March 8, 2013

"While the old guard of the Republican Party was out playing footsie with the president, the new kids in town were talking to the American people about liberty."

Let's get back to yesterday's Rush Limbaugh show. Here's my post about the interview with Rand Paul, noting Paul's accidental revelation that he's no follower of Rush Limbaugh. But before that happened, there was this opening monologue:
[T]he establishment decided to go out to dinner last night.  Obama took McCain and Lindsey Graham and some others, went out to dinner....

Obama, a 20-vehicle motorcade to go to a restaurant for dinner.  A 20-vehicle motorcade to go to a restaurant while the White House tours are shut down because of the sequester....

The establishment goes out, when they got back home they found all the furniture out on the front porch.  The kids had gone crazy.  The kids had thrown a giant party while the establishment was out doing whatever they were doing.  While the old guard of the Republican Party was out playing footsie with the president, the new kids in town were talking to the American people about liberty...

"He did a disservice, a disservice to a lot of Americans to make -- make them fear they're in danger from their government. They're not! They're not!" McCain said, quote, "American citizens have nothing to fear from their government."...

Now, I'll tell you what's happening here, folks, among many other things. McCain and some of these old guard guys are jealous.... Well, right now, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have captivated everybody, and these old guard guys -- these old bulls -- are getting jealous.....


Seeing Red said...

Drudge summed it up nicely, Hey, You Kids, Get Off My Lawn!

And this is why a lot of people didn't vote for Maverick.

Awww phooey, it's gone.

rhhardin said...

It would have been nice if the kids' talk about liberty made some actual sense.

Henry said...

Nice juxtaposition with the Punk post.

Anonymous said...

For the better part of 20 years now, every time McCain pushes the Republican-bashing button, he gets a food pellet from the press corps. At this point he probably couldn't stop if he wanted to.

rhhardin said...

It's like finding that a moron movement has taken on the government.

It's not going to end well.

Anonymous said...

"Somewhere in Scottsdale, a freeway lane is missing a Winnebago traveling in the wrong direction." -- Iowahawk

Seeing Red said...

rhhardin - you should read The Belmont Club's NHS posting.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Republicans got nothing.

I'd like to vote for them, but what they hell have they got?

They won't fight the race and sex quota biz. The won't stand up to the Diversity hucksters. They're caving in on open borders and blanket amnesty.

So, what in the hell do they have to offer?

DADvocate said...

Come senators, Congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't block at the doorway
Don't block up the hall

For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it's ragin'

-Bob Dylan

McCain and Graham are as much a part of the problem as the solution.

Sydney said...

I hope the libertarian revolution gains traction. We need more Rand Pauls and fewer Romneys, Roves, et al

garage mahal said...

Wait until 2015 rolls around when the press will be asking non-stop questions, like "Senator Paul: Should [the] Woolworth lunch counter have been allowed to stay segregated?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Time is up, old man.
Sorry McCain, we have a right to fear our government.
The democrats vote on party line vote in the dead of night and pass thousands of pages that they never read. Now our insurance premiums are skyrocketing and we all know what is next. A full government take over. The left's wet dream.
Democrats can't figure out how to keep guns from crazy people, so they criminalize law abiding citizens, mock rape victims, and take away their right to self-defense.
the list goes on...
Eric Holder is the president’s personal How- can-we-skirt-The Constitution manager.
We have a president who is a total hypocrite.
$500,000 a pop is all it takes to buy Obama.

Obama’s lofty speeches made countless masses swoon. Turns out -- all bullshit. How dare Rand Paul point out the hypocrisy. It’s not just insiders like McCain. Both sides have too many senator’s-for-life.
Time to push the old guard into retirement.
You too, Pelosi.

MayBee said...

McCain tells us Paul was wrong to make us think we should fear our government. Rhhardin says of course the President can unilaterally decide to kill an American.

It's almost as if Obama could have cleared this up by answering honestly right away.

Fandor said...

And there is "the message" everyone can agree on.

X said...

garage, the asshole known as Government shouldn't have segregated those Woolworth lunch counters by law in the first place.

Larry J said...

Don't ask what the government can do for you.

You'd be better off learning what the government can do to you.

The government is a blunt instrument weilded by morons, knaves and the corrupt. It may be a necessary evil but it is evil nonetheless.

Irene said...

Wasn't "new kid" Ron Johnson at the dinner?

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, garage, the very fate of the Republic stands on continuing to stoke racism hysteria!

Keep up the good job.

garage mahal said...

garage, the asshole known as Government shouldn't have segregated those Woolworth lunch counters by law in the first place.

K, whatever you say. Good luck with that message.

MayBee said...

I have no problem with those guys meeting Obama for dinner. The 20 car caravan to the restaurant is ridiculous, though. They should have met for Pizza at someone's apartment.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchtits Mahal living in lilly white Madison Wisconsin deigns to lecture people on racism.

The media will once again start lauding Mccain the Maverick, now that he is sucking up to Obama and bashing conservatives.

Fuck McCain, fuck the media, and especially fuck fat losers who attempt to stoke up racial tension to prop up their failed policy views in a sad effort to feel better about their failed marriages and failure to attain any educational achievements.

Good luck using your smears on Cruz and Rubio, bitchtits.

MayBee said...

Yes, the press can push Rand Paul on his thoughts about a 50 year old law in a way they never thought to push Obama about his own drone policy.

Shouting Thomas said...

The problem with garage's racism hysteria is that he's not noticing that the racism hucksters can't come up with anything other than phantom KKK sightings at liberal college campus provoked by a Diversity department trying to increase its funding.

It's over, garage. For Christ's sake, give it up.

Patrick said...

"Somewhere in Scottsdale, a freeway lane is missing a Winnebago traveling in the wrong direction." -- Iowahawk

That was good. Not as good as this one, though:

Somewhere, a third tier liberal arts college is missing its vice provost for diversity affairs."

Original Mike said...

"American citizens have nothing to fear from their government."...

Wasn't (isn't) the entire point of the Constitution is that we do?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It looked like Zrimsek won the thread immediately with a 10:38 bon mot that perfectly captures the McCain zeitgeist, but President Mom Jeans sweeps in at 11:07 with a "fuck em all" rant that sums up my feelings exactly. Nice work boys.

traditionalguy said...

Self control is a virtue. But the refusal to put up a fight for our rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness under that self control ethic is very much like the Jews marching into the extermination pits as each one is shot one after the other.

We have a rule of law or we have a Tyrant for a season in a civil war time. But Obama wants is to get us used to a tyrant before the Day of the Civil War. Apparently the Obamaphiles all think the civil war started February 24, 1917.

garage mahal said...

Bitchtits Mahal living in lilly white Madison Wisconsin deigns to lecture people on racism.

No, you stupid cunt, I told what you what questions are going to be swirling around from the media because of his previous comments regarding the Civil Rights Act.

Colonel Angus said...

"American citizens have nothing to fear from their government."...

Evidently McCain forgot that in addition to the check is in the mail and I won't cum in your mouth, the biggest lie is I'm from the government and am here to help you.

Sam L. said...

Long overdue. EXIT sign over there, Senators.

Nomennovum said...

Smells like Republican Party insurrection.

ricpic said...

The Rino's will have to double-down on conning the base.

Colonel Angus said...

No, you stupid cunt, I told what you what questions are going to be swirling around from the media because of his previous comments regarding the Civil Rights Act.

Garage has a point here. His vague comments are far more damaging then say, explaining why a presidential candidate listened to racist sermons for 20 years.

rcommal said...

Original Mike said:

"American citizens have nothing to fear from their government."...

Wasn't (isn't) the entire point of the Constitution is that we do?

3/8/13, 11:16 AM

In other words, the Constitution's purpose was to protect The People from tyranny perpetrated by overweening government (that is, people in government). Original Mike's point is excellent. The people who are weird are those who think it's weird to be mistrustful and distrustful of government overreach, NOT the other way around. Too many have it exactly backwards. Way too many.

Original Mike said...

"No, you stupid cunt, I told what you what questions are going to be swirling around from the media because of his previous comments regarding the Civil Rights Act."

The media; an army of garage mahals.

MayBee said...

Original Mike and rcommal are prezactly right.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"No, you stupid cunt, I told what you what questions are going to be swirling around from the media because of his previous comments regarding the Civil Rights Act."

So in a thread about Mcain and the old bulls of the Senate being upstaged by the new up and comers based on their principaled stand on drones you bring up race. It's all you have, you sad pathetic excuse for a man.

And using the word "cunt", why, you awful sexist you. If you had made it to college they would have thrown you out for violating their hate speech codes.

Report at once for re-education for your sexism, fatty. Perhaps they can have a combined fat/sexism camp where you can be purged of your thoughtcrimes while at the same time burn off your unseemly girth. Michelle Obama would approve.

Guimo said...

rhhardin is obviously a low information voter.

J said...

Bbbbby Lindsey.

Paul said...

The "old guard" are has-beens that cling to power.

It won't be long till they are shutted aside as they are there for power and nothing else.

That is why they dine with Obama, looking for handouts to make them look good.

MayBee said...

rhhardin is obviously a low information voter.

No, he is just a man, and men love the idea that the government can kill them. It makes them feel virile and dangerous, and feeds their hero complex.

Colonel Angus said...

And using the word "cunt", why, you awful sexist you.

Actually the classic rebuttal of "Jane you ignorant slur" never gets old and is entirety appropriate for both genders.

Cedarford said...

Colonel Angus said...
"American citizens have nothing to fear from their government."...

Evidently McCain forgot that in addition to the check is in the mail and I won't cum in your mouth, the biggest lie is I'm from the government and am here to help you.

Good of Angus to dust off that moldy old Reagan Era slogan.

In the 30 years since then, we have learned things about why government is like that.

Government is made up of, now at least, Democrats that reward their constituencies with borrowed from Commie China and the Saudis...pork, that are in the pocket of the richest, and who seek to control groups not in their natural constituencies.

They took over from the Republican sort like Dubya, Hastert, Delay that rewarded their constituencies with money borrowed from the Saudis and Chinese. Republicans in the pocket of the richest ELites over the needs of the masses. Republicans that seek control over women, the darker skinned, and others not in their natural constituencies.

Of course, after Clinton, Bush II, Obama - it is right and fair to say there is great overlap in the richest Elites who own politicians and get the best tax cuts and spigot load of multimillion Green Energy funds or defense contracts to Help the Heroes!

One can see the bosses at Goldman Sachs dividing their employees into three groups based on PACs and the money Goldman Sachs gets. Those giving to Republicans they own, those giving to Democrats Goldman then owns, and the middle which gives to both.
So if Republicans are elected after Obama is done, the money men at Goldman doing Republican PACs join Government or bank regulatory agencies. Their jobs at Goldman are taken over by returning Goldman Democrat donors.
And when either Party wants the appearance of objectivity for a plush government job that will get public scrutiny from the mere proles....they hire from the middle pool at Goldman. Whose job is taken by a "independent" from Morgan Stanley leaving their independent spot..

Marie said...

Eric Holder is the president’s personal How- can-we-skirt-The Constitution manager.

The president doesn't even need a manager of ignoring the Constitution. Of course, he would need one if the Senate and Congress would bother to notice that Obama and Co. have made them irrelevant...with their permission.

That was Rand Paul's point: the executive branch is out of control and the Senate needs to wrest control back into their hands.

Co-equal branches.

Colonel Angus said...

Original Mike's point is excellent. The people who are weird are those who think it's weird to be mistrustful and distrustful of government overreach,

Except when a Republican is in power.

cubanbob said...

garage mahal said...
garage, the asshole known as Government shouldn't have segregated those Woolworth lunch counters by law in the first place.

K, whatever you say. Good luck with that message.

3/8/13, 10:58 AM

Yes indeed. Democrat governance at it's finest.

Nomennovum said...

No, he is just a man, and men love the idea that the government can kill them. It makes them feel virile and dangerous, and feeds their hero complex

Good point, MayBee. Governments never kill their citizens.

bgates said...

he is just a man, and men love the idea that the government can kill them

Rand Paul, James Madison, me:

just a few of the people MayBee can't identify as men.

rcommal said...

Except when a Republican is in power.

Colonel Angus:

Not true, speaking for myself. I have and have had an ongoing mistrust of overreach over several administrations, and have been around long enough for both Republican Party and Democratic Party ones. I have precisely zero problem with being skeptical in general.

MayBee said...

You guys know rhhardin's stick about women, right?

MayBee said...

Why wouldn't a president who can legally kill US citizens on US soil without due process do it?

Known Unknown said...

Why wouldn't a president who can legally kill US citizens on US soil without due process do it?

Because the media would be all over his...

Oh wait.

MayBee said...


Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"American citizens have nothing to fear from their government."...

So said John McCain, who likely emerged into this world at a Government hospital, was raised in a Government family, and has been supported by the Government all his working years.


Original Mike said...

@Hammond - I think McCain paid back more than he got.

rcommal said...

Shtick? Or even schtick?

: )

Couldn't resist a gentle, amused poke, MayBee. No offense intended--especially because I knew exactly what you meant the first time, the typo notwithstanding. And by "knew exactly what you meant," I mean both in terms of the word and rh's ongoing thang.

Cedarford said...

MayBee said...
Why wouldn't a president who can legally kill US citizens on US soil without due process do it?
Seems like there was no real ambition on the part of Presidents to do so after the public and press and Congress and courts accepted the legitimacy of situations where - (1)George Washington ordered some killing in Shays Rebellion and (2)Lincoln killed 660,000 US citizens on US soil without due process.

It's just not high on any Presidents wish list to kill Americans unless the killing needs to be done.

Anton said...

McCain is such an incredible turd. Shuffle off, old man... shuffle off.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If I was running the minority party, I would ban the old guard [including McConnell, Boehner, McCain, etc] from the Sunday morning news shows. And yes that would make me a dictator but they are the guys who have been in the Imperial City for decades and they got us into this fiscal mess so they have to be de-balled and urged to retire to a life in exile.

Original Mike said...

"(2)Lincoln killed 660,000 US citizens on US soil without due process."

Who says they were citizens? They didn't.

Lydia said...

I worry when people like Rachel Maddow and sites like Salon praise Rand Paul.

Think they'd do that if they didn't see how helpful he might be in their long-term goal of ending the war on terror?

Nomennovum said...

McCain is such an incredible turd. Shuffle off, old man... shuffle off.

Not only a turd, but stupid also. Now we know who Meghan McCain got here brains from.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating watching Republicans fight among themselves.

Nomennovum said...


RebeccaH said...

With a President in charge who had to be bullied into saying he wouldn't kill Americans on American soil, why wouldn't we fear our government? Add to that the Democratic Party who want to micromanage our lives and squeeze every last dime out of us, and I have to put John McCain, the RINO, in the "do not trust" category.

Lydia said...

Yeah, McCain was stupid to pull the cranky old man stuff.

But he was absolutely right when he said that "we are in danger from a dedicated, longstanding, easily replaceable-leadership enemy that is hell-bent on our destruction."

And he knows that Rand Paul is just as much of an isolationist as his father, and that he dismisses the whole notion of the need for a war on terror.

edutcher said...

The difference between Inspector Callahan and Junior.

The Inspector doesn't mind the young kids playing on the lawn.

Inga said...

Fascinating watching Republicans fight among themselves.

Unlike the totalitarian lockstep of the Demos.

This is what freedom looks like.

Calypso Facto said...

And he knows that Rand Paul is just as much of an isolationist as his father, and that he dismisses the whole notion of the need for a war on terror.

For opposing the non-combat assassination of US citizens on US soil? Non sequitur, thy name is Lydia.

wGraves said...

"American citizens have nothing to fear from their government."...

Try explaining that to the 76 men women and children who were immolated by Janet Reno in the Waco incident.

DADvocate said...

Fascinating watching Republicans fight among themselves.

I'm sure it is to those members of the Democratic Party. A party that doesn't believe in diversity of thought.

Original Mike said...

"And he knows that Rand Paul is just as much of an isolationist as his father, and that he dismisses the whole notion of the need for a war on terror."

I don't think that's right. Can you back it up?

dreams said...

Some of us don't consider McCain and his sidekick to be real Republicans, we consider them to be self serving RINOs.

RonF said...

"McCain said, quote, "American citizens have nothing to fear from their government."..."

One of the basic principles upon which the United States' Constitution is based is that American citizens had a reason to fear their government on the day it was founded and forever more.

And if you do not understand that you don't understand the founding principles of the Federal republic of the United States of America.

Lydia said...

Original Mike @2:13 PM,

When I said he was against the very idea of a war on terror, I meant he doesn't believe we need to fight on many fronts, all the time and in every way. He thinks we can do a discrete act of killing here and there, once we've got water-tight proof someone's a terrorist and he's got a bomb in his hands. I believe he's also against indefinite detention of captured terrorists.

The guy almost stopped the renewal of the Patriot Act, for heaven's sake. Only someone who thinks the threat of Islamic terrorism has been blown out of proportion would take that kind of risk.

Nomennovum said...

Lydia, I'd give up the whole of the Patriot Act to get rid of that jugg-eared mother fucker.

Cedarford said...

Original Mike said...
"(2)Lincoln killed 660,000 US citizens on US soil without due process."

Who says they were citizens? They didn't.

Lincoln did.
And as they had no right to seceed, he could kill them to preserve The Union.
And we revere him for it as much as we "revere" the Sacred Parchment itself.

660,000 thousand dead.
Thousands of Draft protestors killed.
Civilians caught shooting at Union forces killed on capture.
1/3rd of the property value of the South destroyed or confiscated or "redistributed" to slavess, Union officials, railroads - without due process.

That is how Lincoln ended up in the big marble chair and on our currency and worshipped as the greatest of Presidents.

When dealing with enemy, you FUCK "due process" and you FUCK "war by lawyers permission"

sakredkow said...

I'm sure it is to those members of the Democratic Party. A party that doesn't believe in diversity of thought.

I definitely believe in diversity of thought. The more diversity of thought for the Republicans the better off everyone is.

tim said...

Tuskegee syphilis experiment
Trail of tears
Internment in WW2
Eugenics sterilization
Human irradiation
Secret and purposeful exposure to pathogens
That's just off the top of my head. I am sure there have been dozens (hundreds?) of times the government has harmed its citizens.
Hell, right now in NC the EPA has been caught pumping car exhaust into unsuspecting test subjects.

Nothing at all to worry about.

campy said...

It's fascinating to watch a political party go through its death throes.

Micha Elyi said...

<blockquote>garage, the asshole known as Government shouldn't have segregated those Woolworth lunch counters by law in the first place.

K, whatever you say. Good luck with that message.

--ee cummings wannabee (a.k.a. "Garage Mahal")</blockquote>

Garage Mahal expresses indifference toward government-mandated race segregation and separate-but-equal doctrine. Garage also hints that he's confident his faction's most race-motivated voters are ignorant of basic historical facts of US race relations.

Sabinal said...

This idea that Rand Paul will be this great Republican Revolution is a joke. He spoke for 13 hours and still lost. This is a game for us nerds. Ther rest of the real world is worried about gas and food and if North Korea is going to nuke us.

TMLutas said...

Cedarford - Whisky rebellion, not Shays. Shays was mostly state forces and a private militia paid for by merchants.

garage mahal - Unless Paul is a lot dumber than he's been showing, he's got an answer to hit 1954 civil rights questions out of the park. My version goes something like this. "I'm glad we no longer have the legal segregation that was largely put in place by Democrats. It was hard work and like most things in politics, the solution put in place probably could have been tweaked to work better so some of the negative consequences we still live with today could have been avoided. I don't think there's a civil rights leader alive who wouldn't want desegregation to come from the heart, from a change in society that would stick without outsiders having to do constant reviews and watch dogging. That's the kind of civil rights reform that I like. But hindsight is 20/20 and I'm sure that they did the best they could with the opportunities they had. Segregation was a bad system."

American law enforcement can lie to you with impunity but if you make a mistake or lie back, that is an offense. Once that became true, all americans have reason to fear their government.

Calypso Facto said...

Lydia, I'd give up the whole of the Patriot Act to get rid of that jugg-eared mother fucker.

I'd give up the Patriot Act just to get rid of the overreaching Patriot Act.

jr565 said...

Again, libertarians and libs like Robert Cook (who are essentially arguing the same point). The use of drone strikes is not guided by due process. So all the arguments about how it violates due process are bullshit arguments.

"Holder’s first mistake is that he thinks that the use of force by drones, no matter where or against whom, is governed by due process. Recall the Justice Department white paper on drones, which asserted that lethal force could not be used against al-Qaeda members unless they could not be captured, harm to the United States was imminent, and due process allows the attack — concepts that govern law-enforcement officers who might need to shoot an attacking criminal, but have never governed the use of force by the military in wartime. But since Holder has made the claim that the drone attacks abroad somehow meet law-enforcement standards, it is an easy step for him to say that those same diluted, weakened standards don’t pose much barrier to the use of drones at home."

The fault is the Obama administration (and the various libertarians and libs who keep uttering the same point) are suggesting that a war time power used in war, somehow meets a law enforcement standard.War cannot be conducted according to this law enforcement standard, and never has been.

Yoo Continues:

[He] should have said is that the U.S. would only be able to use drones on U.S. soil under the same conditions it might use military force domestically — to stop an invasion by a foreign country or an attack. And it is not because due process somehow allows it, but because the nation is entitled to use military force against foreign attack.

Exactly! The whole due process argument is a bunch of (to quote Biden) malarkey. And i'ts malarkey when uttered by Obama and by libertarians like Rand Paul.

jr565 said...

John Yoo continues:
So it is not just December 7 or September 11 that uniquely call for military force because the U.S. is responding to an attack on the nation. What about an invasion, as in the War of 1812, or the Civil War, or, on a smaller scale, a situation like the Mumbai terrorist attacks where groups of heavily armed terrorists attacked high-profile, civilian targets not with airliners, but with light arms? If the federal government can use military force, such as troops or helicopters to stop those kinds of attacks, surely it can use drones.
Of course. So, get drones out of your head. Can a president at such times listed use any miltiary force against those attacking or invading. If he has that ability why would drones be precluded?
Even Rand Paul (and Revenant) says that if the guy is building a bomb we can use force. So wait, is he saying that if we find a terrorist in this country building a nuke we can drop a bomb on him?

hombre said...

Ruling class jackasses!

Unknown said...

garbage said -----Wait until 2015 rolls around when the press will be asking non-stop questions, like "Senator Paul: Should [the] Woolworth lunch counter have been allowed to stay segregated?" ----

Yes, because they are all leftist imbeciles who are stuck there in the sixties, just like garbage.

What about our rights to sit at a lunch counter and not receive a Hellfire missile strike from an Obamadrone?

As Jefferson said, "Where the government fears the people there is liberty. Where the people fear the government there is tyranny"

Kirk Parker said...


"The guy almost stopped the renewal of the Patriot Act"

Huh? You say that like it's a bad thing.

Ritchie The Riveter said...

This reminds me of this Star Trek episode, with McCain and Graham playing the role of the Eminiarian leaders.

The reason they are upset with Sen. Paul, is similar to the reason GOP professionals are so eager to denigrate Sarah Palin and Herman Cain ... like the crew of the Enterprise in the episode above, he/they cannot be relied upon to play the virtual-reality game of major-party politics, that has become the only reality that career pols like McCain and Graham know.

The angst this produces in career politicians ... and the professional/political complex that supports them ... runs the spectrum all the way from the selfish fear that one's meal ticket is about to be disrupted, all the way to the tunnel vision that leads some to believe that the virtual-reality game is the ONLY way to get real things done ... that you can't get ahead unless you play The Game.

Sen. Paul, like Capt. Kirk ... and the WOPR in WarGames ... is apparently coming to the conclusion ...

... the only way to win, is not to play.

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