May 11, 2014

"I have a power respecting you, and that power I will exercise; a power that shall grind you into atoms."

"I condescend to no more expostulation. I know what I am, and what I can be. I know what you are, and what fate is reserved for you!"

That's how to say "You're in serious trouble" in a Gothic novel, where "People talk funny," which is item #10 on an illustrated chart titled "How to tell you're reading a gothic novel."


Anonymous said...

For a minute I thought I wrote that.

Big Mike said...

@Betamax, for a minute, so did I.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

There is nothing but atoms and the void.

Sam L. said...

So, as I read it, I am not reading a Gothic Novel, I am LIVING in one, as are we all.