May 4, 2013

At the Pine Tree Café...


... you can talk all night.


Bob Ellison said...

I loved my Kindle Fire. It was my constant companion for 1.5 years.

Then I lost it the other day. I figured it was just a device, so I ordered a Microsoft Surface.

But my Fire was still gone, and the Surface will be a few days coming. I was surprised at how unhappy I was about its loss.

Then my wife found my Kindle Fire. I am very happy again. But the Surface will arrive soon, and then I will probably not care. I'm a gadget slut.

Freeman Hunt said...

Locally there is a Mom Prom tonight. When I first heard of it, I wondered, "Is it a prom-like party for only moms?" Indeed. Indeed, it is.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Freeman Hunt: "Is it a prom-like party for only moms?" Indeed. Indeed, it is.

That's sort of sad. They're adults who have all the freedoms of the adult world and still they can't escape high school.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

There was a seniors prom near here in Rutherford. For seniors... early bird special seniors, movie theater discount seniors, transportation discount... you get the picture.

Unknown said...

Prom is mythical in its significance.

Unknown said...

Or is it mythic?

Chip S. said...

Did anyone else misread that as "Mom Pr0n"?

MayBee said...

This from Ezra Klein amuses me. He explains Obama's use of the term "permission structure". It turns out Obama thinks he could really get things done if the press wouldn't criticize him or report conflicting opinions.

Poor Obama

Clyde said...

@ MayBee

Such a media "permission structure" seems to work pretty well for Kim Jong Un in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Obama no doubt envies the uniformly glowing coverage that Kim receives in his homeland, and would emulate it if he could.

MayBee said...

No kidding, Clyde. Ezra makes a great propagandist. He could probably lead the card section at the Obama Arirang Games.

Rusty said...

I didn't find any mushrooms.
In case anybody was curious.
When I find some I'll post about it.

rhhardin said...

Your defined benefit pension plan is better funded this year, thanks to the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Centry Act, which permits historical yields to be used in calculating funding.

That will work until all the money has been paid out.

Freeman Hunt said...

J. Crew says these are looks they love. They have been sending goofy emails, and this is a peak into the goofiness.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ugh! Peek!

Sydney said...

Bill Ayers is a moral midget (and an idiot):

There is no relationship at all between what Weather Underground members did and the bombings that two brothers allegedly committed on April 15 in Massachusetts, Ayers said in response to a reporter’s question. No one died in the Weather Underground bombings.

“How different is the shooting in Connecticut from shooting at a hunting range?” Ayers said. “Just because they use the same thing, there’s no relationship at all.”

Moral midget.

The United States is the most violent country that has ever been created, Ayers said.


MayBee said...

Freeman- I do not love those looks, but I am happy to see J Crew is now shipping duty free internationally. Thanks for the link!

Freeman Hunt said...

My favorite might have been the "mix microprints like they're solids" or maybe the top half casual, bottom half paty one.

Freeman Hunt said...

Favorite as in funniest. Funniest is usually my favorite.

KCFleming said...

During the 2 days of our recent blizzard, swollen robins were hopping on the ground desperately searching for open ground and thus food.

They took no notice of me nearby, but once, eyed me with the bird version of "WTF?"

I was surprised today to find to my daffodils with flowers still attached, poking through the remains of the melting 2 foot snow.

And the bird songs were as close to 'Hallelujah' as nature allows.

KCFleming said...

The Land's End women dress like they are five.

edutcher said...

Nice pic, Madame.

Looks quite summery.

Bob Ellison said...

I loved my Kindle Fire. It was my constant companion for 1.5 years.


Then my wife found my Kindle Fire. I am very happy again.

Did the Fire increase the fire you felt for the Mrs?

PS In light of Roger Simon's piece on the I word used in connection with Choom's performance anent Benghazi, it's interesting to note the WaPo piece about Shotgun Joe having the requisite gravitas to ascend the Presidency.

Equally interesting Choom stepped in it yet again - this time in Mexico.

MayBee said...

Mixing micro prints like they are solids sounds like a real risk. Almost too dangerous to contemplate.

Bob: "I survived a hippo attack."
Freeman: "I mixed micro prints like they are solids"

Freeman Hunt said...

Yes, I thought that was mean advice for J. Crew to give.