May 7, 2013

"I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms."

"Something is wrong here. Dead giveaway. Dead giveaway. Dead giveaway."


Oso Negro said...

Uncle Charles reminds me of my neighbors in Galveston. Feel good moment of the week.

FleetUSA said...

What a great clip! Animated and clear. No MSM polishing and editing.

Anonymous said...

Bro, that guy got some testicles to do what he done...

Brian Brown said...

"You got some big testicles to pull this off bro. Cuz, we seen this dude everyday!"


Patrick said...

Iowahawk gets all the good lines first, but "that man should never have to buy another beer."

Patrick said...

Incidentally, the local paper had a transcript of Ms. Berry's 911 call. Granted it was the transcript only, but I was struck at the absolute lack of compassion by the 911 operator.

I told you they're on their way; talk to them when they get there, OK

It's like it's time for a cigarette break or something.

FedkaTheConvict said...

So what's Ariel Ramos' immigration status?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

You laugh at Jackie Mason and you're anti-Semitic, is the problem.

bagoh20 said...

I bet my neighbors think I'm up to something like this. I wonder if there is a website where a boring creepy guy living alone can learn to get his evil on. It sounds more interesting that what I'm up to.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms."

I didn't say it.!

Tank said...

Great interview.

No filter on that guy.

Love it.

bagoh20 said...

His lines and delivery remind me of an actor in a 60's urban stage play.

Freeman Hunt said...

Thank God for that guy.

What a relief it must have been to the girl when she saw him outside and he responded when she called him over.

David said...

May I say, without intending to be racist, that Mr. Charles is very articulate. Nice job all around, Sir.

AllenS said...

I keep an eye on all my neighbors.

RazorSharpSundries said...

This scene could've been played out on the streets of south Fargo. We're all Ohioans now. This guy should never have to buy McDonalds again at the very least. He went forth to answer the pleas of help armed only w/a delicious Big Mac.

DADvocate said...

May I say, without intending to be racist, that Mr. Charles is very articulate.

My thought also. As a native Southerner, I'm often a little surprised how everybody up North has better diction than everybody down South. For verbal skills, this guy would have been in the top 25% of my high school class.

MayBee said...

I love the emotions on his face. There are times- like when he's recounting the 911 call- where you can see him reliving the moment.

If an actor could ever capture that, it would be gold.

Larry J said...

Well done, sir.

When I hear his voice, he sounds like the comedian, Sinbad.

MadisonMan said...

I hope I am that watchable if I am ever interviewed. Awesome!

ndspinelli said...

I loved this guy when I saw him interviewed. Straight, honest, and not an ounce of pc!

test said...

bagoh20 said...
I bet my neighbors think I'm up to something like this. I wonder if there is a website where a boring creepy guy living alone can learn to get his evil on.

It seems especially risky for one person, in this case there are three brothers. Every time you left the house without coverage there would be a risk of escape or attracting attention. You might work at home or be on disability, but even web-workers go to meetings and interviews or to the store. You probably couldn't have food delivered.

It seems natural you'd need a partner, didn't Smart's captor have a wife as a partner? But how do you approach someone else with the idea?

I'm not sure I want to know, but there have to be more bombshells coming.

garage mahal said...

Best interviewer ever!

DADvocate said...

It seems especially risky for one person,...

If you dig a really good pit, it's no problem.

ndspinelli said...

garage, I appears your dog is in a city park,"Citizen's arrest..Citizen's arrest"[Gomer Pyle voice].

garage mahal said...

garage, I appears your dog is in a city park,"Citizen's arrest..Citizen's arrest"[Gomer Pyle voice].

Actually that's my yard. (corner lot)

Phil 314 said...

When does the auto-tune version come out?

Kansas City said...

Only in America.

keysgirl said...

What a great guy. He didn't hesitate to get involved, even though he could have easily ignored the situation. It made me sad, though, when he said he knew something was wrong when a pretty white girl ran into the arms of a black man. Why does skin color have to matter? He proved the content of his character today, and that is all that should matter. God bless those three women, and that innocent child.

john marzan said...

you forgot the last part after "dead giveaway"

he said: "either she homeless, or she got a problem."

Kirby Olson said...

Very funny intelligent man. Someone should give him a hero's dollop of money like a million dollars worth. I love how he just considered it part of his normal day to rescue those young women.