"Panetta at core is a Clinton person, not an Obama person. By accurately and truthfully describing the deliberations in the [Obama] cabinet, he makes Hillary look better, and he makes Obama look worse … And I think he’ll get his reward in heaven."
Said Dick Morris.
Republicans shooting themselves in the foot and they have their idiot Dick talking. Making Panetta all about Clinton dilutes the truth Panetta is trying to say about Obama. Don't go there.
That the truth about Obama helps Hillary!! is beside the point.
So.....Dick Morris is on some radio show pedaling a book he has written and "the Republicans" have Dick Morris talking for them?
Good grief - your logic is ridiculous pm317.
He did it for the money.
Simon & Schuster did publish Hillary's book. Penguin published Panetta's, and it is a division of S&S which is owned by CBS.
A better theory is that CBS is in the tank for the Clinton's.
Hillary has a lot invested in being considered a great Secretary of State, so this is plausible. Except for the "I knew the right things to do and I argued for them, but the person I had to convince was just too obstinate and I couldn't win him over" part.
Everything now is a shirt to promote Hillary. Everything.
All the articles, op-eds, soft pages. The insert in today's Sunday paper is Hillary propaganda. Q: Hey Melinda Gates, is it time for a female president? A: Oh yes.
It's all a grand manipulation.
The counter to it all should be this:
No more political dynasties. They are Un-American.
Hillary hype is everywhere. Why else would Panetta show such disloyalty? Everything about the left is about loyalty and positioning. What he says is all true, but why say it? All sorts of command leaders could say the same things.
Obama is about to become a lame duck president for his final 2 years. This is the big shift back to the Clintons.
If President Obama wasn't listening to his Secretary of State or his Secretary of Defense, who was he listening to?
"Republicans shooting themselves in the foot and they have their idiot Dick talking."
Whose idiot is he? Did he ever stop being a Democrat?
Wasn't Bill Clinton on the phone with Panetta while he was being doodled by Lewinski?
Now that's loyalty.
I think the look on Panetta's face during interviews is one of true worry.
Look, don't attack me. I watch Fox (other channels are unwatchable) and there have been others of Republican persuasion who have tried to say the same thing that Panetta may be doing the bidding of the Clintons. All I am saying is don't go there. And It is no secret that Morris has been a useful idiot for the Republicans for some time.
Dick Morris is anybody's hitman.
No one has been wrong more times than that little Dick.
I think the look on Panetta's face during interviews is one of true worry.
Yeah, this is the other thing. To reduce an honest man's integrity to being Clintons' mouthpiece is unseemly. And look at Morris' language: hit, contract killing..
who was he listening to?
Internet chatter says VJ.. Panetta is trying to highlight the dysfunction within the administration. He says he was chastised by the WH for talking to Congress and may be the press without WH permission. The cabinet members were put on a short leash. I wonder what Sibelius will have to say about Obamacare.
Once it becomes clear Obama is a political liability, under the bus he goes.
It's already happening. See Grimes in Kentucky and a few others who are proclaiming they are "Clinton democrats".
*Cynically pointing out cynical political reality*, despite what Dick Morris says. It's disgusting, but this is the game the power brokers play. Time to get rid of all of them.
Panetta is interested in continued rule by his kind of Democrat.
A "hit" on Obama would not advance that and would likely take out Hillary as collateral damage.
Panetta is creating distance, using Obama's faults as a foil to allow Hillary to "reset" her reputation on the national security stage.
Who lied to us about Benghazi?
Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, and others.
Who invented that lie?
Nobody knows.
Why is this not the big issue? Panetta says Hillary would be a great President. Panetta seems like a pretty good guy, but how can he fool himself so much?
Dick Morris, Mr. Constantly Wrong, may be having a stopped clock moment here about motive. But the reward Panetta is seeking is not heavenly.
"Whose idiot is he?. Did he ever stop being a Democrat?"
More recently, Morris has emerged as a harsh critic of the Clintons and has written several books that criticize them, including Rewriting History, a rebuttal to Senator Hillary Clinton's Living History. Morris said that he would leave the United States if Hillary Clinton were elected president in 2008.[13]
Morris was the strategist for Republican Christy Mihos's failed campaign in the 2010 Massachusetts gubernatorial race[14] and supported Mitt Romney in 2012, predicting that he would achieve a landslide victory.
I'd think a lot more of Panetta if he had acted on his convictions while still active in the Obama administration.
It's part of the "Set-up".
Move Over, Barack Obama. The Clintons Are Taking Over
After more than six years in which Democratic politics have revolved around Barack Obama, the Clintons are aggressively reclaiming what they have long perceived as their rightful position at the center of their party’s universe—a reassertion made all the more vivid and undeniable by the interstellar drift of the current occupant of the Oval Office.
I agree with Bobber Fleck. But I also agree that at least it is hit on BO.
April Apple said "No more political dynasties. They are Un-American". Tell that to the Adams Family.
Morris is a pimp.
Hillary will not escape the blame when Iraq goes under. She has dodged Libya so far but a GOP Congress will hold hearings.
The Democrats will be under enormous pressure to nominate her, in part at least, because they have no one else. Who would be a logical choice besides her ? Malloy ? O'Malley ? Deval Patrick ?
We don't need Dick to point out the obvious, all tides will flow to Hillary, some with their tongues out and some sneaking in under cover, but its all set up. People act like there's some uncertainty here.
Panetta is full of crap and seems to be given a pass for his part in the wasted blood and treasure of Iraq.
If he objected so much to what Obama was doing or not doing, he could have done more, at the time to keep the place from being overtaken by ISIS when they were JV numbers. He could have even resigned in protest, and did the talk circuit, but he didn't.
Like his book, he was more concerned with a paycheck. Our soldiers wasted limbs and lives, be damned.
And I don't see how he is helping Hillary out when she still needs to explain why her ambassador was denied security leading up to his death and denied any help the day of the attack. Why did she lie and why does she still continue to lie about Benghazi.
Forget all the women she attacked for speaking out about her husband's unwanted advances, or being fired from Watergate for being unethical, or the little girl she blamed for her own rape and laughing about it - how could anyone look at her actions in Benghazi and think she could be anything but a contender for an orange jump suit.
What has she done to qualify her for anything else?
Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal:
"The book has been received cynically in some precincts and supportively in others, where Mr. Panetta’s candor and bravery are lauded. I’m not sure brave is the right word for a man who knows where the bodies are buried and can more than take care of himself in a street fight.
"Some say he wrote the book to help detach Hillary Clinton ’s fortunes from those of Mr. Obama. Maybe, but Mr. Panetta is savvy, shrewd and quick to see where things are going. I suspect he’s trying to detach his entire party’s fortunes from Mr. Obama. Reading this book and considering its timing, you get the impression that’s the real worthy battle on his mind."
With due respect, there is really NO competition.
I have said all along - since 2012.
The next POTUS is HRC.
The next V-POTUS is Martin O'Malley (MD, gov).
The race is over. The ballots are counted. The Press has already endorsed.
The GOP is finished. It is over. The GOP was never really in the running for 2016.
Why? Three reasons:
- GOP does not respect women leaders.
- GOP does not respect immigrants.
- GOP does not respect science.
Edward Klein's Blood Feud has got it right.
Obama and Jarrett have been using everybody to attain and retain power while they sabotage the US military and CIA to let Muslim power organize into a world Caliphate.
The Clintonistas are convinced Obama is the actual enemy doing that to us with all deliberation.
The splintering of the Democrat Party became obvious when Obama's faction attacked the Clinton faction, including voters, in the 2008 election. It continued with attacking the Chicago faction and marginalizing every other competing interest in the Party.
Will money, sex, ego, and abortion (and euthanasia) overcome their divergent interests?
Libtard: Why? Three reasons:
- GOP does not respect women leaders.
- GOP does not respect immigrants.
- GOP does not respect science.
Liberals. They really are this stupid.
"The ballots are counted"
Probably true.
I hold out a small amount of hope that the American people will rebel against the manipulation.
It's part of the "Set-up".
Move Over, Barack Obama. The Clintons Are Taking Over
Many of those in the Obama administration are Clinton people. They never left.
And now that Obama's numbers suck, they can blame everything on him.
Obama is responsible for premature evacuation, which resulted in the destabilization of Iraq and surrounding nations.
Obama is responsible for assassinating a sovereign head of state: Gaddafi, which released his arsenal and supplied the Islamic State.
The Commander-in-Chief, Obama, is responsible for not sending reinforcements to protect Americans in Benghazi. Clinton is responsible for the security failure before the incident.
Obama is responsible for the progressive $18 trillion debt which devalues both capital and labor.
Obama is responsible for the violent coup in Ukraine, and its bloody aftermath.
Obama is responsible for inviting millions of illegal aliens, including "Dreamers", from Central and South America, who will displace surviving and replace aborted Americans. He is responsible for offering an incentive to those foreign governments to transfer their unwanted men, women, and children.
n.n said...
Obama is an all-powerful god twisting the world to his nefarious plans at every instant.
My GF/SO is already voting for HRC. In a way she has already voted. Her friends are the same. So, are her family members. A friend who is an immigrant has already decided to vote for anyone but GOP. So, have his friends. A neighbor who is a scientist talks about HRC all the time, when we meet. She got her book and got it signed the day HRC came to our town. Everywhere I go - a women, an immigrant, a science person - have the same thought. HRC for next POTUS. GOP has no chance, No chance, at all. You might see snow in July but you will never see a GOP wining in 2016. The White House belongs to Clintons. it is their house. The press knows this, as they need access for books, stories, Air Force one rides, etc. Staffers need jobs. Everything revolves around HRC. Most people, that is, GOP, have no clue. It is over, trust me. I thought Romney would win, but then I entered real life (RL). In RL, GOP has no chance at all, At All, in defeating HRC. The odds are like a billion to 0.1.
Obama and his loyalists will take Hillary out politically. Say what you will about the Clintons but Obama has their number.
Many of those in the Obama administration are Clinton people. They never left. And now that Obama's numbers suck, they can blame everything on him.
I think Obama provided a convenient rebuttal for them:
“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
Obama is an all-powerful god twisting the world to his nefarious plans at every instant
Must come with being the President - every bad thing that happened to the global and US economy in 2008 was directly attributed to Bush. No none else had a hand in it.
He's also being truthful about Obama's handling of ISIS. if that plays into a hit on Obama and a win for Hillary, well, reality would do the same thing.
She's not much better, sadly. But neither is she the commander in chief.
If Panetta tried to do cover for Obama on ISiS/Iraq we'd be zinging him for whitewashing the obvious screw up by Obama and his intel dept.
He knows we pulled out of Iraq too soon. In fact, every one knows it. Liberals refuse to acknowledge it, but they have had their head up their butt since Bush was in office on Iraq and the ME. So, you won't expect much in the way of a mea culpa by anyone other than the most honest of liberals.
Panetta may be that guy. He may not be honest so much as loyal to his true masters (The Clintons) but either way, the truth is coming out. Mabye not the whole truth, but the gist of the truth.
Ah one political thug admires another political thug. I happen to like Leon Panetta; don't have much use for Dick Morris. But both of these guys were players in the political pig pen on the Potomac. And a muddy swine is a muddy swine, no matter whether he has a D or an R tag pinned to his ear.
Dick Morris is no genius. But this time he's right, and the truth of what he said here is obvious to anyone who's not engaged in rampant and willful self-delusion.
Why does anyone listen to Dick Morris. Has he ever been right about anything?
This won't help Hillary--she was Secretary of State during the key period of these disasters and cannot detach herself from them. Not that she was even "right" about her interventionist, incompetent instincts.
It would be delicious if she sinks due to voters' disgust with Obama's foreign policy record--considering she so connivingly joined his cabinet for her own political fortunes in the first place ( if you think she took the job because the country needed her expertise, I have a bridge to sell you).
However, unless we start having body bags coming home regularly, I don't see this swaying the '16 election.
Killing gets you to heaven, eh?
But Al Qaeda has it all wrong.
Just another reminder the foundational event of American history is slavery, and it's "thinking" still - openly - rules the minds of whites, to such an extent, they don't even realise when they're doing it.
The gun in one hand, the Bible in the other,...
Must come with being the President - every bad thing that happened to the global and US economy in 2008 was directly attributed to Bush. No none else had a hand in it.
It was wrong to blame Bush for anything during that time period, because everybody knows it was Cheney calling all the shots.
I'm with Annie and Brando: How does this help Hillary?
Please explain (not just assert) and show all your work.
Maybe defeating HRC is a good reason for Jeb Bush to run. Maybe it will trigger a massive anti dynasty backlash.
The curious thing to me, always, is how two execrable people like the Clintons inspire such loyalty. Or is it fear? Do they just know where all the bodies are buried?
What I think is going to be interesting here is the Obama GOTV apparatus. If the Clinton's piss Obama off enough by turning on him, he may stiff them there. He does have the reputation of being vindictive. We shall see.
...because everybody knows it was Cheney calling all the shots.
So you are saying that what ARM meant is: Jarrettis an all-powerful goddess twisting the world to her nefarious plans at every instant.
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