Click to enlarge.
The email continues:
Walker has implemented an impeccably conservative agenda in a state that has gone Democratic in seven straight presidential elections. Unlike Mitt Romney, or, for that matter, John McCain, he is beloved by the conservative base, but he has the mien of a mainstream candidate, not a favorite of the fringe.That's damned close to a confession that the people at TNR see Walker as a big threat and are acting on the motivation to take him down while they can, to portray him as toxic and untouchable to would-be donors.
But the email does proceed as if TNR is simply concerned that uninformed Republicans may make a mistake:
Anyone who believes that he is the Republican to save his party—let alone the one to win a presidential election—needs to understand the toxic and ruptured landscape he will leave behind in Wisconsin.TNR is trying to help.
In the latest issue of The New Republic, senior editor Alec MacGillis takes a journey through the poisonous, racially divided world that produced a Republican star.
Greeks bearing gifts could not be more suspicious than TNR giving Republicans advice.
That's just text from the article, repurposed, isn't it?
You are stubbornly determined to stay with your narrative.
Ignoring my telling you so, with specifics to race, to maintain it. O.K..
Whether it's you or TNR, everybody can relax - from The Washington Post:
Scott Walker is not exactly an early favorite for the GOP nod. In polling, he consistently gets five percent support, trailing Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, and, often Ted Cruz,…
So his mien is mainstream, according to TNR, but what about his gait?
Have to say, the TNR really left a mark.
So TNR is turning Scott Walker into a Whiter Shade of Pale?
And they're worried about the toxic and ruptured landscape he's leaving behind in Wisconsin?
Seems to me that experience in dealing with a toxic and ruptured landscape is pretty good preparation for taking over what Obama has created and will leave behind.
Keep on helping there TNR.
"Ruptured landscape he will leave behind" sounds like a Prophecy to me.
The article accuses Walker's career of starting in a post industrial City that still has poor neighborhoods filled with out of work african Americans.
That makes Walker a secret southern racist. That Walker allowed the Green Bay Packers to use a white QB from Mississippi who replaced their white QB from Alabama.
Shame, Shame Shame!
Yes, from what I understand WI is fractured but he is about to win his 3rd election in a row as governor in a so-called blue state.
It seems only fractured in that union management and media loudly hate his policies. The voters disagree.
Here we see the major problem for conservatives in the USA of today: The utter dominance of the left in the media, academic and entertainment worlds. Sure, the are a few bloggers such as Althouse, and there Fox news, and some talk radio, but that's a drop in the ocean.Generally the left completely controls the discourse and thus can get away with outright propaganda such as the TNR piece.
I don't know what the answer is, or even if there is an answer, but unless we find one the future looks bleak.
Concern Troll is concerned.
I'm sure their concern is completely, 100% genuine.
He won two elections and his opponents still have not accepted it. That is the poison in the atmosphere.
Kill him in the cradle. That was the idea. He's out of the cradle now but they still want to murder him. Figuratively, I hope.
All that is necessary to fix that toxic political landscape in WI is for the legislature to be voted in Republican majority for about 50 years running, just like the Dems had with their nontoxic run of the place.
Looks like the left is afraid of Walker. The left is big in to race since everything they have accomplished is either an outright failure or slouching towards failure.
The Republican base is concerned with the practical realities of life such as a horrible Democrat economy with its massive unemployment, excessive government debt and taxation and regulation, The Democrats are proposing more of the poisonous hair-of-the dog remedies. The choice isn't difficult to parse.
Is it racially divided because all of the people who occupied your capitol against him were white?
The Toxic Avenger!
What a coincidence. Crack often offers advice to help Republicans too.
This thread clearly need sot be hijacked.
Crack, where are you?
Yes, from what I understand WI is fractured but he is about to win his 3rd election in a row as governor in a so-called blue state.
What makes you so sure? Burke has closed the gap in the polls and although she is still behind, the gap (at 2%) is well within the margin of error.
This is just the first salvo in a long war.
Like always happens, they will keep throwing it against the wall until they find something that sticks.
It's hard to believe but The New Republic was once, or at least, has been from time to time, a serious magazine. Then, too, The Atlantic was once a serious magazine (under the late Michael Kelly). I hope it's working out for them, giving up credibility for a gig as a mouthpiece for the DNC.
"TNR is trying to help
Who exactly is TNR trying to help?
Public employees unions that rape their teachers by giving them one insurance company at a cost 4 - 10 x what they could buy at competitive rates("x" = "times" - multiplication - for those of you in Wisconsin, your public schools are so bad)?
Same unions taking money out of every members paycheck to support political candidates and causes aims whether or not the members want it?
Wisconsin is a throwback to to a day when financial favors were institutionalized and you got somewhere because you new somebody and your union has your back, everyone outside be damned.
But it's changing, and way for the better. The recent teacher tenure-is-unconstitutional ruling in California is just another bellwether.
TNR is trying to preserve a way of life for those who want t make sure they get theirs no matter how the rest of the country does. They want to see their political enemies fail and would even be happy if they just disappeared.
But TNR is on a slow boat to it's rightful place on the ashheap of failed politcal hatred.
I see Walker as a VP candidate this time around.
Bleat from the hole the left is hiding in:
"What makes you so sure? Burke has closed the gap in the polls and although she is still behind, the gap (at 2%) is well within the margin of error."
Sure it is. See you next election day.
Uncle Crack reminds me of the crazy Black guy in the library who, whenever any Caucasian looks crooked at him because of his anti-white monologues (not to mention his smell), yells, "RACIST!" until the security guards escort him out of the library.
Except Library Guy is smarter and more rational.
"("x" = "times" - multiplication - for those of you in Wisconsin, your public schools are so bad)"
You moron WI has great public schools compared to the average public school in America.
I love it when people write "well within the margin of "error." It makes them feel like they are on TV giving an important opinion on a topic of great interest. Margin of error.
What is the edge of that margin? Where did people learn to sling that bullshiy?
How could a virtual unknown climb even in a race against the most honest, straight-talking, tough deciderer like Scott Walker? Does Wisconsin just not appreciate his greatness? He can't even crack 50% against Brett Hulsey? Not cool Wisconsin. Not cool at all.
The article accuses Walker's career of starting in a post industrial City that still has poor neighborhoods filled with out of work african Americans.
That makes Walker a secret southern racist.
What does that make Dave Bing? Idi Amin?
That email rips the lid off the reason this hit piece is so important to Alec MacGillis and The New Republic. Walker has pulled off what was thought impossible -- he was elected in a blue state that was the birthplace of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, he governed as an unapologetic conservative, he survived Democrat stunts like the their entire contingent in the legislature cowardly fleeing the state to avoid a quorum so reforms wouldn't pass, the occupation of the Capitol by loud, occasionally violent (not to mention smelly) mobs, and an expensive recall election that failed miserably. By sticking to his guns, he accomplished all his goals of boosting jobs and turning a deficit into a surplus.
How is someone like Walker, who actually has, y'know, accomplishments as an Executive, going to look among undecided voters against, say, Hillary, whose biggest supporters have to dig deep to find a reason to want her in the White House beyond the "(D)"? Pretty maddog good. So what are the Dems and their media allies gonna do? Try to turn off the GOP base to him by implying (with scant evidence) that he's a closeted homosexual, and make him poison to profile-raising corporate donors by creating an aura of racism surrounding him. Oh, it's not that he's a racist, but people who are racists support him over his opponents, so, that's gotta mean ... I dunno, something. Right?
Regarding the pseudo-sly implications about Walker's apparent lack of bird-dogging experience in high school; It's reminiscent of the way that writer Joe McGinniss -- in his failed attempt to ruin the political career of Sarah Palin once and for all -- seemed to think that it was going to be problematic to Palin fans that as an single woman trying to break into sportscasting, Sarah may have had a quick fling with University of Michigan basketball star Glen Rice while he was in Anchorage for a tournament (Rice, who had a solid 12-year NBA career, admitted meeting with the then-Sarah Heath one evening, but divulged no details other than saying she was nice). Palin-haters figured that her supporters would be scandalized that she may have -- gasp! -- had ssseeexxx with a black man!!! which is ridiculous considering that in 2008 throw-schtuff-against-the-wall attempts to slime VP-nominee Palin, they clung to a spurious tale told by a whoozat jazz musician. He said that years ago, the single Ms. Heath rudely rejected his overture specifically because he was black. That story was actually contained in one of those bogus "ethics complaints" filed against Gov. Palin, this one alleging that she deliberately did not issue an official statement from the Governor's office acknowledging the observation of Juneteenth. The narrative had suddenly switched from "Palin's a racist because she won't date a black guy" to "Palin slept with a black guy! Doesn't that piss off all you white trash fans of hers?" The only thing McGinniss' allegation did was solidify Palin fans' suspicion about the MSM's motives.
This is the state of politics nowadays -- molehills into mountains, fissures into crevasses. Anyway you can get to "He's a racist!" is OK, even if you know it's pure compost. If you shout it long enough and loud enough, it prevents people from realizing the lack of support for such allegations. Of course, that rule only applies to Republicans. You aren't supposed to mention that Barack Obama was born to a socialist father and mentored by a communist "uncle" (Frank Marshall Davis) as if it was a bad thing for him to be Leader of The Free World.
That email rips the lid off the reason this hit piece is so important to Alec MacGillis and The New Republic. Walker has pulled off what was thought impossible -- he was elected in a blue state that was the birthplace of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, he governed as an unapologetic conservative, he survived Democrat stunts like the their entire contingent in the legislature cowardly fleeing the state to avoid a quorum so reforms wouldn't pass, the occupation of the Capitol by loud, occasionally violent (not to mention smelly) mobs, and an expensive recall election that failed miserably. By sticking to his guns, he accomplished all his goals of boosting jobs and turning a deficit into a surplus.
How is someone like Walker, who actually has, y'know, accomplishments as an Executive, going to look among undecided voters against, say, Hillary, whose biggest supporters have to dig deep to find a reason to want her in the White House beyond the "(D)"? Pretty maddog good. So what are the Dems and their media allies gonna do? Try to turn off the GOP base to him by implying (with scant evidence) that he's a closeted homosexual, and make him poison to profile-raising corporate donors by creating an aura of racism surrounding him. Oh, it's not that he's a racist, but people who are racists support him over his opponents, so, that's gotta mean ... I dunno, something. Right?
Regarding the pseudo-sly implications about Walker's apparent lack of bird-dogging experience in high school; It's reminiscent of the way that writer Joe McGinniss -- in his failed attempt to ruin the political career of Sarah Palin once and for all -- seemed to think that it was going to be problematic to Palin fans that as an single woman trying to break into sportscasting, Sarah may have had a quick fling with University of Michigan basketball star Glen Rice while he was in Anchorage for a tournament (Rice, who had a solid 12-year NBA career, admitted meeting with the then-Sarah Heath one evening, but divulged no details other than saying she was nice). Palin-haters figured that her supporters would be scandalized that she may have -- gasp! -- had ssseeexxx with a black man!!! which is ridiculous considering that in 2008 throw-schtuff-against-the-wall attempts to slime VP-nominee Palin, they clung to a spurious tale told by a whoozat musician. He said that years ago, the single Ms. Heath rudely rejected his overture specifically because he was black. That story was actually contained in one of those bogus "ethics complaints" filed against Gov. Palin, this one alleging that she deliberately did not issue an official statement from the Governor's office acknowledging the observation of Juneteenth.
Suddenly the narrative shifted from
"Sarah Palin is a racist because she wouldn't date a black guy" to "Sarah Palin slept with a black guy! Doesn't that piss off all you rednecks who like her so much?"
This is the state of politics nowadays -- molehills into mountains, fissures into crevasses. Anyway you can get to "He's a racist!" is OK, even if you know it's pure compost. If you shout it long enough and loud enough, it prevents people from realizing the lack of support for such allegations. Of course, that rule only applies to Republicans. You aren't supposed to mention that Barack Obama was born to a socialist father and mentored by a communist "uncle" (Frank Marshall Davis) as if it was a bad thing for him to be Leader of The Free World.
"Alec MacGillis takes a journey through the poisonous, racially divided world that produced a Republican star."
Isn't that race horse dead yet?
As long as there are creatures like Crack Emcee in this world, the entire United States qualifies as a poisonous, racially divided world. The goal of TNR is to make this world even more poisonous.
The Big Lie works so well that now it is possible to lie with a straight face with blatent, laugh inducng, lies. And the public nods. Benghazi? Muslim mocking video. IRS? Lost the emails. Syria? Red line did not mean red line. Keep your doctor period.
Journalists, commentators, TV people all buy right in. Dont even bother to shrug,
Republicans are pushing the rock up the hill thinking the truth will out. It is becoming clear that that does not work. The public actually prefers the easy lie to the hard truth.
Orwell himself would be awestruck.
The Big Lie works so well that now it is possible to lie with a straight face with blatent, laugh inducng, lies. And the public nods. Benghazi? Muslim mocking video. IRS? Lost the emails. Syria? Red line did not mean red line. Keep your doctor period.
Journalists, commentators, TV people all buy right in. Dont even bother to shrug,
Republicans are pushing the rock up the hill thinking the truth will out. It is becoming clear that that does not work. The public actually prefers the easy lie to the hard truth.
Orwell himself would be awestruck.
Benghazi? Muslim mocking video
Funny you should say that.
This from the captured ringleader of the #BENGHAZI attack.
"What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video."
I thought righties would be jubilant over this story today. They don't want to talk about it for some reason. Hmmph.
"garage mahal" is more likely to believe a terrorist who attacked a U.S. Embassy and was responsible for four U.S. casualties than a conservative.
"garage mahal" must, apparently, be unable to think of a single reason the terrorist would lie about the terrorist's own motivations.
"garage mahal" suffers too much credulity when it comes to the self-declared enemies of the United States.
This tells me much about "garage mahal". "garage mahal" shares this in common with far too many Democrats.
""What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video."
I thought righties would be jubilant over this story today. They don't want to talk about it for some reason. Hmmph."
Well, that explains the 80mm mortars. In other news, it turns out that the Las Vegas shooters were OWS participants. Oh, those violent right-wing crazies.
Former Senator, First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton just said during her interview on Special Report the attack on Benghazi was motivated by Muslim extremism.
What will "garage mahal" say now?
I'm guessing "more bullshit" for the win. Probably something about Faux News so it's likely Mrs. Clinton didn't really say what video evidence will show she said.
garage mahal said...
Benghazi? Muslim mocking video
Funny you should say that.
This from the captured ringleader of the #BENGHAZI attack.
"What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video."
At most this proved he had a subscription to the NYT. It still doesn't meet the narrative that the the Obama administration put out, that it was a "spontaneous" protest.
This isn't going to go away.
So once again, fail.
Big Mike,
"As long as there are creatures like Crack Emcee in this world, the entire United States qualifies as a poisonous, racially divided world."
Hey, Everybody, did you hear that?
I made whites racist!
I invented slavery!
And Jim Crow, and redlining, and deprived blacks of social security, and all the rest!
It was me!
And my attitude!
Shit, if I would just accept that shit as proof of white's benevolence, none of this would be a problem,...
"Republicans are pushing the rock up the hill thinking the truth will out. It is becoming clear that that does not work. The public actually prefers the easy lie to the hard truth."
"Ta-Nehisi Coates believes there’s a monster hiding in the United States’ national closet, and he thinks it would be a good idea to open the door and check. The national correspondent for The Atlantic, Coates has a legion of critics, many mocking him for worrying about something that, they say, doesn’t even exist.
There’s nothing at all in the closet, they maintain, while strenuously insisting that whatever we do, we absolutely, positively, should not open that door.
Sounds to me like white folks are the only ones afraid of the truth,...
From Mr. Mahal:
"'What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.'"
Is this the same Mr. Khattala who claimed he didn't show up to the US embassy until the attack was almost over?
Another fact-impaired poseur. No wonder Mr. Mahal likes him.
This isn't going to go away.
Going away? There's a reason you aren't seeing any of this capture on Drudge, Althouse, or any other right wing media source. The entire Benghazi circus was contrived horseshit played out on rubes like you. They think you're idiots. For good reason apparently.
Crack. If there is anyone afraid of the truth it would be you. How long have you tried to make a living at something you have limited talent for? Your life is flying by, dude, This trying to change the world on the Althouse blog is not working, it is not making your arguments more refined or coherent, it is a waste of your time. You are becoming that most comical of characters. You are better than this.
garage quoting the islamist radical murderer of 4 Americans?
Of course.
Why wouldn't he?
He is a lefty after all.
A very brave and courageous lefty who, of course, stuck out the "tough times" in his WI backwoods hovel while others were confronting those who wish to kill us all.
Thanks for your courageous acts in defense of asking for free s*** garage. A grateful nation appreciates it.
Alec MacGillis' writing is a journey through the poisonous world of the Democratic political operative. In this world there is no budget,no deficit, no taxes, no failing schools, no stolen millions, no fall of Detroit, no larger world which is steadily becoming more dangerous. There's just the plight of the African-Americans in Milwaukee (a city the Democrats have controlled for fifty years). But in the mind of a Wisconsin Democrat all that is bad in the city they control was done by the Republicans. And so the Democrats think that they serve with honor and distinction and that they need not reform and that they can continue to do nothing for the African-Americans in Milwaukee. They are deserters from the cause of their most loyal voters and this continued desertion is a political Deep Tunnel filling with toxic sludge which will overflow someday. That's reality, TNR.
Perhaps "garage mahal" has already responded to Hillary Clinton's claims about the terrorists' attack on the US Consulate and its just waiting for the moderators to respond.
I am interested to know if this comment shows before "garage mahal" calls Hillary Clinton a liar who knows nothing about anything.
Even when critics turn into victims like Benghazi and the VA scandal, gm won't budge. In his/her world, any atrocity can be rationalized away and no one ever needs to take responsibility.
Yeah, right .... TNR is doing the "Concern Troll" bit.
You moron WI has great public schools compared to the average public school in America.
In what alternate universe?
Michael to Crack: "You are better than this."
I have seen zero evidence of that. But then I only read this blog daily.
I have all the major metropolitan school systems on Lines 1 through N for you.
Also, Mississippi on Line N+1.
Please pick up the white courtesy phone.
Sounds more like there really is no early favorite--or even someone close to being called an early favorite--in the GOP race, which is how it should be as we're still more than two years from the 2016 election. This is in stark contrast to the Democrats who seem to have decided Hillary! should be coronated.
TNR is most likely writing about Walker because hey, why not? No one talks about Christie anymore, the conventional wisdom has decided Jeb Bush is a nonstarter, Santorum and Huckabee aren't going anywhere. So TNR wants to prop up and knock down Walker because look at the buzz they'll get from tarring the GOP as the "too white" party. No point in giving this more weight than it deserves.
A better story might be about how the GOP field is probably more wide open now than at any point in recent memory. While it's hard to picture any of the talked-about not-yet-candidates getting the nomination, someone actually will be nominated.
My guess is Paul Ryan because hey why not.
"Crack. If there is anyone afraid of the truth it would be you. How long have you tried to make a living at something you have limited talent for?"
I spent part of yesterday with a musician, transcribing three of my songs for his band to start playing them live.
What are you doing?
"Your life is flying by, dude."
Well, with white people, that's true no matter what. They've wasted centuries of American lives. Do you think you're telling me something I don't know?
Or maybe - bless your heart - you're trying to kill me? Make me commit suicide?
That's what we love about white people:
So impressive as human beings.
"This trying to change the world on the Althouse blog is not working, it is not making your arguments more refined or coherent, it is a waste of your time."
Hey, Ann, this fool is expecting coherent arguments! Hey, Mike, try this:
You sucka my dick. I got that from MLK's dream.
"You are becoming that most comical of characters. You are better than this."
I'm a comical character who's better than this?
What - you not laughing hard enough?
You are a sick fuck. 60 years ago I was called a nigger lover and beaten by rednecks and today I am a racist per a failed rapper who grew up in middle class compton and whose dedication to social justice arose when his old con ran out of steam.
A bullshit freedom rider on the Althouse blog.
You lack balls, clown
50 years ago. I am not quite that old. Yet.
Michael wrote:
You are a sick fuck."
Perhaps; but on the other hand so intelligent and well-informed!
"I made whites racist!
I invented slavery! "
Good topic, Crack. Who enslaved those blacks and then sold them to America? White people? Come on, don't be shy talking about your slavers. What did you say - you love your black slavers?
"Going away? There's a reason you aren't seeing any of this capture on Drudge, Althouse, or any other right wing media source. The entire Benghazi circus was contrived horseshit played out on rubes like you. They think you're idiots. For good reason apparently. "
Garage, Drudge did show this on his site. You need to start reading Drudge before you comment about it.
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