March 19, 2013

"One of the fallouts of feminism is that girls became more accessible."

"Maybe not wisely accessible," Lily Tomlin says to Vanity Fair, when asked to opine on the TV show "Girls."
A lot of young girls — they’re expected to give blow jobs now. Young, young girls, as far as I can perceive. Maybe 12 or 13 years old. I mean, that’s a rite of passage, I suppose. As a feminist, I don’t want those girls to be used. Maybe they love giving blow jobs, I don’t know. Maybe they do? But I don’t think you really love giving boys in general blow jobs without any feeling to someone you’re not close to. I don’t try to speak for people that young. I’m not that young anymore. 
She's 73.
But my own sense of self—I wouldn’t give myself away that easily.

That’s part of the culture, and I don’t like that it’s put on teenyboppers and young girls. They should be developing themselves in a different way than just being sexually accessible. Or looking good. I don’t like it being brought back to the time where girls were competitive and disliked each other, this whole concept of cat fights and girls being jealous of one another. You still see cartoons on Saturday morning where there is the nice girl and the mean girl, and they’re competitive for the boy who is kind of goofy and ignorant . . . it’s like an old stereotype. But I don’t think you can beat too much humanity out of too many humans too quickly.


SGT Ted said...

The ugly secret is this pressure isn't coming from boys or men.

Rob said...

Monica Lewinsky was unavailable for comment.

edutcher said...

More accessible?

The word is easy.

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcommal said...

Y'all shoulda just seen what my son and I did in resolving a particular notion involving the magazine "Game Informer."

Seriously, folks. Y'all shoulda.

NitneLiun said...

I don't think any 12 or 13-year old girls are giving blowjobs. I've been looking for them and haven't found even one.

YoungHegelian said...

Prof. Althouse,

I think comments are posting & then disappearing again, because some comments have disappeared here, and there's no indication that they were "officially" deleted.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I made a comment that I thought better of and deleted. Not sure if that is what you are referring to, though, YH.

Shouting Thomas said...

As a feminist...

Blah, blah, blah!

As a feminist...

Blah, blah, blah!

What will it take to stop the women from nattering away like this? We started out this morning with dumb feminist blabbering, and we end the day with feminist blabbering, world without end. Amen.

Renee said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

Believe me little girls are giving little boys blow jobs on the bus in full view of everyone but adults. If you're a 12 or 13 year old boy who's self-confident and/or good at sports you won't have any problems. Just a don't fit the profile.

Shouting Thomas said...

I think I'm gonna have to die and ascend to the next life to meet another egghead white woman who doesn't gab endlessly about feminism.

edutcher said...

No, in the next life, said white feminist will meet you and she will fall madly in love with you and forget her feminism to have lots and lots of sex with you.

Shouting Thomas said...

Is that in Heaven or in Hell, edutcher?

Palladian said...

But I don’t think you really love giving boys in general blow jobs without any feeling to someone you’re not close to.

You obviously don't know me, honey.

Shouting Thomas said...

Good one, Palladian.

But, before long I think Althouse is going to figure out how to domesticate you.

DADvocate said...

To the extent that feminism crosses with the sexual revolution, feminism bears some responsibility for guys getting blow jobs. Thank you.

Obviously, it's terribly ironic that a movement partially founded on the idea that women aren't sex objects has made women greater sex objects than ever before.

But, much of feminism is completely misguided. The emphasis on the illusion of "equality" rather than freedom and liberty brought about much of the harm. Feminism expects women to perform work, career and social tasks in roughly the same proportions as men rather than seeking more freedom for women, and everyone in general. Forcing people into roles rather than letting them freely follow the path they desire doesn't lead to good outcomes.

Shouting Thomas said...

Feminism never got me a blow job.

I earned them, fair and square, on my own... mostly as a result of my good looks.

No quotas either.

Titus said...

Lily Tomlin has no experience with blowjobs.

She has no right to talk about others giving or getting blowjobs.

As a result her view doesn't matter.


Titus said...

I have never seen a blowjob in Girls, which I love to death.

Lots of fucking on fours and eating bussy but no BJ's.

Big Mike said...

don’t like it being brought back to the time where girls were competitive and disliked each other, this whole concept of cat fights and girls being jealous of one another.

Is Lily laboring under the illusion that this ever went away?

McTriumph said...

By the time these 12 and 13 year old girls are 20 I hope they payed attention and give better BJs than their mothers and aunts and grandmothers.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

It was such a surprise to me as a young adult to find out that the progressive, feminist, sex-positive utopia I was promised as a teenager growing up in liberal culture* was actually demeaning and objectifying, not to mention dangerous to my actual physical and emotional health. Meanwhile, the Catholic church, which I had been taught hated, oppressed and disrespected women, was waiting in the wings for me to discover that my sexuality is a precious gift from God and when handled according to his design inflates my dignity and worth, instead of pushing it into the mud.

Others' mileage varies, of course. But this was my experience.

*I grew up near Seattle and avidly read the free newspaper The Stranger, going straight to each installment of Dan Savage's sex advice columns.

rcommal said...

But, before long I think Althouse is going to figure out how to domesticate you.

What a load of nonsense, edutcher.

Palladian has been here since pretty close to the start (unlike you), and yet she's never made much inroads in what you chose to describe as "domesticat[ing] [him]"--as if that was a goal of hers (or even as if she truly tried to do so). LOL!

My first thought was: Palladian is who is he is and Althouse never has questioned nor tried to change that.

My second thought was: WTF? What the hell is *edutcher* about, this time.

Shouting Thomas said...


Experience is such a bitch, isn't it?


I think those comments should be directed to me.

Bender said...

What do you expect when the President thinks that those same 12 and 13 year olds ought to be automatically covered for free contraceptives?

Fred Drinkwater said...

Hmm...I've been here since roughly the 6th day, and I don't think I've ever noticed Althouse attempting to "domesticate" anyone. (Always excepting, of course, Meade, but I think a curtain was drawn over that process, so who can say which way it went?)

Shouting Thomas said...

Hmm...I've been here since roughly the 6th day, and I don't think I've ever noticed Althouse attempting to "domesticate" anyone.

I'm trying to figure out Althouse's rationale for "gay marriage," whatever the hell that might be.

I'm grasping at straws. I figure that she might think that "gay marriage" will succeed in domesticating gay men.

There's got to be some explanation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she thinks it's a human right?

Anonymous said...


Of course you realize, you're one of the yappiest guys ever, right?

It's like that old RUNDMC song: You talk too much. Homeboy, you never shutup.

Shouting Thomas said...

Maybe she thinks it's a human right?

I blame it on Dylan records.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Amazing grace: how sweet the sound; that saved a wretch like me. Once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.

Rob said...

Remember why they say every girl smiles on her wedding day: she knows she's given her last blowjob.

chickelit said...

Fred Drinkwater said...
Hmm...I've been here since roughly the 6th day, and I don't think I've ever noticed Althouse attempting to "domesticate" anyone.

It kinda sorta worked on Meade...[ducks]

rcommal said...

It was such a surprise to me as a young adult to find out that the progressive, feminist, sex-positive utopia I was promised as a teenager growing up in liberal culture* was actually demeaning and objectifying, not to mention dangerous to my actual physical and emotional health.w

Well, I don't know what to say about this, other than that, starting somewhere around '73-'75, I had an intensely allergic reaction to various things which led to skeptical responses and a default world-view that has never left me, and which I never left behind.

Shouting Thomas said...


You may have missed the point.

It isn't so much the "yapping" in general that I'd like for women to stop. It's the "yapping" about feminism that's the problem.

Of course, Althouse also has a "yapping" about gay marriage problem.

The two seem connected in ways I can't quite explain.

Shouting Thomas said...

The two seem connected in ways I can't quite explain.

Well, both are connected through the magic of fantasized "oppression."

rcommal said...

Yes, you're right, Shouting Thomas. That was directed at you. I apologize to edutcher.

Shouting Thomas said...

I demand my fair share of abuse.

Anonymous said...

ST, likes abuse:)

Unknown said...

Both destabilize and destroy the family.

rcommal said...

More, I will take be taking a good, hard look at myself and how and why I committed that conflation.

I apologize again to edutcher. I also apologize to you, Shouting Thomas--and thank you, as well, for pointing out that silly error; that careless mistake.

jr565 said...

Sgt Ted wrote:
he ugly secret is this pressure isn't coming from boys or men.

But they are the beneficiaries. And why not take advantage of girls giving their stuff away for free?

chickelit said...

I have to say, knowing who rcommal was around here (well before I was around), she faultless to a T.

Palladian said...

But, before long I think Althouse is going to figure out how to domesticate you.

I'm currently, officially, "homeless"... domestication is impossible without a domus!

n.n said...

The outcome of generational feminism is that women, and girls, were encouraged to be available for sex, taxation, and exploited for democratic leverage.

Unknown said...

Awww. Palladian.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
My widowed disabled older sister is being evicted from her home. She still has payments and just retired with an income of $1100.00 a month. I can't see a good outcome for people with huge mortgages who are underwater if they're over 45 or 50. It's a scary world. She's coming back to Wyo to live near family, but finding a place for her will be a trick.
I hope you get a roof over your head soon.

MayBee said...

I love what Lily says here.

kentuckyliz said...

How Victorian of Lily. Doesn't she know sex doesn't matter?

Count me in the prodigal daughter camp with Erika. I am a particular fan of theology of the body of JPII.

I was invited to contribute a testimony to a book by the title prodigal daughters, but After starting to write, I declined. I realized that it would rock the boat too much with the fam.

DEEBEE said...

1960s -- I wish freedom without consequences
2000s -- I wish freedom from consequences

You have come a long way baby

kentuckyliz said...

Very cleverly stated DB.

The next step would be damn these consequences, we've legislated and subsidized them away, but there's no condom for the heart.

Paco Wové said...

1960s -- I wish freedom without consequences
2000s -- I wish freedom from consequences

Nicely done.

2020s -- surely, we can legislate away these consequences
20?0s -- I'm going to make it illegal for you to tell me there are consequences

Nomennovum said...

Feminism has been very generous to men who are the the type of men that girls want to blow. It has given them a never-ending supply of cumdumpsters.

Nomennovum said...

The two seem connected in ways I can't quite explain. - ST


KCFleming said...

Despite a reduction in smoking, the incidence of head and neck cancers has been increasing over the last 30 years.

Recent data have now attributed sexually transmitted viruses (e.g., HPV) as the cause of a subset of head and neck tumors that are more common in younger patients.

These are caused by oral sex with multiple people.


Roger J. said...

Palladian--sorry to hear of your travail--good luck is finding a place.

Anonymous said...

"...I don’t like it being brought back to the time where girls were competitive and disliked each other.."

I got news for your ,Lily, this has only intensified.

gerry said...

It is ironic that hated Christianity, particularly Catholicism, elevates a woman to the status of the Mother of God, eternally and perpetually a virgin. She is beyond exploitation and is the ideal loving mother.

Abandoning such virtue can only bear rotten fruit.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Fickle female preferences created the male peacock's tail, so turnabout is fair play, one would think.

Henry said...

I'll wait for actual statistics.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Also, where bj's are concerned, I wonder if obsession on size is still quite as paramount?

After all, gagging is kind of a buzz kill, isn't it?

carrie said...

Well said Lilly! It breaks my heart to see what girls are "expected" to do these days and put the blame for that on the gays for trying to impose their sexual values on heterosexuals and on the feminists for aligning with the gays on that issue.

carrie said...

Well said Lilly! It breaks my heart to see what girls are "expected" to do these days and put the blame for that on the gays for trying to impose their sexual values on heterosexuals and on the feminists for aligning with the gays on that issue.

Brian Brown said...


The triumph of modern feminism is to have young girls turned into cum dumpsters.

Gee, who could have ever predicted these dippy broads would mess this all up?

Ann Althouse said...

"I think comments are posting & then disappearing again, because some comments have disappeared here, and there's no indication that they were "officially" deleted."

Thanks for the reminder to check the spam file.

Brian Brown said...

Unfortunately this:

TORRINGTON, Conn. – Two members of the Torrington High School football team have been charged with sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl, who has been taunted on social media sites in recent weeks by dozens of classmates upset at the allegations.

The Register Citizen reports the two 18-year-old football players, Edgar Gonzalez and Joan Toribio, have been charged with felony second-degree sexual assault and other crimes in an investigation that began last month. Both have pleaded not guilty.

Is the end state of sexualizing these young girls.

Anonymous said...

On any given day, my middle school students have more sex that all the commenters here combined for a year.

Hagar said...

But they are the beneficiaries. And why not take advantage of girls giving their stuff away for free?

"Beneficiaries" is a wrong word, I think.
This stuff is not good for anyone.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Thanks feminism!

It is now standard that if a girl doesn't give hea don the first date, she will not get a second date.

Blame your slutty "sisters" out there, the market if flooded and if you don't want to keep up in the putting out arms race, well, plenty more sluts in the sea.

The goodnight kiss has been replaced by the goodnight blowjob.

Again, thanks feminism!

KJE said...

Prof. Althouse going Red Pill?

Uncle Pavian said...

"But I don’t think you can beat too much humanity out of too many humans too quickly."
I think I know what she means, but that's got to be the creepiest sentence I've ever read here.

William said...

A while back I was thrown into the company of some college age girls. A lot of them had tattoos and piercings. I was, nonetheless, surprised to learn that they were level headed, decent, and good people. I don't know the details of their intimate lives, but, on the surface anyway, they looked fully equipped to carry on the business of marriage and child raising.....All my life sexual mores and morals have been loosening, and wise people have been predicting the imminent collapse of civilization. Maybe someday it will happen, but I don't think sexual excess will be the proximate cause.

Drago said...

Surfed: "On any given day, my middle school students have more sex that all the commenters here combined for a year."

How many students do you have at your school?

What percentage of them engage in sex?

What percentage of them engage in sex on an "average" day at your school?

How did you establish the number of "commenters here"? Over what time period are you looking at to establish that number?

Yeah, you sound like a middle school teacher.....fortunately not a school my kids will have to attend.

ALP said...

I really enjoyed Lily's performance in "Web Therapy". Wow, reading this interview takes me back. I was born in 1961 - was 6 or 7 when "Laugh-In" began broadcasting. My mother MADE ME watch the show, telling me "This is good stuff - you NEED to watch this." I was 6! And of course, I obliged.

Hmmm - Tiny Tim, Artie Johnson, Goldie Hawn!

Off to find old "Laugh In" on YouTube...

ALP said...

I really enjoyed Lily's performance in "Web Therapy". Wow, reading this interview takes me back. I was born in 1961 - was 6 or 7 when "Laugh-In" began broadcasting. My mother MADE ME watch the show, telling me "This is good stuff - you NEED to watch this." I was 6! And of course, I obliged.

Hmmm - Tiny Tim, Artie Johnson, Goldie Hawn!

Off to find old "Laugh In" on YouTube...

Nomennovum said...

Surfed: On any given day, my middle school students have more sex that all the commenters here combined for a year.

Drago: How many students do you have at your school? What percentage of them engage in sex? What percentage of them engage in sex on an "average" day at your school? How did you establish the number of "commenters here"?

Chill, D. Most of the commenters are middle-aged or older and are married. On any given day, any five middle schoolers have more sex than all the commenters here have had in the past five years.

Anonymous said...

The expectation that girls give blowjobs is only the tip of the iceberg of unintended consequences.

Oh well.

Drago said...

Nomennovum: "Chill, D. Most of the commenters are middle-aged or older and are married. On any given day, any five middle schoolers have more sex than all the commenters here have had in the past five years."


I hear you. I'm "max chillax" (as the "young people" say).

I was simply pointing out how vacuous Surfed assertion was and how I'm pleased that my children don't have to attend an institution so backward it would hire someone like surfed.

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