July 30, 2014

So... what exactly are we looking at here?

Via Metafilter, SFW (other than the audio):


Tom said...

Okay, that's funny

The Crack Emcee said...

I started it but lost interest before she finished number two:

Why would I care what that suburban nightmare thinks of dicks?

Chris Rock said there isn't a woman in the world, no matter what she does, who wouldn't rather be sitting on one. Not a single woman in attendance disagreed but, instead, they roared with the laughter of recognition.

I'd rather talk to them,...

john said...

I didn't hear her say "wow" once. Perhaps to small a sample.

Fred Drinkwater said...

A fine example of why legal adolescence must apparently be pushed to age 26. Perhaps we need a probationary adulthood period after that, like with kid's drivers licenses?
I dunno. I just dunno.

The Crack Emcee said...

I find it fascinating, thinking about it, but here's a woman who probably has kids and there's not a single thing about her says sex.

The hairstyle says immaturity, if anything.

Again - why would I care what she thinks?

You might as well ask a child,...

Anonymous said...

She said wow towards the end. 83. They didn't show every comment, thank goodness.

I suggest they get a series of celebs to do the commentary very very drunk - like the Drunk History series on youtube.

Anonymous said...

Nice story arc, very golden-age/traditional Hollywood.

rhhardin said...

Seventy six trombones led the big parade.

rhhardin said...

There was a giant blue penis statue on the pope's visit to Malta.

John and Ken (KFI): You can see it if you click ...

Terri Rae Elmer (newsbabe) : Euuuuww

John : That's the sound a woman makes when she sees a penis.

The Drill SGT said...

she seemed pleased with 83 and 88 ")

bleh said...

Lame. We are looking at lame.

An Old Friend said...

I'm a single guy that has done some on-line dating. The dick pick shaming ignores the opposite side of the equation; there are huge number of cleavage, boob, and vagina pictures zipping around.

There is a process and an etiquette to it. Vast numbers of women (attractive, upstanding and professionally accomplished women) are sending pictures of their anatomy in anticipation of a quid pro quo. If you open with the dick pic you are done. But if you play it properly a guy will get a tour of a woman's body and a date.

Politicians and the mock horror and sneering of the media are ruining things for single adults and online courtship.

sykes.1 said...

You're looking at a fat, stupid slut, a very good example of the death of decency and of European culture. One prays that the Russians will finally become disgusted and cauterize the open wound that is America.

Robert Cook said...

Her reactions were funny and she was charming.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Body shaming?

Robert Cook said...

"The dick pick shaming ignores the opposite side of the equation; there are huge number of cleavage, boob, and vagina pictures zipping around.

"There is a process and an etiquette to it. Vast numbers of women (attractive, upstanding and professionally accomplished women) are sending pictures of their anatomy in anticipation of a quid pro quo."

I don't believe this. Or, rather, to the degree pictures of women's anatomy are "zipping around," I believe it is primarily done by or at the behest of men. That is, men are taking pictures of their girlfriends' bodies and sending those around, or they're asking their girlfriends to send them sexy selfies, or, young girls, too immature to know better, think sending pictures of their bodies to boys is the way to be liked, or that it's "cool" or "grown up," or they have internalized social dictates of female attractiveness so they take nude selfies to prove to themselves they are actually sexy, or some other delusions borne of insecurity or immaturity. I also don't believe most women really like receiving unsolicited dick pictures, or that they send pictures of themselves expecting to receive a dick picture in return, and I wonder if they really even like getting dick pictures from their boyfriends.

Ann Althouse said...

I thought it was funny and charming and I would wonder about having a relationship with a man who didn't find this woman charming and funny.

And I thought the video was a lighthearted way to explain to men how women react to this kind of effort at sexy communication. A picture of a penis in isolation from any context isn't an effective way to reach out.

Watch and learn!

And Crack, seriously, how is a woman in the audience supposed to disagree with the comedian on stage? Why does laughing at a joke -- a joke that uses a vivid, exaggerated image -- represent acknowledgement of the truth of the statement?

Fritz said...

Do we know which one was Weiner's wiener?

Michael K said...


An Old Friend said...

Robert Cook, you slut shaming misogynist. So a woman that sends a nude selfie is insecurity or immaturity and one that receives a dick pic is somehow dominated by their boyfriend? I find it interesting that a generation that hung out at 'Swingles' and went home with total strangers find a picture of a penis abhorrent.

This disdain for dick pix is about repressing women's sexuality. "Oh..my..God, those penises are like so grody." I hate to break it to you but women like sex and sometimes want to know what they are in for. Only the fat guys send just the penis, context is everything.

I am not here to defend the unsolicited dick pick, but like it or not the trading of nude pictures has become a part of courtship in the internet age. why do you think Snapchat has so many users?

Dave D said...

So Crack is a bigot AND a misogynist. Got it......

An Old Friend said...

The rules of online dating are:

1) Be attractive
2) Don't be unattractive

Sending an unsolicited penis picture or solo dick pick is unattractive. A well muscled thigh and an ab muscle or two with just a hint of penis will generally be well received.

You don't even get to the picture trading phase without passing the physically and mentally attractive test in Stage 1.

Paul said...

"I thought it was funny and charming and I would wonder about having a relationship with a man who didn't find this woman charming and funny."

You would.

I thought it childish, boring, and the girl most unappealing in both looks and personality, and I'd never consider a relationship with someone who thought her "charming".

acm said...

The reactions to her reactions are actually most fascinating.

I especially like reactions like "I lost interest---but now let me turn around and tell you how fascinated I am".

I'm also intrigued by the assessment that the woman appears immature by having perfectly, neat, straight hair (possibly because I grew up with the cultural notion that my curly hair was messy and therefore immature). And that somehow because "nothing about her says sex" (that's a whole 'nother bag to unpack) her opinion is somehow like a child's. How is her opinion simultaneously worthless and worth commenting twice upon?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Hilarious. A Prince Albert? What?

acm said...

People get awful defensive of their dick- showing habits. It's very interesting.

William said...

Music, sexual mores, and SNL casts don't travel well between generations. There's something going on and apparently only Mr. Jones knows what is is.......I remember reading a book by Sylvia Plath where she told of the first time she saw her boyfriend's penis. She claimed that it looked like a turkey neck. Women seem to have no appreciation of what a great thing a penis is. No wonder she stuck her head in an oven.

Robert Cook said...

I personally can't imagine why any man would think it a sexy thing to send someone a picture of his dick, or why any man would assyne the recipient would be pleased or turned on or think well of the man for having sent the picture. I think such men must be emotionally infantile, actually.

The woman in this video is sexy because of her equanimity and good humor. She likes men, even though we're often just over-grown boys.

William said...

I wonder how she would react if you showed her 89 pictures of various infants lying in their cribs. I bet it would be non stop gushing.

An Old Friend said...

Oh Robert, "Emotionally infantile?" Really? Do you yell at the neighborhood kids to stay off your lawn too?

I think if you met me you would think I was a staid and emotionally mature man who has successfully raised his children to adulthood but unfortunately is no longer married. Since yelling at children on my lawn is not an all encompassing hobby of mine, I have entered the internet dating pool. You might never swim in the deep end with the sluts and the emotionally infantile but the ad homonym is unnecessary.

David said...

She's going to give up speed dating after this.

An Old Friend said...

Here's a fun game. Ask a single friend to see a picture of their girlfriend or boyfriend. If they pull up a picture on their phone and show it to you without letting you hold the phone then there is a naked selfie in there that they don't want you to see.

Oclarki said...

Robert, are you admitting ther is a difference between men and women?

The Crack Emcee said...

Ann Althouse,

"I thought it was funny and charming and I would wonder about having a relationship with a man who didn't find this woman charming and funny."

See, I knew me and Meade were competing for something [shakes fist at Meade]. No, seriously, that woman is so uninteresting, you might as well have asked me to watch what goldfish think of dicks. (Get it? "A woman needs a man,…"?) Like I said, I couldn't even make it to number two because that stupid haircut kept lolling from side-to-side in such a way as to keep reminding me who'd wear such a thing on their head. A child. Who's forced to by their parents.

I doubt THAT woman's ever had an orgasm.

"And I thought the video was a lighthearted way to explain to men how women react to this kind of effort at sexy communication. A picture of a penis in isolation from any context isn't an effective way to reach out.

Watch and learn!"

With every breath I take, the likelihood that I'll be sending a dick pic to anyone in this lifetime is fast approaching 0%. But, then, that's where it started as well.

"And Crack, seriously, how is a woman in the audience supposed to disagree with the comedian on stage?"


"Why does laughing at a joke -- a joke that uses a vivid, exaggerated image -- represent acknowledgement of the truth of the statement?"

It's a "tell" - an unexamined expression of the truth - people (women included) give off lots of them, but hate to see them acknowledged. Which is why dick pics are a bad start for anyone with her ditzy I-wanna-be-eternally-thirteen haircut, but tit pics are a GREAT start for (most) guys who are clear about why they're talking to begin with.

Is behavior a part of a lawyer's training?

The Crack Emcee said...

Dave D,

"So Crack is a bigot AND a misogynist. Got it……"

Wow - it's like old times! Hey, Ann, remember those days?!? We've come full circle - except now I (the guy who used to BEG these guys to stop discussing race) I'm a racist now, too - goody:

White people will never change,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"How is her opinion simultaneously worthless and worth commenting twice upon?"

ANN posted it, and what SHE finds fascinating usually is:

My comments were to HER,...

Alex said...

She likes men, even though we're often just over-grown boys.

Speak for yourself Cookie.

The Crack Emcee said...

Robert Cook,

"The woman in this video is sexy because of her equanimity and good humor."

If that's the meaning of "sexy," I'll do Judge Judy instead.

"She likes men, even though we're often just over-grown boys."

Hint to any mistaken guys out there, getting the same dismissive looks from women I do, until I open my mouth:

Work on a few social skills and most women like men,….

Known Unknown said...

She's going to give up speed dating after this.

Maybe not?

Robert Cook said...

"You might never swim in the deep end with the sluts and the emotionally infantile but the ad homonym is unnecessary."

I don't consider it an ad homonym, necessarily, but a descriptive. I mean, I really can't understand the thinking of any man who thinks sending a picture of his penis to a woman will be pleasing to her. If she asks him to send it, well,okay...he's providing what she asked for. (Although I don't think most women are really asking their men to send them dick pix!) But, for a man to send such pictures unbidden seems like nothing more than the display activity of little boys who want their mommies to look at them.

So, yes, I have to think it is an indicator of emotional childishness. Look at Anthony Weiner as an example; that guy just screams "I'm a little child and I'm going to behave like one!"

An Old Friend said...

Robert, Enjoy your evening at the elks club and then curling up in the single bed across from your wife's single bed.

I hate to defend Anthony Weiner, but don't believe the woman he sent pictures was scandalized. She enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame by putting out a porn video. He had bad taste in women and it bit him.

Also, go back and read my comments to look for any defense of the "unbidden" dick pick. It is pointless to discuss this if you don't actuallr read. Straw men and moving goalposts are so 1957.

madAsHell said...

No one has ever sent her a dick pix?
So, her friends compiled a set of dick pix?

I'm guessing she ain't getting any.

Robert Cook said...

"I hate to defend Anthony Weiner, but don't believe the woman he sent pictures was scandalized."

Talk about discussing something I never said. I don't say that women who receive unbidden dick picks are necessarily "scandalized." I just think most women find them of little or no interest. While men generally find women's "naughty bits" appealing and arousing visually, I don't believe most women are similarly stimulated by pictures of men's penises, particularly disembodied penises. My bafflement is with the men who believe women do find dick pics attractive/impressive/arousing, etc.

(One should not confuse a woman's forbearance with encouragement or appreciation.)

As to my use of the word "unbidden," I'll repeat myself: I don't believe many women actually request dick pics or expect them as "quid pro quo" for sending pics of themselves, or that such swapping back and forth of pictures of male and female organs of generation is, as you would have it, just a regular part of dating in the internet age. I believe most dick pics are sent "unbidden." To repeat myself again, I believe most sharing of intimate selfies is initiated or encouraged by men and serves the interests of men rather than of women.

Birkel said...

I thought the woman's reactions were entertaining. YMMV

This discussion is very hetero-centric. Are we to assume 1.7% of the population has opted out of this practice?

An Old Friend said...

Robert, Believe what you want. I am just telling you my experience. If it doesn't jibe with your conjecture please feel free to ignore it.

Also please look up words like unbidden before you use them in a conversation it can lead to confusion.

Weiner's girl knew who he was and wanted those pictures. If nothing else to use against him later.

RMc said...

She's looking at 89 men named Richard?

MikeMangum said...

"Talk about discussing something I never said. I don't say that women who receive unbidden dick picks are necessarily "scandalized." I just think most women find them of little or no interest. While men generally find women's "naughty bits" appealing and arousing visually, I don't believe most women are similarly stimulated by pictures of men's penises, particularly disembodied penises. My bafflement is with the men who believe women do find dick pics attractive/impressive/arousing, etc."

As someone who has started dating for the first time in almost 2 decades...I'm sorry but you are wrong. I've gotten specific requests; "dick pic please". Opening with a dick pic is, not surprisingly, very highly frowned upon, but once you've started a conversation there are some women who want to verify that your package meets minimums, if you know what I mean.

CStanley said...

It was juvenile but funny (and the subject matter deserves no more dignity than this, so...)

Some of the reactions here make me glad I'm not dating in this era, and hope I never will be single again.

I wonder if the guys who think women enjoy these have ever stopped to notice that this may be the modern equivalent of faking orgasm?

GW said...

Mel Brooks and Madeline Khan's estate (History of the World Part 1) need to be paid royalties if this video makes any money.

Robert Cook said...

If I received a "dick pic please" request from a woman with whom I was not already in a sexual relationship, I would terminate communications with that woman. Beyond being crass, it would cause me to question the woman's whole sensibility, with my conclusion being that she and I were likely not well-suited for each other. To say the least.

Unknown said...

R. Cook :
" The woman in this video is sexy because of her equanimity and good humor. She likes men, even though we're often just over-grown boys."

Please stop apologizing for me. I am not an over-grown boy. If you want to apologize for yourself - fine.

Other than that - I think we're mostly in agreement.


I had no expectations - How often is anyone asked to look at a collection of 89 body parts out of context? If someone asked me to look at 89 vaginas and make comments, I suspect it would revolve mostly around the quality of the photograph, perhaps my personal preferences, and laughing.

There's just no way to do much other than laugh at the whole thing. If you can't find humor in this then you take life way too seriously. It's not offensive, it's silly, might as well have fun with it.

Crack - and why do we care what you think? Her opinion is worth only as much as her perceived beauty?

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