May 24, 2014

"A Norwegian artist cooked and ate his own hip and claimed it tasted of 'wild sheep.'"

"Alexander Selvik Wengshoel said he served the hip bone with potato gratin and a glass of wine. He decided to eat a part of his own body on 'a whim.'"
The hip bone, removed by doctors, has gone on display as part of an exhibition. The operation to remove the bone was filmed and forms part of the exhibition also....
He had some kind of physical problem that required the surgery, so it's not as if a body part were needlessly excised and repurposed for food.

In other news of art and flesh: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got married.


Crimso said...

Paul Ehrlich nails it again!

cassandra lite said...

Huh. When I did that, it tasted like chicken.

traditionalguy said...

No comment. People want to be insane.

le Douanier said...

That seems clumsy and too obvious.

They should have taken over a chateau in the Loire.

At least they can still salvage the wedding if they go to Monaco for the race. [Btw, I was at that race last year!]

Unknown said...

I don't believe the "artist", the consumption is not on youtube.

We assume the consummation will be, about the time the divorce gets bitter. About 26 months or so.

mesquito said...

Being Norwegian myself I have no doubt he succeeded in making it utterly bland and tasteless. Then he knitted for three hours and went to bed.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I read that last bit and actually felt a moment of pity for Kanye West.

Bob Boyd said...

A hipster selfie, Viking style.

Jupiter C. said...

I'm not sure if he realizes that qualifies as cannibalism.

YoungHegelian said...

Well, Mr. Wengshoel isn't really a true Norwegian, is he? "Tasted like wild sheep", indeed!

If he was true Norwegian boy, pining for the fjords and all, his hip would have tasted like reindeer!

le Douanier said...

" felt a moment of pity for Kanye West"

His last two albums were awesome.

In particular the latest one goes in really interesting directions. I think it's track five that takes me on a ride, in a good way.

Anywho, that's my two cents.

Static Ping said...

Just like eating your own boogers.

And the Norwegian guy is pretty weird too.

n.n said...

Culinary conceit.

Kate Danaher said...

Was the wine a chianti?

Fritz said...

Some stories are just in bad taste.

Eeyore Rifkin said...


Wince said...

You could feed an army with KK's hams.

Wince said...

If his sexual proclivities were to explain why a Norwegian artist's hip tastes like "wild sheep", ahem, would that mean KK's hip tastes like a black dude?

Mountain Maven said...

Ann, Meade,
That is the most disgusting post I have seen in 20 years on the 'net. Did not let myself read it. I stopped posting on your site, now I will stop reading as well. It has become one big troll to outrage your conservative readers.

You need to look at your beliefs and values (if there you have any left after a generation living in the berkeley of the midwest) and ask yourselves why you would post such pornography. I can't think of a better work.
PS You'll vote for her.

Anonymous said...

It probably was tastier than lutefisk.


Anonymous said...

The International House of 

Anonymous said...


Beautiful baby pic. Those eyes!

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Kim's issue is that she always must be smarter than her man. Classic race to the bottom, if there ever was one.

lonetown said...

Artists have to go to such lengths these days to get attention.

Used to be you could just can your poop.

"His hip bone is on display" - yeah, that's a real draw.

I'd rather open a can of poop.

sojerofgod said...

Dang, Crimso beat me to the Ehrlich joke! but here goes anyway...

The Artist was simply trying to "get a taste" of Paul Ehrlich's vision of the future.


In other news, the French were outraged that he did not declare his choice of wine!*

*lifted with affection from the writings of Peter Hathaway Capstick.

Fandor said...

Tags: art, body parts, cannibalism, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, weddings

Hmm...your tags sound a little bit like Martin and Osa Johnson's 1918 feature film, "Among the Cannibal Isles of the South Seas".

George M. Spencer said...

"Shake Your Hips" Slim Harpo

"Shake Your Hips" Rolling Stones

Shake yo' hip, baby!

mezzrow said...

The definition of tragically hip, to me.

sojerofgod said...

Wild Sheep eh? I wonder if he had a permit to kill a wild sheep and eat it. In this country hunting Dall sheep is very pricey. Or perhaps someone gave him some wild sheep to try? My sister in law was given about two dozen frozen rainbow trout once to try, and on the way home was stopped by a game warden who ticketed her for being over the limit in Arkansas!

Megaera said...

Hem. Not sure why this wouldn't rate an "I'm skeptical" tag. Unless Norwegian hospitals have truly bizarre standards of conduct and are willing to waive their international reputation for 21st century behavior, allowing surgical waste (blood, bone, tissue, etc.) to leave the OR for any disposal other than legally-approved sanitary destruction smacks a bit too much the stuff of Victorian horrors like Sweeney Todd or Burke & Hare to be really credible. There are no words to describe on how many levels this conduct would be wrong. You DON'T give an amputee his severed body part as a souvenir, so he can go home and play Daumer-Lecter games in public. Any hospital that did so ought to be shut down. I expect earnest Norwegian denials from the hospital in question, though I doubt very much they'll get the coverage the original Grand Guignol gem got.

Hagar said...

One should keep in mind that Norway has also given birth to some quite talented con-artists.