June 27, 2014

Wedding photography trend: Bridesmaids lift dresses and show their ass.

And maybe the bride too. Like this:

Your reaction.
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Irene said...

Preserving posteriors.

PB said...

When you've got no brains, you show what you've got.

Bob R said...

So...are you really sure that marriage is a human right?

LilyBart said...


Skeptical Voter said...

Leading from behind!

Curious George said...

Good idea giving them the vote.

traditionalguy said...

The bridesmaids meat market. OK, it's about breeders and is great advertising.

No Tattoos is a plus. No rashes is a plus. No cellulite is a plus.

I give up. What's the negative?

Gahrie said...

Yet another win for feminism and the secular Left.

Next, receptions held at strip clubs.

Nichevo said...


mishu said...

According to the comments at the link, the picture you show is from a pr0n movie. So, I don't think it's a trending thing.

Unknown said...

And yet there are some who think gay marriage is ruining the sanctity of marriage. *face palm*

n.n said...


cheddar said...

I always thought bridesmaids showed too much flesh already! Too many chubby bridesmaids wearing strapless dresses, creating what my parents (who attend a number of weddings) refer to as the wall of flesh across the front of the church. About this, oh my.

Anonymous said...
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Alex said...

tradguy - the class just oozes out of you.

Sofa King said...

I can definitely get behind this.

rcommal said...

There's something to be said for marrying someone to whom you can show your ass, personally.

OTOH, IMO, there's nothing to be said for a trend, if indeed it IS a trend (hmm), that carries an ill wind for the very ritual that those supposedly standing up for it insist that they are honoring.

They are not, of course: What nonsense, on steroids.


Wanna be married? Be married. Stay married.

That's pretty much the it of it.

The details of it are hard. The philosophy of it is not.

Ever so has this been so.

Doug said...

A well-known fact that weddings are in fact fertility rites. Bridesmaids and groomsmen plus alcohol plus 'partners' who are not their regulars plus music and close dancing, all with the Unspoken Truth about what the happy couple will be enjoying that very night. So, I get the photo thing.

Oso Negro said...

Nichevo - Thanks, my friend. It always pisses me off to think that young people are having substantially more fun than I did at their age.

tim maguire said...

The part I hate most is the fake look of shock on the woman's face. "Look at me! Aren't I naughty?"

Also seen in just about every party photo of a teenage girl.

rhhardin said...

How does it work with cameras that detect smiles.

Tank said...

Under 120 pounds, take off whatever you want. Over 25, forget it.

Actually, I'd say this is devoid of class, as so much is today.

Nichevo said...

Oso, you should thank me, I suffered and sacrificed on your behalf. I never look at Althouse's links, but of course this time it was necessary.

You end up seeing that most of the examples, and there were more than this, were frightful, mostly hogs with mismatched underwear, and they were all wearing unsexy underwear except for the porn shoot, which was the only one that - well no there was one with bride and all in tights looking reasonably trim, but even so.

I just want you to appreciate that there are Jews out there who are brave, who aren't just doing it for the money, and who like the ladies.

Nichevo said...

Also, aside from the eternal rubric of matching up bridesmaids and groomsmen for as someone said fertility purposes-I can confirm this-there is also an eternal presumed theme of showing that the bridesmaids are well-matched to the bride, i.e. that they make her look good, either by being pretty to pretty or by being less pretty, much as the Frenchwomen of 100 years ago gadded about Paris with companion apes on a leash, or so Toulouse-Lautrec said in that movie...

David said...

Do the ends justify the means?

Some do. Sone don't.

The Godfather said...

They aren't REAL asses: It's a new line of underpants that look like asses. It's an attempt to desexualize asses.

Marty said...

This isn't real. It's from a porn site.

retired said...

Down the slippery slope we go

dbp said...

Given the provenance of the the picture, one probably can't make much of it--other than the reputation of the first news/website to foist this "trend".

But, of course there had to be a but; there is something positive here. Bridesmaids are at an age where their figure will never be better...