July 12, 2013

"Nice resumé, Mr. Hendrix..."

Found on the internet. Sorry, I don't know the cartoonist's name. It was presented the way I'm presenting it here. I can hardly complain, since I'm doing the same, but what else can I do? Found on the internet, like everything else that's merging and melting, flowing out and slithering wildly as they slip away across the internet....

It's that kind of experience.

I set out on a journey, looking for an image of a bad humanoid robot and I ran into that, from out there in the universe, dispensed by Google...

I continued my travels across the universe of the internet... and I never got there....

ADDED: An reader found another version of Hendrix image that identifies the cartoonist as Craig Swanson. There's a URL for his website, but it doesn't work.