While they play with the numbers and what they mean, the fact remains that more and more people are leaving the workforce statistically. You know what that means..
Agreed - the result of progressive policies pretty much guaranteed to extend the Obama Recession indefinitely. And, yes, former Speaker Pelosi is an ignorant tool. At one point, I thought that she might just be disingenuous with her egregious claims for the putative Keynesian multiplier. But, she has been at them so long, and they seem to becoming ever more fanciful, and I think that it is more likely just ignorance, and, maybe a lot of wishful thinking. After all, if the multiplier is as large as she claims, then there should be no limit on federal spending, because we could just borrow and spend our way out of any downturn. Of course, the multiplier is actually slightly below 1, likely through government inefficiency and friction, which means that the 5% of GDP that she added to federal spending is turning out to be a permanent drag on the economy.
Making things worse, the takers won over the makers in the last election. The Obama GOTV effort was able to sucessfully target enough of them, and convince them that their financial well being (at the expense, of course, of the productive class) was at risk with a Republican win. So, we have also had an explosion of food stamps, Medicare disability, etc., again, making a recovery even that more unlikely.
Friday’s disastrous employment report, which showed a gain of just 88,000 jobs, down from 236,000 last month, is a flashing red signal that the economy is again in serious danger.
Yet, corporations are sitting flush with cash, but refusing to re-invest it into their operations. I wonder why?
For anyone who bothered to follow the 2012 election, the business class pretty much made it clear that it the voters put Obama back in office, they were communally going on vacation.
Well, the voters did, and the business class did, too. And, to quote Instapundit, it's happening so "unexpectedly".
Hard to believe there still so many morons that think Obama is a progressive.
Right, just all the right-wing hardasses who thought Reagan was an old softy.
Any "conservative" policies that Obama has pushed, garage? I understand that for someone who is a true Marxist or post-Marxist Lefty, Obama is a simp. Still, he is a member of that wing of the Democratic Party that likes to call itself "progressive". He sure as hell ain't no Dixiecrat, that's for sure.
I think we are repeating the mistakes of the thirties - and are getting the same results.
And "Keynesian economics" has two parts to it; You tax on the upturn to save up money to spend in the downturn, thus ameliorating the swings of the business cycle. The trouble is that there never has been an upturn so strong that liberals took it as a signal to save up money for the rainy day to follow.
The jobs created were temporary or otherwise low quality. The risk and disincentives associated with today's political (e.g. foreign policy through regime change) and fiscal (e.g. "affordable" health care) policies do not favor economic development. People can only draw from their capital reserves for so long before they begin to consider mitigating actions to avoid a default.
Any "conservative" policies that Obama has pushed, garage?
Not proposing conservative policies does not equal being a progressive.
But, he has pushed school choice, [remember Romney said he would probably keep Arne Duncan if elected]. Along with that Obama is certainly no friend of labor/unions. He just proposed cutting Social Security in his budget, which no self respecting progressive, or Democrat for that matter would ever do. His war policies are just continuations of Bush's.
Obama is a neo-liberal like Bill Clinton, but without the brains or the charisma Clinton possessed.
"Keynesian economics" was not meant to be a permanent state of affairs that lasted decades. Politicians have just anchored on it to enable their boundless spending.
I've long looked on with stunned amazement that so many people can be conned by Obama in the face of his documented lying and outrageous corruption.
A few Democrats are starting to show signs of breaking ranks, but look for the racism charge to keep them in check. You must not criticize The One. If you do then you must be a racist.
Whateverthehell he has been doing for the economy has not had a positive effect, four plus years in. We all know he punted the stimulus to Reid and Pelosi and in no way can he take any credit for guiding policy based on some understanding of economics.
So I don't care what you call the policies or what you call him. They aren't helping and he's clueless about fixing the economy.
"Keynesian economics" were indeed indended to last decades, in fact it was just a general common-sense statement as when a farmer uses the proceeds of a good year to put up a new roof and paint the barn, so that he won't have to do it when it begins leaking and rotting in the next bad year. Keynes did not claim to eliminate the business cycle - as Gordon Brown is reputed to have claimed to have done, just pointed to a way of evening them out a little. And if you have spent all you have and then some in the good years and then proceed to spend even more when the economy goes south. Mr. Keynes would quite have agreed that that is a recipe for disaster.
>>But, he has pushed school choice, [remember Romney said he would probably keep Arne Duncan if elected]. Along with that Obama is certainly no friend of labor/unions. He just proposed cutting Social Security in his budget, which no self respecting progressive, or Democrat for that matter would ever do<<
Yep, ending the voucher program in D.C. is "school choice."
garage mahal said... Time to push some seniors down the stairs and bust some more unions!
And time to reduce social security benefits, raise health insurance costs for the young and healthy, increase medicare deductibles, limit the the amount of retirement accounts, increase income taxes, reduce inflation protection on social security and income tax brackets, penalize savers with low interest rates, impose higher income and death taxes on small business, increase energy costs, increase the costs of automobiles, disincentivize hiring, increase regulation of business and the economy, perpetuate too big to fail banks, retain government control of the broken home mortgage market and continue federal budget deficits of atleast $1 trillion a year. (The foregoing being just a sample of harmful present policies or proposals of the Administration.)
Along with that Obama is certainly no friend of labor/unions.
You are, of course, joking.
His war policies are just continuations of Bush's.
Riight. Dubya couldn't wait to get out of Iraq and he was champing at the bit to set a withdrawl date in A-stan.
Not to mention running a surge where he second-guessed the generals.
As I said, you must be joking.
Obama is a neo-liberal like Bill Clinton, but without the brains or the charisma Clinton possessed.
Willie's charisma, like Choom's, was pumped by the media and, if Willie was half as smart as he was supposed to be (and he wasn't; subprime mortgages, anyone?), he would have stayed out of trouble.
Garage, only you can claim Obama is not a friend of unions. The auto bailout, the waivers for obamacare, boeing ruling, etc show he's pro union. But some unions aren't as favored as others. UAW and teachers AFSME doing fine. Pipeline workers, truckers, and miners are taking it in rear.
Garage, only you can claim Obama is not a friend of unions
Naw, he ain't the only one. Lots of folks in WI are still uptight about him ignoring us during the recalls.
The President has more of a "booty call" relationship with the unions...when he needs to get something from 'em he'll do some sweettalking to get it...but he sure ain't a "friend"
Obama signed legislation that made it harder for workers to organize. [FAA Reauthorization Act]. Some of his Cabinet picks are virulently anti-union. His "free trade" policies aren't union friendly, they are outright destructive.
Not sure why unions supported this guy at all last election. Romney would have likely been worse, but I wouldn't have lifted a finger if I were a union.
President Obama’s budget, to be released next week, will limit how much wealthy individuals – like Mitt Romney – can keep in IRAs and other retirement accounts.The senior administration official said that wealthy taxpayers can currently “accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.”
Under the plan, a taxpayer’s tax-preferred retirement account, like an IRA, could not finance more than $205,000 per year of retirement – or right around $3 million this year.
Well, I guess if I had a choice, since Mexico is now cheaper than China to make things, to bring jobs back to the North American continent.
Of course that's what you meant, right?
OTOH, higher gas, food and insurance costs will eat away at these fabulous base salaries.
Tell me, GM, rising this wage, do we also stop EITC, Obamaphones and all the other subsidies since they'll be able to afford to pay for these things themselves with these fabulous wages?
Tell me, GM, rising this wage, do we also stop EITC, Obamaphones and all the other subsidies since they'll be able to afford to pay for these things themselves with these fabulous wages?
Yes. Exactly. Wal*Mart is the largest recipient of Medicaid and food stamps, no? We pay for what the elites refuse to pay for. That's the bottom line.
Always remember: job creation and deficit reduction aren't the goals. Profits and low taxes are.
@Aaron. Yeah, that would be hard to top, but let me offer this:
"Unemployment insurance, the economists tell us, return $2 for every $1 that is put out there for unemployment insurance," Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on the House floor. (Dec 2, 2010)
Meanwhile, the rate itself continued to decline to 7.6%, meaning that without the devastating, politically calculated, Republican cuts to state and municipal employment, teachers, etc., we'd be at a comfortable and entirely normal rate of 6%.
At some point don't you think twisting a stupid, phony story for political fodder that you lost on twice loses its meaning?
I hope not. I hope you keep trying to blame Democrats for the damage you did and tried to frame him for - while he keeps steering the ship of state away from the disaster that you assholes created TWICE in history (the last time leading to a major global depression with mass genocides in Europe and the devastation of an entire continent being the result).
If this was my party's unmodified legacy, I guess I might choose to be as shameless as the Republicans are. Although I probably wouldn't.
And that's one thing you can say for them - they are awesome at putting party above country. They should make that their slogan. "Making things so bad that any idea, candidate, party or policy would be better!"
Conservatives: Making revolution and change inevitable since civilization began.
Aaron, would it be less stupid if minimum wage was $100 an hour? I think that's what garage meant.
Not as stupid as entertaining that you've ever seen anything close to such remuneration in your lifetime. Or ever will.
No, I think he was looking at something closer to $10 or $12 an hour. You know, enough for a few less Happy Meals each year and maybe enough change to actually get something healthy and decent to eat or treat yourself to every now and then.
Obama does not inspire confidence - he is a poor leader- that is the major factor in the economy continuing to suck.
The Republican lie of conservative self-sufficiency rears its ugly head. And tells us that Americans can't do anything good unless someone lies and blows sunshine up their collective asses and tells them that.
A lot of bitter clingers on this thread, I see. The Republican War on America continues unabated. At this rate, they'll have to make enemies of every last citizen until all agree that their cause is just too damn desperate to deny.
Rit, I've worked at minimum wage jobs. That's when minimum wage was $1.25 an hour. When I got my factory job, I made $1.42 an hour. Things were better then, than they are now.
You come off as someone of privilege. Someone who doesn't have a clue what others have had to do to get a start in life.
By the way, and I know it's been a while, but do you own a house?
You people have it all wrong. The Obama administration isn't at fault. I hear on good authority that thanks to the president's expert stewardship, the economy continues to heal. It's the sequester that's put headwinds in the way of the recovery that is taking place...
Rit, I've worked at minimum wage jobs. That's when minimum wage was $1.25 an hour. When I got my factory job, I made $1.42 an hour. Things were better then, than they are now.
Me too. Not at that rate, but later. After Republicans came to power and stopped "making things better".
You come off as someone of privilege. Someone who doesn't have a clue what others have had to do to get a start in life.
The fact that you started with (and likely still have) little in life doesn't give you license to shit on those few who have even less than you.
By the way, and I know it's been a while, but do you own a house?
That chip on your shoulder must be awfully big to resort to this. How about asking me about what I'm doing to keep up my muscle car instead? It would get across the same point. My assets are fine and I'll leave it to my financial advisor to see what he suggests I do with them. Not a proud meat-head like you.
Also, pretty cognitively dissonant to follow it up to a point on "privilege". But you just go ahead and let your emotions take over. We get it.
Ritmo, I'll give you credit. So far you're only blaming Boehner. Are you keeping the sequester up your sleeve? And the only reason Europe is in recession is because of austerity, right?
I think you're full of shit. He responded to my $50 an hour, and thought it was a good idea. I see no indication from garage for $10 to $20 an hour.
Who cares? Anyone with a brain knows that no increase in the minimum wage is going to result in $50/hr rates. So whether he's joking (likely) or serious (completely unlikely), the increase is almost certainly going to help, and long overdue, so so much the better that those who support it remain vocal or grow in number - which is the entire point.
Seeing as how you missed that, I'll let your crude vulgarity speak for itself.
He responded to my $50 an hour, and thought it was a good idea.
I did no such thing. And you're a dick for insisting I did. If you wantied my opinion what the minimum wage should be, you would have asked me. I didn't respond to your other strawman dollar amount either.
To paraphrase Gov. Andrew Cuomo: No one needs 10 posts get their point across. Seven is "reasonable".
Oh, but Dear Hump-My-Dink - as you can see, AllenS and Joe Schmoe have points to argue with me now. You wouldn't want to see their comments go unchallenged, leaving those dear souls without the opportunity to have them even better defended, would you?
I just want to say, your rhetoric is awesome. The only thing it's missing is, well, a supporting audience. Well, that, and originality.
Other than that, I'm sure you'd make a good CPAC-clone any day! We'll never be able to tell who poll tested the message, who created it in the lab, and who regurgitated it. That's just how good you are! Propaganda has never had a better friend than you, April.
Actual unemployment is closer to 12%. Black youth unemployment is close to 24%. Youth unemployment is 16% overall. Economic growth is a staggering .4%. We need at least 2% economic growth to break even.
Oh, and here comes helmet-head Tim with his PSA on cutting and running. Urging others to stop defending the lost Republican message and its mindless obstruction. It's their party's only hope.
Actual unemployment is closer to 12%. Black youth unemployment is close to 24%. Youth unemployment is 16% overall. Economic growth is a staggering .4%. We need at least 2% economic growth to break even.
But, but Rusty! You're missing the best news of all. The sequestration causing this can be blamed on Obama, right? Can't it?
ritmo: "The sequestration causing this can be blamed on Obama, right? Can't it?"
The sequester is causing all this!
On one of the other blogs it was mentioned how the lefties continue to say that the jury is still out on all the policies enacted at the executive and congressional level by the dems. That we can't possibly know how things will turn out due to dem policies for like, 30 more years!
Then the same lefties then say that the effect of republican/conservative policies, even those NEVER enacted are automatically responsible for everything wrong with the world. Those policies are even wrong retroactively!
This is why it's necessary to dumb down the electorate and let even more millions of uneducated 3rd worlders in as fast as possible.
Of course in garage's case, he didn't need any help in being dumbed down.
In ritmo's case he knows better but he's playing his part for party and ideology.
On one of the other blogs it was mentioned how the lefties continue to say that the jury is still out on all the policies enacted at the executive and congressional level by the dems.
That's nice. The jury's in on the result of Republican governance of 2008 and 1929 and guess what? It SUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKS!!!!!
But since you're a hard-core, til the bitter end partisan tool, you have no choice but to pretend otherwise.
What a burden to carry in life. Must be tough, all that cognitive dissonance. All that denial.
Hey, did you hear the one about Fisker looking into bankruptcy?
I guess now would be a good time to dump another 100 billion into all those "shovel ready" "green" jobs that will set us on a path to righteous growth!
PS: My iTunes playlist really rocks, if I say so myself.
Not nearly as good as the feel of your hand or lips on your own dick, I bet.
And I bet no number of Margaritas is going to get that S.F. tranny hag of yours to do anything to change that outcome for you tonight. Or any other night.
But enjoy the dancing. Or whatever you white people are up to.
My playlist(s) pretty much matches the collection of the best classic rock and classic (can one even find a radio station that plays classic music anymore?) stations.
Well, maybe not so much on the classic side.
Anyway, the rock list rocks.
And, like many Americans, I am grateful to have a job.
And for my wife having a job.
We work hard, and, frankly, are better at our jobs than most of our colleagues.
We are truly fortunate to still have the opportunity to work, and to excell.
So many have given up - I know because some of them are in my and my wife's family.
It's tragic, but it won't change soon enough.
There's a lot of capital sitting on the sidelines, mostly because of uncertainty.
Capital has no confidence in Obama and the Democrats.
Capital sees the ACA imposition of more uncertainty and costs, and recoils.
Capital hears Obama and the Democrats endless talk of higher taxes, and recoils.
Capital hears Obama and Democrats demagogue energy and the environment, and recoils.
Capital sees Obama and Democrats appointments to the NLRB, the CFPB, and recoils.
Look at all the words it takes for chicken-hawk to say:
1. Capitalism is all mighty and powerful, but capital is SCARED! Capitalists are very, very timid people! Capitalists need government to overcome their fear!
2. Chicken-hawk sympathizes with others, and yet, he feels he is better than them. And better than his colleagues.
3. Chicken-hawk's family, unsurprisingly, counts mightily among those whom he considers to be "deadbeats".
Yep. Chicken-hawk knows how to long-form troll. Good thing that he usually has nothing to say.
Ritmo is full of rage because he knows, but won't admit, that Obama is an economic illiterate and an innumerate and his policies are a deepening disaster.
Every day Obama's tenure gets shorter - thank God -and he gets weaker. I am amazed (well not really) that the guy doesn't try to work with congress. With a little leadership congress would work with him at least for a couple of years. His constant campaign does garner some headlines, but is more and more tiresome. His claim to being one of the worst Presidents in our history gets stronger each day.
The drag of Obamacare is just beginning. Blaming the sequester is a non-starter. What's $85 billion in that current budget? Nothing.
Shorter garage: "Obama uses progressives like rented mules, acts solely in his own political interests, can't be bothered to actually work his job, and we love him."
The only thing I would add to this is that Obama always jerks left when stimulated. In terms of work product, he's basically a pithed frog living the good life that has been handed to him.
Don't you think it is an odd coincidence that North Korea is rattling all these sabers at the same time the economy is tanking? I mean Obama must have known for WEEKS what these economic figures were going to be, right?
And then all the sudden NK freaks out. See when troubles are many at home leaders tend to stir up trouble abroad so as to get the peons minds off their troubles.
Funny how the sycophants trot out stupidities like raising the minimum wage will stimulate the economy, and when that doesn't pass the smell test, go full ad hominem, but never address the point of the post.
New jobs are like hens teeth. And they're mostly just as useless. The guy in charge is golfing and providing his princesses with teen years of exquisite beauty. Meanwhile, a huge swath of American productivity has just given up on ever finding a job again.
Your man has done a fine job of rolling back the seas, though.
Sorry, Mark. Forgot how much cowardice and hypocrisy is in vogue with the young kids these days. It must be up there with the Ayn Rand books. Just real, awesome, cool stuff.
You sound like Dana Carvey's impersonation of Jonny Carson when he was trying to act like Arsenio Hall.
We can never convinence the left hand side of the aisle, but pleast ask your businessmen/women/womyn what the gov't is doing that makes it incredibly hard to crow wealth.
-Taxes-lawsuits-regulation-mandates-insurance requirements-and on and on and on.
As I posted 10 hours ago, when the Ritster appears the thread is dead. Need evidence? Read the previous 30 or so comments. Need more evidence? Wait for his next guest appearance.
O Ritmo Segundo said... Actual unemployment is closer to 12%. Black youth unemployment is close to 24%. Youth unemployment is 16% overall. Economic growth is a staggering .4%. We need at least 2% economic growth to break even.
But, but Rusty! You're missing the best news of all. The sequestration causing this can be blamed on Obama, right? Can't it?
Yes. It. Can!
Everything I told you would happen is happening. Californias revenue shortfall will be between 10 and 15 billion. You just keep dancin' there, bud.
The economy can now, effectively, recreate the role of Jack Bauer's daughter in the first season of "24".
Not sure why unions supported this guy at all last election
His ignoring of the Constitution in his naming of NLRB members while the Senate was in session?
His NLRB appointees ignoring of the Constitution in continuing their job when a court has already said they aren't not legally permitted to do anything?
Now raising the minimum wage, substantially. That would create jobs and reduce deficits.
Because randomly jacking up employment costs for marginal jobs always works out well.
Do you have a clue how miserable the employment stats are for new workers?
President Obama’s budget, to be released next week, will limit how much wealthy individuals – like Mitt Romney – can keep in IRAs and other retirement accounts.The senior administration official said that wealthy taxpayers can currently “accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.”
To paraphrase Ace of Spades --- Don't worry. No chance they'd target YOUR retirement account. Keep that thought out of your head.
If this was my party's unmodified legacy
...that'd be slavery, lynching, and oppression of blacks and women.
No, I think he was looking at something closer to $10 or $12 an hour. You know, enough for a few less Happy Meals each year and maybe enough change to actually get something healthy and decent to eat or treat yourself to every now and then.
...because increasing employment costs would not lead to price increases. That's just silly talk.
Who cares? Anyone with a brain knows that no increase in the minimum wage is going to result in $50/hr rates
Why wouldn't it?
Raising it to $12 an hour wouldn't, apparently, cause any negative impact on employment or costs for goods.
Why be so mean and not make it $50/hr?
Hell, make it a million a year. Millionaires never go hungry.
Oh, of course it's not just that
Simple question: Does "austerity" mean that you spend more or less per year on services each year?
Hint: Nobody in Europe, nor in the US, has spent less the next year in longer than most can remember.
That's nice. The jury's in on the result of Republican governance of 2008 and 1929 and guess what? It SUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKS!!!!!
Let me guess, the New Deal ended the Depression right?
Funny it took 9 years and a massive war to stop the problem.
Hey, maybe if we're lucky, the N. Korea thing will go REALLY badly and we'll have a shot at getting out of this economic mess, huh?
Democrats: Praying for mass genocide to excuse poor policies for 80 yrs.
I've been on vacation, but had to share. On a radio news report they blamed the poor jobs report on a colder then normal March. So all this arguing is silly. As soon as it warms up everything will be fine. Fine I tell you!
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It's Bush's fault!!!!!!
Time to push some seniors down the stairs and bust some more unions!
Its Scott Walker's fault!!!
While they play with the numbers and what they mean, the fact remains that more and more people are leaving the workforce statistically. You know what that means..
More fundraising
Time to ramp up unemployment.
It's the Pelosi way "Unemployment insurance, the economists tell us, return $2 for every $1 that is put out there for unemployment insurance."
"Again" in danger? Idiots.
It must be the most widely predicted consequence of obviously moronic policies in history.
Is it possible to be more unshocked?
Agreed - the result of progressive policies pretty much guaranteed to extend the Obama Recession indefinitely. And, yes, former Speaker Pelosi is an ignorant tool. At one point, I thought that she might just be disingenuous with her egregious claims for the putative Keynesian multiplier. But, she has been at them so long, and they seem to becoming ever more fanciful, and I think that it is more likely just ignorance, and, maybe a lot of wishful thinking. After all, if the multiplier is as large as she claims, then there should be no limit on federal spending, because we could just borrow and spend our way out of any downturn. Of course, the multiplier is actually slightly below 1, likely through government inefficiency and friction, which means that the 5% of GDP that she added to federal spending is turning out to be a permanent drag on the economy.
Making things worse, the takers won over the makers in the last election. The Obama GOTV effort was able to sucessfully target enough of them, and convince them that their financial well being (at the expense, of course, of the productive class) was at risk with a Republican win. So, we have also had an explosion of food stamps, Medicare disability, etc., again, making a recovery even that more unlikely.
Friday’s disastrous employment report, which showed a gain of just 88,000 jobs, down from 236,000 last month, is a flashing red signal that the economy is again in serious danger.
Yet, corporations are sitting flush with cash, but refusing to re-invest it into their operations. I wonder why?
For anyone who bothered to follow the 2012 election, the business class pretty much made it clear that it the voters put Obama back in office, they were communally going on vacation.
Well, the voters did, and the business class did, too. And, to quote Instapundit, it's happening so "unexpectedly".
Agreed - the result of progressive policies pretty much guaranteed to extend the Obama Recession indefinitely
Hard to believe there still so many morons that think Obama is a progressive. Or that he enacted all these progressive policies.
Hard to believe there still so many morons that think Obama is a progressive.
Right, just all the right-wing hardasses who thought Reagan was an old softy.
Any "conservative" policies that Obama has pushed, garage? I understand that for someone who is a true Marxist or post-Marxist Lefty, Obama is a simp. Still, he is a member of that wing of the Democratic Party that likes to call itself "progressive". He sure as hell ain't no Dixiecrat, that's for sure.
I think we are repeating the mistakes of the thirties - and are getting the same results.
And "Keynesian economics" has two parts to it; You tax on the upturn to save up money to spend in the downturn, thus ameliorating the swings of the business cycle. The trouble is that there never has been an upturn so strong that liberals took it as a signal to save up money for the rainy day to follow.
Hard to believe there still so many morons that think Obama is a progressive.
Especially among the Democrats.
Obama rides with the Democrats, but that does not necessarily mean that the policies most important to him are the same as theirs.
This just in:
MSM finally sees the light that has been flashing red for the last 3 or 4 years.
Obama does not inspire confidence - he is a poor leader- that is the major factor in the economy continuing to suck.
garage mahal said...
Agreed - the result of progressive policies pretty much guaranteed to extend the Obama Recession indefinitely
Hard to believe there still so many morons that think Obama is a progressive. Or that he enacted all these progressive policies.
Why was it issued on a Friday?
The jobs created were temporary or otherwise low quality. The risk and disincentives associated with today's political (e.g. foreign policy through regime change) and fiscal (e.g. "affordable" health care) policies do not favor economic development. People can only draw from their capital reserves for so long before they begin to consider mitigating actions to avoid a default.
Wait! We have seen the full impact of Obamacare yet. It won't be pretty.
Any "conservative" policies that Obama has pushed, garage?
Not proposing conservative policies does not equal being a progressive.
But, he has pushed school choice, [remember Romney said he would probably keep Arne Duncan if elected]. Along with that Obama is certainly no friend of labor/unions. He just proposed cutting Social Security in his budget, which no self respecting progressive, or Democrat for that matter would ever do. His war policies are just continuations of Bush's.
Obama is a neo-liberal like Bill Clinton, but without the brains or the charisma Clinton possessed.
"Keynesian economics" was not meant to be a permanent state of affairs that lasted decades. Politicians have just anchored on it to enable their boundless spending.
I've long looked on with stunned amazement that so many people can be conned by Obama in the face of his documented lying and outrageous corruption.
A few Democrats are starting to show signs of breaking ranks, but look for the racism charge to keep them in check. You must not criticize The One. If you do then you must be a racist.
Thank you, Madame.
It's so bad even garage can't make it sound good.
And even he's given up trying.
garage mahal said...
Time to push some seniors down the stairs
No, ObamaTax, replete with death panels, is all yours and it was Choom who offered up Social Security in exchange for tax hikes.
Agreed - the result of progressive policies pretty much guaranteed to extend the Obama Recession indefinitely
Hard to believe there still so many morons that think Obama is a progressive. Or that he enacted all these progressive policies.
Hey, Peter renounced the Messiah, too.
Maybe garage is so spooked because he saw the IBD piece vindicating the Roe Effect.
Whateverthehell he has been doing for the economy has not had a positive effect, four plus years in. We all know he punted the stimulus to Reid and Pelosi and in no way can he take any credit for guiding policy based on some understanding of economics.
So I don't care what you call the policies or what you call him. They aren't helping and he's clueless about fixing the economy.
"Keynesian economics" were indeed indended to last decades, in fact it was just a general common-sense statement as when a farmer uses the proceeds of a good year to put up a new roof and paint the barn, so that he won't have to do it when it begins leaking and rotting in the next bad year.
Keynes did not claim to eliminate the business cycle - as Gordon Brown is reputed to have claimed to have done, just pointed to a way of evening them out a little.
And if you have spent all you have and then some in the good years and then proceed to spend even more when the economy goes south. Mr. Keynes would quite have agreed that that is a recipe for disaster.
>>But, he has pushed school choice, [remember Romney said he would probably keep Arne Duncan if elected]. Along with that Obama is certainly no friend of labor/unions. He just proposed cutting Social Security in his budget, which no self respecting progressive, or Democrat for that matter would ever do<<
Yep, ending the voucher program in D.C. is "school choice."
garage mahal said...
Time to push some seniors down the stairs and bust some more unions!
And time to reduce social security benefits, raise health insurance costs for the young and healthy, increase medicare deductibles, limit the the amount of retirement accounts, increase income taxes, reduce inflation protection on social security and income tax brackets, penalize savers with low interest rates, impose higher income and death taxes on small business, increase energy costs, increase the costs of automobiles, disincentivize hiring, increase regulation of business and the economy, perpetuate too big to fail banks, retain government control of the broken home mortgage market and continue federal budget deficits of atleast $1 trillion a year. (The foregoing being just a sample of harmful present policies or proposals of the Administration.)
garage mahal said...
Along with that Obama is certainly no friend of labor/unions.
You are, of course, joking.
His war policies are just continuations of Bush's.
Riight. Dubya couldn't wait to get out of Iraq and he was champing at the bit to set a withdrawl date in A-stan.
Not to mention running a surge where he second-guessed the generals.
As I said, you must be joking.
Obama is a neo-liberal like Bill Clinton, but without the brains or the charisma Clinton possessed.
Willie's charisma, like Choom's, was pumped by the media and, if Willie was half as smart as he was supposed to be (and he wasn't; subprime mortgages, anyone?), he would have stayed out of trouble.
Garage, only you can claim Obama is not a friend of unions. The auto bailout, the waivers for obamacare, boeing ruling, etc show he's pro union. But some unions aren't as favored as others. UAW and teachers AFSME doing fine. Pipeline workers, truckers, and miners are taking it in rear.
Lets hope he does better with Korea than A-stan or the economy.
Even more ominous is the fact that the number of people applying for permanent disability is almost as great as the number of jobs created.
Enjoy the decline.
Garage, only you can claim Obama is not a friend of unions
Naw, he ain't the only one. Lots of folks in WI are still uptight about him ignoring us during the recalls.
The President has more of a "booty call" relationship with the unions...when he needs to get something from 'em he'll do some sweettalking to get it...but he sure ain't a "friend"
UAW and teachers AFSME doing fine.
The data sure doesn't support this.
Obama signed legislation that made it harder for workers to organize. [FAA Reauthorization Act]. Some of his Cabinet picks are virulently anti-union. His "free trade" policies aren't union friendly, they are outright destructive.
Not sure why unions supported this guy at all last election. Romney would have likely been worse, but I wouldn't have lifted a finger if I were a union.
*free trade "agreements" make that.
Which means, American workers get fucked sideways, and.....not sure what the upside is.
Time to push some seniors down the stairs and raise minimum wage to $50 an hour!
Time to push some seniors down the stairs so the feds can get their estate proceeds.
Time to push some seniors down the stairs and raise minimum wage to $50 an hour!
Now raising the minimum wage, substantially. That would create jobs and reduce deficits.
Via The Belmont Club:
President Obama’s budget, to be released next week, will limit how much wealthy individuals – like Mitt Romney – can keep in IRAs and other retirement accounts.The senior administration official said that wealthy taxpayers can currently “accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.”
Under the plan, a taxpayer’s tax-preferred retirement account, like an IRA, could not finance more than $205,000 per year of retirement – or right around $3 million this year.
Now we're finally getting the figures of "rich."
Also via TBC:
It will interest Americans to note that according to the Australian Labor party, being “fabulously wealthy” means A$2 million in lifetime savings.
So, I guess this means Urkel is going on vacation again? Oh wait...
Where's Inga and her enjoy the incline bichez comment? Remember that 1 because the stock market was up?
--Hard to believe there still so many morons that think Obama is a progressive. Or that he enacted all these progressive policies.--
EPA regs, going around Congress, Executive Orders, nope he didn't do any of these things, he's just blameless.
Time to push some seniors down the stairs so they can get a free scooter from the The Scooter Store ... courtesy of the US taxpayers.
I'm beginning to think garage and his friends are beginning to realize Barack is not a magic Negro.
purplepenquin said...
Garage, only you can claim Obama is not a friend of unions
Naw, he ain't the only one. Lots of folks in WI are still uptight about him ignoring us during the recalls.
He ignored everybody (except for enough people to hold onto the Senate) during the Congressional races, too.
These Lefties really take forever to catch on, don't they?
I have another good idea... let's make 11 million illegal immigrants legal, and then pay them $50 an hour doing minimum wage jobs!
Raising the minimum wage will increase jobs?
Well, I guess if I had a choice, since Mexico is now cheaper than China to make things, to bring jobs back to the North American continent.
Of course that's what you meant, right?
OTOH, higher gas, food and insurance costs will eat away at these fabulous base salaries.
Tell me, GM, rising this wage, do we also stop EITC, Obamaphones and all the other subsidies since they'll be able to afford to pay for these things themselves with these fabulous wages?
Oh, this just might hit IL teachers if they actually saved more for retirement!
They're rich, just desserts.
Unless this is on top of their
$76K/yr+++ pensions?
Out of curiosity, GM, which country are you taking your high minimum wage idea from and how is it working there?
"Now raising the minimum wage, substantially. That would create jobs and reduce deficits."
This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read.
Aaron, would it be less stupid if minimum wage was $100 an hour? I think that's what garage meant.
Tell me, GM, rising this wage, do we also stop EITC, Obamaphones and all the other subsidies since they'll be able to afford to pay for these things themselves with these fabulous wages?
Yes. Exactly. Wal*Mart is the largest recipient of Medicaid and food stamps, no? We pay for what the elites refuse to pay for. That's the bottom line.
Always remember: job creation and deficit reduction aren't the goals. Profits and low taxes are.
Aaron said...
"Now raising the minimum wage, substantially. That would create jobs and reduce deficits."
"This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read."
Be patient.
There is an endless supply of stupid from where that came.
@Aaron. Yeah, that would be hard to top, but let me offer this:
"Unemployment insurance, the economists tell us, return $2 for every $1 that is put out there for unemployment insurance," Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on the House floor. (Dec 2, 2010)
63.3%: Lowest labor participation rate since 1979.
Hmmmm; who was president in 1979?
Heck of a job, Barry!
MOAR biased sources, PLZ!!!!
Meanwhile, the rate itself continued to decline to 7.6%, meaning that without the devastating, politically calculated, Republican cuts to state and municipal employment, teachers, etc., we'd be at a comfortable and entirely normal rate of 6%.
At some point don't you think twisting a stupid, phony story for political fodder that you lost on twice loses its meaning?
I hope not. I hope you keep trying to blame Democrats for the damage you did and tried to frame him for - while he keeps steering the ship of state away from the disaster that you assholes created TWICE in history (the last time leading to a major global depression with mass genocides in Europe and the devastation of an entire continent being the result).
If this was my party's unmodified legacy, I guess I might choose to be as shameless as the Republicans are. Although I probably wouldn't.
And that's one thing you can say for them - they are awesome at putting party above country. They should make that their slogan. "Making things so bad that any idea, candidate, party or policy would be better!"
Conservatives: Making revolution and change inevitable since civilization began.
""Friday’s disastrous employment report...""
And it isn't going to improve in the next 3& 1/2 years.
Aaron, would it be less stupid if minimum wage was $100 an hour? I think that's what garage meant.
Not as stupid as entertaining that you've ever seen anything close to such remuneration in your lifetime. Or ever will.
No, I think he was looking at something closer to $10 or $12 an hour. You know, enough for a few less Happy Meals each year and maybe enough change to actually get something healthy and decent to eat or treat yourself to every now and then.
Which would really piss you off!
Threads over. You know who has arrived.
Obama does not inspire confidence - he is a poor leader- that is the major factor in the economy continuing to suck.
The Republican lie of conservative self-sufficiency rears its ugly head. And tells us that Americans can't do anything good unless someone lies and blows sunshine up their collective asses and tells them that.
A lot of bitter clingers on this thread, I see. The Republican War on America continues unabated. At this rate, they'll have to make enemies of every last citizen until all agree that their cause is just too damn desperate to deny.
Rit, I've worked at minimum wage jobs. That's when minimum wage was $1.25 an hour. When I got my factory job, I made $1.42 an hour. Things were better then, than they are now.
You come off as someone of privilege. Someone who doesn't have a clue what others have had to do to get a start in life.
By the way, and I know it's been a while, but do you own a house?
Lol. Humper-Your-Own-Dink just admits he lost the debate.
Hump - it might be honest if you just said: "Screw it. I can't win!"
America doesn't care about your political and ideological fortunes. It just wants to be rid of your ilk and their dysfunction.
Lacking the sack to admit that you can't win a simple debate is pretty dysfunctional - especially in politics.
You people have it all wrong. The Obama administration isn't at fault. I hear on good authority that thanks to the president's expert stewardship, the economy continues to heal. It's the sequester that's put headwinds in the way of the recovery that is taking place...
And, Rit, let's review. This is how the conversation went:
AllenS said...
Time to push some seniors down the stairs and raise minimum wage to $50 an hour!
4/5/13, 5:44 PM
garage mahal said...
Time to push some seniors down the stairs and raise minimum wage to $50 an hour! -- quoting me.
Now raising the minimum wage, substantially. That would create jobs and reduce deficits.
Now, you said: No, I think he was looking at something closer to $10 or $12 an hour.
I think you're full of shit. He responded to my $50 an hour, and thought it was a good idea. I see no indication from garage for $10 to $20 an hour.
Rit, I've worked at minimum wage jobs. That's when minimum wage was $1.25 an hour. When I got my factory job, I made $1.42 an hour. Things were better then, than they are now.
Me too. Not at that rate, but later. After Republicans came to power and stopped "making things better".
You come off as someone of privilege. Someone who doesn't have a clue what others have had to do to get a start in life.
The fact that you started with (and likely still have) little in life doesn't give you license to shit on those few who have even less than you.
By the way, and I know it's been a while, but do you own a house?
That chip on your shoulder must be awfully big to resort to this. How about asking me about what I'm doing to keep up my muscle car instead? It would get across the same point. My assets are fine and I'll leave it to my financial advisor to see what he suggests I do with them. Not a proud meat-head like you.
Also, pretty cognitively dissonant to follow it up to a point on "privilege". But you just go ahead and let your emotions take over. We get it.
Ritmo, I'll give you credit. So far you're only blaming Boehner. Are you keeping the sequester up your sleeve? And the only reason Europe is in recession is because of austerity, right?
It's Bush's Fault (TM).
Also, Gay Marriage!
I think you're full of shit. He responded to my $50 an hour, and thought it was a good idea. I see no indication from garage for $10 to $20 an hour.
Who cares? Anyone with a brain knows that no increase in the minimum wage is going to result in $50/hr rates. So whether he's joking (likely) or serious (completely unlikely), the increase is almost certainly going to help, and long overdue, so so much the better that those who support it remain vocal or grow in number - which is the entire point.
Seeing as how you missed that, I'll let your crude vulgarity speak for itself.
And the only reason Europe is in recession is because of austerity, right?
Oh, of course it's not just that, Joe! We should try every failed, conservative policy they've ever implemented!
But at least Boehner's got you covered on the starve the poor philosophy.
To paraphrase Gov. Andrew Cuomo: No one needs 10 posts get their point across. Seven is "reasonable".
He responded to my $50 an hour, and thought it was a good idea.
I did no such thing. And you're a dick for insisting I did. If you wantied my opinion what the minimum wage should be, you would have asked me. I didn't respond to your other strawman dollar amount either.
To paraphrase Gov. Andrew Cuomo: No one needs 10 posts get their point across. Seven is "reasonable".
Oh, but Dear Hump-My-Dink - as you can see, AllenS and Joe Schmoe have points to argue with me now. You wouldn't want to see their comments go unchallenged, leaving those dear souls without the opportunity to have them even better defended, would you?
Or maybe you would.
Good job America. You elected Carter 2.0. This time with more Cloward Piven!
Don't feed the troll.
Troll is gonna troll.
Hiya there, April!
I just want to say, your rhetoric is awesome. The only thing it's missing is, well, a supporting audience. Well, that, and originality.
Other than that, I'm sure you'd make a good CPAC-clone any day! We'll never be able to tell who poll tested the message, who created it in the lab, and who regurgitated it. That's just how good you are! Propaganda has never had a better friend than you, April.
Actual unemployment is closer to 12%. Black youth unemployment is close to 24%. Youth unemployment is 16% overall. Economic growth is a staggering .4%. We need at least 2% economic growth to break even.
Oh, and here comes helmet-head Tim with his PSA on cutting and running. Urging others to stop defending the lost Republican message and its mindless obstruction. It's their party's only hope.
Thanks, Tim.
Actual unemployment is closer to 12%. Black youth unemployment is close to 24%. Youth unemployment is 16% overall. Economic growth is a staggering .4%. We need at least 2% economic growth to break even.
But, but Rusty! You're missing the best news of all. The sequestration causing this can be blamed on Obama, right? Can't it?
Yes. It. Can!
Troll is gonna troll.
Republican is gonna cower.
Political chicken-hawk.
Shorter Troll: "Trololololololo"
Shorter chicken-hawk: Bawk-bawk-buk-BAWK-bawk!
Actual unemployment is closer to 12%. Black youth unemployment is close to 24%. Youth unemployment is 16% overall. Economic growth is a staggering .4%
You honestly think elites that rule us care about these stats? They don't.
I'm at home, listening to my iTunes while sipping a fine Single Malt Scotch after a productive week at work.
No troll is gonna shit on that.
Ain't nobody got time for that...
That, and Zito threw a three hit shut-out at the Giants' home-opener today.
Uh oh.
Troll reinforcements!
The defending World Champion S.F. Giants are 3-1.
I'm at home, listening to my iTunes while sipping a fine Single Malt Scotch after a productive week at work.
No troll is gonna shit on that.
Ain't nobody got time for that...
Oh really, Tim? Your ex just called and told me that, after you did this to her, it's time for you to pay up with some alimony and child support.
Troll must have me confused with his daddy.
I've never been divorced.
No ex's to worry about.
My wife should be home soon.
Maybe we'll have Manhattans.
Not sure about that though, following a Single-Malt.
Usually, it's better to start with a Manhattan.
The weather is nice, so maybe Margarita's instead?
I've fresh lemons and limes I need to use...
Tim's posting drunk and I'm not sure what all that alcohol will do to a chicken's liver.
Although it was cute to see him deny paternity after watching the adorable video of his wife laying eggs.
So my wife just texted me.
She wants Manhattans.
She likes Margaritas too.
Time to counter-offer.
Regardless, you know how my night will end, dontcha?!
Uh huh!
ritmo: "The sequestration causing this can be blamed on Obama, right? Can't it?"
The sequester is causing all this!
On one of the other blogs it was mentioned how the lefties continue to say that the jury is still out on all the policies enacted at the executive and congressional level by the dems. That we can't possibly know how things will turn out due to dem policies for like, 30 more years!
Then the same lefties then say that the effect of republican/conservative policies, even those NEVER enacted are automatically responsible for everything wrong with the world. Those policies are even wrong retroactively!
This is why it's necessary to dumb down the electorate and let even more millions of uneducated 3rd worlders in as fast as possible.
Of course in garage's case, he didn't need any help in being dumbed down.
In ritmo's case he knows better but he's playing his part for party and ideology.
I'm just happy that we are heading into the lefties "Recovery Summer 4.0...This time we're serious!" period.
It is so hilariously reminiscent of all those soviet 5 and 10 year plans.
But hey, it's all those counter-revolutionaries gumming up the works!
On one of the other blogs it was mentioned how the lefties continue to say that the jury is still out on all the policies enacted at the executive and congressional level by the dems.
That's nice. The jury's in on the result of Republican governance of 2008 and 1929 and guess what? It SUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKS!!!!!
But since you're a hard-core, til the bitter end partisan tool, you have no choice but to pretend otherwise.
What a burden to carry in life. Must be tough, all that cognitive dissonance. All that denial.
Like Beavis said.
Oh oh.
Al-Anon made troll sensitive to alcohol - thinks everyone is drunk.
No one - well, maybe a troll - drinks Single-Malt to get drunk.
Everyone knows that.
And the wife acquiesced - it's Margaritas tonight.
Livin' good.
PS: My iTunes playlist really rocks, if I say so myself.
Hey, did you hear the one about Fisker looking into bankruptcy?
I guess now would be a good time to dump another 100 billion into all those "shovel ready" "green" jobs that will set us on a path to righteous growth!
PS: My iTunes playlist really rocks, if I say so myself.
Not nearly as good as the feel of your hand or lips on your own dick, I bet.
And I bet no number of Margaritas is going to get that S.F. tranny hag of yours to do anything to change that outcome for you tonight. Or any other night.
But enjoy the dancing. Or whatever you white people are up to.
At what point was the economy not in danger so that it can be in danger again?
My playlist(s) pretty much matches the collection of the best classic rock and classic (can one even find a radio station that plays classic music anymore?) stations.
Well, maybe not so much on the classic side.
Anyway, the rock list rocks.
And, like many Americans, I am grateful to have a job.
And for my wife having a job.
We work hard, and, frankly, are better at our jobs than most of our colleagues.
We are truly fortunate to still have the opportunity to work, and to excell.
So many have given up - I know because some of them are in my and my wife's family.
It's tragic, but it won't change soon enough.
There's a lot of capital sitting on the sidelines, mostly because of uncertainty.
Capital has no confidence in Obama and the Democrats.
Capital sees the ACA imposition of more uncertainty and costs, and recoils.
Capital hears Obama and the Democrats endless talk of higher taxes, and recoils.
Capital hears Obama and Democrats demagogue energy and the environment, and recoils.
Capital sees Obama and Democrats appointments to the NLRB, the CFPB, and recoils.
But troll is gonna troll.
Because that's all a troll can do.
Look at all the words it takes for chicken-hawk to say:
1. Capitalism is all mighty and powerful, but capital is SCARED! Capitalists are very, very timid people! Capitalists need government to overcome their fear!
2. Chicken-hawk sympathizes with others, and yet, he feels he is better than them. And better than his colleagues.
3. Chicken-hawk's family, unsurprisingly, counts mightily among those whom he considers to be "deadbeats".
Yep. Chicken-hawk knows how to long-form troll. Good thing that he usually has nothing to say.
Drink more, Chicken-hawk. Drink more.
Troll is bitter.
Bitter troll.
So, what's the troll's hate for the LGBT community?
I mean, I'm not that way at all, although, yeah, it does seem weird to me - but wow - is that all troll has left?
Call my wife a "SF tranny?"
Troll's got the fourth grade taunts down cold.
Wonder how many times troll was held back in fourth grade to master that?
Bitter troll.
To paraphrase our good friend Dean Wormer, "Fat, drunk, stupid and bitter is no way to go through life, troll."
No doubt troll has heard that before.
Troll is unfamiliar with capital.
Of course he is.
I mean, capital beyond bus fare.
To be fair, that is.
Chicken-hawk even picks the wrong side in Animal House.
Lol. Really, what more is there to say?
Drink more, chicken-hawk. And bawk-buk-buk-bawk-BAWK!
Ritmo is full of rage because he knows, but won't admit, that Obama is an economic illiterate and an innumerate and his policies are a deepening disaster.
My wife will be home soon, so I have to leave this party and squeeze some limes, salt some glasses, and get ready.
I think Reposado tonight. Just a little warmer than the Blanco.
Time to cue the Van Morrison.
She love the Irish.
But who doesn't, eh?
How about "still"?
Every day Obama's tenure gets shorter - thank God -and he gets weaker. I am amazed (well not really) that the guy doesn't try to work with congress. With a little leadership congress would work with him at least for a couple of years.
His constant campaign does garner some headlines, but is more and more tiresome. His claim to being one of the worst Presidents in our history gets stronger each day.
The drag of Obamacare is just beginning. Blaming the sequester is a non-starter. What's $85 billion in that current budget? Nothing.
Shorter garage: "Obama uses progressives like rented mules, acts solely in his own political interests, can't be bothered to actually work his job, and we love him."
The only thing I would add to this is that Obama always jerks left when stimulated. In terms of work product, he's basically a pithed frog living the good life that has been handed to him.
Obamanomics strike again!
Don't you think it is an odd coincidence that North Korea is rattling all these sabers at the same time the economy is tanking? I mean Obama must have known for WEEKS what these economic figures were going to be, right?
And then all the sudden NK freaks out. See when troubles are many at home leaders tend to stir up trouble abroad so as to get the peons minds off their troubles.
Truth to power, after all!
Funny how the sycophants trot out stupidities like raising the minimum wage will stimulate the economy, and when that doesn't pass the smell test, go full ad hominem, but never address the point of the post.
New jobs are like hens teeth. And they're mostly just as useless. The guy in charge is golfing and providing his princesses with teen years of exquisite beauty. Meanwhile, a huge swath of American productivity has just given up on ever finding a job again.
Your man has done a fine job of rolling back the seas, though.
And Ritmo, chicken hawk?
The cool kids will think you're a geezer and, well, a chicken hawk if you show how dated you've become.
Sorry, Mark. Forgot how much cowardice and hypocrisy is in vogue with the young kids these days. It must be up there with the Ayn Rand books. Just real, awesome, cool stuff.
You sound like Dana Carvey's impersonation of Jonny Carson when he was trying to act like Arsenio Hall.
And you sound like someone who hasn't had an original thought this century.
But hey, Obama rules, right?
We can never convinence the left hand side of the aisle, but pleast ask your businessmen/women/womyn what the gov't is doing that makes it incredibly hard to crow wealth.
-Taxes-lawsuits-regulation-mandates-insurance requirements-and on and on and on.
Your daddy gave you some fine things Ritmo.
Unfortunately an intellect wasn't among them.
As I posted 10 hours ago, when the Ritster appears the thread is dead. Need evidence? Read the previous 30 or so comments. Need more evidence? Wait for his next guest appearance.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Actual unemployment is closer to 12%. Black youth unemployment is close to 24%. Youth unemployment is 16% overall. Economic growth is a staggering .4%. We need at least 2% economic growth to break even.
But, but Rusty! You're missing the best news of all. The sequestration causing this can be blamed on Obama, right? Can't it?
Yes. It. Can!
Everything I told you would happen is happening.
Californias revenue shortfall will be between 10 and 15 billion.
You just keep dancin' there, bud.
"Again" in danger? Idiots.
The economy can now, effectively, recreate the role of Jack Bauer's daughter in the first season of "24".
Not sure why unions supported this guy at all last election
His ignoring of the Constitution in his naming of NLRB members while the Senate was in session?
His NLRB appointees ignoring of the Constitution in continuing their job when a court has already said they aren't not legally permitted to do anything?
Now raising the minimum wage, substantially. That would create jobs and reduce deficits.
Because randomly jacking up employment costs for marginal jobs always works out well.
Do you have a clue how miserable the employment stats are for new workers?
President Obama’s budget, to be released next week, will limit how much wealthy individuals – like Mitt Romney – can keep in IRAs and other retirement accounts.The senior administration official said that wealthy taxpayers can currently “accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.”
To paraphrase Ace of Spades --- Don't worry. No chance they'd target YOUR retirement account. Keep that thought out of your head.
If this was my party's unmodified legacy
...that'd be slavery, lynching, and oppression of blacks and women.
No, I think he was looking at something closer to $10 or $12 an hour. You know, enough for a few less Happy Meals each year and maybe enough change to actually get something healthy and decent to eat or treat yourself to every now and then.
...because increasing employment costs would not lead to price increases. That's just silly talk.
Who cares? Anyone with a brain knows that no increase in the minimum wage is going to result in $50/hr rates
Why wouldn't it?
Raising it to $12 an hour wouldn't, apparently, cause any negative impact on employment or costs for goods.
Why be so mean and not make it $50/hr?
Hell, make it a million a year. Millionaires never go hungry.
Oh, of course it's not just that
Simple question: Does "austerity" mean that you spend more or less per year on services each year?
Hint: Nobody in Europe, nor in the US, has spent less the next year in longer than most can remember.
That's nice. The jury's in on the result of Republican governance of 2008 and 1929 and guess what? It SUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKSSUCKS!!!!!
Let me guess, the New Deal ended the Depression right?
Funny it took 9 years and a massive war to stop the problem.
Hey, maybe if we're lucky, the N. Korea thing will go REALLY badly and we'll have a shot at getting out of this economic mess, huh?
Democrats: Praying for mass genocide to excuse poor policies for 80 yrs.
Oh, California's turning into a regular, third-world country - right, Rusty? Must be all them immigrants.
I've been on vacation, but had to share. On a radio news report they blamed the poor jobs report on a colder then normal March. So all this arguing is silly. As soon as it warms up everything will be fine. Fine I tell you!
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Oh, California's turning into a regular, third-world country - right, Rusty? Must be all them immigrants.
No. The fact that the tax increase has accomplished just the opposite.
Do try and keep up.
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