April 29, 2013

"I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport."

"But since I am, I’m happy to start the conversation."

Jason Collins has strong political connections. Bill Clinton said: “I have known Jason Collins since he was Chelsea’s classmate and friend at Stanford."

And Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) was Collins's roommate at Stanford: "For as long as I’ve known Jason Collins he has been defined by three things: his passion for the sport he loves, his unwavering integrity, and the biggest heart you will ever find. Without question or hesitation, he gives everything he’s got to those of us lucky enough to be in his life. I’m proud to stand with him today and proud to call him a friend."

Collins has been in the NBA for 12 years and will be a free agent at the end of the season. Does he face abuse within sports? He says he's led a "double life has kept me from getting close to any of my teammates." There's always politics. The man has some powerful friends there.


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bagoh20 said...

Gay marriage is not about gay rights. It's the State taking power over more relationships. That's not expanding rights - it's expanding control.

How can you say I want the the State to be able to define your relationship and call it "rights." That's like incarcerating the victim and the defendant just to make it fair.

Cody Jarrett said...

Bagoh, yes I am a bad bad woman, I care more about his rights as a human gay man than his rights to own an AR15 or whatever the hell you call it.

How about just caring about him as a man, or as a person? Why does it have to be a "human gay man" (what the fuck does that even fucking mean anyway?)?

bagoh20 said...

"Pick your battles and all that stuff."

That would be wise if you are unarmed. Hopefully everyone will be nice, and just respect your rights.

Be strong Stands With Fist.

Renee said...


Never understood the rights argument either, my husband under the context of what was marriage thought he was losing his right to have sex with other people in marriage.

But most people are OK with married couples having sex with third parties. As long as there is consent, no prgenancies, no stds , and someone to watch the kids.

Anonymous said...
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sakredkow said...

You're agreeing with Rod Steiger?

Well, come on Ritmo. Drago's all right with me, I don't care what Bagoh20 says about him when he's not here.

Show the love to your enemies every now and then. Sun Tzu and all that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well look on the bright side if he is at a bar and some homophobes want beat him up, he can shoot their asses.

And on top of it, the homophobes get to retain their right to hate and meaningless pride, which is a very human right to him.

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga, owning a gun is a human right. Self defense and all that.

You nailed it yourself, even though I'm certain you didn't mean to.

Matthew Shepard has a gun, he doesn't wind up beaten and tied to a fence for 4 days.

sakredkow said...

You're agreeing with Rod Steiger?

I almost didn't say it because I knew it was gonna piss you off.

Maybe what we all need right now is a li'l Drago looooove.

bagoh20 said...

"he can shoot their asses."

Homophobe. I don't think even Jay would go that far.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Show the love to your enemies every now and then.

I was showing love to someone I thought of as a friend, until he told me that his pride was more important. So important, that he'd try to make me look bad by denying my help to prove that point.

If you want to go along with that, too, then why not. The well don't make the sick well. And there are a lot of sick people here who prefer the sort of miserable company that they can relate to, to the other kind.

Cody Jarrett said...

LOL @ phx!

sakredkow said...

I don't think even Jay would go that far.

Okay. Genuinely funny.

sakredkow said...

Hey CEO-MMP. Welcome to the inner sanctum.

Cody Jarrett said...

Ritmo, more people would be your friend if you'd stop being such a pretentious jerk--and also stop flipping around and attacking people with no notice, like some kind of demented Gila monster. I think we've spoken of this before.

Palladian said...

Oh, I'd shoot their asses. Metaphorically speaking.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There's a lot of history here that your comment either ignores or is unaware of, CEO.

Cody Jarrett said...

Sanctum, phx? LOL. More like some kind of bizarre mosh pit.

bagoh20 said...

"the homophobes get to retain their right to hate and meaningless pride, which is a very human right to him."

You are fucking fantastic tonight! If I was to stick my hand up your ass, pat you on the head, and make you write stuff, I couldn't hope for anything better. Rock on!

Anonymous said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And ignoring that history is certainly pretentious.

Palladian said...

There's nothing more satisfying that double-tapping a fag-hater's ass.

Cody Jarrett said...

Rits, get over yourself. I lurked here a long time. I even commented a few times in the past couple of years.

I've seen shit go on. Most of it has been you attacking the shit out of other posters, while placing the blame for said attack on those posters. Kinda reminds me of an abusive parent or spouse actually.

bagoh20 said...

"There's a lot of history here that your comment either ignores or is unaware of, CEO."

Yea, he carries a lot of baggage, and hasn't dropped one yet.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bag, go away.

Cody Jarrett said...

There's nothing more satisfying that double-tapping a fag-hater's ass.


Anonymous said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've seen shit go on. Most of it has been you attacking the shit out of other posters, while placing the blame for said attack on those posters. Kinda reminds me of an abusive parent or spouse actually.

I attack bad ideas. If that offends you then you probably think you are (or would be) a better parent than you are. I attack people personally who are especially warped in their venom, like Methie and Jay for instance. Others I joke with and have some rhetorical fun with, which is probably problematic for the literal-only thinkers that the wrong-wing is stuffed to the brim with.

Palladian said...

Kinda reminds me of an abusive parent or spouse actually.

More like a badly-trained Shih-Tzu who piddles the carpet and nips at bigger dogs.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who's the "fag hater" here?

I know that Palladian hates himself, but it seems like you're trying to refer to someone else.

bagoh20 said...

"Bag, go away"

Come on Dad; it's just getting good. My favorite villain is kicking his own ass.

sakredkow said...

Palladian, start with Jay.

Inga. Your chin. Bloodthirsty.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Bag certainly has the cash to support your fat ass for a year, but he won't.

This knowledge won't stop you from seeking to aggrandize your warped pride (seeing as how you have nothing else left at this point), at the expense of someone other than him.

Cody Jarrett said...

Ritmo, the thing is, you can't see where the idea ends and the person begins. Mostly you just start throwing personal attack grenades out.

In your more lucid moments, you're entertaining and even thought provoking. But most of the time lately you're just a dick.

Like what you just did: attacking my parenting skills simply because you don't agree with something I posted here in a comment stream.

You do understand how that could offend someone, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More like a badly-trained Shih-Tzu who piddles the carpet and nips at bigger dogs.

Better than you - humping the leg of the master who kicks you. Asshole.

Cody Jarrett said...


Bag certainly has the cash to support your fat ass for a year, but he won't.

This knowledge won't stop you from seeking to aggrandize your warped pride (seeing as how you have nothing else left at this point), at the expense of someone other than him. "

Oh yeah, Rits. That whole post there simply reeks of simply attacking bad ideas and not people!

Palladian said...

Notice that now the "fat" insults begin. It just chafes the damp crotch of the sociopath when victims don't play their part!

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

I attack bad ideas.

Ritmo wouldn't know an idea if it jumped up and bit him.

He's just another Lefty troll with a grab bag of comebacks and talking points from Troll Central.

Like harro and phx and some phony folksy and the She Devil of the SS, all they're here to do is browbeat (his word, after all) everybody else into submission.

It just kills them it's not working, but they'll stay up all night doing the Lefty circle jerk.

Palladian said...

Now that bagoh20 is again considering going gay, we may very well end up married!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, the thing is, you can't see where the idea ends and the person begins. Mostly you just start throwing personal attack grenades out.

I can see that when the person themselves is willing to make that distinction. But usually they aren't. Most people who come here are obsessively amateur pundits who live for their talking points. What's wrong with playing that back?

In your more lucid moments, you're entertaining and even thought provoking. But most of the time lately you're just a dick.

Most of the time lately, I've learned that even bothering isn't worth it. Most people don't want their thoughts provoked and they want their entertainment safe.

Like what you just did: attacking my parenting skills simply because you don't agree with something I posted here in a comment stream.

I responded to the metaphor you YOURSELF used. What kind of a jerk accuses someone of being like an abusive parent, and then can't stand to have their own parenting skills questioned, even rhetorically? I'll tell you: A sanctimoniously self-righteous, hypocritical one.

You do understand how that could offend someone, right?

In this instance? I answered it. And I'm also asking why you believe you can or should be the only offended party.

Cody Jarrett said...

I thought bags was a woman? Didn't s/he post that the other day?

Geez. I need a better scorecard.

Anonymous said...
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Palladian said...

Actually I have to apologize for insulting that shih-tzu with the comparison. I've never encountered any dog, even aggressive and mistreated homeless dogs, who attacked out of malice and hatred.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Cody Jarrett said...

No Ritmo. I said that your style here recently, where you attack people, then blame them for making you attack them, reminded me of how an abusive parent/spouse behaves. That's a sort of universal psychological principle there. You know, "I don't want to hurt you but you make me...".

I didn't say you were an abusive parent or spouse.

Palladian said...

The feminine side must be the one without the moustache.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh yeah, Rits. That whole post there simply reeks of simply attacking bad ideas and not people!

Over the last few days, "Palladian" has made it a point to pretend that his self-pity or real situation (who can tell the difference anymore) isn't so important to him as it would be to act so proudly about it that he can deny the opportunity for others to expend compassion for it.

I find that warped beyond belief.

So if that is the caricature that he'd like to become, you tell me how I'm supposed to separate his "ideas" from the way he's chosen to so despicably and pathetically and personally embody them right now to this horrifying (to a normal person) degree.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No Ritmo. I said that your style here recently, where you attack people, then blame them for making you attack them, reminded me of how an abusive parent/spouse behaves. That's a sort of universal psychological principle there. You know, "I don't want to hurt you but you make me...".

I didn't say you were an abusive parent or spouse.

Oh. But I supposedly have their psychology.

Yes, you're being very careful to make inoffensive and rational points that no one would or should ever take personally. Right.

Cody Jarrett said...

The feminine side must be the one without the moustache.

You never met my grandmother.

Cody Jarrett said...

Once again, Ritmo, I said it reminded me of that dynamic, not that you...you know what, screw it.

Screw it. It's not my fault if reading comprehension is low on your totem pole of abilities.

bagoh20 said...

OK. I'm not a woman today. I'm not gay today, and I'm not rich today. Tomorrow is another story. Common labels don't stick to my glistening oiled torso right now.

Anonymous said...
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chickelit said...

There's nothing more satisfying that double-tapping a fag-hater's ass.

Many men are hag-faters--especially older ones. They die and leave behind old widows.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Once again, Ritmo, I said it reminded me of that dynamic, not that you...you know what, screw it.

Screw it. It's not my fault if reading comprehension is low on your totem pole of abilities.

I comprehended your lawyerly parsing just fine. Don't patronize me.

You're making a point that is inherently prone to one taking offense. It doesn't lend itself to easy separation from the analogy itself. Just admit you made a clumsy analogy if that's the case. At least, it's clumsy to those of us who think of abuse as a serious enough thing to wonder about it.

It would be like saying, "Don't worry, you're like a Nazi -- I'm NOT saying you are one, though..."

Some analogies are so inflammatory that sane, sociable people don't seek them to make a helpful point.

I'm sorry if you don't see why that is or should be.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Bagoh speaks fondly of wearing women's panties. He almost got shot some time back by some woman whose panties he borrowed without asking first.

You openly boasted of sending him yours.

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga said...

Bagoh speaks fondly of wearing women's panties. He almost got shot some time back by some woman whose panties he borrowed without asking first.

There it is...the weird Inga version of Godwin's Law...sooner or later, Inga's going to talk about bags and panties.

bagoh20 said...

I'm four pounds of female liver and about the same amount of pure man, but it's all grade A wingnut.

Roux said...

Hey... my career is over so let me make it a hate crime to not let me play anymore.

I call BS on this one.

Cody Jarrett said...

You've said a lot of things, Ritmo, but "lawyerly"?

That's a low fucking blow man.

I don't know how our relationship will ever be able to be the same again.

Anonymous said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok so fine. Make a joke about it. Pretend that you had a point, but I don't. Very respectful and reciprocal. Whatever.

Anonymous said...
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Cody Jarrett said...

Ritmo, please don't lecture me about being respectful--at least until you manage to treat me with respect for a while.

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga, when you're doing the pot-kettle-black thing, maybe don't actually accuse someone of stirring the pot? Whattaya think?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, please don't lecture me about being respectful--at least until you manage to treat me with respect for a while.

So here you go right now making this not about the actual action or ideas involved but the persons (you're entitled to question what constitutes respectful treatment to you, but I can't when it comes to how I'm being treated).

I have a very rational response to that: Go screw yourself.

You've placed yourself above me so by definition I have no reason to think you deserve respect. (Demands are not the same thing as reciprocal requests).

I think it's safe to say even Palladian can see the point in that. Throughout his proud anger.

You can go away, too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport."

The announcement took some of the shine off an Obama announcement... (a pregnant pause) to name the hitherto unknown player as an ambassador of good will.

bagoh20 said...

OK, enough of this crap - back to the subject of the post. What was it again? Oh yea, Pro basketball player admits he's gay. WTF?!!1!11. I will never watch basketball again, and if I play, I'm wearing a codpiece - lavender (color and scent) with those steel spikes sticking out.

Cody Jarrett said...

No, Ritmo, I didn't place myself above you. Any of that going on is only in your fantasy world.

But there you go again...telling me I can "go away too."

Me...a person who's tried to be nice to you, tried to understand you, and even tried to defend you a little bit.

Oh well. Loyalty isn't what it used to be.

bagoh20 said...

This part always makes me sleepy, where the bad guy gets all sensitive and pretends like he's just misunderstood. He just tried to kill everyone in the damned village, and now we're supposed to feel his pain. Sleepy, very sleepy. ZZZZZZZZzzzzz-z

edutcher said...

Something a lot more real:

Choom & Co have threatened the Benghazi whistleblowers - at least 4 career intel types - over testimony that there were 2 different forces ready to rescue the people that night

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, Ritmo, I didn't place myself above you. Any of that going on is only in your fantasy world.

But there you go again...telling me I can "go away too."

Me...a person who's tried to be nice to you, tried to understand you, and even tried to defend you a little bit.

Oh well. Loyalty isn't what it used to be.

I just don't feel an urge to engage with someone who doesn't seem like they're being fair. Loyalty, tolerance and trying to see the point of someone you're not sure if you agree with all the time are all great. But I really can't have much choice but to refer back to my previous comment. We were both approaching things from different (if not irreconcilable) vantage points on how we'd like to be treated respectfully, I acknowledged your point, you got bored with mine. And now Bag's all bored everywhere across the board and so I guess we must just move on. But I'm just saying that fairness is as important as loyalty. To me, at least. Hope that wasn't too disloyal or tedious or unfunny or "dick" a thing to say. But I do at least appreciate your willingness to engage my sometimes challengingly verbose thoughts and accept the presumption of there being something there other than whatever limiting things the other, feistier commenters assume there is.

Phil 314 said...

You conservatives and religious fundamentalists made gay people's lives a living hell for years and now it's all "Who cares?"

And the worst of them all!

Cody Jarrett said...

And yet, Ritmo, you just posted a fairly long post (twice!) to tell me and the rest of Planet Althouse that you don't see the point of engaging me.

Errr...yeah. Never mind. Nothing to see here, move along.

These are not the droids you've been looking for.

bagoh20 said...


"SO: These men deserve the highest medal of honor for their action. If it wasn't for that decision we would be looking at different situation. 20-plus hostages... captured by AQ or you would be looking at a lot of dead Americans dead in Benghazi."

They will be denied the honor they died earning until this SCoaMF is gone. The most dishonorable Presidency in history continues to run up the score.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And yet, Ritmo, you just posted a fairly long post (twice!) to tell me and the rest of Planet Althouse that you don't see the point of engaging me.

On this point. Not in general.

It seems like everything I'm saying is going misunderstood. I'm definitely willing to give the benefit of the doubt and I think you may be, too.

Palladian said...

Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don't listen to him. Remember that - do not listen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don't listen to him. Remember that - do not listen.

Oh for Chrissake. Now I know you're a bit of a sicko. Please go get your holy water and Exorcism clips. There's no shortage of this stuff in behavioral health settings.

Freeman Hunt said...

Is he really the first?

If so, wow! I'd have thought that would have happened a long time ago.

Anonymous said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Check out a how to video.

How the outlaws Cruz, Paul and Lee held up a train.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Crazy people need their delusions, Inga.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Damn Palladian, are you going all Fundamentalist Brent on us?!

The self-hatred has to come from somewhere. His answer for where it's been lurking all these years is right there.

chickelit said...

It's no wonder he has Eve's ear.

Freeman Hunt said...

I mean, I'd have thought there was an openly gay player of a major American team sport at least ten years ago. At least.

But then, I don't follow sports.

Anonymous said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If so, wow! I'd have thought that would have happened a long time ago.

He is the first 'openly'.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, STFU already, Palladian.

I'm surprised you were able to fit that many chihuahuas in your belly, big as it is or was.

In any event, if you find yourself really hungry on the streets, try the Korean restaurants and call out the word for "dog" in their language really loudly. Or better yet, a word for their prey. They might be scared and untrusting of being called out directly.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's no wonder he has Eve's ear.

You snake.

chickelit said...

@Palladian: Hesse should resonate with Althouse as well.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's collective wing-nut literal-thinker Bible study night tonight.

No other literary references, boys?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I mean, I'd have thought there was an openly gay player of a major American team sport at least ten years ago. At least.

There may have been... but it was at the wrong time... in a day and age kind of way.

tiger said...

1) Who the fuck *CARES*????

2) *WHO* the fuck cares???

3) Who the *FUCK* cares???

No one.

chickelit said...

Actually, my Y chromosome is Hessian. That's why the instant recognition.

Palladian said...

Damn! Palladian eats Chihuahuas?

Too stringy.

Palladian said...

Superficial charm and good "intelligence"

Deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;

Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated verbal abusiveness or physical assaults;

Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.

Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior.

KCFleming said...

Palladian remains awesome.

Smart, bright, sharp.
Others only nip at his heels.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dude, your armchair's about as good a vantage point for playing psychoanalyst as it is for playing at political philosopher.

Does being this shallow feel compelling, to you?

bagoh20 said...

"But then, I don't follow sports."

A male athletic locker room is exactly the kind of homophobic/homoerotic hot box you would expect to read in a novel. I have no doubt that many male athletes have been gay over the years, and many of their teammates knew it, but it's just not possible to acknowledge it there or with anyone you might see there. It's a strange environment. I don't know how it's gonna handle this from here on, and I don't know how a gay guy could handle being in there with his teammates. It seems like it would be both paradise and hell simultaneously, which would make it mostly hell.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Palladian remains awesome.

He's full of shit. And manipulative.

And he'll take your donations NOW!

bagoh20 said...

Ritmo, were you in that movie Mean Girls? You were the hot one, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I dunno, Baggie. I don't know as much about teenage girls as you do.

bagoh20 said...

Not Lohan, the other one the blondie.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I stand with Palladian... just not in front of an ordained minister... we are all stocked up here?

Anonymous said...

Is it OK not to give a rat's ass about this?

bagoh20 said...

"Is it OK not to give a rat's ass about this?"

That's "indecent" around these here parts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not Lohan, the other one the blondie.

I dunno. Was she demonic? Satanic? Because with this level of literary interest between you and The Duke of Drama, I expect I'll be hearing an Archie and Jughead reference next. Or something about Bazooka Joe.

Or My Little Pony.

ricpic said...

That chihuaha video reminded me of why I'll never live in an apartment again, so help me Hannah.

Palladian said...

I wish it had been a football player that had "come out". I'm much more into beef than lean & tall. Plus, basketball outfits are so baggy and unrevealing.

chickelit said...

"Evil" Cactus (1971)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is it OK not to give a rat's ass about this?

If you want to quibble with 500 comments...

Phil 314 said...

The overall tenor, however, is pretty low.


Æthelflæd said...

Pogo said... "Palladian remains awesome.

Smart, bright, sharp. Others only nip at his heels".


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I wish it had been a football player that had "come out"


Pastafarian said...

I've wondered about you for a while now, Ritzy Brazziere. I think Palladian has you pegged.

I wonder, do you have enough self-awareness yet, to be able to recognize your own pathology?

And CEO made a great point. No, he wasn't calling you a bad parent (but of course you knew that). There's something dark behind your insults and taunts and arguing-in-bad-faith. There's real malice there that we didn't see from other insult-slinging thread derailers like J, say.

I wonder if you even have a choice. I wonder if by telling you this, I'm just playing kick-the-retard.

Palladian said...

The overall tenor, however, is pretty low.

I prefer a high tenor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've wondered about you for a while now, Ritzy Brazziere. I think Palladian has you pegged.

Don't encourage His Highness. You might arouse his fantasies again. He's feeling jilted and self-pitying enough already.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm going to remember the pathetic old cunts cheering on of Ritmo next time she starts crying about me making fun of Garages weight or personal life.

Good job lefties, every once in a while I think I am unreasonable, that perhaps there are some decent but misguided people on that side of the political spectrum. And then threads like this happen.

But to the dumb twat Phx, this thread is evidence of how Republicans have an image problem.

The only good lefty is a dead lefty, period.

Unknown said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

"Seriously, though. I'd never discourage anyone from giving to help Palladian, too. And if he gives me a P.O. box I'll gladly send a money order. More than once.

I just don't trust that he understands the meaning behind such giving."

What is the meaning exactly? Is there a certain standard of gratitude that you expect? A certain amount of groveling? A definitive degree of humility? Does help from you require the subject to debase himself? Does the humble receiver need to kiss any particular part of your anatomy? What do you think you're buying with your offers of help?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What is the meaning exactly? Is there a certain standard of gratitude that you expect? A certain amount of groveling? A definitive degree of humility? Does help from you require the subject to debase himself? Does the humble receiver need to kiss any particular part of your anatomy? What do you think you're buying with your offers of help?

Nah. I just prefer to give charity anonymously. I don't trust Palladian enough to give him a credit card number or address and I don't feel like buying his crappy artwork (which is the exchange he wants - he wants to believe that the transactions can only be economic, and not charitable).

Go ahead and buy his paintings. You'll not only sustain his stomach, but his pride and ego - which are really that much more important to him. More than anything else.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

I attack bad ideas.

More comedy from the head of the peanut gallery. Is this the part of your perpetual delusion that you actually pretend to know something?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You attacking bad ideas, or thinking you have that level of intellectual merit is like people who think Sheldon Cooper really is a theoretical particle physicist.

Palladian said...

What do you think you're buying with your offers of help?

Fealty, silence, shame.

bagoh20 said...

C'mon, be nice. You can tell Ritmo doesn't have a lot of experience with giving, he's trying to learn new things and we should encourage that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

On the day the basketball player 'comes out', Tivo gets shown the door out.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fealty, silence, shame.

Oh, the drama!

Endless and endless pools of it.

Unknown said...

Nah. I just prefer to give charity anonymously.

The degree of self-deception here is so epic this thread should show up in the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Methadras just made fun of Aspies. (Didn't even use it to make a point. Just straight-up made fun of it).

Oh noes!!! You're butthurt.

But he plays for the right team so you'll take that insult gladly, right guys?

Still more butthurt. Wow, you are really butthurting a lot in this thread.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I give take-out from five star restaurants to bums as I'm walking home, Bag.

Do you ever have a serious point to make? Sorry, rhetorical question.

I'm sorry that you don't know how to live your life any other way than performance art. You're not reproducing either, though, are you?

Palladian said...

If any straight people are curious, this type of attempted shaming is exactly the technique favored by every violent gay-hater I've ever encountered.

It works on a lot of gay people, unfortunately. Especially younger ones, hence the suicide rate of gay teens and young adults.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The degree of self-deception here is so epic this thread should show up in the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

It will be listed under:

So self-deceptive an idiot that she even allowed her own sister to marry a narcissist. And blamed it on the evil peoples of the internets.

Are you done yet, too?

Unknown said...

I give take-out from five star restaurants to bums as I'm walking home, Bag.

Anonymous don'tchaknow.

bagoh20 said...

Say I were to mock someone by saying this:

"I went to a blog full of wingnuts and bashed the poor, the gays, artists and the uneducated, and to my surprise people there didn't like me for it."

Could you tell if I was mocking Ritmo, Jay, or President Mom Jeans?

Unknown said...

Add Inga to the list bagoh. She's cute and smart at times, but she loves her some nasty lefty.

Palladian said...

The most pathetic part of this sort of psychopathology is that the seemingly externally-directed behavior is actually self-directed. It's often a perfect mirror of the shame, feelings of inadequacy, fears and utter loathing that the psychopath feels towards himself. The attempt at inflicting these intense and damaging feelings on other people is a desperate attempt at self-defense.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If any straight people are curious, this type of attempted shaming is exactly the technique favored by every violent gay-hater I've ever encountered.

No one is shaming you, you stupid shit. You just never had actively engaged parents, as is obvious by now, let alone those who could teach you personal responsibility, and now you clamor for props for pride when simply asserting your needs (if they're real) would catch most people's attention and do the trick. You are making a mockery of yourself. I'm almost done indulging the attention that you need, by definition, to be in a completely negative form.

Methadras said...

bagoh20 said...

Gay marriage is not about gay rights. It's the State taking power over more relationships. That's not expanding rights - it's expanding control.

How can you say I want the the State to be able to define your relationship and call it "rights." That's like incarcerating the victim and the defendant just to make it fair.

Of course it is, but you see, leftards want this. In their yearning for some idea that liberty and freedom actually mean something to them, they instead run to government to codify that which they want to express in terms of freedom and liberty, marriage. And instead they end up looking for that public approval at the hands of governmental edict. Then and only then will their choices in life, their gender orientation, their sexual identity, and any other nonsensical politically correct bullshit status have any meaning and validation because it is now backed by the government. In effect, they end up getting government to legitimize who they are as a means to justify to the rest of the populace that they are now untouchable in this regard. Their foolishness knows no bounds.

That which they sought as a matter of societal evolution over time that results in public acceptance has now had all of it's hopes dashed, so that the hope of instant gratification via government sanction can be had instead. Which does nothing but serve as a breeding ground for further resentments. Way to win militant homosexual activists. I'm sure the homosexuals that look at you with derision and disgust as you drag them kicking and screaming to the altar of PC will work wonders for public acceptance. Hearts and minds and all that.

Methadras said...

Inga said...

If owning a gun means more to Palladian than his rights a human, then oh well. That's sad.

Well look on the bright side if he is at a bar and some homophobes want beat him up, he can shoot their asses.

Does your fool button have a 12? Cause you just went past 11.

Methadras said...

CEO-MMP said...

Ritmo, more people would be your friend if you'd stop being such a pretentious jerk--and also stop flipping around and attacking people with no notice, like some kind of demented Gila monster. I think we've spoken of this before.

He can't help himself. His sperglord dna keeps kicking in.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The most pathetic part of this sort of psychopathology is that the seemingly externally-directed behavior is actually self-directed. It's often a perfect mirror of the shame, feelings of inadequacy, fears and utter loathing that the psychopath feels towards himself. The attempt at inflicting these intense and damaging feelings on other people is a desperate attempt at self-defense.

Comical. You're reminding me of the Christopher Lloyd character in The Dream Team.

Methadras said...

Palladian said...

There's nothing more satisfying that double-tapping a fag-hater's ass.

Have you done that yet? Metaphorically speaking? :D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

"I give take-out from five star restaurants to bums as I'm walking home, Bag."

Do you say: "Hey bum, eat this and tell me how great I am." They love when you call em bums.

I take bums INTO the 5-star restaurant for dinner,...

but I run out when the bill comes. I'm not stupid.

Unknown said...

Have you noticed how you can tell if a blow has landed on Ritmo?
I feel bad for doing it later, but at the time I always just want to break through to him.

It never works.

Palladian you are actually more my hero after this thread than you have ever been.
Hearts and minds and all that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do you say: "Hey bum, eat this and tell me how great I am." They love when you call em bums.

So is this what the whole thread/disagreement is about? You can't feel compassion for someone unless you elevate them into something they're not?

I do think we've hit at the rub of what's causing the conservative brain splinters to cause so much friction tonight.

Unknown said...

I can actually tell Ritmo has a form of intelligence, but there is NO wit there. Look over his stuff. It's completely poisonous flying rabid foam.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Palladian you are actually more my hero after this thread than you have ever been.
Hearts and minds and all that.

Empty ones choosing to follow an empty leader. One who requires negative attention more than anything else.

Don't think he's not smiling at his destructiveness tonight. But you identify with that too, no doubt.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I can actually tell Ritmo has a form of intelligence, but there is NO wit there. Look over his stuff. It's completely poisonous flying rabid foam.

I'm not happy that a back-stabbing, misanthropic malcontent can't ask for compassion without directing his rage at, and defining, an unnecessary enemy. Sorry if you think I don't have a right to be unhappy and to explain that. But I do.

And how that has anything to do with wit, well, maybe you can try to be appropriate and leave requests for wit when that's not all afoot.

chickelit said...

@Inga: Didn't you once say you grew up in Pentecostal church or something like that?

Palladian said...

No one is shaming you, you stupid shit.

Haha, that's true! But they're sure trying! I love it!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Don't think he's not smiling at his destructiveness tonight.

He says after shitting over 100 posts himself into a single thread.


bagoh20 said...

" You are making a mockery of yourself. I'm almost done indulging the attention that you need, by definition, to be in a completely negative form."

You know, Ritmo gets people's praise occasionally for his wordsmithingage, and I never got that, I always called him lorem ipsum, but I have to admit that this sentence is incredible in its subtle self-referential quality that borders on perfection in the art of self-hate, but I guess the self was all that was left to target. Well done, and stay thirsty, my friend.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Have you noticed how you can tell if a blow has landed on Ritmo?

He is more slippery than a pole at a titibar... the dancers have more substance too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Haha, that's true! But they're sure trying! I love it!

What you're trying is to get yourself negative attention. And it's worked. You're happy about it in the way a four-year old would be.

But your situation will change soon enough. And you'll need a mythic narrative of heroic personal triumph over evil, responsible, mature and rational nags to warm your fire throughout it all.

You can crucify me as the salvation in your story of self-empowerment. Lord knows you'll need something to get you through what's in store.

And all that because a piece of bread would have been too much to ask for.

If you end up retaining any humanity at all, though, I'm sure you'll change your mind. You're just going through a typically adolescent stage about it.

Luke, I'm not your father.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Do you say: "Hey bum, eat this and tell me how great I am." They love when you call em bums.

So is this what the whole thread/disagreement is about? You can't feel compassion for someone unless you elevate them into something they're not?

I do think we've hit at the rub of what's causing the conservative brain splinters to cause so much friction tonight.

What is this, a pity party? Since when was the topic of you being an sanctimonious prick ever stopped you from being a sanctimonious prick? Jesus, that line about giving bums 5-star restaurant food as a function of how compassionate you are was just classic. Really, I'm sure your two or three fanboi's hearts in the blogosphere went all aflutter with how compassionate you truly are. I mean wow, geez, 5 stars, you fucking rock broseph. Watching that tank of empty compassion just getting full from that description alone made compassion tanks just go boom to fullness. You go girl.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Meth: No one empties my well of compassion more thoroughly than you. No one. Be sure of it. Be proud of it, too.

I know you are.

Revel in that repulsive hatred you're so good at inspiring. It's all you've got. And you need to go with it.

To an end TBD. Never.

bagoh20 said...

"I can actually tell Ritmo has a form of intelligence"

Like the one monkey that's just smart enough to put his hand in the jar, but won't let go of the banana to get it out. That form? Yea, I see that too.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Haha, that's true! But they're sure trying! I love it!

What you're trying is to get yourself negative attention. And it's worked. You're happy about it in the way a four-year old would be.

But your situation will change soon enough. And you'll need a mythic narrative of heroic personal triumph over evil, responsible, mature and rational nags to warm your fire throughout it all.

You can crucify me as the salvation in your story of self-empowerment. Lord knows you'll need something to get you through what's in store.

And all that because a piece of bread would have been too much to ask for.

If you end up retaining any humanity at all, though, I'm sure you'll change your mind. You're just going through a typically adolescent stage about it.

Luke, I'm not your father.

Wow, are you people reading this shit? This is fantastic self-grandiosity. Look at it. It's like a verbal black obelisk in 2001, but if you can imagine Ritmo, just standing there in a Darth Vader outfit on the moon blurting this profundity in James Earl Jones electro-vader voice. Epic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow, are you people reading this shit? This is fantastic self-grandiosity. Look at it. It's like a verbal black obelisk in 2001, but if you can imagine Ritmo, just standing there in a Darth Vader outfit on the moon blurting this profundity in James Earl Jones electro-vader voice. Epic

Oh, I'm sure Palladian is doing just that.

Methadras said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Meth: No one empties my well of compassion more thoroughly than you. No one. Be sure of it. Be proud of it, too.

I know you are.

Revel in that repulsive hatred you're so good at inspiring. It's all you've got. And you need to go with it.

To an end TBD. Never.

Aha!!! You've been drinking Inga's 2 buck chuck again. Man, she's gonna be pissed.

Unknown said...

And how that has anything to do with wit, well, maybe you can try to be appropriate and leave requests for wit when that's not all afoot.

Inga brought up wit. It would never occur to me to apply that word to you myself.

Matt said...

Inga said...
Wyo Sis, I do appreciate Ritmo's wit and intelligence. He is probably far more intelligent than most here. No one here is innocent of striking out in anger or frustration or retaliation, from time to time. We are all human.

4/29/13, 10:55 PM

Wait, but when a "right-winger" says something nasty all the other conservatives "own" him? It is ok to be an asshole so long as you practice the right politics?

bagoh20 said...

I don't know what has gotten into me with all this bashing of Ritmo tonight. I feel a little bad. Not that I did it, but that the asshole deserves it so much. I'm really sorry about that. I'm done. I realize it's a little cruel now. Sorry Ritmo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Inga brought up wit. It would never occur to me to apply that word to you myself.

I'm sure there are many things that never occur to you.

(See, that was witty!)

chickelit said...

Ritmo's 5 star generosity comment made me think of Titus, natch.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I can actually tell Ritmo has a form of intelligence"

He argues for the sake of argument sacrificing all souls in the process.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't know what has gotten into me with all this bashing of Ritmo tonight. I feel a little bad. Not that I did it, but that the asshole deserves it so much.

Not because of anything I ever did to you. But of course, you are the Lorax. You speak for the trees.


Anonymous said...

Matt, what Ritmo has said tonight in this thread isn't even close to the degree of nastiness that gets spewed from Jay, Meth, PMJ on a daily basis, and most of you remain silent.

The hypocrisy is amazing.

Unknown said...

Self-describes his own wit.
That must be in the DSM somewhere.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Self-describes his own wit.
That must be in the DSM somewhere.


Self-esteem, much?

Unknown said...

Now he's the trees.
He's never anything low and small like a pile of dog poop. Always something grand and politically poignant.

Check the DSM

Unknown said...

"isn't even close to the degree of nastiness that gets spewed"

It's more the depth and consistency of it.

Phil 314 said...

And to think the thread starting with those on the left defending the gay guy.

Palladian, you're just not noble enough.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wyo, at the risk of catalyzing an incipient delusion, do you have anything to say?

Anonymous said...

So Wyo Sis, next time PMJ or Meth bring up Garage's sick child, you going to speak up?

Palladian said...

Wow, are you people reading this shit?

Nah, just skimming.

Palladian, you're just not noble enough.

Alas, I know. It's all the damned talk of helium around here. Who can live up to that degree of nobility?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Every narrative needs a villain and Ritmo volunteers every time. And does it with such gusto he doesn't let on he is wearing a mask... no vulnerability... even superman could not see through led.

With Ritmo you get the feeling he is not performing, that assholishness is his natural state.

Unknown said...

Yes, I have this to say.

You reek of pathologies. You are repugnant. You might be smart but you are beyond disgusting. Someone needs to call you on it and I am doing that.
When you can behave in a human decent way I'll discuss things with you. Until then I'm giving you exactly what you deserve.

Some readers will recognize what I've just done here, but you never will.

Unknown said...

I don't know anything about garages sick child.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I don't read them.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

But the difference, Inga, is that she's not running along side of them, making doe-eyes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes, Lem. And every mob needs a ringleader.

Narratives, good, evil... they're only as good as the capacity for the authors to engage a sense of reason.

Wyo, you start putting some reason into your comments and I'll be more than happy to engage those emotive, lofty declarations of absolutes. You see, I consider reason to be a huge part of what's necessary to define "human decency".

Of course, you may disagree.

Matt said...

Inga said...
Matt, what Ritmo has said tonight in this thread isn't even close to the degree of nastiness that gets spewed from Jay, Meth, PMJ on a daily basis, and most of you remain silent.

The hypocrisy is amazing.

4/29/13, 11:21 PM

No, the standard that the speech of one person is owned by the collective is YOUR standard. I don't say anything because it is their individual speech, not mine.

YOUR standard is the one you expect others to adhere to and condemn them for failing to do so, all the while, not holding yourself to it. YOU are the hypocrite.

I am not (nor is anyone else) a hypocrite for not living up to YOUR standard. Do you know what hypocrisy is?

Unknown said...

It doesn't show. You need to work on your delivery.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But the difference, Inga, is that she's not running along side of them, making doe-eyes.

Nope. She just looks the other way. Nothing to see here.

But see, you are important. Others are not.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It doesn't show. You need to work on your delivery.

Then you start showing it. Be the example you'd like to set.

Unless you're just a follower through-and-through.

Unknown said...

That wooshing sound you just heard is reason zoomiing by over your head.

I don't read commenters I've learned not to care about. To my great dismay I have learned to care about you and surprisingly, Ritmo.
I care about your comments, I don't like them or believe them, but I care.
My own pathology I guess.

Palladian said...

I don't read commenters I've learned not to care about. To my great dismay I have learned to care about you and surprisingly, Ritmo.

I care about your comments, I don't like them or believe them, but I care.

My own pathology I guess.

It's sort of like walking around in Paris. You don't really want to think about piles of dog shit, but it's everywhere and there's so much of it that you have to care about it to some degree or you'll end up getting it on your shoes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't read commenters I've learned not to care about. To my great dismay I have learned to care about you and surprisingly, Ritmo.
I care about your comments, I don't like them or believe them, but I care.
My own pathology I guess.

So, what does it say about you that you are declaring your own caring for someone you've heavily invested a conversation in, to be pathological?

How is Inga supposed to respond to that?

How would you respond if they said that they care about you, but that they must be sick for doing that?

How do you get those conditions to lead to a sensible outcome? How is the person you're addressing supposed to feel? Or respond?

Unknown said...

I think you don't respond to anything gentle or reasonable. You think it's weakness and trample on it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Who can live up to that degree of nobility?"

Why you must be referencing Jumpin' Jack Flash.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's sort of like walking around in Paris. You don't really want to think about piles of dog shit, but it's everywhere and there's so much of it that you have to care about it to some degree or you'll end up getting it on your shoes.

Oh, for the love of God already, please just go away already! You've gotten as much of a Jim Jones moment here as you'll get. And think of a way of visualizing the negative in degrees, and more subtly. Are references to feces as far as your capacity for describing the unpleasant extends? That speaks to a very restricted state of development.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think you don't respond to anything gentle or reasonable. You think it's weakness and trample on it.

That's baloney. Try me.

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