeating typical talking points of the Left).

Not sure how Klein got a reputation as a "wonk" or analyst. He seems to phone it in.

Jaq said...


Screenshots of Chris Mathews from last night!

I remember Iowahawk when he was a lowly commenter on

Danno said...

Brando said...
Here's a question--will there be any Senate defections? I could imagine Joe Manchin switching sides, as it couldn't possibly hurt him in West Virginia. Angus King would be a harder sell, as he is more left of center.

Just in from Portland- Sen. Angus King to continue caucusing with Democrats

RecChief said...

whoever mentioned the DU website last night, thank you. I've been laughing my ass off at comments like this:

A revolution sounds good.
But they have all the guns. What do we do about that?

viator said...

Ezra Klein, leading member of JourNoList.

RecChief said...

Here's my personal favorite from DU:

Block anti-Obama Democrats from entering the party

they're all talking about purging the party and moving farther to the left.

Drago said...

RecChief: "whoever mentioned the DU website last night, thank you. I've been laughing my ass off at comments like this:

A revolution sounds good.
But they have all the guns. What do we do about that?"

That was me, and there are so many hilarious/insane/chemically induced comments it's difficult to sift through to get the best.

One of my favorites was some lunatic who as urging fellow DU-ers to get out there and shun (SHUN!!) republicans/conservatives!!

Nope. Not crazy.

Not one bit.

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

RecChief: "they're all talking about purging the party and moving farther to the left."

There is no problem with totalitarian marxist/leninism that cannot be cured with more totalitarian marxist/leninism!!

Quaestor said...

Do check out Howard Fineman's comments on MSNBC last night. Nota bene at 4:00 minutes into his spiel when he attempts to blame the inertia of the Senate on Mitch Mcconnell.

They still think we aren't paying attention.

Jaq said...

My favorite DU comment was "Forgive them, they know not what they are doing."

Jaq said...

"Shun"? Where is our crack cult analyst on that one?

Freeman Hunt said...

I read DU last night until I felt like I'd eaten all the Halloween candy.

Freeman Hunt said...

A revolution sounds good.
But they have all the guns. What do we do about that?

Heh. In the next frame of the graphic novel, a lightbulb appears over the writer's head. In real life, nothing.

Shanna said...

I read DU last night until I felt like I'd eaten all the Halloween candy.

I am currently listening to my coworkers having a sad post mortem on the democratic loses. My old boss's son apparently never wants to come back here. Hee!!!!

Shanna said...

A revolution sounds good.
But they have all the guns. What do we do about that?"

Oh that is the best. I am glad they are too stupid to realize you can buy guns at walmart otherwise we might be in trouble...

Quaestor said...

Where is our crack cult analyst on that one?

Banned, apparently. And good thing, too. Without the distraction of thread-hacking Althouse maybe he'll finally stay current on his Trilafon regimen.

virgil xenophon said...


AHEM, I love you like a brother, but as Freeman Hunt can attest, *I* was the first one to mention DU here last night (followed by her linking to it) on, iirc, the original nights election thread prior to the one you mentioned it on. Check the record. :)

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

A revolution sounds good.
But they have all the guns. What do we do about that?"

I don't know if any one at DU thought of this, but the answer is repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Keep that in mind.

Unknown said...

Virgil: I took from Drago's comment was that he was taking credit for the "but they have all the guns" comment meaning he was trolling DU. Maybe my comprehension filter is busted.

Jaq said...

Crack's not banned, just in a huff over having two of his O-T comments deleted.

Big Mike said...

Who were these other Democratic stars that were cut down in 2014?

O'Malley, over in Maryland. O'Malley wasn't on the ballot, but his hand-picked successor was -- and lost.

(Earlier post had the wrong last name for the former governor of Maryland. How quickly we forget.)

Drago said...

virgil xenophon said...

AHEM, I love you like a brother, but as Freeman Hunt can attest, *I* was the first one to mention DU here last night (followed by her linking to it) on, iirc, the original nights election thread prior to the one you mentioned it on. Check the record. :

I missed your comment.

I stand corrected.

Drago said...

tim in vermont said...
Crack's not banned, just in a huff over having two of his O-T comments deleted

You think it's easy getting to a computer when you have to step over the bodies of thousands of blacks each day murdered by republicans and bad canned salmon?

jr565 said...

Interesting stat from National Review's the corner:

"On Election Day, self-identified conservative Christians made up 32 percent of the electorate and voted 86 percent Republican and only 12 percent Democrat. These voters contributed an astonishing 52.4 percent of all the votes received by Republican candidates. This constituency, the largest and most vibrant in the electorate, is larger than the African-American vote, Hispanic vote, union vote, and gay vote combined. White Evangelicals, meanwhile, made up 23 percent of the electorate and voted 82 percent Republican and 18 percent Democratic, according to the survey."
The dems have all but ceded this huge chunk of voters to Republicans, perhaps permanently. You're now seeing the pushback.

The Roller said...

Forget that guy, Don Surber gets it right.

'Leven 'Lection Losers

People watch NASCAR races to see who wins -- and who crashes into the wall.

We know who won the election. Let us look at who crashed into the wall.

1. Barack Obama. On October 6, he said: "I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle's pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them."


2. Hillary Clinton. She campaigned for Bruce Braley, Alison Grimes, Kay Hagan, Michelle Nunn, Mark Pryor and Mark Udall, Every one of them could have lost without her help. She gave them help in 2014 so they could help her in 2016. But they lost. What help can they be now? Maybe they can work on the phone bank.


3. Harry Reid. Erick Erickson said Democrats may replace him as leader with the less clueless Dick Durbin. We shall see. But he won't be running the Senate come January.


4. Martha Coakley. After losing the Senate race in 2010 and losing the governor's race in 2014 in Massachusetts, she has become a joke. A running joke.


5. Charlie Crist. After running as a Republican, independent and Democrat for statewide office in Florida, he is running out parties to run with. Has he considered The Rent Is Too Damn High Party?


6. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Her reign as queen of the Democratic National Committee may be over after this because of her piss-poor job performance. Republicans weep for her.


7. Joe Biden. Republicans took enough seats to ensure he will not cast the tying vote on any issue. Sorry, plugs.


8. Anthony Brown. It takes a special stupidity for a Democratic nominee to lose the governor's race. You have to go out of your way to do so. But he did it. His slide began when he invited President Obama to campaign for him -- and his poll numbers fell by 9 points.


9. Nancy Pelosi. Republicans gained at least another 12 seats and now own the House of Representatives by their largest margin since 1947. Could be more. Thanks, Nance. Keep being Minority Leader because Republicans love to run against you.


10. George Stephanopolous. This morning, he went all Baghdad Bob on ABC, saying: “the Republican brand is still very damaged.” So's his brain.


11, The Charleston Gazette. Endorsed 18 Democrats for the Senate, House and West Virginia.Only four won. The Houston Astros have a better batting average.


Big Mike said...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Her reign as queen of the Democratic National Committee may be over after this because of her piss-poor job performance. Republicans weep for her.

@Roller, Republicans weep that she's probably leaving.

eddie willers said...

I am glad they are too stupid to realize you can buy guns at walmart otherwise we might be in trouble...

Maybe if Whole Foods starts carrying Glocks.

RecChief said...

If you take a look at RCP, there is a map of all congressional districts. sure looks like a sea of red.

Red Devil said...

It was a dark and stormy night...

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