Says Salon, displaying lots of tweets. I question whether that stuff ought to be called "shaming." What I'm seeing looks more like This should be a wake-up call to anyone who's fat.
[Fill in the blank]-shaming is a meme, and it includes defining shame downward. I get that. But let's think about whether we want "shaming" to be a commodious category or a narrow one. I'm inclined to recommend narrow, but I'm highly influenced by the time I spent at the Wisconsin protests, amongst angry people chanting "Shame, shame, shame."
In this "fat-shaming" example, we might say the death of a respected actor ought to be an occasion to praise him, and not to offer up ideas about what he might have done to avert his fate. But I don't hear shaming in that. I hear this wish to avoid death: If only he'd lost weight, he might not have died. And: Fat people need to lose weight, or they might die too. That's more fear than shame.
The person who calls the response "shame"... what's his motivation? He might think "fat-shaming" is a funny, trendy way to refer to any statement about anyone being fat. But I think it's more like: Don't you dare talk about how anyone is fat, because fat people now have a way to bounce what we hear as an insult right back at you.
June 21, 2013
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 226 of 226Made you look!
It wouldn't surprise me if there was also some push from higher up to drop Paula after this:
Deen even recently told the Washington Examiner, “[Michelle Obama] probably ate more than any other guest I ever had on the show! She kept eating even during commercials. Know what [the Obamas’] favorite foods are? Hot wings.”
She paints a picture of Obama that’s a far cry from the first lady who was photographed holding a worm she pulled from a vegetable garden yesterday.
According to the Enquirer, Obama now regrets going on Deen’s show. “Michelle’s spitting mad,” a source told the paper. “She thinks Paula is trying to smear her and her family just as the 2012 presidential election race swings into gear.
I've always thought that Michelle, just like Barry, are two frauds.
Made you look!
You did! Damn you, MadisonMan, and your crafty ways!
People who feel an abnormal degree of hunger eat more than their body needs, and thus become fatter. If you felt an abnormal amount of hunger, you'd be fat too.
Only if one doesn't have any will power or self control. I've known far too many fat people that are no longer fat simply by putting the spoon down and/or changing their diet and exercising accordingly.
"oh I cannot stop eating, whatever am I to do?" Well that's a bunch of excuse making bullshit so whatever.
It may make you FEEL better, but all its still PC bullshit.
IOW, one chooses to be fat by refusing to stop shoving food into ones face, barring a true medical condition, or certain body type.
Paula Deen stupidly saying racist seeming things out loud and fat people have a thing in common: poor impulse control when it comes to their mouths.
As far as nuclear winter goes, well there will be plenty of well marbled fatties to pick from.
Palladian, sorry to hear about your problems. I own a house and have pretty much hated the money-pit from the get go. I have tried to sell it regularly in the past by my wife would not agree. I should shut up and just pay the bills.
My parents were products of depression and emphasized no debt, a steady job and house ownership. When I was young, and by this I mean up until forty, I found this very stifling. I had the energy to overcome any set-back. Now that I am not so young my parents end up making a lot sense.
My parents were products of depression and emphasized no debt, a steady job and house ownership. When I was young, and by this I mean up until forty, I found this very stifling. I had the energy to overcome any set-back. Now that I am not so young my parents end up making a lot sense.
This, combined with ARM's usual political POV make for quite the cognitive dissonance, no?
EMD said...
This, combined with ARM's usual political POV make for quite the cognitive dissonance, no?
No, you just know little or nothing about the people you stereotype.
It isn't just girth that can kill you, it's also height.
Seriously. Ever see a six footer in a group of elderly folk?
It's not "shaming". It's a disease according to the AMA. It's born of a dysfunctional behavior.
edutcher said...
From 1866 to about 1960, blacks voted Republican in significant numbers. The promise of the Welfare State and the excuses of community organizing changed that.
Crazy old ed apparently determined to misinterpret any post, as Althouse has repeatedly noted. Most of us would consider the stable voting patterns over the last fifty years to be a status quo.
A pithy quote from Nixon's political strategist Kevin Phillips:
'From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that.... The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."
This dummy failed to anticipate a majority/minority status for whites.
Michael Haz said...
It isn't just girth that can kill you, it's also height.
Seriously. Ever see a six footer in a group of elderly folk?
I have also noted this phenomena. There is some evidence of a negative correlation between height and longevity.
Icepick said...
it is mystifying that a large group of people would consistently vote against their own self-interests
I think you could say the same thing about white working class males and the Republican party. Nobody has seen their economic status more completely eroded over the last forty five years than these guys.
Until the Repubs start to repudiate race baiters like Limbaugh and Hannity not much is going to change between the Republican party and black voters. Republicans had the ideal vehicle for change in Colin Powell. It has never been clear to me why much greater effort wasn't made to draft him for president. I know some effort was made but it didn't seem to have the necessary push from the party leaders. He was a once in a lifetime opportunity. If Powell had been elected president, Democrats would have been truly fucked.
Seriously. Ever see a six footer in a group of elderly folk?
My Dad used to be 6 feet tall. He's 90 now. He's also about 5' 8" tall now.
Age robs you of height.
No, you just know little or nothing about the people you stereotype.
Who am I stereotyping? And how?
Please, edumacate me.
All the celebrities dead of drug overdoses doesn't seem to have shamed drug use.
EMD said...
Who am I stereotyping? And how?
Lefties, leftists, libruls etc.
By assuming that these people are not fiscally conservative and pro-family. Upper income liberals tend to have some of the most stable families of any large socio-economic group.
Best of luck Palladian.
I have a question for you Palladian. Maybe you know how to get computer artwork to print the right colors? My daughter wants to put some prints in our local science fiction convention art show and "print bin" but we tried printing a couple and the colors were off. They weren't just a little bit off, either. Also, is photo-print paper appropriate for artwork?
The problem is that blacks have never developed the level of trust in the Republican party required to vote strategically.
Of course not. It isn't enough that 600,000 Americans died freeing them.
I have a question for you Palladian. Maybe you know how to get computer artwork to print the right colors? My daughter wants to put some prints in our local science fiction convention art show and "print bin" but we tried printing a couple and the colors were off.
It's actually a very difficult art to turn digital images into paper images, sort of akin to the "old" process of making a photographic print from a negative.
At the professional level, all of the equipment must be calibrated correctly (including the monitor) and you have a consistent color space (often called a "profile") in the file and on the equipment.
If you have Photoshop, the best way to get better output is to open the image file with the program) and look at the Color Settings of the file (find it under the "Edit" menu). The Source Space should say something like "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" or "Camera Profile" or "Apple RGB" or something. Then in the "Print" dialog, you choose "Photoshop Manages Colors" under the "Color Management" menu, then choose a printer profile that matches your image file's color space (such as "sRGB IEC61966-2.1").
If you aren't using Photoshop, or if you're on a Windows platform, I can't offer much specific advice. Windows may have some sort of "Printer Calibration Wizard" but I don't know for sure.
They weren't just a little bit off, either. Also, is photo-print paper appropriate for artwork?
It really depends upon what effect you want. It's totally an aesthetic judgment. I would say that you will not get a good print if you use plain paper, and that you'll get much better results with "photo" paper. There are hundreds of types of inkjet digital printing papers available, with a wide variety of surface textures, thicknesses and colors.
This is what post-racial Obamatopian America looks like.
It's ugly.
It's amazing how fear is a motivator. I got my first exercise in weeks in.
Alex said...
It's amazing how fear is a motivator. I got my first exercise in weeks in.
No shit, dude.
just got back from my doctor.
BP normal
Heart rate normal- I actually jogged accross the parking lot to get there.
Cholesterol-both types normal
kidney, liver , prostate normal
So when I got home I ordered a pizza.
Thank you Palladian. I'm going to copy that and see if the computer-competent in the house can adjust settings for better results. I appreciate the help. :)
Tony Soprano - a great actor in a great series.
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