March 24, 2013

Bloomberg on his cup-size law: "All we're saying is we want to show you just how big the cup is."

"If you want 32 ounces, take two cups to your seat. If you want 64, carry four. But our hope is, if you only take one, you won't go back."

He's just showing us things that maybe we didn't understand before.
We're not banning anything. We're trying to urge them to tell the public -- we're tr-- our job is to educate. It's the public's job to decide when they look on the grocery shelf or have the lever on a soda machine, which thing to take, which product is in their interest. All we're trying to do is educate. And then hopefully, if they understand they would be better off with one product or another....
So it's not really fair to call him Nanny Bloomberg. It should be Schoolmarm Bloomberg.


Humperdink said...

"Yeah, I want to limit your cup size, but certainly not my term limits. In fact, how about I run for a 4th term? I may need to change the law ....... again."

Rusty said...

So it's not really fair to call him Nanny Bloomberg. It should be Schoolmarm Bloomberg.

How about insufferable asshole Bloomberg.

multiuseless said...

Wouldn't two cups just double the trash and so on? Why does he want us to add more to the landfill than we already do?

chickelit said...

Bloomberg is selling "Big Culp"

bagoh20 said...

This man is mentally ill, neurotic, obsessive, and dangerous. Get the damned straight jacket.

CWJ said...

Oh wow man, Its a teach-in just like the sixties. We just want to educate you. We just want to lecture you because somehow none of this ever occurred to you before. We know we're right because it never occurred to us that we might be wrong.

Unknown said...

What an arrogant man. He's simply trying to educate us, and then leave it up to us. What rot. He trying to see exactly how much freedom he can get us to surrender before we finally call a halt to it.

bagoh20 said...

There are people and jobs that just aren't compatible. Bloomberg and governing free people is one example.

Anonymous said...

Fitzgerald Nanny Robot says"

"On buffet tables, garnished with glistening hors d’Ĺ“uvre, spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs, pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold, and several rows of neatly stacked red plastic sixteen-ounce cups."

Anonymous said...

"If you want 32 ounces, take two cups to your seat. If you want 64, carry four. But our hope is, if you only take one, you won't go back."

Two cups, two chemical-coated paper cups for the land fills. Four cups...

What a stupid little tyrant-wannabe!

Unknown said...

If a conservative we're that arrogant and over reaching you would never hear the end of the "bigot", "preaching", "forcing your values on us", "what about our 'rights'" hysteria.
The left sir, is an ass.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The glorious public schools, bled dry by the teachers union, are in no position to teach children basic nutrition. Basic economics? That's out too. At least the kiddies know how to put a condom on a cucumber.

joeschmo1of3 said...

Nanny seems to be shaping up as the theme today. Female goats are called nanny goats. Maybe a satyr should pay ol' Bloomy a visit. Not bestiality, you see, when they're all goats. Hmm, maybe we'll start seeing Bloomberg press conferences: goat edition.

Hagar said...

How about "Control-freak" Bloomberg?

Anonymous said...

Fitzgerald Nanny Robot says:

"A tray of Big Gulps floated at us through the twilight, and we sat down at a table with the two girls in yellow and the Mayor, introduced to us as Mr. I-Know-What's-Good-For-You."

Dante said...

I drink diet coke in large quantities from time to time. I don't know why. Am I to be punished now, for all those regular coke drinkers? I don't think it's fair.

Anonymous said...

Fitzgerald Nanny Robot says:

"I’ll be the man smoking two cigarettes with a sixteen-ounce soda..”

Ann Althouse said...

What if carrying all those cups causes more spills and people slip?

Also the ability to carry extra cups varies from person to person and there's a disparate impact on persons with smaller hands and those who are helping children.

Anonymous said...

Fitzgerald Nanny Robot says:

"For Daisy was young and her artificial world was redolent of Orchid Febreze and thirty-two ounce beverages."

garage mahal said...

There are people and jobs that just aren't compatible. Bloomberg and governing free people is one example.

For some weird reason Bloomberg's stop and frisk policy and his goons busting hippies heads open/corralling people into free speech cages never make the list of right wing grievances. In fact, there seems to be an endless stream of excuses for those brutal, anti-democratic, nanny state dictatorship actions.

Wait a minute.......I think I know why.

As you were, Patriots.

Unknown said...

Someone's pet ox just got gored.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Can we get some clarification on that "...our job is to educate."

Whose job to educate whom about what, and where exactly is that specified?

Palladian said...

Since Bloomberg isn't here, I'll ask you, garage mahal: does it ever get tiresome to be a total asshole?

Anonymous said...

Re: "Also the ability to carry extra cups varies from person to person and there's a disparate impact on persons with smaller hands and those who are helping children."

Perhaps people with hand-sizes below a specified size will be exempt. It could be a Rule of Thumb.

Unknown said...

The next Bloomie project should also involve cup size. We a ll need to be educated on just how much more is in a D cup than is in a AA. To be fair, everyone must undergo surgery to obtain the ideal B.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Bloomberg on his cup-size law: "All we're saying is we want to show you just how big the cup is.

There is a breast joke in there somewhere, but I have not figured out how to let it out.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mayor Nanny needs to be punched in the mouth really hard.

Smilin' Jack said...

Also the ability to carry extra cups varies from person to person and there's a disparate impact on persons with smaller hands and those who are helping children.

And on the handicapped, like people with one arm. Seems like an ADA suit against NYC could make this nonsense go away.

gadfly said...

So when did narcissist, Mayor Doomberg, get hired to teach anybody anything?

chickelit said...

For some weird reason Bloomberg's stop and frisk policy and his goons busting hippies heads open/corralling people into free speech cages never make the list of right wing grievances. In fact, there seems to be an endless stream of excuses for those brutal, anti-democratic, nanny state dictatorship actions.

If rightwingers hate Bloomberg and so do leftwingers, then how come he's still in office? Does he appeal to middle of the roaders?

Why not unelect him instead of bashing him?

chickelit said...

I mean, I'm as bored hearing about Bloomberg as Trooper York was hearing about Madison and Wisconsin politics. And unlike Giuliani, Bloomberg seems to have zero appeal outside of New York. I wouldn't vote for him for dogcatcher.

Bob_R said...

I think schoolmarm Bloomberg is good - as long as a NYC public school union member schoolmarm who specializes in producing illiterate students.

Astro said...

One mayor, 2 cups.

Two completely filled cups.

virgil xenophon said...

I say for the nth time: the inevitable logic of all of this is that the left is determined to march us all to virtue at bayonet-point if need be. To quote philosopher Eric Voegelin: "The end result of all 'progressive' politics is totalitarianism."

CommonHandle said...

I was particularly amused to hear him say that the NRA was the only voice on gun control, and that he was simply trying to just be another voice in the debate. The tiny, miniscule voice of a multi-billionaire mayor of a city of 8 million people that has never been heard before.

kcom said...

"Whose job to educate whom about what, and where exactly is that specified?"

Exactly. This nails it.

The government is not elected to be our fucking teachers. It's an employee of ours hired as an agent to do things while we get on with our lives. We pay them to work for us. It's no different than a plumber or an electrician. Would you sit and listen to your plumber lecture you about the size of the drink in your hand?

SGT Ted said...

The only proper adult response is:

"Shut up, Mike. You're not my mom. That goes for millions of people in NYC. Just. Shut. Up."

Marty said...

The biggest threat to America is politicians who think the job of government is "to help people," and the idiot people who buy it.

bagoh20 said...

I think we need to reduce the serving size of power that Bloomberg feels entitled to.

I think a lot of lefties admire him for his overreaching alone. They don't even care how he uses it. It's just cool and could come in handy someday.

SGT Ted said...

Does Mike really think we don't know how big a 32 oz cup is? Like we've never seem anybody drinking out of one? That only he has realized that theres alot of soda in one? THat it is any of his business how big a soda someone buys?

What an insulated, sheltered, provincial bigot fucktard he is.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg on his cup-size law

On my first quick scan-through that "cup-size" in the headline went into my brain as the other kind of cup size.

If you want a D-cup, take two B-cups to your seat.

SGT Ted said...

Maybe Mike to idiot should pay more attention to his police force and less to the size of Big Gulps.

Moose said...

Damn - someone beat me to the obvious cup size pun...

edutcher said...

Never forget, Dolf's big mission was saving Deutschland.

wyo sis said...

The next Bloomie project should also involve cup size. We a ll need to be educated on just how much more is in a D cup than is in a AA. To be fair, everyone must undergo surgery to obtain the ideal B.

You had my thought.

No, he'll want every woman to be an A to save them from back pain.

Strelnikov said...

What an asshole.

virgil xenophon said...

"What an asshole."

No. "What a TOTALLY PRETENTIOUS asshole."


virgil xenophon said...

PS to Strelnikov/

Imus has much the same opinion, fwiw. He once snarked about how Bloomie tried to hit on his wife at some charity luncheon or whatever, lol..

caseym54 said...

Can't someone get a warrant for Bloomberg's place, to make sure that he has nothing fattening, dangerous or unsightly on the premises? I mean, suppose he has a a brandy snifter larger than 16 ounces?

Kev said...

(the other kev)

When I remember how this idiot was pushed as a potential third-party presidential candidate . . .

Do us all a favor, Gollum, and go back to your pit.

Lydia said...

Me, I’m waiting to grab one of the first copies of “The Little Bloom Book” he undoubtedly has in the works. Co-authored with Anita Dunn, I think.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


There are people and jobs that just aren't compatible. Bloomberg and governing free people is one example.

George Will once wrote that there are some jobs that ought to be kept well away from anyone eager for them. Like, say, "sex educator." Or "Ambassador to the United Nations." I'd say the same principle applies here.

MadisonMan said...

Political parties are full of scolds who want to tell you what you should do. The proper response is to make fun of them.

That said, I think 32-oz sodas are dumb. But I think 12-oz soda cans are too much soda (I love those 6.5/7 oz cans that are being sold now -- perfect size!)

But I'm not trying to outlaw things I find dumb. I'd make a lousy politician.

The Godfather said...

I was born in New York City (which really means Manhattan, as any native New York knows; if you were born in one of the "other" Boroughs, you'd say, "I was born in The Bronx", or whatever), and although my family moved away, I returned there for law school. I have and have had many friends who are New Yorkers. They are almost all no-bull-shit, gedd-outa-my-face people, so why do they put up with Bloomberg's paternalism?

My guess is that most New Yorkers think big soft drink containers are stupid (which they are), and they are so self-centered that they don't care if other New Yorkers are so stupid they'd like to use big soft drink containers. This is a kind of perverted libertarianism: Leave ME alone, go hassle the other guy.

JAL said...

He forgets that he WORKS for the schlubs he is "educating." Did he ask them what they needed / wanted / desired him to educate them about... IF ANYTHING?

Was he elected by the residents of NYC to educate? Or manage the finances and necessary services of one of the largest cities in the world so that its citizens and others can live and do business in a safe stable environment.

I don't see sugary soft drinks in the job description. At. All.

Those schlubs elected this jerk at least one time too many as it is.

JAL said...

To quote the Senator: "I am not a sixth grader" Mayor.

Kirk Parker said...


You'll not find a single word from me defending stop-and-frisk or "free" speech zones, you pathetic Obot.

ricpic said...

Thank God Bloomberg has zero likability or he'd be our next Barack.

Kirk Parker said...


I kinda disagree with you regarding the Ambassador to the UN position. That one depends on the attitude of the person desiring it.

I, for example, would dearly love that position; but it wouldn't take long for them to start pleading with the US to *please* recall me and send John Bolton back in my place.

garage mahal said...

?Since Bloomberg isn't here, I'll ask you, garage mahal: does it ever get tiresome to be a total asshole?

Not that what I said was untrue. Just assholish to say it. Don't ever change, predictable one.

Chip Ahoy said...

There is a chasm between knowing a joke exists about cup size and crafting one.

So how do writers craft such jokes?

They put two unrelated things together, the target, and the topical subject at hand.

Jay Leno's writers are a an example. The target is NBC management, the topical subjects are, St. Patric day --> snakes ---> NBC management. The woman sees things upside down ---> woman sees NBC's ratings. Carnival cruise -->NBC bosses offer Leno a bonus. Canadian has knife removed from back after three years --> NBC knifes Leno.

It doesn't have to make sense. In fact, the less sense, the better.

But what if the target and subject are the same?

Then treat them as separate. Bloomberg bans large cups --> Cable television show about large bra. Tadaaa, joke about Bloomberg banning the cable reality show about big bras, or forcing them all to be small bras thus negating the two whole porpoises of the show.

But that's too easy.

I notice the lead-in to the show says something like "one thing we can count on is there's always something new gonna happen in the shop."

Yes? Every time I tune in it's the same chick with the huge tits problem. I've seen that same show four times. Same thing with Bloomberg. It's the same show all over again.

Smilin' Jack said...

If you want a D-cup, take two B-cups to your seat.

Not at all equivalent.

bgates said...

It should be Schoolmarm Bloomberg.

"In your responses, please stay on topic, which is the utility of the cup size law in showing you how big a cup is. Don't bring up concerns about spills and hand sizes - especially when I make clear in the original post ("go back") that I intend for people to carry one cup at a time!"

Nomennovum said...

Nanny. Schoolmarm. Whatever.

Lips that touch liquor shall not touch ours.. That's our mayor: a church lady.

Known Unknown said...

If you want a D-cup, take two B-cups to your seat.

Not at all equivalent.

What if they're twins?

William said...

I live in NYC. On this and several other issues, Bloomberg looks foolish. But against the backdrop of other NY politicians, the man is Solon. For one thing, he's a billionaire so you know he really, truly believes in capitalism. That puts him one up on all the other politicians here right from the start. For another, at least, there's a kind of integrity to his nannyism. He pays for ads against teen age pregnancies, and he supports the police when they're unfairly criticized. I think his support of stop and frisk procedures differentiate him from libs like Rahm.....NYC could do worse and, undoubtedly, will come next election.......Has anyone ever known an overweight person who didn't drink diet sodas?

Dante said...

"And obesity is in the public interest. We are going to spend $5B treating people with obesity in hospitals in NYC alone."

I love the "We," here. It's definitely not the taxpayer: it's the government.

Government is like a pacman.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Kirk Parker,

Will wrote that during the Carter Presidency, IIRC. People who really, really wanted to be Ambassador to the UN back then didn't look much like John Bolton, let alone yourself. It hadn't yet occurred to people that one could use the Ambassadorship to give the GA a well-deserved what for, and so the only people who wanted the job were internationalist suck-ups.

Brian Brown said...

our job is to educate

No, no it is not.

Nobody elected you Mayor "Educator" you fucking asshole.

Peter said...

It always starts with "education." Because if you provide more information, the assumption is then people will make better choices.

But what to do after you give 'em information- and they still make the wrong choices?

Well, then they have to take away the bad choices. But they didn't want to! No, it's your fault- you made 'em do it! Because you just wouldn't stop making bad choices, dangit!

Sam L. said...

Next up: Bra size limitations.

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