Drudge's main headline is "ROASTED 'DUCK' LEADER FIRED AFTER GAY RANT," which links to The Hollywood Reporter story "'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson on Indefinite Hiatus Following Anti-Gay Remarks/The news comes after the reality star compared being gay to bestiality, drawing ire from LGBT groups including GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign."
First, is he fired? The whole next season is already filmed, so viewers will get all they want of Phil Robertson. But the network A&E has a corporate interest in distancing itself from him and appeasing the critics. If the show does well, he'll be back for the next season, and the controversy itself can be integrated into whatever new "reality" scenes they film. It's more PR. Everybody wins, including Phil, who isn't really being punished. These attacks work for him in that we see him standing by his religious beliefs even as he is attacked unfairly.
And the attacks are unfair. He didn't compare "being gay to bestiality." He put homosexual conduct — not the status of being gay — into a category of sins that included "sleeping around with this woman and that woman" as well as bestiality. We don't see the heterosexual men who enjoy multiple sex partners getting hotheaded over Phil Robertson. Why not? They're not organized to make political demands at the moment, but they haven't had to fight for the right to fornicate recently. So those who are organized and in the middle of a movement are taking Robertson's bait (or answering his duck call or whatever). It's "anti-gay." The "bestiality" business is forefronted.
This is the political game of the moment.
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@Cruising Troll,
BTW, it would be interesting to sort out why Judaism has abandoned polygamy as well, since to the best of my knowledge it is permitted.
Jewish polygamy seems to have all but disappeared even by the return from Exile. The Pharisees & the Sadducees of both the New Testament & Josephus seem to be solidly monogamous (e.g. see Matthew 23:22-32). But, in their own words, here what a Jewish source has to say about it.
I think if you asked most Jewish men, they would say that "having multiple Jewish women in that close of proximity is what you Christians call Hell."
Who am I to judge?
We must be magnanimous, with a big heart, without fear; always betting on the great ideals. However this also means magnanimity in little things, in daily things -- the big heart, the great heart.
There is, I suspect, a contract between Mr. Robertson and A&E that includes, inter alia, a clause that allows for his termination in the event he brings negative publicity by speech or other behavior to the network. Whether or not the dismissal is to the commercial advantage of A&E is yet to be determined (I think they screwed up). It would be helpful if more people understood that the First Amendment is not implicated here.
I think what pissed off the GLAAD crowd was Robertson's contention that a vagina was more appealing option for intercourse than an anus. You have sex with a vagina and you are rewarded with a baby. You have sex with an anus and you get feces under your foreskin.+
Happily, I'm one that doesn't obsess what a male anus looks or feels like.
Is it interesting that any of the same people wanting Robertson to get fired for his beliefs were just celebrating legislation keeping GBLTs from being fired for their beliefs? By private companies, I mean.
ALE. Agreed that this is not a first amendment issue but rather one of religous freedom. The company surely has a right to terminate in the event the employee engages in defined bad boy behavior. Whether the statement of one's religious beliefs, comporting with two thousand years of relative consistency with stated orthodoxy, is a matter of that behavior we will soon discover. I expect the Duck clan will enjoy themselves as they approach the second Louisiana duck season with juicy settlement talks coming this spring.
Garage: but we have learned from this that the male anus produces its own lubrication when the owner is aroused. Otherwise, as the Duck guy says, it is illogical.
Paddy O wrote:
"Not with Christ leads to establishing being in a non-infinite source, thus cannot be sustained into eternity."
Wonderful and concise!
Rejecting Christ causes a person to become lost to salvation, not Christ rejecting them. It is a choice.
In one of the Lewis books (The Great Divorce, I think), A poor soul on vacation from Hell runs into his wife, whose soul has been saved. The man begs his wife to stay with him to ease his loneliness, and she responds that she can't, and it's not a matter of her being cruel or uncaring, she is simply too big to fit in the narrow confinement of the Hell he has chosen.
Of course, Lewis has been accused of being a Universalist.
Well, A&E is free to decide that pretty much quoting from the New Testament makes one a hateful bigot.
And viewers are free to decide that those who are faithful Christians shall form their own TV channels, and be great and prosperous in the land. It looks to me like the Christian networks just got one heck of a bonus, here.
This guy was pretty much quoting the New Testament, not comparing anal sex to bestiality. 1 Corinthians, Matthew 15, etc.
If people cannot even state their beliefs in this country - if it must become a war between gay nutcases and faithful Christians - then we are going to create an unfortunate situation in which gays are going to be greatly looked down upon not because they are sinners (which if anyone has ever read the Bible, it is clear the vast majority of us are), but because they are hysterical nitwits lurching around in a political system that is fundamentally unfriendly to hysterical nitwits.
The drunks and all the hets sleeping around aren't running and screaming.
The rabbis and the imams believe that most Americans are defiled because they eat pork. This does not change anyone's right to eat pork, except in a kosher deli, so why should we all run around having fits about this?
Christian doctrine does potentially offend all of us who have ever gotten drunk, cursed, slept around, or even slept with the spouse before marriage, failed to go to church on Sunday, etc. It also informs us solidly that we are condemned if we did not give to the poor, visit the sick and the imprisoned, and so forth. It's pretty frightening doctrine, really.
But most manage to live with that. We cannot keep the land in which gays are free to go their own way if the rabbis, imams and biblical Christians aren't as well.
The US is not ever going to be the Republic of Gay, but it certainly can be a place in which gay people or most other people with nontraditional sexuality can have full civil rights.
This is one hell of a pink ghetto being planked up here, and I pity all those of different sexuality who are going to be brushed with the hysterical nitwittery tag (which very few of them actually deserve).
MaxedOut. Nice post.
It's never been seen as an identity, which is the core debate.
More like an Id entity than an identity.
"they are hysterical nitwits lurching around in a political system that is fundamentally unfriendly to hysterical nitwits."
But for how much longer will it remain fundamentally unfriendly? There's the rub.
The drunks and all the hets sleeping around aren't running and screaming.
This. Ten thousand times.
The Drama Queenery over Phils words doesn't lend well to debunking the stereotype of gay men being like emotionally hysterical women.
" You have sex with a vagina and you are rewarded with a baby. You have sex with an anus and you get feces under your foreskin.+"
Haven't you heard of the woman who asked her OB if she could get pregnant from anal intercourse ? He said, "Yes, where do you think lawyers come from !"
"The Drama Queenery over Phils words doesn't lend well to debunking the stereotype of gay men being like emotionally hysterical women."
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
sunsong is right.
I am a Christian and my goal is to overreach. Part one is to have everyone live by my values. That is why I am asking my Congressman to pass a law to have everyone live by my values. I’m sending him a list of my values and I expect the law to itemize them. One of my values is that everyone must have health insurance, so I’m asking him to pass a law that if anyone does not have health insurance he will be fined. He told me that that was already the law, so I scratched that off my list of values that have to be added to the judicial code since it’s already there.
Next I want everyone to be forced to go to my church on Sunday. I realize that creates a problem because my church only seats, maybe, 100 people but I told him that if it saves only one child, the obstacles to this can be overcome. Maybe we could have “hot seating” sort of like “hot bunking” so that everyone in the US could sit for a second or two in my church. I realize that there are logistics issues, but I, like my President, am a big picture guy and the details can be worked out by my minions. Hey, if Obamacare can take over one-sixth of the economy, my law will only take over one-seventh of the week so I don’t see a problem just as long as it doesn’t involve a website.
And yes, I want homosexuality banned, that’s part of the new law that already has over lots of co-sponsors. Don’t even get me started on marriage, jobs and housing. The multicultural community is signing on because of the approach the Muslims (“don’t insult the Prophet”) take to the issue: hanging or stoning or beheading. Hollywood sees the money that can be made from mainstreaming snuff porn. I can see a whole new category of Academy Awards. I’m sure it was the last President of Iran who told us that there were no homosexuals in his country. See? Problem solved. And the Supremes will see the light because they already view the Constitution through the prism of laws and customs from other, more enlightened cultures.
I realize that some people may say that I’m flying in the face of the true live and let live philosophy that is so lovingly, graciously embraced by the gay, LBGT and GLAAD community, but what can I say, I live on the edge, I’m beyond the pale, my moral compass was not newly minted. Somebody has to be willing to take a seat, like Rosa Parks, that’s reserved for the cool kids. So fuck off. Get used to it. We’re here, we’re straight and we’d like to say hello.
I am Jesus Christ and I endorse Duck Daddy's endorsement of the vagina and opposition to the anal canal.
"We don't see the heterosexual men who enjoy multiple sex partners getting hotheaded over Phil Robertson. Why not? They're not organized to make political demands at the moment, but they haven't had to fight for the right to fornicate recently."
Nor have homosexuals had to fight for the right to fornicate recently!
"Everybody wins, including Phil, who isn't really being punished."
You never know - he may have had a piece of the back end of that show.
Mama wrote: "Christian doctrine does potentially offend all of us who have ever gotten drunk, cursed, slept around, or even slept with the spouse before marriage, failed to go to church on Sunday, etc. It also informs us solidly that we are condemned if we did not give to the poor, visit the sick and the imprisoned, and so forth. It's pretty frightening doctrine, really. "
Not that your assessment of Christian doctrine is correct, it's not, but the nice thing is you can choose to accept it or reject it.
If you choose to reject it, we will pray for your soul whether we want to or not. That is part of the doctrine. Not frightening, just a pain in the ass.
Hombre - I am a Christian, and a lot of people would call me a fundamentalist one.
I don't see how any biblical Christian gets past some of the Gospel without realizing that they'd better put their faith into practice.
Eh, don't be so thin-skinned. Christian doctrine is frightening, because it's utterly honest. In the cold light of honesty we will all come up short, and thus we realize we need mercy.
From George Takei:
Many fans asked for my thoughts on the "Duck Dynasty" controversy. They pressed and pressed, but I refused to quack.
But I can't duck this issue forever. I don't really care feather someone on a reality show said something about gays that didn't fit the bill. He's entitled to his opinion, even if it's for the birds. But the network also is worried about flocking with its base, so if it feels it should drake him over the coals for making his fowl comments, so be it.
So that's migrate opinion.
If anyone's still interested, the family has said there will be no show without Phil.
@sunsong: Those puns were tacky.
It's not just heterosexual men who are not organizing. The same dysfunctional behaviors are practiced by an unknown number of heterosexual men and women. I can't help but think that the homosexual crusade is a front exploited by these heterosexuals to distract us from their dysfunctional choices.
It seems that there is always some minority grievance group ready to take the stage, as if on cue, when we are discussing an issue critical to the viability of our civilization and humanity, and touching on the causes of progressive corruption. The homosexual crusaders seem to be a preferred front in recent years; but, they are certainly not the only activists.
Someone on a reality television show said something that blew the minds of, seemingly, the whole country.
Meanwhile the people who have actual power over us continue to do bad things to us, and this is met with real interest by a few political hobbyists, the rest of the population gathering bits here and there from comedy show monologues.
Took only 230 for someone to get to the heart of the matter. Nice job Freeman.
It looks like A&E may get to show their solidarity with LGBT, or not. Silly to go to the mat but they seem to be clueless about this audience.
Never having seen the show, but having seen the hysteria of the gay left, I will be interested to see what happens.
Robertson is a fuggin' genius!
He hijacked the network at Christmas.
I think Takei's comment is indicative of a fundamental mallardjustment. Actually, I think it's a little Daffy.
12:03 AM EST
Like old times here at Althouse. I do miss seeing some of the absent maniacal Lefties wrapped in a Sisyphean mud wrestling match with ST or the other guy.
"But the network A&E has a corporate interest in distancing itself from him and appeasing the critics."
No, it doesn't. It has pussy corporate "leaders" who are willing to kowtow to the intolerant jack booted thugs of the left.
Well, fuck them. I won't be buying any more A&E branded products (DVDs, etc) until they apologize for their intolerant behavior (punishing someone for having views you don't like is intolerant. Doesn't matter what their views are).
Nor have homosexuals had to fight for the right to fornicate recently!
2003 isn't recent? I must be getting old.
Since there isn't a cafe thread tonight, can I interrupt this discussion with a story?
This morning I woke up to take my wife to work. When I started my car it sounded like the entire Hell's Angels gang on Harley's. Thought there was a hole in the muffler (even though it was perfectly fine last night) only to find out that the catalytic converter had been stolen. Cut clean off with a power saw. I guess they take the converter for the precious metals inside. Thankfully, we have great insurance which is taking care of everything.
Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Has this ever happened to anyone else?
No, but not unlike Walter White, I have some great unpublished recipes for recovering and recycling rhodium, palladium and platinum.
Maybe there's a future in bending (but not breaking) badly.
"Of course, Lewis has been accused of being a Universalist. "
Yeah, but if guilty he's definitely my kind of Universalist--i.e. most definitely not a It-Doesn't-Matter-ist!
Some of the folks in The Great Divorce just head right back to hell at the end of their tour.
Wait a minute. Just the other day I wrote on this site somewhere that I wished someone would not apologize for saying something (anything!) when called to account by the Pop Morality Collective. And here it's happened. It's a Christmas miracle!
I still don't see why having feces under the foreskin (from gay fudgepacking) is considered automatically superior to vaginal love with a woman.
Garage: "Happily, I'm one that doesn't obsess what a male anus looks or feels like. "
I'd expect an asshole to say that. And he did.
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It's official: You can't have an adult conversation with liberals.
Interesting thread. I think by now here, what Phil said about homosexual behavior, bestiality, adultery, etc is pretty clear - he was just citing traditional Christian dogma. One of the FNC shows tonight had on a religious panel, and a priest there said that Phil was right, these are all classically sins, but was only surprised that he got the distinction right between homosexual thoughts and homosexual acts. And yes, some leftist loon totally missed the distinction, and just kept calling it hate speech, which should make it illegal (good luck there - paraphrasing from the Bible is protected under several prongs of the 1st Amdt)
What I see is that more fundamental Christianity is becoming bolder and really more mainstream. I think that part of this is the culture war that we are seeing elsewhere. I wouldn't, for example, be surprised if I were to see a decently high correlation between answers on the sin/evilness of sodomy, beastiality, adultery, etc, and with whether the 2nd Amdt was believed to be an individual right (not complete correlation, because I know some who are pro-gun and pro-SSM). Many of us are now picking sides, when a generation ago, we really didn't need to. But the America that many sacrificed and died forever the last 4 centuries is being dismantled by the secular left as quickly as they can, led by a President who often seems to prefer his Muslim roots to his Christian ones, and in particular seems to want to diminish this country in relation to the rest of the world, giving away military supremacy to the Russians and Chinese, and bowing to Muslim leaders. And meanwhile destroying the roots of the Constitutional Republic we spent so long building, with their rampant corruption, socialist power grabs, and distain for what made this country.
I think that the left overreached with Obama, and the country is in the midst of a major swing back towards our more traditional roots, and that the Robertsons, their success, and their response here, examples of this. They are unapologic here, except that maybe their patriarch was misunderstood a bit. They aren't going to suffer financially for this, but A&E likely will. The LBGT fanatics raising such a furor might have a lot of influence in Hollywood, NYC, and academia, but the Robertsons, etc, have the eyeballs. Somewhat similar to why Fox News is now killing MSNBC and CNN.
Has PETA weighed in? Seems like they of all people would equate homosexuality - and heterosexuality - with bestiality. One of their catchphrases is "A dog is a pig is a rat is a boy." If (human = animal), then (human + human = animal + animal = human + animal).
Please strive to ignore the opinions
Of sodomizers and of their minions.
Freeman- I thought the Christmas miracle was that this thread, sans-moderation, has stayed pleasant and interesting!! Seriously, this was a huge gift from Althouse to her readers!
'If anyone's still interested, the family has said there will be no show without Phil.'
Bingo. Whoever it was at A&E who thought putting a PC filter over the show has got to be very very nervous right now.
In concert with some other commenters, I'd like to say that without the kneejerk progressives (and some conservatives) chiming in with the usual distractions and attempts at threadjacking this has been an excellent and informative thread.
Kudos to harrogate for sticking by his principles and opinions and defending them coherently and in good humor. It drew out a lot of excellent food for thought from a lot of commenters.
"Please strive to ignore the opinions
Of sodomizers and of their minions."
12/20/13, 4:36 AM
" I thought the Christmas miracle was that this thread, sans-moderation, has stayed pleasant and interesting!! Seriously, this was a huge gift from Althouse to her readers!"
12/20/13, 5:57 AM
Thanks, B. I really like this internet community.
Hope everyone is gearing up for a Merry Christmas!
Wouldn't it be awesome if A&E collectively cooked up a duck hunting summit with Phil's gang and some GLAAD folks?
The gay crowd are weak. They won't even attempt to force A&E to do the right thing. Stop running Duck Dynasty re-runs, and demand that the new shows in the can be destroyed.
For the Robertson family are the same today as they were before the first showed aired.
I would love to see the Family demand a full apology from A&E along with a statement that the Robertson's Values are Shared by A&E.
It wont happen, But at least the Robertson's have the satisfaction of standing up for themselves,(and like 10 million of their fans)
What is also lost is the Robertson family is not out proselytizing. They are ALWAYS invited to share there experiences. NEVER have they pushed the values an a single soul. Only when asked and invited, do they share.
It actually takes quite a bit of effort and time to find out what their core values are.
Jesus predicted that just before His return as Judge, there will be a strange, dangerous fad - a spontaneous global steamroller notable for its speed, violence, and impudent in-your-face openness. In Luke 17 He called this worldwide craze the repeat of the "days of Lot" (see Genesis 19). By fulfilling this worldwide mania that's secretly coordinated by unseen spirit beings, gays are really hurrying up Christ's return and making the Bible even more believable!
They've actually invented strange architecture: closets opening not on to bedrooms but on to Main Streets where kids can see naked men having sex in "Madam" Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco Brothel District. We wonder how soon S.F.'s underground saint - San Andreas - will get a 10-point jolt out of what goes on over his head (see the dire prediction about cities in Revelation 16:19, and Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity").
What's really scary is the "reprobate mind" phrase in Romans 1:28. A person can sear his conscience so much that God finally turns him over to S, the universal evil leader whose unseen agents can give a "possessed" person super-human strength that many cops with tasers have trouble subduing!
Remember, gays don't have to stay bound to their slavery. Their emancipation is found in a 5-letter name starting with J - no, not James or Julia. As soon as they can find out the all-powerful J name, gays will really start living! (Google "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up," "USA - from Puritans to Impure-itans," and "The Background Obama Can't Cover Up.")
Was Jesus silent about gays? Google " 'Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality.' When gays have birthdays...."
dude your bad wrong he was not accurate I dont know what "version" of the bible your reading. Homosexuality is Never mentioned in the Bible.
Phil Robertson Has a Gay Lover Click here for more details His name is Paul Horner.
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