March 2, 2013

"Madison’s communities of color are constantly told by white progressives that people like Governor Scott Walker, radio talk show host Vicki McKenna and blogger Dave Blaska are the enemy."

"While some may agree, they haven’t been the ones silencing, patronizing and marginalizing folks of color in Madison. That distinction belongs to the liberal establishment in this community."


Rusty said...

Absolute moral authority!!

YoungHegelian said...

"They will trample over voices of color in order to preserve [the status quo]."

Well, duh!

Lefties are correct in how they point out how racism has taken various forms throughout American history. They're not correct in that they don't often dissect the importance of racism in their own history (e.g. how Marxism really has little place for ethnic/racial identity).

The more ideologically informed & rigorous the left-wing community is, the less use it will have for blacks, except as cannon fodder. The more ideological the thinking, the whiter the membership.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"When Sarah Manski pulled out of the school board race because her husband was accepted to graduate school in California, many asked, myself included, why would she wait until after the primary to do so?

Now we know: It was all part of a plan to silence Ananda Mirilli, restorative justice manager at the YWCA in Madison, and also a person of color. Mirilli was unfairly and falsely targeted by Sarah Manski and her husband Ben as someone who was part of a movement to privatize public schools.


Ever since CEO Kaleem Caire shined a bright light on an achievement gap and low graduation rates for students of color that has plagued the Madison Metropolitan School District for decades -- even offering an idea to help to address it -- Caire has been painted as a right-wing operative with the intent to privatize and destroy public schools. Almost anyone else who supported Madison Prep has been labeled the enemy because communities of color are asking for a better future for their children.

Sorry. No change for you. You will like the status quo given to you by your white liberal progressive betters.

Shouting Thomas said...

All the discrimination and bigotry babbling has become tiresome.

It's all bullshit, on every side.

Forget it. Dump it all in the toilet.

Sorun said...

Madison has one "community of color": black. I don't think the other non-white races are interested in joining them.

chickelit said...

It's interesting that Connor works for WIBA AM radio. They were historically part of the Madison media scene & owned by The Cap Times--back when the left had diversity. Does the left hand know what the right is doing?

And why doesn't this guy write for Isthmus?

edutcher said...

Demigods must have worshippers.

Blasphemers must not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who says "people of color" or "communities of color" is, by definition, a douche nozzle.


Michael said...

Ironrailsironweights. The correct way to put it is "peoples of color"

Seeing Red said...

Heee, get your popcorn.

Walker should start holding listening tours in those Madison school districts which do poorly.

Rusty said...

Black folk want vouchers?
But vouchers are bad.

virgil xenophon said...

Don't blacks in Milwaukee know their place anymore? What the H is the matter with "those people" anyway? Gittin' all uppity again?

Irene said...

A couple of commenters over there invoke the names of Alan Keyes and Clarence Thomas. Predictable!

roesch/voltaire said...

A very small number of folks voted in this election and I am sure if the black community spoke of one mind they could have easily defeated Manski- let us be honest about that . And as Connor claims: I understand that it’s not fair to paint all white liberal progressives in Madison with a broad brush. Many are just as outraged by what’s been happening to folks of color in this community as we are" But somehow he paints enough of a broad conspiracy brush to brush up his image as a conservative. In reality there are many programs set up to help minorities( by Liberals?)-- for example the PEOPLE program which offers after school help so that minority students can be ready for college.

Shouting Thomas said...

A couple of commenters over there invoke the names of Alan Keyes and Clarence Thomas. Predictable!

OK. If you don't like that... I give you Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.

My blacks beat your blacks! Na-na-na-na-na!

Shouting Thomas said...

Many are just as outraged by what’s been happening to folks of color in this community as we are.

I suspect that nothing very outrageous, or even minimally outrageous, or even notable, has been "happening to folks of color in this community."

You're just making it up. Or, else, out of nostalgia forever for 1965, you feel compelled to constantly repeat it.

Seeing Red said...

Tutoring, what a radical idea, RV.

Preparing kids for college, also radical.

It's the remedial courses in college that get me.

I do recall NCLB had something about tutoring in the law, the feds would pick up the cost, I think it was that.

Anonymous said...

Pretty good slave masters to get the slaves to choose to be in chains.

Shouting Thomas said...

Racism discussions rapidly devolve into utter idiocy and malice.

We all become Ritmos

Seems to be the perfect method to turn everybody into a savage, lowlife bastard.

Let the fun begin!

Curious George said...

Oh, bullshit. Does this group look like they aren't promoters of diversity?

TMink said...

Progressives have set policy for the poor since 1964. Recall the War on Poverty? The left lost that war, but has refused to withdraw.

Give some new ideas a try.


Shouting Thomas said...

Give some new ideas a try.

RV's idea is a very old one. Take black kids away from their out of control single mother families as much as possible and give them to nice white women to care for and educate.

Sometime down the line, this will boomerang, as future generations of leftists discover that this was also a manifestation of racism.

See, the Australian Lost Generation hysteria.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

This is probably not politically correct to say...

But... if you are in the guide dog business you need a steady blind customer base.

The last thing the left wants blacks and anybody else to believe is that they can get ahead w/o their assistance.

If what I'm saying is a problem, then I'm the enemy too.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, Lem, the racism huckstering is a big business.

Not just for the Dems, but for all those Diversity racketeers in the schools, universities, businesses and government.

garage mahal said...

Didn't see any concrete solutions offered from Connor. Perhaps he missed the daily lineup on WIBA where he works. From 11-6pm they have Limbaugh, Hannity, and McKenna.

That's diversity?

Shouting Thomas said...

That's diversity?

Individual media institutions have no obligation to be diverse in the manner you're suggesting, garage.

Wouldn't even be a good thing.

I'm sure there are plenty of outlets where you can hear plenty of other opinions.

Rusty said...

roesch/voltaire said...
A very small number of folks voted in this election and I am sure if the black community spoke of one mind they could have easily defeated Manski- let us be honest about that . And as Connor claims: I understand that it’s not fair to paint all white liberal progressives in Madison with a broad brush. Many are just as outraged by what’s been happening to folks of color in this community as we are" But somehow he paints enough of a broad conspiracy brush to brush up his image as a conservative. In reality there are many programs set up to help minorities( by Liberals?)-- for example the PEOPLE program which offers after school help so that minority students can be ready for college.

then what is he whining about?

Bob Loblaw said...

Black folk want vouchers?

Obama has decided union money for Democratic politicians is more important than vouchers for people who can't afford to send their kids to the Sidwell Friends school.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

And there is still discrimination in America. Though now mostly against Whites.

Watch how differently Dennis Rodman gets treated over his North Korea 'treason', than did Jane Fonda over her Vietnam.

And only because he is Black.

carrie said...

The whites in Madison will soon be a minority (if you can count on students not voting) and hopefully the communities of color will continue to work to get in control. If you look at Madison elementary school enrollment where whites already make up less than 50% of the population, it looks like hispanics will be the largest minority in Madison so the black and hispanics need to start working together.

bgates said...

Anyone who says "people of color" or "communities of color" is, by definition, a douche nozzle.

They really are phrases of awkward.

test said...

The left knows accusations of racism guarantee blacks will never vote for a Republican. Why would they ever risk union votes for no benefit?

LarryK said...


Hanoi Jane took lots of flack for her behavior in Vietnam; Rodman's asininity has barely made a ripple. Not the best examples for making your case about discrimination.

I love the way this issue is tearing progressives apart but hate all this "communities of color" malarkey. Truly 'progressive' black and Latino Americans think for themselves and don't outsource their identity to collectivist organizations who pretend to speak for them.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

. . . and hopefully the communities of color will continue to work to get in control

Yeah, that's worked out well other places. Just count the Nobel Prizes won by folks in Africa and Mexico.

Lets put them in charge!

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

LarryK, I don't think you actually understood my post. You have made my point, exactly.

Bob Loblaw said... looks like hispanics will be the largest minority in Madison so the black and hispanics need to start working together.

Instead of going to (political) war like they did in LA? Hispanics don't need blacks - they have the numbers to be Most Favored Minority and will eventually control the levers of political power without any help from black people.

Original Mike said...

Surely a conspiracy to rig an election must be illegal.

lowercase said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

when white liberals talk about "communities of color" they are in full approval of the ghetto-zation of the blacks/browns and want to keep them separate. They don't want any real mixing to happen.

Goju said...

Of course the Libs don't want real education of the lower classes. If poor people got to the point they saw what the Libs were really all about - no Dem would ever get elected again.

Rusty said...

Eric said...
Black folk want vouchers?

Obama has decided union money for Democratic politicians is more important than vouchers for people who can't afford to send their kids to the Sidwell Friends school.

God forbid they take their property tax money and spend it here they want to.

Sam L. said...

Yeah, there's a surprise.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Alex said...

when white liberals talk about "communities of color" they are in full approval of the ghetto-zation of the blacks/browns and want to keep them separate. They don't want any real mixing to happen.

What a cynical point of view! And you are badly mistaken. ALL humans, by nature, like very much to settle near their own kind. ALL humans. As long as it is voluntary, it a quite good, natural, and expected thing. Think of the good old word, now barely used, "kin". We all like being around our kin.

Synova said...

"ALL humans, by nature, like very much to settle near their own kind. ALL humans."

But who decides what "your own kind" is? Who appoints your tribal membership?

Ghettos weren't places where people settled voluntarily.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

But who decides what "your own kind" is? Who appoints your tribal membership?

If you don't already know, I can't help you.

Ghettos weren't places where people settled voluntarily.

When "kin" settle in together, they eventually create their own local conditions, for good or bad. It's up to them. And of course, it couldn't be any other way, if you think on it honestly.

And, btw, there's your 'diversity', if you're needing to find one. The diversity of local cultures created by various kin settling by kin.

Synova said...

If I was unclear... and undoubtedly I was...

When people complain of the political "ghetto-zation" of minority groups they are not talking about people hanging with their homeys. They're talking about actively pressuring people to stay where they belong. It can be constant reminders that "those people over there hate you" or even the active persecution (often enough) of people who find that their "tribe" is fiscally conservative.

I'm female so I definitely see it in relation to "feminism". Women are NOT supported unless they conform to a particular, very short, list of political preferences; big government support (so much less icky than being supported by a man), abortion, abortion, and more free stuff from government.

Opinions about politics, policies, education and social issues are not *cultural*, they have nothing to do with your ethnicity, your melanin, your socio-economic status or what is between your legs.

I don't disagree that people "sort" themselves, that they often like living by people "like" themselves... but there are also those who would like to force those who they feel they have political ownership over, to NOT MIX.

PianoLessons said...

Amazed that nobody commented on the hypocritical "white flight" of Madison progressives with children as they fled our city when they had children to build our burbs - Verona, Oregon, Waunakee, Sun Prairie and more.

These white folks work for progressive government in town while they clog our roads leaving it every day so their kids can be in a better school district. The dirty secret about Madison WI - they are just like the 'white flight' folks in Chicago and every other city who FLEA to better schools, more safety, blah, blah, blah.

Madison WI represents - IMHO - the very worst outcome of high, union tenured employment - especially with schools - where they come here to teach and theorize and regulate in the GEF buildings but flea out city to their own safer communities.

Who in this country would ever believe a Drudge headline saying "Madison WI Schools are over 50% Special Education".

We are the Detroit of education....but it's white folks with their white flight bringing us down.

I searched the comments here for anyone willing to say it....the closest I saw was this comment from Alex:

Alex said...
when white liberals talk about "communities of color" they are in full approval of the ghetto-zation of the blacks/browns and want to keep them separate. They don't want any real mixing to happen.

Yes -Alex - no surprise to me - but the libs and progs who run this town are classic liberal socialist fascist racists. We have a white flight problem - and have had for fifteen years in the MMSD,,,,,and no one has ever talked about it.

Shame on Madison, WI.

3/2/13, 3:31 PM

FleetUSA said...

Libs love keeping blacks on their plantations. Sadly.

LarryK said...


You're right, I read quickly and completely missed the irony of your post - my bad.

LarryK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Amazed that nobody commented on the hypocritical "white flight" of Madison progressives . . .

"White flight"?? What an unkind and cynical phrase for what is simply "people choosing to live where they wish to."

Apparently you think they should not be able to do that, depending on their skin color and/or things they say with their free speech right.

Shame on YOU.

PianoLessons said...

To Somebody Has To Say It:

Google the term White Flight. It has a pretty accurate Wikipedia page. Urban planners, historians, humanities profs, sociologists, economists all employ this term because it happened and still does.

I'm from Chicago - actually - went to high school in Chicago but lived in Oak Park. My entire high school neighborhood emptied out when minorities starting buying in - literally, people left their homes vacant and fled to the burbs.

In Oak Park, they set up a quota system for the number of black houses on a block (challenged but upheld by Supreme Court) to stop the shameful white flight and insurance company redlining that devastated neighborhoods who had a lot of folks - who happened to be white - who just "chose to live where they want".

YOU should be ashamed for not knowing what white flight means. I sure didn't make it up - I think it's shameful - and yes, Madison liberals have been engaging in it (once their kids hit school age) for fifteen years.

PianoLessons said...
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PianoLessons said...

On the other hand, local real estate agents actively destroyed my wife's parents' Austin neighborhood on the West Side of Chicago from 1967 onward by stoking white panic selling in order to make fast commissions. Austin had been a terrific place for families to enjoy the benefits of urban living: safe, densely populated, excellent public transportation, tons of kids playing on the sidewalks and walking to school or to their grandparents' apartments. All gone ...

I'm reminded of one of the most occluded events in recent American history: the salvation of Oak Park, IL, where my father was born in 1917, which is next door to Chicago's doomed Austin neighborhood.

The destruction of Austin next door threatened to spread to Oak Park, with its spectacular stock of Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie-style homes. But the city fathers responded with a wise (if presumably wholly illegal) racial quota system. The "black-a-block" system restricted real estate agents in Oak Park to selling only one home per block to a black family.

Yet, as James Kabala pointed out once, it's hard to find any mention on the Internet of Oak Park's "black-a-block" quota, presumably because it violated federal law, but was winked at because important people felt it worthwhile to save Oak Park's architectural heritage.

Fortunately, I discovered that The Encyclopedia of Chicago explains how Oak Park was saved in some detail:

PianoLessons said...

I meant to put quotes around that last post - I copied it from this website:

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