May 28, 2013

At the Dogwood Café...


... all is not lost.


Mumpsimus said...

Just in case someone hasn't seen this yet:

It's Not About the Nail

Elliott A said...

Not like the real dogwoods we have here in Virginia. Whole tree of blossoms with no leaves. Can't have Southern Wannabees!

edutcher said...

Of course, it's not lost.

The sun'll come out tomor-row...

(I know...)

pm317 said...

Why is Obama crying on Drudge?

pm317 said...

Dogwood is Virginia's state flower. I have been wanting to plant a couple in the backyard but not wanting to spend the money at the same time.

Hagar said...

I don't think Holder lied to Congress. They never had any expectation of finding anything practically prosecutable on Rosen, and had no intent of ever prosecuting him.
The lying was done on the affidavit they presented to the judge they finally found who was willing to collude with them in this scam. They could be pchatged with contempt of court, but of course this judge, at least, is not going to do that.

edutcher said...

pm317 said...

Why is Obama crying on Drudge?

Slowly, but surely, the forces of justice are closing in on the Choom Gang.

edutcher said...

Hagar said...

I don't think Holder lied to Congress. They never had any expectation of finding anything practically prosecutable on Rosen, and had no intent of ever prosecuting him.
The lying was done on the affidavit they presented to the judge they finally found who was willing to collude with them in this scam. They could be pchatged with contempt of court, but of course this judge, at least, is not going to do that.

If he lied, that's a felony, so, yeah, they haven't got a lot of discretion, IIRC.

Madame La Professeur can enlighten us.

bagoh20 said...

Mumpsimus, I had not seen it. Excellent, but they should not give it away with the title.

Henry said...

We're all about the fig tree here. It survived another winter.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

... all is not lost.

You say that, but I get this email from a 'Conservative Intelligence' grandiose sounding thing...

Boehner’s style: Why a weak Speaker is just what conservatives need

... and my thoughts are that if that is what passes for 'intelligence' it is all lost...
I hate to sound defeated but you can substitute any name in place of Boehner and these so called 'Intelligent Briefers' can rationalize how Obamacare, the IRS corruption, the 'Justice' Department corruption and all the lying surrounding that night in Benghazi 'is just what conservatives need'.

How about the country going to hell, is that what anybody needs?

pm317 said...

Have you noticed Obama cries a lot these days. It started during the campaign last year. What is up with that? A new acting coach?

bagoh20 said...

"Slowly, but surely, the forces of justice are closing in on the Choom Gang."

I doubt it. I've not seen him clubbing baby seals with oil soaked pelicans yet, so until then, I'm not expecting to see this country stand up for it's own highest principles.

I expect we will end up disappointed by ourselves. It's been a very disappointing generation overall.

KCFleming said...

Hilarious, Mumpsimus. I actually snorted.

My wife, however, was not similarly amused. I quote:"Ha. Ha. Ha."

Hagar said...

I also think this talk about "special counsel" is silly. It wiil just get us into another situation like with Bill Clinton, where Ken Starr dutifully reported all his activities, present and planned, to the Attorney General, whose office no doubt immediately made duplicate copies of everything fo the White House.

And when you are talking about an investigation of the Attorney General's office by someone obliged to report to the Attarney general, that's really surreal!

edutcher said...

pm317 said...

Have you noticed Obama cries a lot these days. It started during the campaign last year. What is up with that? A new acting coach?


I'd say it's awfully early for a play like that, but the Choom Gang knows what it has to fear.

If he starts crying like Boehner, all he'll get is contempt.

bagoh20 said...

Slowly, but surely, the forces of justice are closing in on the Choom Gang.

I doubt it. I've not seen him clubbing baby seals with oil soaked pelicans yet, so until then, I'm not expecting to see this country stand up for it's own highest principles.

I expect we will end up disappointed by ourselves. It's been a very disappointing generation overall.

Choom's negatives are rising and his positives are falling.

How good did Nixon look in the summer of '73?

(and, remember, the "train wreck" has yet to make itself fully felt; that comes next year)

pm317 said...

BTW, why did Bush appoint a Democrat, you know that idiot Shulman to head IRS in 2008? Who pulled the strings for him?

pm317 said...

@Henry, fig is another tree I want in my backyard. Every time I see those in Whole Foods, I want it squirrels eat those? What animals do you have raiding your figs?

edutcher said...

He was trying to be bipartisan, probably.

We know how that turned out.

Bipartisanship, like civility, only goes one way with the Lefties.

Anonymous said...

Unexpected good news about health insurance rates under Obamacare

All is not lost.

Henry said...

@pm317 -- The fig tree we have is a Celeste, which is known for being fairly hardy. We have it planted in a southern exposure near the house, where it is protected from wind. We cover it each fall. It goes dormant in the Winter and grows back in the Spring, mostly from the base of the trunk. We haven't had fruit yet. It may be that it the weather is just too severe to let it mature. I have read that a fig tree can take a number of years to produce fruit. Maybe this will be the year.

Anonymous said...

Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I have Told Scarlett that Dogwood is as Offensive as Dog-Girl Supporting Actress Wannabee. She Laughed in that Way that lets me Know She Will Never Leave Me.

Heartless Aztec said...

Our southern dogwoods bloom around April 1st. North of Swainsboro, Ga. all the towns are intact from the ravages of Sherman's minions. Washington, Ga. is particularly beautiful with all the dogwoods in bloom among the antebellum homes. Think Gone With the Wind in a town setting.

bagoh20 said...

Inga, You never pass up a chance to be suckered, do you?

All the article says is that the rates proposed so far were not as high as this guy expected, not that they were low. And the rates are for the exchanges where they expect to have losses that they pass on to the rest of us. This is the administration talking points that everyone was just sent out with. They are lies. Not that this administration would ever attempt to mislead.

I'm already paying for a lot of people's rates that have been rising rapidly since Obamacare passed. The insurance companies where I have been getting quotes for 2 years now have been very clear about the costs they are anticipating, and how they will pass them on, and more importantly how little any of them understands how this mess will work out. Anybody claiming lower costs is just playing you again to get past the next hurdle, just like they have every step of the way so far.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Gracious yearnings of ableness to convey the opposite of what the French feel is an orgasm I convey here: until I thought it out.

Then: done.

Irene said...

Meanwhile, "Unions break ranks on Obamacare."

Anonymous said...

Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I am Suspicious of Bagoh20. I tell Scarlett she should Stay Away From Him: it is Because I want to Protect Her Because My Love for Her is so Deep.

Michael K said...

This is dogwood season at Lake Arrowhead. I wish I could breathe there.

bagoh20 said...

Scarlett just giggled, and tells me that Robot has a lot to worry about.

Once written, twice... said...

Ann, no posts about the quickly improving U.S. economy? I guess there is no room in the Althouse Hillbilly Obama hate narrative.

Now you Althouse Hillbillies go buy some toliet paper through Ann's Amazon portal.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Great, as in something I know I can therefore appreciate and also feel the impulse to spread this experience:

Different from other than great.

Something other than great might be waiting to pee.

Something great might be William Frank Buckley Junior.

Gahrie said...

Ann, no posts about the quickly improving U.S. economy?

Get back to us when they stop printing money like it was toliet paper.

MadisonMan said...

I wrote this in the peanut thread, but I'll repeat here, as a public service:

Write a will! Do it right now!! Don't make your brother do it at the last minute. Above all, don't die with no will in a state where everything passes to your very very old father so that he has to deal with probate.

You can thank me later.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A scandal a day has been keeping Inga away.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I won't mind the people, when they stare.

This is a link to how Patton died a greater death than you'll ever know.

bagoh20 said...

"Ann, no posts about the quickly improving U.S. economy?"

That's like bragging about how much nicer your new cardboard box is compared to the one you lived in the last 4 years after you lost your house....and the new box cost you 20 years income, but it's cool because you got a loan for it.

Great job!

We spent more money than any people in the history of the Earth, all just in hope of creating a recovery that happens every single time weather you spend the money or not, except it always happens faster than this. It's a mass human sacrifice every day just to bring back summer, which I have no doubt Obama will claim credit for when it gets here.

Revenant said...

Unexpected good news about health insurance rates under Obamacare

"Insurance costs didn't go up as much as feared" counts as good news these days, does it? How our standards have fallen. :)

Anyhoo, the article is weak tea. The original CBO prediction was for national averages in 2016, not cheapest costs for 40-year-olds in 2013. The big cost increases of Obamacare kick in next year, when insurers are forbidden to discriminate against people with existing conditions. The money to pay for all that expensive coverage will have to come from somewhere, and it certainly won't be coming from the insurer's profit margins.

Not when the federal government is forcing people to buy policies regardless of their cost. :)

Sorun said...

"Unexpected good news about health insurance rates under Obamacare"

My biggest issue with Obamacare is not rates, but quality of health care. I worry that someday a GS-9 moron in DC who got her job in a federal jobs program will be the one deciding whether I can get a second opinion on something.

bagoh20 said...

The high priest travels with the king's men through the village demanding the first born as sacrifice to return the rains after a long drought. Many children are offered on the alter, but the rain doesn't come. So the priest says, it's the naysayers who hate the Gods that are making them angry and causing the drought, so even more we must sacrificed and they collect the second born, and so more are offered. And then the rains finally come, and the priest is honored and thanked for his wisdom and piety.

Chip Ahoy said...

Merit badge for bagho20

Palladian said...

Just as I was beginning to recover from the hell of losing my apartment in February, it's soon time (Friday) that I must vacate the temporary digs I've occupied since then. Of course I knew this was coming, but I dreaded it and now that it's come time to move again, all the terrible feelings, the uncertainty and fear, have returned. I've got somewhere to go (though far away), but the move, coupled with a summer of temporary unemployment, seems like one burden too many right now.

Palladian said...

bagoh20, what a coincidence. I've been drawing demon figures from ancient Aramaic incantation bowls. You buried them upside down and hoped that Pazuzu got trapped underneath.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Other than likely you should most want.

That is what females murmured, no?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Isn't any entity that offers the phrase "I am not [THAT] any legal advice, but..." doing just that, at least as could be justified or rationalized if need be?

Of course.

Where's honesty?

Guildofcannonballs said...

I shit my outrage out years ago.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"It don't ever pass, the way I feel."

You are too stupid to understand, but you should know what Gram means.

Everyone should, stupid or not.

Once written, twice... said...

Annie baby! No posts about how tax raising California is now running budget surpluses while Scott Walker still struggles to balance Wisconsin's after his big tax cuts to the super rich? What gives?

Aridog said...

Hagar said...

I don't think Holder lied to Congress. They never had any expectation of finding anything...

"Expectation" is not the point. He testified under oath that he knew nothing of such things going on in Justice...but he signed the subpoena request.

If I go in to a 7-11 with a gun waving, threatening people...with not "expectation" of actually shooting anyone, did I commit a crime?

I do agree that a Special Prosecutor is absurd...almost as absurd as Justice investigating itself.

Full disclosure: I've commented many times here about my experience with liars in governance, as military and "fed," and I am convinced now is the time a few of them pay with criminal prosecution. If Holder is taken down it would deter others in a big way. My bias is obvious.

I was first "ordered" to tell a lie in a report I wrote (by a Colonel on behalf of a Brigadier General) way back in could say I am about frigging sick of it. It sapped what pleasure there was in military and public service. I am scarcely alone in that depressed state of mind....many others would cheer Holder held accountable, as well as Lerner, Miller, et al. It was one of the reasons I retired two years early at a cost of $400+ per month for life.

Aridog said...

Inga....what Bagoh20 said at 10:32 PM last night.

Then ...did you read the part on page 2 about how the exchange coverage on the "silver" plan would cover 70% of medical costs for members? Appendicitis cost about $200,000+ to surgically resolve...that'd be a $70,000 tab for the exchange insured if the article is correct. If one qualified for the "exchange" coverage, do you think one might have that $70K lying about?

Did you consider just who, and their economic status, would be utilizing the exchange?

The article is suspect due to its almost total lack of specific numbers and calculation...unlike the CBO estimate reports.

This stuff is "good news" only if it is A.) true and B.) supported by specific numbers and cost calculations. My own coverage, as a retiree, is what the administration would call a "Cadillac" plan (I have the same coverage as a Congress person), and will likely be subject to the 40% surtax in 2014....unlike congress persons.

As it is now, my cost has increased by a factor of 3.68 since retirement, although I am not really complaining because it covers 95+% of all costs.... not just 70% of them. The total cost of my coverage is much higher, of course.....time will tell how much more I will have the pleasure of paying.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

Unexpected good news about health insurance rates under Obamacare

Yes, because all of Governor Moonbeam's projections have been borne out by subsequent events.

Jay Retread said...

Ann, no posts about the quickly improving U.S. economy?

Which "quickly improving US economy" is this?

Last I looked, workforce participation is the worst it's been since '79.

More and more jobs are temp, rather than full-time.

Real unemployment is 22.8.

Annie baby! No posts about how tax raising California is now running budget surpluses while Scott Walker still struggles to balance Wisconsin's after his big tax cuts to the super rich? What gives?

You mean Governor Moonbeam's projected surplus that really isn't?

I'd read the Choom Gang had held a secret "briefing" with the Ministry of Propaganda to try to counter all the scandal news.

Looks like the talking points have filtered down to the drones.

Aridog said...

Just in case....someone decides to tell me that my coverage is an unfunded entitlement against taxpayers, let me remind them:

1.) The employer paid premium of my coverage from day one to retirement was calculated as payroll direct cost and accounted for as such. In short, it was part of my pay. It was part of everyone's direct pay in the budget packages I had to prepare annually for DOD and the Executive Office

2.)I also paid 30-35% of the cost, plus taxes like everyone else. For those who do not understand the difference between direct costs (a cost directly attributable to production of a good or service) and indirect costs (administrative expenses, such as secretarial staff, bookkeeping, etc.), Google is your friend.

Aridog said... snide comment about those not knowing what "direct costs" are is uncalled for here...where I am pretty sure most commenters do know. My remark is a left over bit from a conversation I had with someone yesterday.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My dogwood does not look like that at all. CO dogwood has leaves with zero blossoms.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga -thanks for the administration talking points. Or - another load of bull.

KCFleming said...

The Forbes article had this after the title:
"Rick Ungar, Contributor
I write from the left on politics and policy.

No reason to read further then.

"Rick Ungar, Contributor
I write socialist propaganda.

KCFleming said...

All is well!

All is well!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I guess I should just ignore the increase in my taxes and the higher price tag on my health plan. You know - the health plan Obama promised I can keep. I suspect that's a lie too.

James said...

Michele Bachmann just announced that she will not seek re-election in doubt Ann's post last week influenced her decision.

Hagar said...

Aridog said,
"Expectation" is not the point. He testified under oath that he knew nothing of such things going on in Justice...but he signed the subpoena request."

Expectation is the point, since that was the justification for getting the subpoena. They lied; they had no expectation of finding anything prosecutable, and probably no intention of prosecuting if they did; they just wanted Rosen's e-mails for some reason. May not even had to do with the case they were ostensibly investigating.

This is something for the media to get really upset about.

And what Holder said was that he knew of no effort in DoJ, and certainly not on his part, to prosecute journalists.

DADvocate said...

If you like dogwoods, go to Knoxville. Plus, you might get lucky and run into Instapundit.

Aridog said...

Hagar said ...

And what Holder said was that he knew of no effort in DoJ, and certainly not on his part, to prosecute journalists.

You are picking at nits. A subpoena to gather information presumes are potential for prosecution. Period. My man with a gun in the 7-11 analogy is apt. Why do you insist Holder's "intentions" are exculpatory, as if you or I or anyone can determine his intentions...other than by his actions, signing a subpoena alleging criminal activity.

As I with gun in 7-11 .... what are his "intentions" or "expectations?"

Gahrie said...

No posts about how tax raising California is now running budget surpluses

The "surplus" is not even enough to cover servicing the $1 trillion debt if it had to.

Besides, the Dems in Sacremento are busy right now figuring out how to spend it, rather than use it to pay down the debt.

That is, when they aren't busy trying to destroy the potential for the fracking of billions of barrels of oil that would produce billions in taxes, hundreds of thousands of jobs, and help make the country energy independent.

TB12 said...

the nail video was stupidly titled - it totally gave it away. i figured it out in two seconds so the "surprise" wasn't there....

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