September 27, 2014

"Consumer Reports test results find iPhone 6 and 6 Plus not as bendy as believed."

"We stress test Apple's new phones, plus comparable models from Samsung, LG, and HTC."


MayBee said...

Why do people believe everything they see on social media? It could be anyone putting information out....including the competition.

Anonymous said...

Rumors of Siri's genuflection setting were greatly exaggerated?

Bruce Hayden said...

Ok, I probably shouldn't really sit on any of these phones - I weigh too much. iPhone 6s aren't quite as strong as 5s, but that seems a consumer preference, trading lightness and functionality for durability - I remember when Motorola phones were nearly indestructible. Besides, many of us, who would otherwise destroy our phones through beating them up, buy sturdy cases (I am on my third Otter case for my iPhone).

Boltforge said...

From Team Coco:

Though you have to wait through an ATT commercial. Best line: "Raging Phoner"

tds said...

numbers actually confirm that the iPhones became more bendy moving from 5s to iPhone 6/6plus. Also Samsung Note seem to be a leader. Not good news for Apple.

Levi Starks said...

Notice that in the end of test photos, the iphone5 looks functional. As much as I like the 6plus, my 2-1/2 Year old 4s has proven itself to be indestructible.
It's not so much the fact that 6/6S can be bent that bothers me, it's that the yield point at which the phone will retain a permanent bend seems rather hard to predict, and seems to happen unexpectedly. And probably by owners of previous IPhones.

Robert Cook said...

"numbers actually confirm that the iPhones became more bendy moving from 5s to iPhone 6/6plus. Also Samsung Note seem to be a leader. Not good news for Apple."

What numbers are those?

Bad Lieutenant said...

who is that they're jacking up their car and resting it on iPhones? What moron doesn't know to treat his cell phone delicately? Really? Really?

I miss my old StarTAC.