October 23, 2014

Abusing children by exploiting them as mouthpieces for adults...

... and putting them on the internet saying "fuck" and "fucking" repeatedly:

Via Metafilter.

This gets my using children in politics tag. I consider it deeply morally wrong to appropriate and exploit children like this. I know I'm contributing to the virality of this video and that it might be more morally pure to protect these children by attempting to hide it, but it's already been on Buzzfeed, on a page that has over 800,000 views, so I think the best I can do is try to shame the adults who are treating children this way.

ADDED: I see that the freeze frame on the video calls the girls "potty-mouthed princesses," and I want to write separately to object to the term "potty-mouthed" to refer to saying the word "fuck," since "fuck" is not a reference to excrement. I know "potty-mouthed" is a generic term, considered old-fashioned and cutesy, and perhaps that makes it seem better to attached to children, but: 1. Children should not be taught that sex is filthy and something that must be kept away from the mouth, and 2. The image is of a mouth filled with excrement, and that is not something that should be connected with children.


DCS said...

They're liberals, Ann. Rules don't apply to them because they have all the answers.

Dave Schumann said...

This is not what winning looks like.

There are two possibilities: these girls represent the norm of their generation, or they don't. If they do, then as adults they'll receive nothing but disrespect and abuse from men. If they don't, then as adults they'll receive nothing but disrespect and abuse from women.

...Assuming, that is, that they don't have some sense slapped into them by their parents, which seems (based on the existence of these videos) a safe assumption.

DKWalser said...

You're right, it is wrong. Deeply, repugnantly, wrong.

So wrong that the following seems like a mere quibble: Their argument also makes little if any sense. Who imposes fashion standards on women? Primarily other women. I cannot sit in a public place with my wife or my daughters without one of them pointing out women walking by who are wearing skirts that are too short or blouses that are too revealing. So, is their argument that women should stop doing that to other women? If so, their anger over the issue appears to be over the top.

Steve said...

The biggest concern for me is that they are not teaching their children to be responsible for their own safety. It is like they are intentionally creating victims to use as props in their political power grab.

Big Mike said...

The video bills itself as the triumph of feminism. Is that what you worked for? If you're planning to "shame the adults" your post doesn't do much along that line.

DKWalser said...

...Assuming, that is, that they don't have some sense slapped into them by their parents, which seems (based on the existence of these videos) a safe assumption.

Yes, I'd think it was a safe assumption. Would the producer have used these girls in the video with the permission of their parents? I expect that there are signed releases and that the actors appearing in the video were paid. Obviously, some parents have no trouble with this kind of exposure.

Thorley Winston said...

I heard about this last night on the Dave Thompson Show and the host made the point that when you put something out on the internet, it’s essentially there forever and this video could very well follow these kids around throughout their adult lives. Any parent who agreed to let their daughter do this is a moron.

Shanna said...

Poor kids. They have awful parents.

My nephews of a similar age as some of these kids call me out for saying 'stupid' because it's a bad word!

RecChief said...

"Potty mouthed princesses use bad word for good cause"

Is that a Buzzfeed headline or the group that did this?

I must admit, I couldn't bring myself to watch it.

Meanwhile, at stump speech for the GOP senate candidate here, I overheard a progressive heckler berating a father for taking his kids to the rally, and threatening to call CPS on him for 'child abuse'

Artist said...

The exploitation of snarky, foul-mouthed little kids smacks of child abuse. The shaming video has become a standard tool of the progressives.

It's a shame!

RecChief said...

"Big Mike said...
The video bills itself as the triumph of feminism. Is that what you worked for?"

Annie Lennox was just in the news voicing opposition to this kind of feminism

SayAahh said...

I was hoping you were going to post this example of child abuse.

I would have been disappointed if you had not.

Nonapod said...

The psychopaths who do these sort of things obviously don't understand the concept of morality. Oh, they might know the definition of the word, but they don't comprehend the meaning behind it. I don't see what else there is to say about this.

RecChief said...

Any parent who agreed to let their daughter do this is a moron.

I'm sure the parents of these kids thought they were doing something edgy for feminism, and were totally on board. Not to mention the ones that thought it was cute.

jimbino said...

The worst thing is that we childfree folks pay through the nose for all the breeding and mis-education these kids endure at the hands of their parents and the public schools for 18 years.

And to add insult to injury, if you were to approach one of these foul-mouthed kids in a local park or, god forbid, talk to her, they call 911 on you.

MadisonMan said...

I'm not sure how toddlers swearing advances the Feminist cause.

I'm not sufficiently curious, however, to watch the video to learn. I agree that using children in this manner is reprehensible.

Ann Althouse said...

"I was hoping you were going to post this example of child abuse."

I posted this immediately after first seeing it. This is one of the things I feel most strongly about: exploiting children.

RecChief said...

1. Children should not be taught that sex is filthy and something that must be kept away from the mouth, and 2. The image is of a mouth filled with excrement, and that is not something that should be connected with children.

YOu saw that freeze frame and this occured to you? that is seriously messed up. Is Lena Dunham pinch hitting today?

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm not sure how toddlers swearing advances the Feminist cause."

It advances the religious fundamentalist cause, I think.

MagicalPat said...

I have to ask......

Do these little girls have fathers around? If so, what "dad" (ooh. Scare quotes), would allow his daughter to be in this?

These girls are doomed to a life lived alone with 6 cats. Which I sippose is not all that alone.

SayAahh said...

It advances the decay in the moral fabric of our country and provides another example of a culture going in an inappropriate direction.


BarrySanders20 said...

Pottymouth refers to all spoken dirty or naughty words, not just one genre or sub-set of them limited to what goes into "the potty."

It's generic, like "salty language." Generally understood to mean more than just actual salty taste.

Ann Althouse said...

"Pottymouth refers to all spoken dirty or naughty words, not just one genre or sub-set of them limited to what goes into "the potty." "

I know, and I said that in the post, but the point remains that it is a concrete image, right there in the literal words, and it is an unhealthy conflation of sex and excrement that I object to.

And, by the way, the word "potty" is very childish. Unless you are actually involved in helping a child use the bathroom, an adult should not be saying "potty." It makes you sound like an idiot.

Ann Althouse said...

"Pottymouth refers to all spoken dirty or naughty words…"

I know I have a tag "dirty words," but the truth is we betray an unhealthy mind if we call "fuck" a "dirty word."

And "naughty" implies childish misbehavior. "Fuck" is not a "naughty" word. I don't think an adult looks smart or admirable saying "naughty words" unless it's genuinely jocose.

Mrs Whatsit said...

The worst thing about this is not the language but the ATTITUDE those little girls were taught to adopt and display. Paid to be a brat and to know more about how the adult world is and should be than adults do, paid to mouth lies about how the work world works, taught to be the kind of females who will grow up and fail in a world that does not actually reward behavior or attitudes like that. It's despicable, and the language is the least of it.

Sofa King said...

Fun question: which video will do more actual damage to its own cause? This one, or the one with the global warming activists graphically blowing up people who are insufficiently enthusiastic about global warming?

Hnkn said...

Hear, hear, Mrs Whatsit!

Saint Croix said...

we betray an unhealthy mind if we call "fuck" a "dirty word."

I used to not understand why we have this bad word for sex. It made no sense to me. But that's because I am living in a birth control culture.

It makes perfect sense if you go back a couple of thousand years, with no birth control. It's a reference to sex outside of marriage, or fornication. And the reason it has negative or bad connotations ("fuck you," for instance, has never been a nice thing to say) is because an unmarried woman who was pregnant would usually give birth, and then abandon the child to die. Very common in both ancient Greece and Rome.

So that's why Judeo-Christianity has been so hard on sex for all these years--worry about infanticide.

I think our two bad words, nigger and fuck, are references to slavery and infanticide. That's why the words have power and upset people.

n.n said...

A strong matriarchal (i.e. ambitious, female-oriented) government is advanced by painting children as "burdens" and men as rapists. It seems that there is growing moral apprehension on both fronts.

n.n said...

Ironically, the original "slaves", Slavs, remain victims in the crossroads. If not for Russian intervention, they would have lost everything to Muslims and their Western supporters again.

David said...

Children should not say "fuck" until they have actual experience in fucking.

Is that the rule?

rhhardin said...

You should be able to use little boys. Their wishes are not innocent.

Unlike little princesses.

rhhardin said...

Fuck is an expletive. It's not even a verb.

Saint Croix said...

it is an unhealthy conflation of sex and excrement that I object to.

Althouse, that's anal sex. It's a conflation of sex and excrement.

The other reason people are uptight about sex is fear of disease, so that's one of the ways people spread diseases. Shit, obviously, is a good mechanism for spreading diseases.

Wash up, people. Soap and water.

rhhardin said...

Children are used as attractions for women. Women shouldn't be so stupid, or not vote at least.

Renee said...

This is a promotion by fckh8 which a for profit that sells t-shirts.


"Can it maybe address my hatred for shameless pandering and marketing? If you can’t tell by now FCKH8 is basically just a glorified apparel company. If you go to the website, over half of the copy on the homepage advertises different kinds of “gear” based on socially progressive affiliations, with banners telling you how to get free shipping, or links to help you find the right size. Like if you want to make sure everyone knows you don’t like racism, check out the “anti-racism gear.” If you want to tell everyone it’s OK to be gay, check out the “LGBT equality gear.” Not sure you want to commit to a whole t-shirt? Check out the accessories."

Achilles said...

1. Two of the "facts" sited by the little girls are tired tropes used by the left. The 1 in 5 raped and 22% pay lies are well debunked.

2. Yes all the rich guys marry hot chicks. But pretty soon you will be able to go to South Korea and become hot for fairly cheap. Problem solved.

3. At the end it is really trying to sell $5 dollar t-shirts for $15 and giving $5 to charity. Wait a second there is $5 missing...

rhhardin said...


I met the Bishop on the road
And much said he and I.
'Those breasts are flat and fallen now,
Those veins must soon be dry;
Live in a heavenly mansion,
Not in some foul sty.'
'Fair and foul are near of kin,
And fair needs foul,' I cried.
'My friends are gone, but that's a truth
Nor grave nor bed denied,
Learned in bodily lowliness
And in the heart's pride.

'A woman can be proud and stiff
When on love intent;
But Love has pitched his mansion in
The place of excrement;
For nothing can be sole or whole
That has not been rent.'

- Yeats

gerry said...

In an morally objective universe, that certainly would be gravely immoral, but in a morally relativistic universe, where feelings define sexual morality independently of natural law considerations, for example, why is that immoral?

tim maguire said...

How about some follow-up video where the little princesses' keep saying "Fuck" for weeks after the cameras stop rolling and play dates start getting cancelled because they are a bad influence on the other children.

That'll be funny!

Scott said...

Is this enough to warrant a phone call to child protective services?

Saint Croix said...

When I was in fifth grade or so, and I knew all the big curse words by then, and I wanted to call my brother a name. And I'm running through my vocabulary, trying to think of something I can call him in front of my grandparents.

shit-for-brains, no
fuckwit, no
pissant, no
son of a bitch, no

(The son of a bitch insult is a uniquely stupid insult for one brother to call another brother. I was not a sophisticated 10-year-old, but I knew the words).

asshole, no
asswipe, no

I mean, I'm running out of words here. Finally I go with "fool."

And all hell breaks loose. My grandparents are losing their minds. They're flipping through the Bible, quoting passages at me. It turns out "fool" is a big, big, big Christian no-no. I learned that the hard way. The impression I got is that I would have been much better off going with "asswipe."

rhhardin said...

The asswipes will inherit the earth.

RecChief said...

rhhardin said...
Fuck is an expletive. It's not even a verb.

Spend some time in an infantry platoon. It's a verb, an adjective, an adverb, sometimes the base for a singular or plural noun...

And depending on what's happening, yes an expletive too.

Brando said...

Let 'em. It says more about their cause than anything else could.

RecChief said...

Here, I'll let this guy explain it

Curious George said...

The left is pathetic. They have no rules, no ethics, no morals.

rhhardin said...

Spend some time in an infantry platoon. It's a verb, an adjective, an adverb, sometimes the base for a singular or plural noun...

It doesn't fit a verb pattern. See Quang Phuc Dong, "English Sentences without Overt Grammatical Subject."

Among a thousand things it won't do, it doesn't take adverbs

* Fuck grammar quickly.

See the article for 999 other things that verbs to that fuck doesn't do.

rhhardin said...

Or, as Goffman says somewhere, fuck merely makes a convenience of grammar.

Achilles said...

"Spend some time in an infantry platoon. It's a verb, an adjective, an adverb, sometimes the base for a singular or plural noun...

And depending on what's happening, yes an expletive too."

Or a rank. Or someone's name. Or both but if used concurrently then the fuck-up was probably as entertaining as the tirade.

Very versatile.

Shanna said...

It turns out "fool" is a big, big, big Christian no-no.


"A fool and his money are soon parted" is the first one I thought of but yes, there a quite a lot of bible verses that talk about fools. I think it's half of proverbs. In looking for them I found this from George Washington apparently:

"The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.

Shanna said...

That's probably not actually from the bible though (a fool and his money)

SJ said...


we betray an unhealthy mind if we call "fuck" a "dirty word."

It's not a dirty word, but it is a vulgar (as in lower-class) word.

There are approximately 1000 years of cultural evolution in the English Language towards using borrowed, Latin-derived words as "high-class" and Anglic, lower-class words as "low-class".

Blame William the Conqueror.

I think I've seen evidence that public mores and the propriety of mentioning coitus/excrement (i mean, fucking or shitting) went through a big social change in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

That may be going through a reversal now...

I used to not understand why we have this bad word for sex. It made no sense to me. But that's because I am living in a birth control culture.

You may be right about this. Though I tend to pay much more attention to the other social forces involved, the birth-control culture does bring a different attitude towards sexual behavior, and talking about sexual behavior.

Rocketeer said...

"He said to His disciples, 'It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come, but woe to him through whom they come! 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble." Luke 17: 1-2

n.n said...

The correlation between "potty" and "mouth" recalls the days when rectal sex was considered dysfunctional. At that time, there was a common sense effort to prevent normalizing dysfunctional behaviors. Couples and couplets alike were encouraged to indulge in their fetish behaviors in the bedroom or closet. Today, that associative teaching has been recycled to manufacture terms like "homophobia" or "progressive morality" in order to marginalize the traditional standards of normal and decency.

jacksonjay said...

Sexual Revolution - Won!
Feminist Revolution - Won!
LGBT Revolution - Won! It's Over!

Pedophile Revolution - Next!

Roman Empire - Yep!

Saint Croix said...

The asswipes will inherit the earth.

That's what you got out of that story?

Christianity is not actually a religion for children. I skipped out of sunday school a lot when I was a kid. And I did not like church at all.

Now, as an adult? I find Christianity fascinating. Kind of mind-blowing, actually. For instance, a true Christian isn't worried about the babies at all. The babies are with God. A Christian is worried about the people who have aborted their children.

You know how much Jesus preached about infanticide or slavery? Almost zero. Any time he got angry, he got angry about spiritual matters.

Our simple-minded concepts of good-and-evil, right-and-wrong are blown away by what Jesus had to say. The idea of replacing judgment with love? It's an amazing religion.

If I seemed like I was mocking it, no way.

jacksonjay said...

I posted this immediately after first seeing it. This is one of the things I feel most strongly about: exploiting children.

As I recall, the pre-teen First Moon Party video ad was absolutely charming to the Althouse crowd. Hmmmmmm? Maybe these girls are too young to be exploited.

mtrobertsattorney said...

Expect to see this piece of progressive (transgressive) culture in an ISIS recruitment video as an example of Western child rearing.

mtrobertsattorney said...

Expect to see this piece of leftist (transgressive) culture in an ISIS recruitment video as an example of Western child rearing.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Gotta love fckh8. Like Al Gore, they looked around at the sea of dimwitted liberal suckers, recognized an opportunity, and went for it. Capitalism at it's finest. Not all Lefties are whining leeches just waiting for a handout.

furious_a said...

Just the First-World-Problems version of child soldiers.

If this were not-so-long-ago Sierra Leone and they were boys, Charles Taylor would have conditioned them to massacre bound captives.

Smilin' Jack said...

...an adult should not be saying "potty." It makes you sound like an idiot.

That's never stopped a feminist before.

furious_a said...

"For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" -- Abbreviated on the sign hung about the necks of fornicators placed in the stocks in ye olde public square.

Rusty said...

I consider it deeply morally wrong to appropriate and exploit children like this.

The left doesn't do morality.

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...

Any parent who agreed to let their daughter do this is a moron.

Any parent who agreed to let their daughter do this is going to get it back in spades from their little princesses every time they tell them "no". At home, in the grocery line, at the airport, at the Build-a-Bear Workshop, in the Day Care director's office.

The punishment fits the crime. Wish I could be there with a camera.

tim maguire said...

furious_a said..."For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" -- Abbreviated on the sign hung about the necks of fornicators placed in the stocks in ye olde public square.

If it ain't true, it oughta be!

Saint Croix said...

I started watching the video. Had to stop.

It wasn't the cursing that bothered me. What is really upsetting about the video is all the indoctrination. These kids have been trained to talk this way. When they started spouting their talking points, it was really kind of horrifying.

n.n said...

Saint Croix:

As I understand it, God stated that murder (e.g. infanticide) is explicitly forbidden, that it will be repaid by other men, and that the only exception is self-defense; that slavery and indentured servitude could only be conducted with strict standards that favor faith or conversion. Did that change with Jesus?

I think you're right. The religion does favor love and tolerance, but not simple submission or sacrifice, other than to God. It encourages meekness to discourage inviting the wrath and corruption of powerful interests.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Furious_a, that's an old wives' tale. Would provide a link but it's too fiddly and I'm on my phone. I believe the original Old German verb was 'fikken' and in its present form/usage the F word had been around since the sixteenth century.

PackerBronco said...

Just advancing the Liberal's dream of a classless society.

Saint Croix said...

Did that change with Jesus?

I think there is a huge shift between the Old Testament and the New. In the Old Testament, God is like a judge, there are commandments you shall not break, and if you do there will be a very harsh punishment.

I feel there's a major shift in the New Testament. God is a father now, instead of a judge. Every parable that Jesus gives us seems to reference family. He becomes a God of love instead of one of judgment.

A very good book in this regard is Timothy Keller's analysis of the Prodigal Son parable.

To me what's mind-blowing about Christianity is that anybody can be redeemed, and any sin forgiven.

Saint Croix said...

slavery and indentured servitude could only be conducted with strict standards that favor faith or conversion.

That of course is a good example of how the Jewish law was quite bad. Jesus had so many attacks on the Pharisees, who could be very harsh and moralistic. His point is that the two important commandments is to love God and love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. And also that none of us can live up to this standard.

Anyway, that's why so many Christians became abolitionists. They believed the institution was incompatible with the Bible, regardless of the history or what Jewish law had to say.

And the Bible says next-to-nothing about abortion, and yet Christians are quite positive that we should love our children.

Ann Althouse said...

"Children are used as attractions for women. Women shouldn't be so stupid, or not vote at least."

Children should not be used. That's the point. Period.

Sam L. said...

Lefties; always abusing kids.

Saint Croix said...

The religion does favor love and tolerance, but not simple submission or sacrifice, other than to God. It encourages meekness to discourage inviting the wrath and corruption of powerful interests.

That's an interesting take!

I see it as meekness before God. Humility is important because we all can be so arrogant, as if we know things. Just think of an entire vast universe of things we do not understand.

I actually think Christianity calls on us to challenge authority, particular corrupt or evil authority. And we are also called on to do so in non-violent ways. All of the disciples were killed or crucified (except for John).

Anyway, I think it's meekness before God. I would not say Christians should be meek before secular authorities. Far from it.

Shanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shanna said...

I feel there's a major shift in the New Testament. God is a father now, instead of a judge. Every parable that Jesus gives us seems to reference family. He becomes a God of love instead of one of judgment.

The way I learned it, in the old testament they were under the law, and we are now under grace. Grace is my favorite concept in all of religion and humanity.

This is also why we are allowed to eat bacon.

damikesc said...

I'm sure this is compelling to some people.

I am also sure I wouldn't want to know those people.

Have kids make asses of themselves for political points they don't grasp --- THAT is the sign that your movement is right and true!

Why can't people let kids just be, you know, KIDS?

Kids neither know nor care about your insipid cause de jour. They are just earnest as all heck and will do whatever somebody they respect tells them to do.

Sadly, predators know this and use that heavily.

Has feminism become JUST predatory behavior now?

furious_a said...

Misplaced Trousers:

So you're age-ist *and* sexist.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

I would go so far as to say that by dressing these girls up and putting adult make-up on them, then having them repeatedly say the words "fuck" and "fucking", that they have in fact SEXUALLY exploited them.

Saint Croix said...

This is also why we are allowed to eat bacon.

I dated a Jewish girl who would have eaten bacon, except she was a vegetarian.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

This is also why we are allowed to eat bacon.

Actually, there is a difference between Commandments, Statutes and Ordinances. It was the Pharisees who corrupted the law to the point that everything was sin (particularly because they made a profit off of the sin sacrifice).

The rule against eating pork was a health law, because back in the day pigs were filthy with diseases, and eating it could make you sick.

If you look at the list of things that the Jews were not allowed to eat, they fall into two categories, either animals that could make you sick (such as carrion eaters), or were things that the heathens and pagans of the surrounding nations did as part of their blasphemous rituals (such as boiling a kid goat alive in its mother's milk).

However, the Jewish leaders, ignoring the spirit of the law, turned the entire thing into a money making enterprise. This is one of the reasons why Jesus got so angry at the money changers in the temple, and why in the New Testament it makes clear that "eating" something is not a sin (unless you think its a sin).

rhhardin said...

"Children are used as attractions for women. Women shouldn't be so stupid, or not vote at least."

Children should not be used. That's the point. Period.

Well, that's a woman for you.

A guy is instinctually indifferent to it.

If there's an infant in line at Kmart, women edge closer, and guys edge away.

rhhardin said...

Steve Carell in Little Miss Sunshine had some child exploitation that came off as winning by going over the top.

I bought a bunch of Carell DVDs hoping for a repeat of Get Smart. Nothing so good came up.

But Dinner for Schmucks was good enough to recommend.

Greg Hlatky said...

Outrageous? The little brats should be grateful they weren't aborted.

bleh said...

To get their point across, modern feminists have to use cheap tricks, like cute child actors, or misleading statistics, like the 77 cents figure or the 1 in 5 "sexual assault" figure. This video neatly uses all of the above.

RMc said...

On the surface, it seems like a good marketing ploy for FCKH8. In their minds, only a handful of bible-thumping squares would be put off by little girls using the F word; they're not trying to sell to them, anyway, only to the cool, hip crowd. (Swearing to the choir, as it were.)

The problem, though, is that they have gravely underestimated the number who are put off by this; plenty of feminist liberal folks who recycle and fight social injustice are going to find this pretty awful. And involving young children in this crap, just so you can poke the hornet's nest and make a few bucks? Yeeccchh!

Guess what, FCKH8? There really is such a thing as a bad press, and it's a whole lot worse than no press at all.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

rhhardin said...I bought a bunch of Carell DVDs hoping for a repeat of Get Smart. Nothing so good came up.

Have you tried Seeking a Friend for the End of the World?

Scott M said...

That didn't take long. There's already a parody.


rhhardin said...

Have you tried Seeking a Friend for the End of the World?

Yes, it was in the pile. Averageish.

Dan in Real Life was okay for some good lines.

A bunch I couldn't finish as too stupid or too dull (too contrived or too predictable plots).

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Let's pretend the children aren't props. Let's say they came up with this themselves and did all the work.

It's insulting that mature adults should listen to children. I'm supposed to change my mind based on what an eight year old says?

Or am I supposed to be ashamed? Or what? How is this supposed to be taken seriously?

Not only are the kids props, they have to be understood as props for the message to work. Otherwise, we'd just ignore it, or be insulted.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

There's a word that Althouse isn't using, but that is appropriate.

The word is pimping.

eddie willers said...

I'm fucking gobsmacked.

I don't when I have seen anything so low and crass.

I repeat: unfuckingreal

Kelly said...

I think this is fantastic. What happens when a parent pushes their ideology on a kid? When they grow up they tend to rebel and go in the opposite direction. These little girls are either going to become nuns when they grow up or become submissive wives.

richard mcenroe said...

There's no such thing as children. There are only clumps of cells that got lucky. We have the right to do anything with them we want. /sarc

richard mcenroe said...

"Any parent who agreed to let their daughter do this is a moron."

Progressive parents bring their kids to violent rallies, put them in the front line and dare the cops to gas them. They see their kids as their property, nothing more.

Skyler said...

That is simply unbelievable that this was made as an attempt to convince people to join a cause.

Even forgetting that they spew lies, how could anyone think children talking this way, or adults talking this way, is going to be productive?

Skyler said...

The feminist movement brought us prohibition and it hasn't improved much since.

chickelit said...

Progressive parents bring their kids to violent rallies, put them in the front line and dare the cops to gas them. They see their kids as their property, nothing more.

Hmm, who does the same thing in the Middle East? Who deliberately sites their missile bases in schools and then exacts pity from Progressives when their children are blown up?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing sacred to the modern feminist except islam, and themselves of course.

chillblaine said...

Conditioning the behavior of children to fit an adult's needs is sometimes called, "grooming."

Geoff Matthews said...

So, while I find the coarse language offensive, I also find the false claims offensive.
Women do not have $0.77 compared to men for doing the same work.
1 out of 5 women are not going to be sexually assaulted or raped.
Women who earned A's in University do not make the same amount of money as men who earned C's in University (its actually in high school).
And telling a criminal to stop committing crime isn't a terribly effective way to stop crime.

DCS said...

Geoff Matthews makes an excellent point. The lying is worse than the vulgar language. Speaking of that, is this video a descendant of "Go the F*** to Sleep?"

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