June 18, 2013

This is your brain/face on drugs/morphing.

How'd they do that?


pm317 said...

Give him a teleprompter? Hey, they should put a teleprompter in a Google glass that gets loaded using artificial intelligence.

traditionalguy said...

Legalize marijuana quicker. That drug destroyed mind was going in slow motion.

Largo said...

Meh. It depends on the drug and the dosage. As the saying goes: It's the dosage that makes the poison.

Fernandinande said...

"How'd they do that?"

By wasting taxpayers' money.

edutcher said...

Does anybody feel like a fried egg?

Unknown said...

That was pretty cool. Thanks for including "How'd they do that."

Palladian said...

He turned from a boy into a man. Cool.

Carl said...

One of the reasons I have contempt for modern libertarians -- you know, the upper middle class "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" crowd who think information and weed want to be free, because, hey, I toked all the way through college and still landed this sweet programming job -- is that they have no fucking clue how devastating drugs are to certain people. Drug use goes through some families like the Black Death, leaving no survivors in any meaningful sense of the word.

They wank on about how you have a choice as an adult, eh? Except for some people -- God knows, probably something in their DNA -- they don't have a real choice. Once the chemicals are in their brain, they have no more choice than a monkey in rut. They might as well be animals, or have futuristic mind-control devices implanated in their brains. Whatever the person was is utterly overriden by the monster on his back.

The smug Reason crowd would just write them off, so they can puff a joint at the beach in full view of the cops. Ha ha, evolution in action, man! I got mine....so...pfui. Except that it's a lot of people. And the misery it generates spreads to even more people, those nearby, family, friends, victims of their crimes petty and grand. I think you could reasonable argue that between the congenitally stupid and the congenitally susceptible to drugs, you have covered almost all the sources of ordinary crime and violence. It's a monster problem.

And the solution...? I sure don't know. I believe in choice and individual liberty more fiercely than most, but liberty and choice can't work by definition when there is no mind, no free will. You can't control the weather by explaining very patiently to a storm cell that if it continues to generate tornados, it will be punished severely.

So...what? I don't know. But the failure of the modern libertarian crowd to even admit there's a problem, the complete self-centeredness in saying my choice, no matter how frivolous, cannot be constrained for anybody else's need, no matter how dire, is why they lack the maturity required to become a genuine governing principle, and will, if nothing changes, remain a useful but minor harassing force. And someone who does take these problems seriously -- either the statists or the social conservatives -- will reign instead.

MadisonMan said...

Carl, you could say the same thing about alcohol.

Life isn't fair. It sucks. You deal with the genetic roulette you are given. Sometimes you are susceptible to melanomas that run right through you and kill you.

ampersand said...

There's an ad about autism where the spokesman changes from teen to middle aged man.