Here's the old live-blog from that night. The #1 thing I remember from that night was the news shows all saying it was
too close to call, when that was completely wrong, as I intuited:
8:31: I get the feeling the TV shows are being theatrical with their "too close to call" announcements. Looking at the HuffPo "Election Dashboard," linked in the previous update, which is an actual vote count, we've got 58.3% for Walker and 41.1% for Barrett, with 7.4% reporting...
8:35: Intrade has Walker at 93.7%. I guess nobody believes the TV exit polls.
The "too close to call" charade went on for the first hour, and as soon at the clock struck 9, they switched to calling it, which really messed with the minds of the Walker haters:
9:00: "NBC is full of shit!!! Dane County and Milwaukee haven't reported their results yet, and NBC called it for Walker?!?!" The outrage at Democratic Underground.
And here's a hilarious McIver Institute video showing the post-recall disbelief and denial:
Ah yes, how can one forget the lunatic left in that video. Their deranged insanity is always entertaining. They all sound the same, they all look the same, they all appear the same.
Seeing that fugly chick's face and her being all bum-hurt is hysterical.
Oh, and the Republicans are in like so much trouble!!!
It's fun to laugh at people who get emotional when elections don't go the way they expected.
Eh, pretty much nothing has happened in the last year, I think. Voter ID still up in the air; Paul Ryan still a Congressman... Mifflin Block Party suppressed as UW students demonstrate they're not quite what their parents were...
Prolly heat up again after the New Year.
Thank you.
And remember: "Conservatives are nearly extinct in Dane County."
These people are clearly not "decent" like Tea Party Becky.
"It's fun to laugh at people who get emotional when elections don't go the way they expected."
Ding Ding Ding.
Except.... "Cruel Neutrality!!!!"
Oh yeah, Pippi Bongstalking!
That was such a fun night. Watching Ed Schultz and others on MSNBC look like their dog just died was hliarious.
The victory party was over the top.
Tom Barrett look totally shell shocked.
And the woman in that video - what was her name? Twizzle or Swizzle or something like that - her melt-down was epic.
Still waiting for those
Oh yeah, Pippi Bongstalking!
Bongstocking, I think..... Works either way, I suppose.
There's really nothing to do about such people but laugh at them.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ....
And since MSNBC's Rachel Maddow had the sads that night, MSNBC's prime time numbers went down 20%.
Maddow's show dropped 21%, the "lowest total viewing figures in her show's history."
No doubt there are votes that have not been counted. Somewhere. In somebody's trunk. Disenfranchised votes from disenfranchised voters.
If they were wrong about that one (so very wrong), why would anyone think they told the truth about the other one?
harrogate said...
It's fun to laugh at people who get emotional when elections don't go the way they expected.
Ding Ding Ding.
Except.... "Cruel Neutrality!!!!
Yes, but we're talking about ones the weren't stolen.
Seems like longer ago than a week. But then last Thursday seems like months ago to me.
Sorry to hear about your brother. It was good of you to help out.
Hah, hah, hah. Yeah, good laugh that time.
Good old Pippi.
Plus the obligatory Belushi.
"Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no!"
That part when Pippi Bongstocking was razzing the bus driver (who totally called the election himself) for CNN's early call was just awesome.
Radical Music by Thistle
I bet the bus driver still wakes up in a sweat from when that giant white toilet brush girl screeched at him.
Like an outtake from a John Waters film.
Ah, memories.
I wonder what ever became of Thistle? Perhaps she hung herself with a sustainably harvested hemp rope when the SECRET ROUTER indictments failed to materialize.
No updates to Thistles blog that you linked to in quite a while.
Good riddance. Hope she is composting in peace.
Sadly, after seeing the upcoming smelly hippy performances she has scheduled, she seems to have gotten over her dissapointment.
Boo to that.
She's might picket the mines this weekend, according to Facebook.
Plus, she's gonna march "to the home of Angelo Fallucca —one of the owners of Palermo’s Pizza— to demand that he and his brother finally sit down with workers."
Their motto: No Justice. No Piece. (Get it?)
With a pizza cutter instead of the commie hammer.
I can't laugh at the poor girl. I felt that way in November.
Socialist Pizza Now!
Socialist Pizza Forever!
I filled out the letter but changed the wording.
Garage Mahal/Obama Secret Routers or something like that
Actually, I think garage looks halfway decent in drag.
Makes me want to move to Wisconsin.
The white woman needs to work on her SBC head back and forth self-righteous indignation gesture.
Mostly I remember the funereal tones on NPR.
Listening as the news came in, you'd think the announcer's dog had just died.
What a year its been!
No jobs, more debt, but plenty of ultrasound probes to go around for da ladies. Maybe our new bail bondsman can do the probing. Althouse, for some reason, never lets us on to all the good stuff.
Harrogate: "These people are clearly not "decent" like Tea Party Becky."
Not surprising that Harrogate finds Becky Gerritson not "decent".
Of course, Harrogate probably finds the Occupier who crapped on the police car simply A-Ok.
Speaks volumes.
Tell us Harrogate, what do you find the most not "decent" about Becky?
She's white?
Middle class?
A conservative?
Politically active in causes you don't agree with?
Law abiding?
Articulate in support of causes you don't believe in?
Probably married with kids too.
Will the not "decent" things about Becky never end!!
garage: "No jobs, more debt,..."
No garage, according to the left Obama has saved us and the economy and it's all going so well!!
Now sit back and wait for your Obama-phone and government cheese.
I didn't say she is not a decent person. Swing and a miss. Feel free to try again.
Oh, and "ultrasound probes"?
Have you ever seen an actual ultrasound?
Oh, I guess "probes" simply sounds more politically effective.
garage probably learned this in his advanced woodshop class in HS....(probably in a temporary classroom trailer).
The horrors!
Harrogate: "I didn't say she is not a decent person. Swing and a miss. Feel free to try again."
That's right.
You did not say "not a decent person."
You did use "decent"........quote/unquote.
What precisely, did you mean by that?
Is it over now?
I have a friend from college who unfriended me from her facebook people over this. She still won't return my calls.
I think that's what's missing in the Tea Party and conservative movements. The total emotional immersion in the cause.
Rusty said: "I have a friend from college who unfriended me from her facebook people over this."
This has happened to quite a few people, on the right, in the middle, etc.
Wasn't there a study done recently which demonstrated how prevalent the "unfriending" was on the left when confronted with alternate viewpoints?
Oh, yes, there it is...
Oh yea... How could I have forgotten about that.
Garage only mentioned it like a hundred times.
It turns out, its Obama using a secret router.
No Secret John Doe Investigation of Obama however.
She still won't return my calls.
If she owes you $50, then it is money well spent.
The pew-center-study-of-american-online-habits.htm concludes with the following statement:
Bottomline, this study is obviously racist.
WTF?? Hilarious!!
garage mahal said...
In a rich bit of irony, your comments have been parody all along.
In a rich bit of irony, you didn't know all along that this account has already been a parody of sorts. Meaning, under this moniker I never ever give a fuck. It's "separate" from me, even if you did know who I am I still wouldn't give a fuck.
Hey Bitchtits, care to tell us why you have switched to different "Monikers" for the last few weeks? Since you bravely ran away from the other thread.
And when is that indictment of Walker coming, fat boy?
Oh Thistle, you’re a palate cleanser that never fails to deliver zesty refreshment.
"NBC is full of shit!!! said garage mahal...
Where are the jobs in Wisconsin?
I don't give a shit about the recall but I thought the jobs were to cum. Where r they?
Wisconsin is near the bottom of the country in job creation.
Why Wisconsin Why?
I don't recall what my commentalicious reaction was, here, of the video of this young woman.
But here at Althouse you get a second chance.
That young woman was misled very badly and even though she may have been predisposed to that at no point during the constant drumming (as far as I can recall) did any of the grownups explained that an election could be won and lost.
Instead the grownups talked like this.
Its a little sad.
Titus, why don't you go back to spanking it to morgue pictures of speedbump tsarenov and wait for super aids to inevitably shake you loose of the mortal coil?
Titus: "Wisconsin is near the bottom of the country in job creation.
Why Wisconsin Why?"
The COUNTRY is near the bottom of job creation.
Why Obama Why?
Oh yeah.
That's right, eelpout and his pals have choked off job creation with their policies.
Did you know that in Spain and France and Greece there is permanent, structural large scale unemployment and amongst the "future", the "yutes", unemployment ranges as high as 60%.
Must be all those European Tea Parties.
And Bush.
Mustn't forget Bush.
Oh yeah, and "headwinds".
And "kiosks" and "ATM machines".
How's the Keystone Pipeline study coming along?
Any day now, right?
What we need are more "shovel ready jobs"!!!
And not-high-speed choo choos......from no where to no the future!
I notice the intellectually bankrupt eelpout deleted his comment saying that the right only wants dirty air, dirty water, and giving more money to billionaires.
He's too much of a sniveling wuss to even stand by his vitriolic comments.
Here's a hint, retard: The right is nothing like the stupid caricature you make them to be. Stand by your comments, loser.
It's pretty clear that "comment deleted" has posted the most salient and powerful argument in support of Obama's policies that we have seen on these boards.
I for one thank Mr (or Ms) Deleted.
Or can I call you "Comment"?
Lack of self awareness is what's for dinner in this post.
Harrogate: "Lack of self awareness is what's for dinner in this post."
Lack of self awareness.
The calling card of the left.
Drago in a MittShell here: has no idea what he's arguing about but whatever it is he's gotta be right.
That sanctimonious, flat-chested, slump-shouldered girl that comes on around 1:00 with the two cutesy little pigtails desperately needs a cream pie in her face.
madAsHell said...
She still won't return my calls.
If she owes you $50, then it is money well spent.
if she is that shallow I don't need her anyway.
Hi! Thank you for visiting my site. I am a singer/songwriter and environmental activist living in Madison, Wisconsin. My birth name is Kristine Pettersen but I like to be called “Thistle.”
About my endeavors and projects: I was co-founder of the Grassroutes Caravan for the 2008 Republican National Convention protests in St. Paul. The GRC has since become an intentional community-building institution based out of Madison. Through this bicycle revolution work, I worked on a committee to organize a mobile bicycle village to Detroit for the US Social Forum in 2010 and then the Soular Ride to Custer, WI in 2011 for the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair. Both of these rides included children ranging in age from 18 months to ten years old. In May of 2012, the GRC rode from Madison to Chicago for the NATO actions, demonstrations and protests. Eight of us were arrested by Chicago police and then interrogated by US Homeland Security after being picked up and taken to jail before we had reached the larger demonstration downtown. We were unarmed and clearly not a threat to national security, but the US often bullies, depicting unarmed, peaceful bicycle lovers as “violent terrorists” to justify their violence against us.
Also notable was Thistle's attempt to unionize the food co-op.
"Mostly I remember the funereal tones on NPR.
Listening as the news came in, you'd think the announcer's dog had just died."
How could that be? NPR represents all Americans. I can't imagine them taking sides and abusing that trust.
Althouse, remember the man who cried and said "democracy is dead" on air: link
Wonder whatever happened to him.
alan markus said...
Garage Mahal/Obama Secret Routers or something like that
Oh yeah, the most transparent administration in history.
Harrogate: "Drago in a MittShell here: has no idea what he's arguing about but whatever it is he's gotta be right."
Uh, it was eelpouts laundry list of dem talking points that I was engaging.
Thanks for trying to stay up to speed Harrogate.
Your "performance" in that area is precisely what was expected.
Isn't the grey sleeveless guy beginning at the .17 s mark the same guy who was with the thug who took a swipe at Althouse's camera?
Secret routers = bad.
Secret email addresses = okay.
Thistle is sure to make someone miserable someday? Absolutely, I-don't wanna-go-home miserable.
Hey Garage, you need a wife, don't you? Match made in heaven.
President-Mom-Jeans said...
Titus, why don't you go back to spanking it to morgue pictures of speedbump tsarenov and wait for super aids to inevitably shake you loose of the mortal coil?
They're having some sort of rally for Walker tonight. What in the world could they be celebrating? More debt? Declining private sector wages? Near last in the nation in job creation/growth? Lead paint victims with no legal recourse? Maybe having nice roads for people to continue leaving the state is the only thing I can come up with.
Seriously, has no one linked to this yet?
in the end it wasn't shame, but a total victory...
Wisconsin is such a nightmare according to garage!
Why hasn't Wisconsin depopulated yet!
I mean, if it's as bad as garage claims, even temporary classroom students would be smart enough to leave!
If the tables were turned, I have no doubt NPR would have been oozing about this one-year anniversary all week long, haha. Creaming in their pants, they would have been, like what I just heard of their version of Michelle's "brave triumph" against the Lesbian interloper last night.
Which is funny because the White House can't help itself anymore, it HAS To airbrush reality in the transcripts, cover up that there was some weirdness, it just has to LIE by omission, and now, behold! What is not in the transcripts is actually some new heroism from the FLOTUS!
But I digress from the subject at a hand.
ms. Althouse, thank you for remembering the one-year anniversary Triumph on the part of the new Blacklisted ones, the new Segregated Untouchables, those who dare to say the Public Purse is out of control.
I would not have been able to know except for your blog, and would have missed a "Clink!" of a toast to your valiant Gov. walker.
Godspeed, Wisconsin.
bagoh20 said...
Hey Garage, you need a wife, don't you? Match made in heaven.
Hmmm, Inga vs. Thistle. FIGHT!!!
Sorry, maybe he prefers Mr. Dickman, solidarity singer. NTTIAWWT.
According to this link Pippi sure gets around. According to the blurb she was 36 in 2004, That makes her 44 last year.
ampersand said...
According to this link Pippi sure gets around. According to the blurb she was 36 in 2004, That makes her 44 last year.
Oh, you can see how raving lunatic leftism transforms you into an even bigger raving leftist lunatic. You are right though, she sure does get around.
Begin here.
Have fun here.
Pippy Bongstocking
Now that's some Grade A funny right there.
Walker's victory was the only semi-bright spot for non-Democrats since 2010. I say semi-bright because why the hell did they push for a recall in the first place?
‘Being a leftist is a calling, not a career; it’s a vocation not a profession. It means you are concerned about structural violence, you are concerned about exploitation at the work place, you are concerned about institutionalized contempt against gay brothers and lesbian sisters, hatred against peoples of color, and the subordination of women.’
-Cornel West
Come out to Seattle, Pippi Bongstocking, you're a dime a dozen.
That's funny actually, because me and my partner Starchild started out in "Three-Peace Harmony," then she got preggers and I hit the open road, busking for my food in "PeaceMeal," a traveling homeless karaoke van serving up love and peanut butter sandwiches.
Somewhere along the way I had a moment of deep inner consciousness, and started clearing a little plot of sidewalk, growing some social justice and doing chalk art.
Apparently I got hepatitis and bronchitis at Zucotti Park (and nearly molested).
Look for me under your bootsoles, man.
"Wisconsin is such a nightmare according to garage!"
Depending on which thread he is on today, Wisconsin is either the shining city on the hill of prosperity or Devil's Island penal colony. If it's good, it's the army of socialists in their cubicles, but if it's bad, it's Walker all by himself.
Yea, the Pogo original "Pippy Bongstalking" is even better, as it comes to life with drama of longing and pursuit.
The Solidarity Singers were great but they need more cow bell.
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