November 2, 2013

"My Mother Is a Mommyblogger."

I'd like to read some blogs with that titles like that, and I don't want them to be blogs written by mommybloggers in the voice of the children they're writing about.

Mommyblogs have been around for a long time. Haven't some of these kids gotten old enough to acquire the skill and the desire to turn the tables?

If these things don't exist, why don't they exist? If it's because the mothers manage to prevent it, then do they concede that they should not have been writing about their children in the first place? If not, why not?

Mother's effort to prevent you from from countermommyblogging is one more topic to be addressed in the countermommyblogs I'm looking for.


somefeller said...

The blogs that Penelope Trunk's kids could write would probably elicit a chuckle and jaw-drop or two.

somefeller said...

Though if one of the things you are suggesting is that mommybloggers are a species of exhibitionists, it's easy to imagine that many of their kids would want to run from that and not write about it. Equal and opposite reaction.

Kevin said...

I wanna hear more from Gnat Lileks, since she was one of the children I first saw grow up partly exposed on a widely read blog.

Hagar said...

There is a "not" missing here?

Ann Althouse said...

"There is a "not" missing here?"

Yeah. Thanks. Fixed.

Leo said...

I have a friend who's mother is a poet. Apparently she wrote a poem about my friend's first period. What's weird is she doesn't seem too bothered by it. Maybe that sort of kid just gets used to it.

Carl said...

Haven't some of these kids gotten old enough to acquire the skill and the desire to turn the tables?

I doubt very many are in the grips of the necessary pathology. Of all the forms of Internet exhibitionism, mommyblogging strikes me as the least diagnostic of...issues. Mommyblogging is just the 21st century version of yakking over the back fence about your kids. More normal female behaviour is hard to imagine. I suppose the male equivalent are the guns and cars fora. Those people probably also have mostly very normal children.

Anonymous said...

As a mommyblogger let me tell you, the kids do get even.It's called twitter. And you can rest assured its no holds barred.