September 28, 2014

Along the Lakeshore Preserve.



"Nice little island you've got there," Meade comments, looking over my shoulder.

Reminder: A blog post with a photograph and minimal text should be regarded as a "café" post — just like the posts with "café" in the title — and that means it's an open thread in the comments. Write about whatever you want.

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Anonymous said...

Re: "a "café" post... ...and that means it's an open thread in the comments. Write about whatever you want."

In other words, feel free to write about anything that whites find interesting at the moment.

It is turtles all the way down...

chickelit said...

l'île qui trempe à l’eau

Hagar said...

It's an ill bird that shits his own nest.
It's also an ill bird that shits in everybody else's nests.

chickelit said...

It is turtles all the way down...

It is turtles all the way down,...


You need to mind your punctuation for maximum effect.

RecChief said...

saw the local paper this morning. Apparently Joni Earnst now has a 6 point lead on Bruce Braley.

RLB_IV said...

It is turtles all the way down...

How many turtles down is USB Zone 6b?

jaque222 said...

It is frustrating for birders to see photos of birds and yet be unable to identify them. Please provide close-up, high -definition images in all future boid (as they say in Brooklyn) photos.

Jaq said...

You can click on it, then zoom in twice more. You should be able to identify them. I don't recognize most of the ducks.

Jaq said...

"Like many of the racists do here? Amazing. " - Crack

Enlighten me Crack, who are the "racists" here and could you please provide quotes and, if you could, some working definition of "racist" under which you categorize such commenters?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Watch Taiwan. We're going to get another foreign policy surprise that no one sees coming, even though it's obvious in retrospect.

Phil 314 said...

Talk amongst yourself


buy something while you're at it.

Hagar said...

With regard to Eric Holder's "legacy", etc., blah, blah, blah, what sticks in my mind is the James Rosen case, where lawyers working for the United States Department of Justice swore out a false affidavit in front of a Federal judge and the judge - knowing the affidavit to be false - nevertheless granted them a warrant to accesss Rosen's phone records.
Then when questioned about this on national TV, Mr. Holder's response was that yes, indeed it was regrettable that his employees had to do this to such a fine upstanding citizen and true patriot as Mr. Rosen, and surely the law now ought to be changed so that the DoJ could get such records when wanted without having to perjure themselves.

And this is the legacy that Eric Holder leaves behind him from his tenure as Attorney General of the United States.

rhhardin said...

I'd like to complain about movies where the plot turns on scenes so dard that you can't tell who's involved and have to go to imdb later to find out what it was all about.

Incidentally Steve Carell flicks are uniformly unmemorable so far.

I was trying to see if anything matched Get Smart (Hathaway and Carell 2008) which actually portrayed a truth, very rewatchable, some nice metaphor even in some of the gags. Which was what I was hoping for in other films.

Hathaway Love and Other Drugs was good, it was nice the guy got the girl, but not much learned except girlfriends are crazy on a scale of 4 to 10 and you have to hang in there.

Hathaway has better plots than Carell, I guess, if you go down the tree looking for a repeat.

rhhardin said...

My tribute to North by Northwest youtube soy harvest

rehajm said...

Attention TiVo: No matter how many times you try to add Madam Secretary to my recorded shows list, I'm still not voting for Hillary Clinton,

le Douanier said...

What happened to the Letch Meadota panhandling posts?

This reminder part deux thing seems too subtle...bordering on communism.

I hope Meade isn't changing into a Madisonian.


Anonymous said...

White people don't know how to throw a party.

Hey everyone let's stand in the kitchen.

Bean dip.

We only have the baby-sitter until ten.

Hey guys: remember Zima?

chickelit said...

White people don't know how to throw a party.

You're crazy, man. I started doing keg stands -- not assisting -- when I was 50. There are photos out there too...somewhere.

chickelit said...

Serious question: Does anybody know what kind of plants make up that island? I grew up around Madison -- they look like an invasive species -- like a bamboo species.

Vik said...

rehajm said...
"Attention TiVo: No matter how many times you try to add Madam Secretary to my recorded shows list, I'm still not voting for Hillary Clinton"

But is the show any good?

Jaq said...

"But is the show any good?"

Hey, why don't you be the one who watches it!

Rusty said...

tim in vermont said...
You can click on it, then zoom in twice more. You should be able to identify them. I don't recognize most of the ducks.

Probably because they're seagulls.

I'm willing to bet that 10 years ago that island started out as a duck blind.

Jaq said...

Well, if those birds with their heads tucked under their wings are sea gulls, I truly do rue my misspent youth to not know such a thing at my age!

gerry said...

The Beast bites Obama, and
This just in ...

Bill said...

'"Nice little island you've got there," Meade comments, looking over my shoulder.'

--It'd be a shame if something were to ... happen ... to it.

Unknown said...

Wisconsin history