July 29, 2014

"We have established the brigade to raise awareness of our religion among women, and to punish women who do not abide by the law."

It's the al-Khansaa Brigade, the ISIS all-female moral police...,

ADDED: I gave this post my "gender politics" tag, even though it's very different from what usually gets the tag. But if anything is gender politics, this is. What's all that other stuff?


George M. Spencer said...

What's the Matter with Khansaas?

garage mahal said...

Looks like open carry Texas.

kcom said...

"What's all that other stuff?"

Democratic talking points. Remember, it's not a war on women, it's a war on Republicans.

Mark said...

The very figures of mid-21st-century feminism.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Girls Gone Wild!

madAsHell said...

Posed photo!

Bob Boyd said...

Can't wait for the The al-Khansaa Brigade calender.
Angry, self righteous eyes, an RPG casually held, maybe showing a little chin. Super hot!

Eleanor said...

It's the real feminazis.

Anonymous said...

The modern feminist;
"Burn your bra and don your burqa".

By the way, what ISIS is doing is worse than what the nazis were doing before the war.
If you want to know how what happened in Germany was possible, well, you only have to look at the indifference today of the goodthinkers.

rhhardin said...

All that's missing is sandwiches.

Unknown said...

No match for Mia Farrow, Lena Dunham and the ladies on The View.

Gahrie said...

Those poor women have been co-opted by the patriarchy.

William said...

That girl, the one second from the right, is wearing a burka that is way too tight. You can see the lascivious curve of her hips. Way too provocative. I expected better from ISIS.

Anonymous said...

Looks like toddlers playing "boo": cover their own eyes to become invisible, and try to sneak up on others "stealthily".

Fernandinande said...

"In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy." -- Obama

Birkel said...

"garage mahal"
Would you care to take a non-political stand against ISIL/ISIS?

Obama didn't want to stop their advance. Do you?

The rule of Lemnity said...

We have an All American First Cavalry Amazon Battalion... aka feminists.

Anonymous said...

Natalie Portman Sexbot says:

Omar, who shall I be for you today? Am I sexy Hollywood actress and you are my virile chauffeur? Am I a beautiful nuclear scientist and you are a --

Concentration Camp Girl.

Concentration Camp Girl, again? Wouldn't you like to try another fantasy? Maybe I am a --

Concentration Camp Girl. Put on the striped clothing...

Yes, Omar.

...and the Yellow Star.

Yes, Omar.

You have just gotten off the cattle car and I am a concentration camp guard who takes notice of you.

You will save me from death, Omar?

For awhile, Jew, for awhile. Now I am going to hose you down for lice.

Hosing me down may invalidate my warranty. Same with the 'showers'.

Did some Jew tell you to say that?

It is in the contract.

Well, then. Drop your pants and bend over the chair.

Omar, my Anal Reservoir Containment Unit is currently at 98% capacity.

Are you suggesting I have sex with a Jewish vagina?

I am just telling you Reservoir levels, Omar.

Call me Doctor.

Are we now playing Evil Nazi Doctor experiments again?

Yes, my little Jew. I will get my 'tools'.

Remember the last time we played that? Do you remember how much my repairs cost?

You are a tricky one, Jew, a tricky Devil, indeed.

Omar --


--Doctor, is it so impossible for you to simply view a Jew as a fellow human being, with the same hopes and dreams as --

-- My dream is to destroy the infidels and kill the Jews.

So why then did you buy a Jewish sexbot?

I thought most young Jewish girls supported the Palestinians now. Have you not seen the marches and protests?

My programming does not make sense of that.

I don't get it either, but... (shrugs)

But wouldn't you be happier with a sexbot of your own religion?

I want fantasies, not burkas.

I see.

Plus, they always end up blowing themselves up: I mean, a Suicide Bomber Sexbot? Do I seem crazy to you?...

Perhaps we can change the subject...

Todd said...

With that black outfit on, I have to imagine that you can smell them coming a mile away! No use trying to sneak up on anyone.

Can't see them running anywhere, those outfits look way to restricting in the leg area.

The hoods must make "field of view" an issue too.

Overall, I don't see them being an effective fighting force against anything other than unarmed women, which of course is the Islamic way!

Achilles said...

The reason democrats support Muslims is because this is what they want. This is why garage can't deal with this post seriously.

Larry J said...

Pointing an AK-47 at someone is a very effective means of "raising awareness." Obey us or die seems to be the message.

traditionalguy said...

It's a Title VI mandatory equal women terrorist team.

We mandate women serve in combat units today. Why not the Jihadist Army too.

ThreeSheets said...


kcom said...

"Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."

I'm drawing a blank. I don't think the core has been much affected by Muslims. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," etc. Unless you're counting the Barbary pirate wars. That affected the core somewhat.

Drago said...

Garage: "Looks like open carry Texas"

Once again, as always, our resident lefties get very very defensive and protective of their radical islamist allies.

But only every single time.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Remember the good old days when people tried to hide their war crimes?

CatLover said...

If only they had a women's Resistance that pretended to follow the regime but actually subverted it. We can hope.

jr565 said...

Looks like open Carey Texas, except people with open Carey are not using guns. To terrorize women. I would hope some of the women they are about I reeducate have guns of heir own and shoot them back. Such is the case though that they will most likely be the ones slaughtered

Drago said...

Garage: "Looks like open carry Texas"

Once again, as always, our resident lefties get very very defensive and protective of their radical islamist allies.

But only every single time.

David said...

And just how do we know they are actually female?

David said...

One of your better ones, Betamax.

David said...

Posed picture is right, MAH. It would be hilarious if not so deadly.

On two pages of the NYT yesterday, they had disintegration of Libya, Assad's body count, the Jews and the Palestinians killing each other, Iraq civil war and the occupation of Lebanon by just about everybody.

Not the front page of course. This is the New York Times, and certain things do not merit too much emphasis.

I need an escape. I've turned to escapist reading. The current read is Max Hastings' Catastrophe, about the beginning of World War I.

David said...

"But if anything is gender politics, this is. What's all that other stuff?"

The whining of the privileged and blind, I believe.

Quaestor said...

But if anything is gender politics, this is. What's all that other stuff?

And nary a blip on the radar of the "yes means no or whatever" campus crowd.

Gahrie said...

These women are not going to be committing acts of terrorism against the West. (at least most of them) Their job is to room the territory controlled by ISIS terrorizing the women into obeying Sharia law.

Gahrie said...

room = roam

Tim said...

Garage: "Looks like open carry Texas"

More like open carry, DC.

Howard said...

The photo is staged like a Hollywood movie to provoke hand wringing in the Western press. Mission Accomplished!

Owen said...

The news article says this is how ISIS is going to "crack down" on errant believers among the women.


Owen said...

Betamax3000: sexbot riff wins this thread and puts you into the finals for All-Galaxy Blog Threadwinner 2014. Thanks!

Big Mike said...

So if they die in battle do they get 77 male virgins? Or do they get the same female virgins in the afterlife that male suicide bombers get?

n.n said...

Idle minds.

furious_a said...

Let's not judge the jihotties until we see them deal with flat tires and spiders.

furious_a said...

"In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy...."

...like giving us "Tripoli" to rhyme with "sea" in the Marine Corps Hymn.

Unknown said...

they look hot to me.

mikeski said...

"I am just telling you Reservoir levels, Omar."

Heh. Finest kind.

Anthony said...

They're going after anti-same-sex-marriage Christians so it's okay, I guess. Or something.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Can we get Michelle to hold up a hashtag poster for this?

Witness said...

So if they die in battle do they get 77 male virgins? Or do they get the same female virgins in the afterlife that male suicide bombers get?

They get the raisins.

You have no idea how hard it can be to find a good raisin.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Looks like open carry Texas."

With Obama's open borders it will soon.

furious_a said...

How do they manage the Obstacle Course during Mujah basic training? Getting over the wall or under the barbed wire with a linen garbage bag over one's head must be murder.

Larry J said...

John Lynch said...

Remember the good old days when people tried to hide their war crimes?

I remember when criminals were smart enough to not take photos or videos of themselves committing crimes and posting the evidence online. Seriously, how stupid are today's criminals, especially the young ones?

FullMoon said...

Surely the women who do not abide would find our humorous and pithy comments entertaining. Some might laugh their heads off.

Anonymous said...

Are they available for dating?

Todd said...

At least the one in front shows good trigger control...

Bilwick said...

Osama's Angels.

MikeMangum said...

"What's all that other stuff?"

Fighting for status within Gender Studies departments?

James Pawlak said...

When will they join "Gender/Womens Studies" at major universities?

Rae said...

The feminine touch of the patriarchy.

Kirk Parker said...

"What's all that other stuff?"


retired said...

The cover of this months Ms. magazine

Crunchy Frog said...

We are the Knights Who Say, "Niqab!"

Known Unknown said...

Get your asses ready for World War IV, folks.

Known Unknown said...

Those are man hands, Jerry.

Known Unknown said...

Looks like their "sister" organization, Lezbollah.

Saint Croix said...

That fourth one, did she drop her gun? Is she taking a pee? What the hell is she doing back there? It's like Private Benjamin back there. Damn burka!

This cartoon is pretty cool. Burka Avenger!

George M. Spencer said...

Interesting how almost all the comment here are humorous.

Our minds can't being to accept the horror of this...so humor's the only way to deal with it.

You haven't lived until you've seen the .jpgs of the Australian ISIS fighter holding up the heads of those he's butchered.

Hyphenated American said...

Didn't Obama say that he responsibly ended the war in Iraq? Good times.