March 24, 2013

Racist tweeter, confronted, sobs.

"There has got to be a lot worse out there than me... My life is ruined. Oh, my God... I’m so sorry."


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I just hope his unwavering, absolutist position on free speech prohibits his self-murder so we can keep yammering about him.

tim maguire said...

"There has got to be a lot worse..." Ahhahahahhaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Yeah, that's the standard. We take on the worst person in the world first, and don't move on to the second worst until we have him.

Since Dluhos is just a racist, we'll get to him in about 10,000 years.

Then what will he say? When there's no one worse?

Tim said...

Exposed idiocy is always a wonderful learning experience.

What will we do when the 53% who voted for Obama are outed this way?

There won't be enough newspaper column inches to cover it.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I must say.. its like a catch 22 or somethng.
If you are white you got to pipe up about some things.. shut up.. shut it!

ricpic said...

What's his crime? His life is ruined because he expressed hatred of the execrable Bloomberg, the marvelously productive and peaceful black underclass and cold as ice chinks. Think of all the regulars on this site who hate straight bitter clingers with a purple passion and are proud as punch to express that hatred. Our world is a double standard hell.

lemondog said...

He insisted he doesn’t hate minorities or Jews.

“My stepfather’s Jewish,” he wept. “I don’t hate anybody.”

I'm always interested in what prompts certain behaviors.

So, why?!

His destructive behavior is general anger at or because of....?

Ann Althouse said...

"I just hope his unwavering, absolutist position on free speech prohibits his self-murder so we can keep yammering about him."

Good point. If he's monstered and then he kills himself, the suicide-sympathizers will tell us we can't savage bigots anymore.

garage mahal said...

Exposed idiocy is always a wonderful learning experience.?

As demonstrated every time you hit "publish your comment".

Sal said...

Our world is a double standard hell.

Yes, yes it is.

KCFleming said...

"The union has warned its members in a newsletter: “Stay off of the social networks! Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram and Blogs! Enough said!"

They came for the blubbering bigot, and I did not speak out...

It is becoming clearer each day that the US is adopting fascist practices to do away with the undesirables.

Everyone will be spying of eveyone else, looking to turn you in for impure thoughts. I'd put examples of what I mean, but I now understand what is happening.

But it's probably nothing.

edutcher said...

Too bad this moron never realized what happens in cyberspace, stays in cyberspace.

"He insisted he doesn’t hate minorities or Jews. "

Even the Narzis are wusses anymore.

Phil 314 said...

He's a performance artist.

virgil xenophon said...

That guy is not my cup of tea (proving once again the existence of the Bell Curve) but ricpic has a VERY valid point. Why, for example, is it axiomatic that anyone wearing a Tee shirt with a Swastika or a picture of Stalin would be shamed (to say the VERY east) by all "right thinking" people, yet Che Guevera paraphernalia are ubiquitous and practically de rigeuer among the "progressive" youthful set w.o. a SINGLE word of approbation from ANYONE save conservatives? Why--to use another example-- are the crimes of Stalin and Mao (which DWARF those of Hitler in numbers killed) given such short shrift? ricpic ids dead on the money..

Sam L. said...

Would my grandmother approve this post? If yes, press SEND.

virgil xenophon said...

***picture of "HITLER" jeesh

Oso Negro said...

Edutcher - totally agree. We haven't even the luxury of an unrepentant racist in these diminished latter days.

Phil 314 said...

For some reason I'm reminded of this.

Oso Negro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

The guy was an EMT in a pretty diverse borough. I hope he didn't let his views color his job.

lemondog said...

Everyone will be spying of eveyone else, looking to turn you in for impure thoughts

Ala Stalin's Soviet Union, who instilled fear motivating the need to rat out your neighbor before he rats you out.

But Stalin did not have drones to help keep the proles in line.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

@Chickl ... not bad.. not bad.

bagoh20 said...

He's right there are a lot worse. He's just a guy spouting off to people who come looking for his opinion, and his opinion is some of the most socially unacceptable one could have. He is no danger.

The people doing real damage are the ones with popular opinions, broadcasting them, legislating them, and regulating them into our lives whether we agree or not.

madAsHell said...

He squats to blubber?....or was he trying to show his plumber's butt beavage?

garage mahal said...

It is becoming clearer each day that the US is adopting fascist practices to do away with the undesirables.

In this case that would be a Murdoch owned news rag.

KCFleming said...

Exactly, garage.

All must conform to the religion of leftism.

But beware, many of the sins are completely random and capricious, and you won't know you've sinned until after the fact. And blubbering won't fix it.

Balfegor said...

Re: Pogo:

It is becoming clearer each day that the US is adopting fascist practices to do away with the undesirables.

This isn't fascism, though. It's good old-fashioned social opprobrium -- old Victorian ladies turning up their nose at you in the street.

That said, this reminds me of this incident. A lot of people delight in saying things online that they could never say in public.

Nomennovum said...

If he's monstered and then he kills himself, the suicide-sympathizers will tell us we can't savage bigots anymore.

Doubtful. You are forgetting the hierarchy of progressive sins.

Cody Jarrett said...

Ann Althouse said...

"I just hope his unwavering, absolutist position on free speech prohibits his self-murder so we can keep yammering about him."

Good point. If he's monstered and then he kills himself, the suicide-sympathizers will tell us we can't savage bigots anymore.

Wake me up the next time you savage Andy R so I can take note, thank you.

Seriously--as several others have said: it's their way or no way. Bush is Hitler, chant the little mushbrains wearing their Che gear. Blah blah.

And particularly hilarious is garage chiming in...somehow trying to make this about Murdoch...? One might thing garage would be pleased that "rag" was exposing a racist.

Then again, I've seen garage post some fairly racist things (soft racism is still racism, g-boy).

Besides. We still have free speech. Of course, if NYC wants to terminate his employment and has legal cause, that's their right too.

But can you terminate someone just for being a dick? An uber-dick?

garage mahal said...

All must conform to the religion of leftism.

Rupert Murdoch owned enterprises all conform to the religion of leftism? Haha.

KCFleming said...

They will conform, if you and the left prevail, which is happening.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

You knw how people say "take the good and leave the bad".... its as though a "racist" comment poisons the whole thing. There is no separation.

Is that wise?

bagoh20 said...

"(soft racism is still racism"...)"

And it's the kind doing all the damage today. Congratulations to the modern evolved racists - you're much more effective than the old kind.

garage mahal said...

Then again, I've seen garage post some fairly racist things (soft racism is still racism, g-boy).

Uh huh. I'm sure that bit of ass fetching makes you feel better. You could never produce it though.

Anonymous said...

Insensitive Fitzgerald Robot says:

"The door that I pushed open, on the advice of an elevator boy, was marked 'The Swastika Holding Company,' and at first there didn’t seem to be any one white inside."

Chip S. said...

So that's what whoresoftheinternet looks like.

Pretty much the way I pictured him, actually.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"Truth for us now days is not what is, but what others can be brought to accept."

Anonymous said...

Insensitive Fitzgerald Robot says:

"They were both in white, and their Ku Klux Klan robes were rippling and fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flight around the house."

JPS said...

Virgil Xenophon, 9:42:

This reminds me: Whenever I see some jackass wearing a hammer-and-sickle T-shirt, I have to restrain myself from asking, "What's the matter? Swastika shirt in the wash today?"

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Im sure i could look up some Farraqan qoutes that could be hard to distinguish from a Gandy quote... but im on the phone in church... got to go.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

When something is confortable... acepted... taken for granted... take another look... its probably being abused.

William said...

He might not be the worst person in the world, but he's definitely in the running for the most stupid....I had a friend who served in the Fire Dept. He was brave to the point of recklessness. He made a lot of racist jokes, but he had a past history of running into a burning building to save black lives. Sometimes there's more to people than their worst jokes. This guy apparently works two jobs to support his family. Doesn't matter. He's toast.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Meh, the more piles of institutional politically correct bullshit that are heaped upon us, the more privately racist we become. I've seen this explode in the last ten years. Young people routinely and casually say incredibly racist (and anti-Semitic) shit among friends and family while scrupulously maintaining the correct Forward! face in public.

Anonymous said...

Insensitive Fitzgerald Robot says:

""I’ll be the man smoking two menthol cigarettes.”

tiger said...

'garage mahal said...
Exposed idiocy is always a wonderful learning experience.?

As demonstrated every time you hit "publish your comment".'

You're confessing this now?

We already know of your idiocy.

Kensington said...

He's only sorry because his life is ruined, right?

virgil xenophon said...

broomhandle speaks (writes) a core truth: the predictable stubborn resistance from people--mostly those born post Jim Crow and new immigrants who had zero role in past American racist politics and culture--who refuse to be guilt-tripped into the PC racial mantra, yet feel unable to openly confront the powers of embedded, institutionalized officialdom PC.

MadisonMan said...

I suspect this would not be news if the perp was black.

chickelit said...

Alinsky's rules 13 and 14:

"Extrapolarize:" What will we do when the 53% who voted for Obama are outed this way?

"Interpolarize:" As demonstrated every time you hit "publish your comment".

Extrapolarize to broaden the example to unnamed participants outside the discussion.

Interpolarize to narrow the example to named participants within the discussion.

Petunia said...

He made almost $95K as an *EMT*? Holy cow.

chickelit said...

MadisonMan said...
I suspect this would not be news if the perp was black.

I suspect that the story will be used as a cudgel to prise open EMT hiring to more non-white males because women and minorities by definition cannot be bigots.

virgil xenophon said...

BTW, the Swedish sociologist Gunnar Myrdal predicted just such attitudes as those to which broomstick alludes, in his seminal 1944 survey of American race relations An American Dilemma. One of the little-known/remembered predictions he made was that there would come a time when all legal racial strictures will have been swept away, yet the sociocultural dysfunctions of blacks that these strictures wrought would still remain, and that those born later and/or the newly arrived immigrant with no memory of the original social construct that produced such dysfunctions would gaze upon the objective reality of the social maladies of the black community and judge them "unworthy" based upon the obvious "objective reality" of their very real publicly-displayed social dysfunctions now long-divorced from their foundational cause. This, to Myrdal, was where the real danger lie ahead for societal breakdown..

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If we are trully "equal" then i take it there is some of that man in all of us?

Equality is rare in math ... is rarer in real life.

eddie willers said...

Pogo is right.

The Thought Police have formed and they are real....

.....and taking prisoners.

sakredkow said...

Meh, the more piles of institutional politically correct bullshit that are heaped upon us, the more privately racist we become. I've seen this explode in the last ten years.

Our racism is the Dems fault.

sakredkow said...

So that's what whoresoftheinternet looks like.

Pretty much the way I pictured him, actually.

Now that you've abandoned the "whores is a moby" theory it seems we can agree on something reasonable. Whores is responsible for himself and no one else, not Republicans, not Dems.

Plus I pictured him that way too.

Chip S. said...

Now that you've abandoned the "whores is a moby" theory

I never offered a theory about "whores".

Chef Mojo said...

So that's what whoresoftheinternet looks like.

Pretty much the way I pictured him, actually.

Aw, dammit, Chip S! You beat me to it!

Methadras said...

As repugnant as this individual lunatic is, this is a direct result of how PC has infiltrated our lives. He has an absolute right to be a racist and form his view on race any way he wishes. As long as he is not a threat to anyone or himself and isn't a criminal, I'm not seeing an issue with his pathetic ravings. Society will take care of him on it's own. However, the fact that government is the thought police in this case and has instituted these public policies against this kind of speech. If government sanctions him for his speech, I say this is clearly the reason why the 1st exists.

Anonymous said...

Oh damn! Chip beat all of us to it, LOL!

DADvocate said...

Is the Post going to track down everyone who uses twitter to express things they don't like? I'm not sure this is the best way to combat bigotry.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Racism isn't the Dems fault but it would be silly to pretend that screaming "Racist" is not very much part of their political calculus. Everything I'm seeing and hearing tells me this strategy will collapse within a generation. No matter who sets the rules, does anyone doubt that middle-class white males will become ferocious players of the Identity Politics game?

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