April 24, 2013

The theatrical mother of the Boston bombers.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva performs for the press.
"[FBI agents] came and asked him, what are you doing, what are you up to?" she recalled. "They said Tamerlan was an influential lad, he had the personality of a leader and they asked me, 'Don't you have any thoughts that he could organise some kind of group of a terrorist persuasion?'"

"They said they'd seen what kind of videos he'd been looking at. And they told me that they keep young leaders among Muslims under control so there aren't any bombings, so that they don't fall under someone's influence."

"It is really, really a hard thing to hear. And being a mother, what I can say is that I am really sure, I am, like, 100 percent sure, that this is a set-up."

Are you, like, 100 percent sure of anything?


Brew Master said...

Another quote from the mother:

“If they are going to kill him. I don’t care. My oldest son is killed, so I don’t care. I don’t care if my youngest son is going to be killed today. I want the world to hear this. And, I don’t care if I am going to get killed too. And I will say Allahu Akbar!“

Can we deport her?

Æthelflæd said...

So it seems maybe Mama is the "unknown mastermind" who pushed him into extremism. Well, at least he doesn't got to nightclubs anymore.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Are you, like, 100 percent sure of anything?

I'm 100 percent sure I'm in the 99 percent.

OnWisconsin1987 said...

"Absolutely, 100%" sure OJ was not guilty

Brew Master said...

Ok, my bad, she doesn't live here, so we can't deport her.

Can we bring her here so we can deport her, just for fun?

chickelit said...

This family will become the new Kardashians. There are probably 100 Tsarnaevas abroad eying their chances to become $tars and heart throb$.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I am 100% sure she is the mother of two terrorists.

Wince said...

Are you, like, 100 percent sure of anything?

They were on welfare.

Brew Master said...

I haven't been reading all the intricate details, so may have missed this in the past few days.

Mrs Tsarnaeva said FBI agents contacted her son by telephone a final time three days after the marathon bombing – and one day before he died. "They said he was suspected of involvement and told him he needed to come in for questioning," she said. "He told them to come and find him and hung up. He was fed up with talking to them."

So the FBI knew where this guy was, enough so that they were able to call him and talk to him. But yet they were unable to actually monitoring his movements/or bring him in for questioning?


SteveR said...

Perhaps culturally this defense is typical. I see the "mother blind defense of the son" routine a lot here in the Southwest "my poor mijo, he's innocent". The penetentary is full of guys who got set up.

jacksonjay said...

This trial is gonna be better than that stupid Jody Arias thing! Mama screaming Allahu Akbar while Pops and Uncle brawl on the courthouse steps!

Jason said...

I'm cutting the mother some slack. She didn't plant these bombs. Her two boys did. People cope in all kinds of ways, and denial is one of them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm 99.9% sure the Uncle has it right.

bagoh20 said...

So not only did the older bomber probably get some dangerously evil training, he obviously had an appropriate genetic foundation for his ultimate accomplishment.

Sorun said...

When asked to explain their son's bad behavior, mothers are the Baghdad Bob of the family.

MadisonMan said...

Would not want to be living her life. God willing, I never will. I'd like to think I have a choice in that too.

bagoh20 said...

I know this woman's type; she's a thief, a liar, and an opportunist. I'm 100% sure of that.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

This bitch needs to be put down. Putin, get on that.

Æthelflæd said...

chickelit said... "This family will become the new Kardashians. There are probably 100 Tsarnaevas abroad eying their chances to become $tars and heart throb$."

I wish you were wrong about this, but you are not. Keeping Up With the Tsarnaevas coming to a TV near you.

Titus said...

chickelit said... "This family will become the new Kardashians. There are probably 100 Tsarnaevas abroad eying their chances to become $tars and heart throb$."

I wish you were wrong about this, but you are not. Keeping Up With the Tsarnaevas coming to a TV near you.

That would be hot.

Tibore said...

""It is really, really a hard thing to hear. And being a mother, what I can say is that I am really sure, I am, like, 100 percent sure, that this is a set-up."

While I sympathize with the mother's anguish, there's one problem with declarations like these: They're certainty of feeling, not proof. Being "100% sure" in an objective sense would be having independently verifiable evidence he was elsewhere at the time of the bombings, and having verifiable evidence that someone else is creating false evidence blaming him. But if that were the case, we wouldn't be getting declarations to the press, we'd be getting displays of that evidence.

What she's really saying is that she's 100% convinced her declarations can convince people if she just states them forcefully enough. Unfortunately for her, that's not actually proof. So her certainty is dismissable, as sad as it is to have to say that to her.

Are you, like, 100 percent sure of anything?

Who ever is? The point is to test a thesis against evidence, and continually refine it. At first, we didn't know if the explosions were accidents (gas mains or something) or deliberate. When it became apparent that they were bombs and not accidents, the question became what sorts of bombs, and by who? Speculation abounded, but then testimony plus physical evidence showed they were pressure cookers in bags. The question narrowed down to who, and we all know where it all goes from there.

As data gathers, you simply reach levels of certainty about one thesis and increasing numbers of reasons to dismiss competing ones. That's the way knowledge works. Epistemologically, you can argue that 100% certainty is impossible to achieve, but really, after the point where a dominant narrative explains everything the best, stands the test of time, and no longer has a large number of fatal contradictions where other narratives are weaker, why does it matter? There was no way for people after Issac Newton to be 100% certain of his work, but even after relativity it's still got merit, despite being "wrong" in a sense.

"100%" is a feelgood statement. It makes something sound like it's quantitative and empirical when the reality is that it's anything but. Proven to where it's the best explanation until something better fits the data is a far better level to work for.

AllenS said...

Where was Dr. Gosnell when we needed him?

Peter said...

Well, she's presumably the one who chose to name the older one "Tamerlan" (aka Tamerlane).

Cody Jarrett said...

From all accounts she's not a particularly great person but I'm willing to give her some leeway. As has been mentioned here already, people deal with stuff in their own ways, and even if she is a radical muzzie, she's still faced with a dead son and a badly injured going to jail son.

I know some radical muzzies don't care about their kids as much as normal people, but who knows if she's really that type.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All that creepy obsessive behavior. It's not normal.

Jason said...

The Times is doing their best to make her look like Mary, Mother of Jesus, in Gibson's "The Passion."

I have more of a problem with the Times's handwringing coverage of this woman than her, herself.

edutcher said...

Somebody here theorized they were a bunch of grifters, running from one country to another, always one step ahead of the law.

You can bet Mama is. She's read the Lefty media and the Lefty establishment, especially in hyper self consciously intellectual Baaston, like a Harlequin romance and she's playing them like a $10 accordion.

And, out of jihadi drag, something of a looker.

PS Can't wait for the She Devil of the SS to show up with her sob sister act all ready to go.

traditionalguy said...

Momma Chechen is displaying a hyper example of the usual Totally Despising Attitude of all Koran believers towards everyone else on earth, most especially Christian Americans. They are everything and infidels are nothing.

Even the Russians cannot figure that out. Their only answer to it has been massed artillery barrages.

Let's hope we don't run out of drones.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"From all accounts she's not a particularly great person but I'm willing to give her some leeway"

I give this rotten cunt no sympathy and no leeway. She is at least indirectly if not directly responsible for how her shitbag son turned out.

I hope Putin dissappears her down into some nameless hole and that the rest of her life if short and filled with pain.

No sympathy for these muslim scum.

Known Unknown said...

I think Uncle Ruslan deserves a show. Like a Morton Downey Jr.-type thing.

Wince said...

I'm approaching 100% on this one:

Police probe possible link between Marathon bomber and unsolved triple homicide in Waltham
Tie sought between brother, 3 killings

It was one of the most gruesome killings in Greater Boston in many years: three young men found with their throats slit inside a Waltham apartment on a quiet residential street, their bodies sprinkled with marijuana.

Now, police and prosecutors are stepping up their investigation into the unsolved 2011 triple homicide at the request of victims’ relatives who believe that suspected Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have played a role, noting that Tsarnaev had been close friends with one of the dead men.

What is more, the grieving relatives say the killings took place on a highly symbolic date for Islamic extremists: the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon...

In 2011, FBI agents questioned Tamerlan Tsarnaev after his native Russia raised concerns about his possible extremism.

In addition, within months of the triple homicide, in early 2012, Tamerlan went to Russia for six months, visiting family members in Dagestan, which borders the Tsarnaevs’ ancestral homeland of Chechnya, a region with a history of violent Islamic rebellion.

In light of the bombings on Marathon Monday, the Waltham homicide victim’s relative said, he and other victims’ relatives believe that Tsarnaev’s younger brother, Dzhokhar, the second suspected Marathon bomber, might also have played a role in the homicides because of the difficulty that one killer would face subduing the three victims, at least two of whom were in good physical condition.

Original Mike said...

"Are you, like, 100 percent sure of anything?"

I think, therefore I am. Totally.

Known Unknown said...

Is the hijab just for show?

Does the islamic faith have anything in its tenets like "Thou shalt not steal from Lord & Taylor?"

ErnieG said...

All she needs to do is work on her English and wait a few years, and she's good for a tenured faculty position.

David said...

There is a picture circulating of Tamerlane as an infant with his mother, father and an uncle in a Russian army uniform. Dad is very handsome and sturdy, and Mom is attractive in an edgy spiky kind of western punk look. The baby Tamerlane is a cute baby. Nice family photo.

Mom looks very much like her younger son, then unborn.

And now this.

Oso Negro said...

Feh. There is no torture the woman will not inflict upon logic and reason to justify the murderous issue of her psychotic cunt.

32.and.Stewart said...

Gypsies, tramps and thieves....

She has the phony Cher quality about her.

32.and.Stewart said...

Gypsies, tramps and thieves....

She has the phony Cher quality about her.

mccullough said...

We really need to fix our immigration policy.

edutcher said...

EMD said...

Is the hijab just for show?

Read my comment.

To ask the question is to answer it.

Does the islamic faith have anything in its tenets like "Thou shalt not steal from Lord & Taylor?"

Supposedly, they consider themselves "Peoples of the Book", meaning the Bible.

They do, however, have something they call Taqqiya, although Zubie is probably doing it for whatever she can get out of it.

bagoh20 said...

" she's playing them like a $10 accordion."

Absolutely. This 19 year old will get very sympathetic treatment in the press. They will be the main tool of the defense team.

Scott M said...

Are you, like, 100 percent sure of anything?

Yes...that getting into a shootout and then running over your brother in an attempt to escape do not bolster the "it's a setup" argument.

Like, totally. 100% for sure.

pst314 said...

"she's playing them like a $10 accordion."

But then, the leftist news establishment is a $10 accordion.

Unknown said...

No mother can be 100% sure of anything when it comes to her children. You can get to about 99.99999% sure you love them, but you never know what they'll dream up to do.
Mothers are the last people to go to to get a realistic assessment of what their child is capable of doing.

William said...

In addition to radical Islam I would add crazy parents as another risk factor in sociopathic behavior.

pst314 said...

Brew Master Another quote from the mother: "If they are going to kill him. I don’t care. My oldest son is killed, so I don’t care. I don’t care if my youngest son is going to be killed today. I want the world to hear this. And, I don’t care if I am going to get killed too. And I will say Allahu Akbar!"

That was on a CNN interview last night.

I am 100% sure that the mother should not be in America.

Funny how these muslim scum hate the West, but love to collect a welfare check. Why, it's almost as if they are parasites.

Balfegor said...

Re: pst314:

Funny how these muslim scum hate the West, but love to collect a welfare check.

If your enemy is dumb enough to give you free money why on earth wouldn't you just take it? Whether they're parasites or not, it makes perfect 100% logical sense that they'd take advantage of the rules we set up in that way.

Anonymous said...

"PS Can't wait for the She Devil of the SS to show up with her sob sister act all ready to go."

4/24/13, 9:21 AM

EdBUTCHER, so what am supposed to be sobbing about?

Methadras said...

You birthed a pair of monsters you cow. You should should suffer their same fate. In fact, your entire living family line should be exterminated from all history and time.

Bill R said...

I'm 100% sure she should be sent back where she came from.

tiger said...

She has to say this because

1) She can't admit that she gave birth to monsters


B) She agrees with their murdering and maiming innocent people but refuses to live by the strength of her convictions and say it publically.

tiger said...



Æthelflæd said...

I am, like, 100% sure it's option B, tiger.

Anonymous said...

Currently, at 11:35 a.m. CST, Drudge is at it again with a great close-up photo triple play: Rand Paul looking confused, Hilary Clinton looking overwhelmed and bomber momma looking tranquil.

Underneath are photos of Obama looking peevishly at GWB and Big Sis looking like she doesn't want to answer whatever question is being asked.

Anonymous said...

She has to say this because

1) She can't admit that she gave birth to monsters


B) She agrees with their murdering and maiming innocent people but refuses to live by the strength of her convictions and say it publically.

Nope. It's C) Muslims are required to lie to infidels in order to promote Islam

ricpic said...

All these muzzies were on welfare less than a year ago. The whole family. The problem? America should have done more for them. WE let THEM down. Plus we insult the prophet Mohammed. By existing. Something must be done! So the two boychiks did it.

Sydney said...

This has to be the most talkative family of terrorists I have ever seen. The mother, father, American uncles, even uncles and aunts in far off Cechnya have been in the news expressing their opinions about the boys. Usually families clam up and stay out of the limelight after something like this. Is there something about Chechyans?

edutcher said...

Inga said...

PS Can't wait for the She Devil of the SS to show up with her sob sister act all ready to go.

EdBUTCHER, so what am supposed to be sobbing about?

Oooohh, poor dear, I can so empathize with her.

I raised four beautiful children and she's going to have both taken away.

How can we judge such a poor woman?

Leave her alone! Her sons are heroes in her eyes!!

(sob, sob, sniffle)

My God, I'm actually starting to think like her.

Anonymous said...

"PS Can't wait for the She Devil of the SS to show up with her sob sister act all ready to go."
"EdBUTCHER, so what am supposed to be sobbing about?"
"....poor dear, I can so empathize with her.

I raised four beautiful children and she's going to have both taken away.

How can we judge such a poor woman?

Leave her alone! Her sons are heroes in her eyes!!

(sob, sob, sniffle)

My God, I'm actually starting to think like her."

4/24/13, 12:15 PM

You are certifiable.

Michael said...

She is kind of slutty looking. Isnt that why they have the full burqa?

Michael said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob_R said...

100% sure: The square root of two is not a rational number...and similar stuff...the rest of it...I'll let Elwood say it for me.

Unknown said...

Let's not forget the mug shot from her shoplifting arrest:

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