The surviving suspect was identified as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass., a law enforcement official said. The suspect who was killed was identified as his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, the law enforcement official said. Investigators believe that both of the suspects were Chechens.ADDED: "Victim in iconic photo says he saw bomber... 'He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, "bag, saw the guy, looked right at me"'..."
April 19, 2013
"The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings led police on a wild and deadly chase through the suburbs..."
"... here early Friday morning that ended in the death of one of the suspects as well as a campus police officer; the other suspect remained at large while hundreds of police officers conduct a manhunt through Watertown, about five miles west of downtown Boston."
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 225 of 225HEY icepick! I'M partially "Scots-Irish"
(McGrath) I TOTALLY represent your disparaging remark!
(calling lawyer...)
PS: I also utterly resemble it as well!!
Officer Sean Collier
Picky, picky, picky...
This guy will be killed even if he try's to surrender. He will get the death penalty without judge or jury because "liberals" wish he didn't exist.
Agreed. They've moved the cameras away and he'll get the incendiary canister in with the tear gas, just like the LA cop (if they can pull it off without burning down the city).
Icepick @ Scots and CWJ @ Basques
Noted. One could add additional groups to the list, including the entire state of West Virginia :)
It's a general Law, it has its exceptions of course :)
I just shut off the TV. Enough!
It appears the "younger" brother is the ringleader. He was seen on tape planting both bombs and it was reported earlier that he ran over his brother while attempting to escape.
Another theory shot down by data. Thanks for the info.
virgil xenophon said...
If the 2nd guy is captured alive and manages to ACLU lawyer-up what are the odds that American racism and "suffocating" "cultural hegemony" will be used as mitigating explanatory factors in his defense?
The guy's a cop killer and terrorist. Part of the reason the FBI is there is in the somewhat futile hope thet will be able to block the Boston cops from executing the little snake on the spot..before Eric Holder can Mirandize him.
If that wasn't enough, his brother was wearing a live suicide vest when he was shot to death before it could be set that is another reason the little snake will get an assault rifle round in the chest on sight , then one in the head.
Let's not forget our own sheepherders - the Navajo - they were the terror of New Mexico for a century.
Roger J. said...
Please read about the Beslan school massacre in Russia--it will give you an understanding of their tactics and ends.
That was my thought. It would be nice if we could get him alive, but I don't think it's gonna happen.
Perhaps Mr Obama can concur with President Putin who has some experience with chechens
My other thought.
While we have made inroads against AQ, it seems to me that they are quite resilient bastards. They remain a threat.
And of course we do have a POTUS who took the boot off their throat.
CEO: exactly. Two of the principles of war: pursuit and annhilation. We failed on those principles. Its some much easier to launch drone strikes (of which I approve) than take the actions that only "boots on the ground" can accomplish.
This is what I've been saying here.
Freder Frederson said...
The Chechens are notoriously murderous bastards
You know who is even worse--the Sicilians, Irish, and Blacks, not to mention those dirty Belgian bastards!
How many Beslans can be attributed to them?
David Sirota - rich white Jew of progessive rich white Jewish parents. Lifetime of education from kintergarden on in tony private schools.
Rails against "white privilege" of blue collar whites.
Go figure.
Colonel Angus--as you well know, Chechens are Caucasian--especially since they are from that region in Russia from whence the name derives.
As for Freder's charge of overt racism on my part? doesn't bother me because Freder is an ass and I don't take what asses say seriously. I suppose I could have said that Jeffery Dahmer or Timothy McVeigh or Ted Bundy were murderous bastards--I they were--I suppose in Freder's fever swamp mind, those would be racists comments. But again: whatever.
Roger, the Lefties here have no response except "gun nut" or "racist" to this.
They created this climate and now the chickens are, well...
The issue is simply (IMO) not race but an extreme branch of Islam--It is all about wahabi sect of Islam--I spent time in the Kingdom and came to know many muslims who, for the most part are very decent people and reject extremism. Regrettably there is an extremist side to Islam that is IMO dangerous. That is the sect that fuels AQ. It isn't about ethnicity--it is about religion.
"The truly insidious long-term threat is the fact that we are facing a totally amorphous crypto-religious world-wide "movement" of self-motivated Islamic "believers" who ae not only inspired by internet Islamic propaganda, but zero-in on the very literal words of the Koran itself as a motivating and guiding lodestar. As such, as long as a SINGLE Koran is allowed to exist on this globe, the materials for Jihadist inspiration will, like a long-surviving virus, always be around to infect future potential Jihadistic adherents.."
Oh, please. Can we try to be a little more hysterically paranoid?
I TOTALLY represent your disparaging remark!
Tough titties, you Scots-Irish bastard!
Edutcher: In my day I have been harassed by experts--Freder is no expert.
One could add additional groups to the list, including the entire state of West Virginia
I know lots of West Virginians, and not one of them has been a sheep herder. They are, however, as an almost absolute rule, the meanest bastards that ever lived. I once heard of a West Virginian that wouldn't kick a dog just because, but until I meat that person and they don't kick a dog, I'm considering the story the equivalent of Yeti or Sasquatch sightings.
I have Facebook friends complaining about the brothers not having to have a background check for their guns. I don't know if its worth pointing out MA has strict gun control, including background checks and registration. Also, background checks don't pick up future activity.
Roger, your point about Wahabbism (sp?) is something that doesn't get broadcast enough. The only place you seem to find it is on the Internet and here you have to dig for it.
Wahabbism has been behind a lot of the Moslem uprisings that last 150 years or so, if my info is correct.
(thinking Sepoy Mutiny, etc.)
Democrats starting with JFK gave us deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill. Now we have nutjobs like James Holmes and Ryan Lanza shooting up theaters and schools. These mass shootings are the pretext for taking away our 2nd Amendment rights nationally.
Democrats starting with "liberal lion" Teddy Kennedy gave us a massive wave of immigration from third world Islamic cesspools. Now we have Chechen Jihadists blowing up the Boston Marathon and shutting down the Boston Metropolitan area.
Democrats in Massachusetts have voluntarily surrendered their gun rights so now they are reduced to defenseless cowering while police try to kill this fugitive third world Islamic terrorist.
One might say that Massachusetts chickens have come home to roost. God didn't damn Massachusetts. But the Kennedy's did.
Drill SGT, you anti-Scot racist bastard you! I'd take offense to that because of my Scottish heritage, but then, because of my Scottish heritage I know you're not wrong. Damn.
(And that's Scottish Scot-heritage, none of this Scots-Irish crap.)
Drill Sgt, You just made an enemy for life!
Heard an interview with a friend of the older brother on my way back. He said that the older brother had gone back to Chechnya in December and had been there 4-5 months. That would indicate he just came back. Terrorist training camp, anyone?
And that's Scottish Scot-heritage, none of this Scots-Irish crap.
That was a funny clip Shanna. And it is true.....We people of Welsh, Basque, Irish and Scottish heritage (mine) do tend to hold a grudge. No one can tell US what to do!!
Here is a good book on the phenomenon Born Fighting It also does explain West Virginia :-)
RIP, Officer Sean Collier. Damn, was he ever young.
I used to work at MIT. The campus police were great guys.
I went to that town years ago.
Looks like they just flashed up a possible take down of the second monster. Hope they get this one alive.
Irene of Chiropractic Care Center
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