April 7, 2013

"Hancock was the only player who immediately ran toward Ware after he crumpled, and he knelt beside his teammate and began praying with him..."

"... patting Ware’s chest over and over. He knew Ware was scared, he would say later, and he did not want his teammate to be alone."


Shouting Thomas said...

Decisive player on each team that got into the finals was a white guy... Hancock for Louisville and McGary for Michigan.

Back before my body gave up, I played basketball with black guys in corporate league. Before that, I played with black guys in intramurals in college.

If you're a white guy in that world, you've got to fight back and demand respect. I like the machismo of black culture, within bounds. White guys need to regain that machismo. I'm happy to see that young white men are starting to do that. I expect to see an acceleration of this trend.

Anonymous said...

...and began praying with him...

Evidence of a division of the people continues to amass.

"For then, in those days and at that time...I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley...and I will enter into judgment with them there."

"Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision!"

"For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision."

(Joel 3)

Happy Sabbath to all.

Anonymous said...

Watched him in a post-game interview.
Poised, affable, and modest while projecting confidence. A natural leader.

MadisonMan said...

Simple human compassion is News.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann Althouse said...

@wyo I deleted "whores."

m stone said...

...and began praying with him...

This probably slipped through the Times's editors. Everything else in the piece is about...everything else.

I don't understand Quayle's reference in this context

Unknown said...

If this makes us cynical it's our problem not the problem of being compassionate.

Shouting Thomas said...

Mike McGary is a big old boy, about 7 foot, with the passing skills of a point guard.

I got a big kick out of it when one of the announcers, impressed with a blind pass for an assist, blurted:

"The guy looks like Magic Johnson!"

Petunia said...

Compassion, the ability to think clearly in a crisis, and the willingness to head toward someone in dire straits when most people head away. Good job, Mr. Hancock.

Anonymous said...

Aww, what's the matter, Easy Annie A.? A little sensitive that I'm calling a white-bashing culture a white-bashing culture?

gotta love how "pro free speech" she is...until someone like me starts mentioning uncomfortable truths. Then its down the memory hole, bitches! Do not question the cult of the black man!

Enjoy the decline!

Shouting Thomas said...

You've got some good ideas that I agree with, whore.

Your way of expressing your ideas is fucking stupid beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand Quayle's reference in this context

It is my subjective view that the news, from the events underlying the news, are dividing into the the evil/aggressive/violent and the good/kind/benevolent.

And that the middle is thinning.

Just one person's subjective view; no big deal.

Anonymous said...

@Shouting Thomas:

You've got some good ideas that I agree with, whore.

--Shove it up your ass, boy. All you care abut is if you have a gig tonight. You don't give a shit about anything except your own ass.

Your way of expressing your ideas is fucking stupid beyond belief.
----In a time of lies, telling the truth is revolutionary.

Now go suck up to more leftist slime and pretend that civility is the way and the light, you mincing little quisling.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, yes, whore, I know that you think you're a visionary preacher who knows the truth.

I've got a couple of hundred friends on FB who know the revealed truth.

You're just another jackass with a case of megalomania.

Now, if you want to do some good, stop making an ass out of yourself.

bagoh20 said...

It's really hard to "enjoy the decline" with assholes like this Hancock dude around.

Anonymous said...

The mainstream media has never shown us exactly what Wade's leg looked like, the views are always distant or obscured. Live Leak is not so squeamish (caution strongly advised).


Anonymous said...

@Shouting Thoma:

Hey, boy, I got you a gig! Now you can leave and ignore all of Rome burning around you. After all, you got a gig!

And, yes, whore, I know that you think you're a visionary preacher who knows the truth.
---Lots of people know the truth, but trash like you just live in denial.

I've got a couple of hundred friends on FB who know the revealed truth.
---They wouldn't be your friends if they did.

you want to do some good, stop making an ass out of yourself.
---Translation: "Stop saying the truth! It hurts my feelings! I have a gig, damnit!"

Enjoy the decline, ostrich!

Anonymous said...

I hope that darky feels that pain every night. Hell, I hope every darky in America feels that same pain every night---serves them right for ruining this country.

Dirty savages.

Shouting Thomas said...

As Henry Miller said: Against stupidity we are helpless.

Shouting Thomas said...

This blog is useful for all sorts of things. One of those is the revelation that stupidity comes in all forms.

Ritmo the Retard and this whores fellow are equally clueless, utterly stupid and bestial... just from completely opposite vantage points.

Time to go for a ride on the Road King. Beautiful day again in Woodstock.

bagoh20 said...

I have avoided looking at any video or stills of this until now. (Thanks Peter above). It's not that bad. It is hard to believe it happened as it did - it's just a normal jump and landing.

It is pretty embarrassing the way all those guys on the bench turn is fear, and try to squirm away like girls seeing a spider. None of them should get laid the rest of the year.

Anonymous said...

@Shouting Thomas:

As Henry Miller said: Against stupidity we are helpless.

--You should also remember Edmund Burke's truth: all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

But of course, you're not doing nothing: you've got a gig!

This blog is useful for all sorts of things. One of those is the revelation that stupidity comes in all forms.

--And the stupidity of your cowardice is one of them.

Ritmo the Retard and this whores fellow are equally clueless, utterly stupid
---False equivalencies won't help you when Obama comes for your family, boy.

Time to go for a ride on the Road King. Beautiful day again in Woodstock.
--And once again, the selfish coward cares about nothing but himself. And then wonders why Rome burns.

Enjoy your gig, comrade! The gulags will be nice this time of year.

bagoh20 said...

Whores, you are a complete failure.

It's obvious that you have had zero impact in your intended direction, whichever it is - moby or sincere. Not one single person here supports you, even those few who might if you weren't such an ass. Also not not those you would be trying to shape as a moby. Nobody is buying that your crap is normal for any group.

You show up to a house fire with neither water nor gasoline, but a messy mixture of both that nobody can use. Go on a drug fueled, alcohol drenched binge, maybe make a friend, and then come back and start over with a better plan. This one is a bust.

Anonymous said...


I love it when liars try to make truth tellers shut up: it's not working! Stop it!

you are a complete failure.
--another lie. I have never failed to tell the truth her and expose liars for what they are.

- moby or sincere.
---Yawn Anyone trying to say I'm a moby at this point is deliberatey ignorant, i.e. a leftist.

Not one single person here supports you, even those few who might if you weren't such an ass.
--The more I destroy your pretty little lies, bitch, the more they are forced to deal with the truth.

By. Any. Means. Necessary. I learned that from watching the lefty---and watching cowards like you let them do whatever they want.

Nobody is buying that your crap is normal for any group.
---Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.

This one is a bust.
---Aww, truth hurts, doesn't it, bitch?

Enjoy the decline, bitches!

bagoh20 said...

Whores, I didn't say shut up. I want to know more. Seriously, cut the bullshit. Telling the truth is useful, but if you wrap it in an bag of crap nobody is gonna listen, so it seems pretty obvious that getting the truth accepted is not a priority for you. So what is? Who are you trying to influence? Who are you winning over? You seem like just a big whiny loser. Tell us what you are actually accomplishing here.

bagoh20 said...

I have to admit that you have given the phrase "Enjoy the decline" a whole new comical meaning. We should thank you for making it seem a lot less threatening.

Anonymous said...


Here's a typical quisling, trying to lie his way out.

Now he says:

Whores, I didn't say shut up.

But then he says, then come back and start over with a better plan.

So first it's "I never told you to shut up" and then it was "shut up, go away, start a new way."

Dumb dumb little turds.

Seriously, cut the bullshit.
---Only leftists sling bullshit, boy.

Telling the truth is useful, but if you wrap it in an bag of crap nobody is gonna listen,
---Too much truth hurts your dogma, eh, boy?

Too bad. Eat your peas...and like it.

so it seems pretty obvious that getting the truth accepted is not a priority for you.
---I am the little boy who tells everyone the Emperor's new clothes aren't there. Stone me if you want, but they still aren't there.
Artful lying and politicking and "playing by the p.c rules" only have lead us to destruction.

Tell us what you are actually accomplishing here.
---Someone needs to read Raleigh's great poem, "The Lie" (aka "Give the Lie")

Being a little turd, however, you will merely state that I'm being "unreasonable" with telling so much truth "without a slant" (as Emily Dickinson would have advised). But, again, accepting as reasonable leftist lies and not exposing hard truths are why we are down in the ditch now.

Enjoy the decline, liar!

tiger said...

Good for him.

Howard said...

ST: Macho is the impotent posturing of powerless, defeated males. Your nemesis Crack MC is a good example. No wonder you and your bro WOTI aspire to it. You are become decline. When you grow up, you two might someday rise to the level of being someones bitches. Aufedersein.

Shouting Thomas said...


You need to shut up and listen for a while.

Like Ritmo the Retard, you are simply too stupid and out of control to post on this board.

You shit your pants every time you post.

Stop shitting your pants for a while. No, the world isn't waiting for you to be a general leading the troops. You're just some sorry ass, stoned, drunk bastard out there prattling like an idiot.

Alex said...

whores - so you are a white supremacist?

Shouting Thomas said...

ST: Macho is the impotent posturing of powerless, defeated males.

Another idiot. We've got plenty of them.

Anonymous said...

@Shouting Thomas:

Lookie! He's back from his gig and his bike ride! Whoo, the world is wonderful so long as Shouting Thomas has a job and a bike ride!

You need to shut up and listen for a while.
---Translation: "Stop telling the truth! I have a gig! Don't you hear me? A GIG! I'm awesome! Stop pointing out what a stupid coward I, Shouting Thomas, am!"

you are simply too stupid and out of control to post on this board.
--Aww, poor little quisling got his butthurt by my truth.

You shit your pants every time you post.
--_And your mom sucks my cock.

Stop shitting your pants for a -while.
---Note how, to a cowardly quisling, telling the truth=shitting your pants. We must not question diversity, we must not anger or be mean to the leftists. Bow down to p.c., comrades!

No, the world isn't waiting for you to be a general leading the troops.
---I am merely the clarion call of truth in a morass of liars like you.

prattling like an idiot.
---To a cowardly quisling, truth is "idiotic." Better to nod your heads to lies and "get a gig." That's all that matters in life!

A true righty, this Shouting Thomas. Enjoy the decline, quislings!

Cody Jarrett said...

I was enjoying the tiff between ST and whores, since whores only does a higher test version of ST's act, and it's funny to see ST get all prissy with whores.

Then bagoh jumped in and it stopped being funny, cuz I respect bags as a commenter.

Drat. Drat it to heck.

Known Unknown said...

Shockingly, whores is actually a Dale Carnegie graduate.

Anonymous said...


Nope. Just an anti-blackist.

Cody Jarrett said...

whores sez:
Here's a typical quisling, trying to lie his way out.

Now he says:

Whores, I didn't say shut up.

But then he says, then come back and start over with a better plan.

So first it's "I never told you to shut up" and then it was "shut up, go away, start a new way."

Dumb dumb little turds.

But his problem is he can't seem to comprehend simple written English.

Bags was saying that you may very well have worthwhile contributions to make, and you should make them, just that you should make them in a better way--less off-putting--so that more people pay attention.

Unless you really don't care about trying to reverse or slow the decline, in which case, flame on baby, flame on.

Shouting Thomas said...

---I am merely the clarion call of truth in a morass of liars like you.

No, whores, you're just a fucking moron with a bad case of megalomania.

Go look it up in the dictionary, if you're capable of wading through it.

I tell you, I delete megalomaniacs like you by the dozen from FB "friends." You're just a tiresome, fucking idiot with delusions of grandeur.

Howard said...

ST: Have at it, little man:


Shouting Thomas said...

ST: Have at it, little man:

I'm fairly large.

Howard, you're a silly man. Go find something to do.

Alex said...

It would be so nice if blogger had a ignore list. I would put garage, ritmo and whores on it.

Anonymous said...


lol. Nice try to cover his faggoty-ass.
He doesn't want to hear the truth, he wants to hear a bit of truth covered in pretty lies. In other words, trying to tell me to shut up and talk p.c.

That got us President Stepin Fetchit, a bloated government, and an economy in permanent decline.

It's too late to reverse. As the Aristotle anecdote goes, 51% of the population has voted itself the treasury, and it will never go back. Anyone with eyes to see can observe that.

Anonymous said...


You've been ignoring the truth your whole life, boy. But it's gonna bite you in the ass soon enough.

Kevin said...

Bored now.

Shouting Thomas said...

You can see in the multitude of stupid, confused comments by white men in this post just how thoroughly feminist women are kicking white men's asses.

So many stupid strategies by men...

1. Declare oneself the great Truth Giver and Prophet. This is exemplified by whore.

2. Feminist ass kisser. Exemplified by Howard.

The feminist women are smarter than you boys. It's easy to see, as I said, why they're kicking our asses.

Most of this is just due to the natural, bitter competitiveness of men over pussy. Men cannot help but eviscerate one another over pussy in this way. I don't see any way out for men in the near future. They don't seem to be getting any smarter.

Shouting Thomas said...

I was involved in men's issues politics for a very short time, until it became apparent that the fight over who was the Big Man who got the pussy was all that men could do.

We see the two extremes here. We got the megalomaniacs that nominate themselves to be Jesus and Napoleon combined in the hope of getting pussy. Then, at the other extreme, we've got the back stabbers who hope to get pussy by declaring their undying devotion to the cause of justice for women.

White men are stupid. That's why we're getting our asses kicked. I see no hope.

Cody Jarrett said...

And ST brings out a compelling argument in favor of buggery.

Shouting Thomas said...

As I said, I admire the approach of most black men, which is to defiantly defend their culture of machismo.

In case you haven't notice, black women mostly support them in this too.

Shouting Thomas said...

And ST brings out a compelling argument in favor of buggery.

Hadn't thought of it that way, but you could be right!

Cody Jarrett said...

@whores, that's not what got us step-n-fetchit. Might be part of it, but if you listened to Barry's speeches in 07, you could close your eyes and picture Regan. Shining city on the hill, morning in America and all the rest. A lot of people who would've ordinarily not voted D fell for it. And of course, the novelty, and the hope that electing him (or...Him?) would heal everything wrong with America.

Anonymous said...

lol that quisling like SHouting Thomas would admire savagery and uncivilized behavior---lauding black men (who have never created functioning society on earth beyond dunghill piles) as great

lol No wonder your country's ruined. Go kiss more sambo ass, boy

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't kiss anybody's ass, whore.

Especially not yours. There is no "cause" here for me to be a "quisling" to.

You're just a dumb fucking jerk. I have no intention of joining your imaginary army.

Neither does anybody else. How many troops you got?

I can answer that... Zero.

You're getting your ass kicked in this battle, probably destroying your prospects for employment with your stupid jabber, and the light is not turning on.

As I said, white men are stupid, and you are Exhibit A. You're a self-destructive moron with delusions of grandeur.

Shouting Thomas said...

Oh, well, I'm not going to get dragged back into this battle. White men are stupid and hopeless.

I decided long ago just to enjoy life. Ride my Harley. Do my gigs.

I know how to win at that game, whores.

You're welcome to your stupidity.

Anonymous said...

@Shouting Thomas:

white men are stupid
--Yawn. Despite all the IQ tests showing black men to be stupider than non-black men,a nd despite the violent crime rate and anti-social behavior of black men versus non-black men...

Shouting Thomas worships darky and hates whitey and calls him dumb. And now goes off to ride his wittle bike and play his simplistic songs.

Heh. Let's hope he meets some "Obama voters" late one night and show him how wonderful darkies truly can be.

Enjoy the decline, chickenshit!

Shouting Thomas said...

Come on, whores, you haven't told me how many troops you've recruited with your bold truth telling and prophesy.

We already know the answer, don't we?


Anonymous said...

I've long thought that Ritmo had a lock on the title of Biggest Asshole Commenter at Althouse, although C-ford certainly gives him a run for his money. But whores just hit a walkoff grand slam of assholery. It really takes some doing to be nastier and more obnoxious than those two, but he's done it.

Congrats. I guess.

Anonymous said...

@Shouting Thomas:

lol. Aw, afraid I'm going to inspire some real critical thinking, bitch? I thought you were going to ride your pathetic little hog and strum your guitar and get on your knees and suck some violent savage cock?

I knock down pretty little lies, bitch. And future generations will read and wonder why morons like you discounted such obvious truths.

Anonymous said...

It's funny - this post, like the one about the team letting the sick boy score a touchdown, is about a kind and generous act.

And both posts immediately attracted nasty jerks who decided to take a big dump on the thread.

Nice going.

Methadras said...

Prayer is comfort. Comfort is simple. Prayer is simple comfort. Wanting to impart that to someone you just saw getting injured horribly is a reaction of a good man and a good person. People would normally run the other way.

ErnieG said...

True character shows when a man acts when no one is looking, or when he acts immediately, from instinct.

David said...

This thread got crazy in a hurry.

As to Mr. Hancock, good for him.

As to Ware's other teammates, good for them too. In part because they won the next game when they could have folded.

Do you suppose that Ware felt abandoned by the teammates who did not immediately rush to him? Doesn't sound like it. Ware seems more sensible than that.

Ah Pooh said...

This thread, and the one following, are contaminated by 13 year olds learning to talk dirty. Too bad, good posts highjacked by assholes.

Ah Pooh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

I knock down pretty little lies, bitch.

God, you're not even an original megalomanic.

You've plagiarized Roissy.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Pretty sure Whores is a woman. She's got that relentless kind of bile that's a specialty of shitheel women.

DADvocate said...

bagoh said it didn't look that bad. To a battle hardened medic I suppose.

kentuckyliz said...

Picking up my Red pencil auf Deutsch:

Auf wiener sheen.

That was a funny autocorrect. Let's try that again.

Auf wiedersehen.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Hancock was a man among girls. When a disaster hit he got into his strong and calm mode and helped.

Steve Koch said...

I watched the game and when I saw the injury I was shocked and really sad for the poor kid. I don't blame anybody who shed tears at the sight of that grotesque injury.

Unknown said...

I'm going to store up auf weiner sheen in my mental arsenal to deploy on the perfect occasion. I hope it happens soon.

SJL said...


Please block these posters who are so profane and aggressive and disgusting. It degrades your blog to have these people posting.

jr565 said...

If you have to call black people darkies you lost the debate.
And there might actually be merit to some of whores points.
But not because of what he thinks about "darkies".
Its actually leftism that he is at war with, but he is letting racism clouds is argument.
If some of those darkies are at war with the lefts racial ideology, then whores should welcome them as allies not attempt to prove that the left was right all along in painting the right as the party of the white racist.

jr565 said...

Are we sure that whores isn't Crack Emcee playing the role of the angry white male? Have we ever actually seen the two of them together at the same time?

Lovernios said...

It helps if you read "whores..." posts with a James Earl Jones/Darth Vader voice.

Isengrim said...

Just stumbled on this charming site. What an oasis of reason and human decency! Thank you, Ann, for creating this wonderful place.

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