February 3, 2013

The skeeters are biting.

"Seven Reasons Why it's a Photoshop."


AllenS said...

I didn't find anything wrong with that article. Everyone has an opinion. That was one of them.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Shooting level to the ground is definitely an issue with this photo. Gun should normally be aimed up at least some.

garage mahal said...

Fifth, most shooters wear baseball style caps.


Michael said...

It doesnt have to be photoshopped to show the president does not know how to mount and shoot a shotgun.

kentuckyliz said...

The purpoted date of the photo doesn't match his calendar for that date. Nice try. Thank you for (photo)shopping at Failmart.

Michael said...

An explanation for the photo could be that they had a target the president was shooting slugs at that would explain a lot. The gun mount would still be silly but it would explain the aiming.

kentuckyliz said...

Check out the Urban Dictionary entry for skeet.

Is that what he means by shooting skeet all the time?

Michelle has a lovely complexion.

Mark said...

I have started to wonder if this photo was meant to make the gun folks freak out like this, feed the conspiracy theorists a steady stream of stuff to get upset about until Nov 2014.

It certainly gets the conspiracy theorists a large mouthpiece. In the overall discussion, having one side get lost in the weeds is useful strategically.

Especially if one can nearly guarantee it just a matter of time until the next mass shooting.

Bob Boyd said...

The fish are biting....and they're suckers.

kentuckyliz said...

That, or it's his Dukakis moment.

Chip S. said...

Nothing weird about that photo at all, once you understand that he's using a Kenyan shotgun.

bleh said...

The position of the butt on his shoulder is what gets me. Makes me think its legitimate, actually, since he's such an awkward wuss who would make such a mistake.

Wince said...

I have never once seen a smoke pattern like that. Smoke going straight out the barrel is normal, but what the heck is that second smoke stream shooting behind and away from the barrel?

Reminds me of the "smoke plume" formed by South America at the end of the "joint" on the world map displayed by the stoner computer I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. in Team America, World Police.

"Our base was attacked by a giant socialist weasel."

Check it out.

Brian Brown said...

So the reason this photo was not available on the Web in August, as the date suggests it was, is _____?

Anonymous said...

Really?! You're going to dwell on this? At least Fast and Furious and Benghazi really were important.

Automatic_Wing said...

Of course it's a photoshop. His real gun pops out one of those "Bang" flags.

rehajm said...

Clearly the president is a novice with a firearm, but author is stretching.

There are other set ups like ones used for "sporting clays" but that isn't represented in the White House photo release

Like many liberals it's certainly possible/probable the white house spokesman is ignorant of the differences of skeet, trap and sporting clays and this reflected in the statement.

This is for safety and learning too that when in the field, a hunter never shoots a shotgun below the horizon.

Sporting clays have a station known as rabbit where you shoot clays rolling on the ground (below the horizon).

Smoke going straight out the barrel is normal, but what the heck is that second smoke stream shooting behind and away from the barrel?

Author answers his own question correctly, as it's likely a compensated barrel used to offset recoil.

Balfegor said...

Why on earth would you photoshop something like this? It would be easier to stage this the normal way, wouldn't it?

Balfegor said...

Oh wait, the title says "photoshop," but he's not talking about actual photoshop, just a photo-op. Misleading!

DADvocate said...

Good thing Obama's staff did the preemptive mocking. Never pass up a chance to mock the people you're supposed to be working in the best interest of.

Synova said...

Yeah, it's not reasons it's a photoshop, it's just reasons that it's almost certainly not a picture of him shooting skeet or trap (or whatever) and that he doesn't shoot often enough to have proper form.

(I don't lean forward when I shoot because I'm new at it and it feels weird... someone seeing me shoot would know I'm a tyro, even if my groupings are not bad.)

kentuckyliz said...

So first it was teabaggers, now it's skeeters?

Anyone who dislikes and/or doubts this president is balls and jizz.

Hold it, was that a compliment?

Publius said...

Birthers of the World Unite!

Here's a random video of a Skeet Shooting Championships:


After the second shot. Many of the guns seem near horizontal to me.

And the mysterious *release valve* smoke plume? It looks like a previous shot's plume that's drifted down wind.

Publius said...

Wasn't there a suggestion for Republicans to be smarter?

This ain't it.

Ann Althouse said...

"So first it was teabaggers, now it's skeeters?"

It's the White House's own epithet, as noted in an earlier post.

Ann Althouse said...

I think the original model was "truthers."

But "tea baggers" has the sexual double meaning. I don't think that's what the White House wanted to highlight.

Bob Boyd said...

Truthers and Birthers

machine said...

Hook, line, and sinker...

Ya burnt....

Hagar said...

If he had just shot a slug holding the gun like that, he would have been wincing by now.

bagoh20 said...

"And the mysterious *release valve* smoke plume? It looks like a previous shot's plume that's drifted down wind."

Yea, I'm sure that's it.

McTriumph said...

This was just a photo-op, no big deal. An adult let let Obama shoot his Winchester 101 with the kiddy recoil compensator. Obama got to experience a right of passage many American ten year olds do every year.

bagoh20 said...

Maybe it was just a millisecond too soon, but if this photo is at the moment of recoil, which it appears to be, why is the butt not sinking into his shoulder? My first guess is that his arms are so powerful that he can prevent the recoil by force of will and his awesome "guns".

Carnifex said...

Smoke going straight out the barrel is normal, but what the heck is that second smoke stream shooting behind and away from the barrel?

The gun zero is shooting appears to me to be an American Arms O/U double barrel, 12 ga. Superficially resembling a nice Barretta, but cheaply made. The smoke overtop of the barrel is from gases venting from holes drilled into the top of the barrel to help keep recoil forcing you off your target line, a not un-common thing.

I don't think even the WH is stupid enough to photoshop this. I would venture that zero was pressed into some photo-op some time in the past, and this was probably his first and last time handling a gun.

I got no problem with that...

What I got a problem with, is dickheads like zero, and GM want to keep their guns, just no one else can have them.

My answer to that is "Fuck you...come take them."


Zero's gun is as big a POS as he is. I think the guy who gave him that shit stick had a big laugh at zero's ignorance.

bagoh20 said...

So if it was photoshopped, why would they add so many questionable things.

Maybe if you are 100% sure the press is in your pocket, then making it look even more fake just gets more "conspiracy nuts" and "skeeters" to jump.

edutcher said...

Face it, everything else about him is either faked or hidden from inspection, so why not this?

kentuckyliz said...

That, or it's his Dukakis moment.

That was on the bike with the helmet and the mom-jeans.

Chip S. said...

It seems obvious to me that this was photoshopped.

They just put Obama's head on an old pic of FDR, who had notoriously bad shooting form.

machine said...


Leland said...

I think people are way over analyzing this. Even people who agree arguing with those who over analyze (as I will now do):

And the mysterious *release valve* smoke plume? It looks like a previous shot's plume that's drifted down wind.

As wind drifts smoke, the turbulence causes the smoke to expand. In the photo, the side plume has laminar flow that transitions to turbulent suggesting it is flowing away from the barrel. If it was a drifted shot, where's the other shooter? Ahead of Obama? Behind him? They're not to the side, because you can't see him.

See this stuff is getting silly. The key point, one picture does not suggest "I go skeet shooting all the time." Obama goes golfing all the time, how many photos exist of him doing that activity?

What people should be asking: Mr. President, why do you have time to skeet shoot and play golf, but not enough time to balance the budget or get the Senate Democrats to even consider your lopsided budget?

Bob Boyd said...

OMG! If you zoom in really close you can see a reflection of the Oval Office in his sunglasses!
And Michelle taking his picture with her phone!

Automatic_Wing said...

Did they ever release a picture of Hillary baking cookies? It would've been fun to deconstruct that in the age photoshop.

Leland said...

I have to agree with Garage; to suggest the image is a photoshop based on the President not wearing a baseball cap? That's just hilarious. You can almost rewrite the article as 7 reasons the author knows nothing about shooting.

Leland said...

+1 to Carnifex @12:59p

Publius said...

"it was a drifted shot, where's the other shooter?"

Behind the grassy knoll.

Publius said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

machine said...


The mindless automaton laughs like a jackass when he ought to be concerned the fact we're having this, so similar to many other, conversation undercuts Choom's moral authority to govern.

kentuckyliz said...

I'm not accusing our esteemed blogress of generating the sexual double entendre terms teabagger and skeeter.

There's two senses of the dirty meaning of skeeter: one who skeets (an ejaculator), and a loose woman who enjoys being skeeted in/on.

kentuckyliz said...

It was the first sense from which I generated the compliment of Michelle's complexion.

gadfly said...

. . . and the reason we know the man in the photo is Barack Obama is because . . . ? ? ?

Only because the White House said it was but not from any identifiable features. This guy is probably stand-in #26.

Why else would they blur the photo background?

kentuckyliz said...

Second sense too, I guess--there's the giver and the receiver in that particular transaction.

southcentralpa said...

This not so much a Dukakis moment as the equivalent of Al Gore eating the tamale, wrapper and all. Ignorance of the culture leading to awkward form...

machine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Publius said...

"the fact we're having this, so similar to many other, conversation undercuts Choom's moral authority to govern."

We are having this conversation because crackpots think it's Photoshopped.

somefeller said...

Good thing Obama's staff did the preemptive mocking. Never pass up a chance to mock the people you're supposed to be working in the best interest of.

Ridicule is a natural response to the ridiculous.

machine said...

No, I laugh because skeeters like you all keep undercutting any legitimacy the GOP used to have....keep it up....

Balfegor said...

Honestly, I don't see that there's any real tension in the various narratives here.

All the article is saying is that it was staged. And if, in the process of staging the shot, he actually fired in the general direction of the clay discs or whatever he's supposed to be shooting at for sport shooting, well, it becomes literally true that he's engaged in recreational shooting.

The specific points called out in the article just tend to demonstrate that he's a novice. Is there anyone claiming that the President does a lot of recreational shooting, or that he's some kind of expert? Not that I'm aware.

I don't see the controversy.

Hagar said...

and the photo may indeed be a photoshop job deliberately made and released as a joke and/or to deflect comments on the "we do skeets all the time" remark.

kentuckyliz said...

So if BHO is so comfy with guns, why did he hesitate to defend Benghazi?

kentuckyliz said...

I am sure Obama does skeets all the time, in the urban dictionary sense.

I think the full truth of his skeet activities will come out in the future.

Cody Jarrett said...

I can find no evidence (yet anyway) that Camp David (Shangri-La!) has a sporting clays range. Ike had the skeet range put in, but it's not the same thing.

Chip S. said...

Now that I've thought about this some more, I think it's probably a painting.

edutcher said...

Of course, it 's a Photoshop.

Here are the outtakes.

somefeller said...

Good thing Obama's staff did the preemptive mocking. Never pass up a chance to mock the people you're supposed to be working in the best interest of.

Ridicule is a natural response to the ridiculous.

Some phony folksy is on the receiving end so much, he's the resident expert.

machine said...

No, I laugh because skeeters like you all keep undercutting any legitimacy the GOP used to have....keep it up...

Last I looked, the Republican
Party hasn't said a word about this.

Looks like the Demos take another shot in the legitimacy for paranoia.

Cody Jarrett said...

Balfegor, President Barry Zero said he shoots all the time up at Shangri-La.

So...what was your point again?

Joe Schmoe said...

At least Fast and Furious and Benghazi really were important.

They were? You wouldn't know that from reading main/lefty media outlets. They just did their Irish cop routine: "Move along, nothin' tah see here..."

el polacko said...

the skeet range at camp david is surrounded by high fencing. i dunno where this photo was staged but it ain't at the skeet range.

Cody Jarrett said...

And K-Liz, Barry doesn't roll thataway. Someone like Panetta would be more likely to be skeeted upon.

Old white men. It's a power thing.

Cody Jarrett said...


Chip S. said...

This is a distraction from the important questions.

Like, how many dead-hang pull-ups can Obama do?

Focus, people.

Chip S. said...

I mean, sure he's got skinny arms, but OTOH he doesn't weigh very much.

Vince said...

It must be a fake. There's no urine stain on his jeans, and surely he would piss his pants if he ever touched a firearm!

Joe Schmoe said...

Isn't showing a black man with a gun racist?

jacksonjay said...

kentuckyliz sez:

The purpoted date of the photo doesn't match his calendar for that date. Nice try. Thank you for (photo)shopping at Failmart.

Where was he purported to be?

n.n said...

Wherever Americans have their capital and labor devalued through account deficits.
Wherever increasing indigence through displacement is considered progress.
Wherever Americans are murdered and sleight-of-hand buries them.
Wherever generational genocide is tolerated and personal comfort is preferred.
Wherever dysfunction is normalized and a native population is quietly replaced.

In all places, Obama's ego will not be denied. Priorities!

bagoh20 said...

Hook, line and sinker?

So I see this photo of a man who clearly does not shoot guns much trying to do it, and I'm suddenly supposed to think he really does respect the Second Amendment, and my right to bear arms? Or even dumber, that he really does shoot skeet a lot.

THAT would be "hook, line, and sinker". I'm not biting.

The lies remain hanging on the hook untaken.

Titus said...

Any pics of him skatting?

furious_a said...

from Twitter

Economy? PULL! BANG!!

Balfegor: Is there anyone claiming that the President does a lot of recreational shooting, or that he's some kind of expert?

“Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time.”

edutcher said...

Vince said...

It must be a fake. There's no urine stain on his jeans, and surely he would piss his pants if he ever touched a firearm!

According to sources he was "very uncomfortable" and only stayed about 5 minutes.

Didn't anybody ever tell him this is what wealthy, well-born white gentlemen like to do?

Anonymous said...

"In front of the shooter, there is a low level boxlike structure which houses the throwing machine."

Ah, that's what he was shooting at. All the "pigeons" at once.

bagoh20 said...

"“Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time.”

Well, it is after all Barack Obama saying it, so you aren't actually supposed to believe it. Even his fans know that.

Astro said...

A friend pointed out that if you go to the website WeatherUnderground and do an historical search for the weather in the Camp David area for Aug 4, 2012, it says there were thunderstorms that afternoon. Now maybe he went shooting anyway, but how many other people would stand in an open field holding a metal tube when there are thunderstorms around?
Ben Franklin might have, but I didn't notice a key tied to the shotgun barrel with a silk thread.

DADvocate said...

Really?! You're going to dwell on this? At least Fast and Furious and Benghazi really were important.

OK, maybe you're not a dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

Joe Schmoe said...
"They just did their Irish cop routine: ..."

A bit politically incorrect here, aren't we? I would say they were aping Sergeant Shultz.


DADvocate said...

If you look at the EXIF data for the flickr image, you can see that is was photoshopped. The only question is to what degree.

DADvocate said...

Ridicule is a natural response to the ridiculous

Response? The mocking wasn't a response. Look up the meaning of "preemptive." Besides, a president like Obama really needs to work on bringing people together, not employing Richard Nixon tactics.

James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...

If you look at the EXIF data for the flickr image, you can see that is was photoshopped. The only question is to what degree.

The EXIF says no such thing. It shows that it was converted from a CR2 raw file (which is a capture of the camera's sensor data) that is not viewable on normal RGB devices without an additional codec, to the JPEG image format which can be viewed on most devices.

Some sharpening and exposure tweaking was done, but that's entirely normal when converting a raw file. None of the actual pixels were modified, and believe me I checked.

somefeller said...

Response? The mocking wasn't a response. Look up the meaning of "preemptive." Besides, a president like Obama really needs to work on bringing people together, not employing Richard Nixon tactics.

He knew what was coming, given the nature of some of his adversaries and the release of the picture was itself a response to this sort of idiocy. In terms of who should work on what, perhaps conservatives should try to improve themselves first. That way, they can become worthy opponents to this Administration and heaven knows, liberals have spent a lot of time trying to educate and improve conservatives already. I mean, look at the yeoman like work of people like myself and phx on this very blog!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Is there anyone claiming that the President does a lot of recreational shooting,

The President said it himself. He claims that he goes skeet shooting "all the time".

Either you do.....or you don't. It doesn't mean that he is a pro or expert shooter. HOWEVER....if you participate "ALL THE TIME", you either show a better form than this or you just really really SUCK.

I go for the third option, that he is a habitual liar....and that he probably has never ever held a gun in his life.


garage mahal said...

Scratch a skeeter and find a birther.

DADvocate said...

The EXIF says no such thing.


X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Software Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Macintosh)
Date and Time (Modified) 2013:02:01 17:11:38

I clearly stated, it's only a question of degree. I'm not disputing your assessment that none of the pixels were altered.
Artist Pete Souza

DADvocate said...

He knew what was coming, given the nature of some of his adversaries and the release of the picture was itself a response to this sort of idiocy.

Like I said, a preemptive strike. Idiots like you see no benefit to attempting to unite the populace. Accept responsibility for being assholes. If you want to raise the level of the conversation, the best place to start is with yourself.

Are you one of those parents that ridicules and mocks their kids before they try something? "You'll flunk that test, strike out, fall down, say something stupid, ..." And, then justify it because you knew it was coming?

If their logic is as you describe, you and they have a lot to learn about leading.

James said...

The EXIF shows the file was converted from the native CR2 format to JPEG using the Adobe Camera Raw plug-in. Since ACR is a parametric editor, it records all the editing done in XMP metadata that is stored with the raw file. By comparison, Photoshop is a pixel-level editor and cannot record brush strokes or modal dialogs.

I examined that photo very closely, and there's no evidence that it was Photoshopped. The EXIF does show what steps the photographer took when converting the file from raw to jpeg.

If interested you can view all the details here: http://regex.info/exif.cgi?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffarm9.staticflickr.com%2F8331%2F8436110735_e822c23e69_o.jpg

Anonymous said...

The picture simply screams incompetence. I don't give a damn if it was photo shopped. I don't care if the President shoots skeet all the time. Based on the photo, he does not.

Why is anyone surprised by a picture of the President grossly mishandling a firearm? He sucks at almost everything that requires even modest athletic ability.

He's a crappy golfer, throws like a girl (in the old nasty sexist sense), bowls like a spaz, and has a half-assed jumpshot.

He's Erkel. The First Lady could easily kick his ass in a three rounder.

He's good at navel gazing. The White House should release a photo of that.

DADvocate said...

Better skeet shooting from from Sarah Palin.


DADvocate said...

Notice the right elbow position.

somefeller said...

DADAdvocate, I'm trying to improve you and people like you. President Obama is also trying to do so. Sometimes the only way to do that is with some tough love and stern guidance. You really should be thankful.

DADvocate said...

DADAdvocate, I'm trying to improve you and people like you. President Obama is also trying to do so.

Go fuck yourself.

DADvocate said...

James, I'm not disputing your assessment. Just showing you why I said what I did. There was a time I was quite good at Photoshop and could have made that photo.

bagoh20 said...

The weather that day in that area was:

Temp. 73 - 92
Dew point 69
No precip
Wind from the SSE at 7mph gusting to 26
Visibility 9 miles

somefeller said...

That isn't a thank-you, DADvocate. But don't worry, I haven't given up on you or people like you and neither has the President. It's a burden, but one cheerfully shouldered.

DADvocate said...

James, if you read the Michael Crichton book, "Rising Sun," it's based on how well and easily photos and videos can be faked. In the book a reflection in a mirror is faked in a video. Crichton asserted that photos may or should become unacceptable as evidence in court due to this. If anybody could fake a photo beyond detection, it would be the U.S. government.

DADvocate said...

somefeller- there's an old saying that if you want to change the world, start with yourself. Take a hint. There's nothing you or Obama can do to make be a better person. I'm as good as they get.

bagoh20 said...

Actually, that weather was for Hagerstown MD It's on the other side of the mountains though.

Below is the closest station on the Camp David side of the mountains, but still pretty much the same condition except the wind. witch was only 1 mph.


somefeller said...

I'm as good as they get.

Oh, I don't think that's true. Everyone has room for improvement. And in the case of the Tea Party base, there's lots of room for improvement. But we're on the job and won't give up.

James said...

James, I'm not disputing your assessment. Just showing you why I said what I did. There was a time I was quite good at Photoshop and could have made that photo.


DADvocate said...

Oh, I don't think that's true. Everyone has room for improvement. And in the case of the Tea Party base, there's lots of room for improvement. But we're on the job and won't give up.

My, my, aren't we conceited and narcissistic. Could you be more presumptuous? In your ambition to teach others, you're missing out on learning from those who are clearly more enlightened than yourself.

KCFleming said...

Clearly, Obama loves the 2nd Amendment. In fact, it's right up there with the right to property and speech and religion.

Meaning: deader than dead.

The photo shows what an insecure man he is, compelled to prove he can get it up, gunwise.

DADvocate said...

James - I understand your skepticism. I'm a skeptical person myself. I believe what you're telling me, but I don't trust the U.S. government.

somefeller said...

Here is a teaching moment for the day: it didn't help conservatives in general when some conservatives decided to spend a lot of time looking into President Obama's birth certificate. I'd suggest that spending Obama's second term (tee-hee!) running down blind alleys like this one isn't a good use of time, either. Once again, just trying to help!

DADvocate said...

somefeller - I'm not a conservative, if you can expand your narrow mind enough to grasp that. Plus, I'd be ill advised to take advice from any Obama supporter.

somefeller said...

somefeller - I'm not a conservative

See, you're improving already!

SteveR said...

I know for a fact that Obama threw out that first pitch. Was nonetheless wimpy.

DADvocate said...

See, you're improving already!

I'm always improving. That's why you have such a hard time keeping up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

REal photo - fake situation. Presnit photo-op strikes again.

This one is real.

Paul said...

What gets me is the gun is ported (Magana-port does such work) yet the gun smoke comes out to the right side of the gun but not the LEFT!

You can see the smoke issueing out the other ports but the ones near the camera show nothing.

And what is that gold gizmo on the top barrel but not bottom?

Is it some kind of smoke projector to make it look like it is firing but it isn't?

Yea fake and inaccurate! I have no doubt the White House staff have very little gun experience and their photoshopping showed it.

wildswan said...

People like me should form a League of Older Voters. Then, when Obama tries rubbish like saying that people can't photoshop his precious pictures of himself, League members could step forward because we can spend the time in court because we are retired. Or more to the point, we could confront these people who are openly talking about killing us to balance the budget. we could confront them with something they fear - voter power. It astounds me to see people talk the way they do (including on this blog) - as if once past sixty we became unable to read or comprehend. This happens, I think, because it isn't well understood that "people living longer" means people living longer in full possession of their wits with most of their strength - and voting. I think we should have a League of Older Voters whose goal is to unseat politicians who vote for death panels and to prosecute physicians who carry out death selections. It's very obvious that some think killing the old is the answer to the debt pile and that some doctors think they will get away with it because dead is dead. I think a League of Older Voters would make politicians think again about that solution and a few prosecutions would make physicians think a little more, too. Our slogan would be one that older people truly understand: "What goes around, comes around."

B said...

somefeller said...Here is a teaching moment for the day:

We're now is possession of much, but I very much doubt all, of the real employment and economy figures from last fall. This comes as no surprise to people who don't get their opinions spoon fed to them by a WH and press that considers them useful idiots.

Such useful idiots are and will be as negatively affected by the policies, lack of competent leadership, and MSM manipulation in the last 4 and next 4 years as anyone else in the country. The argument can be easily made that they will be worse off than the people who saw through the charade and have taking steps to mitigate the damage to themselves.

Why the fuck should any conservative take advice or admonitions from any useful idiot like yourself or any of the other utterly stupid jackasses here and elsewhere?

Synova said...

Maybe we need a new set of emoticons that indicate the seriousness attributed to any given event so that there is an unmistakable demarcation between "hey, look, Obama is being stupid again and lying about something dumb" and "Obama and his administration got an Ambassador and three other people killed and now is lying about how it happened and who was responsible."

Since these two things apparently *sound* the same to his supporters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So if you don't believe Obama is a gun enthusiast - you're a birther.
Got it.

edutcher said...

somefeller said...

That way, they can become worthy opponents to this Administration and heaven knows, liberals have spent a lot of time trying to educate and improve conservatives already. I mean, look at the yeoman like work of people like myself and phx on this very blog!

Yeah, some phony folksy was in hiding until after the "election" and phx was so sure Barry would lose, he was all conciliatory for a month.

In other words, physicians, heal thyselves.

Here is a teaching moment for the day: it didn't help conservatives in general when some conservatives decided to spend a lot of time looking into President Obama's birth certificate. I'd suggest that spending Obama's second term (tee-hee!) running down blind alleys like this one isn't a good use of time, either. Once again, just trying to help!

Funny, but the further along we go, the more some phony folksy sounds like the Disrespectful Jerk who has been blessedly absent from these precincts.

And Choomie started this one all by himself - that whole, "We shoot skeet at Camp David all the time" line, is the biggest Photoshop of all.

machine said...

such wasted energy....checkmate!

Joe said...

Staged does not mean photo-shopped. They are two entirely different things. Anyone who is alarmed that a politician staged a photograph is an idiot. Get over it.

somefeller said...

Yeah, some phony folksy was in hiding until after the "election" and phx was so sure Barry would lose, he was all conciliatory for a month.

Once again, I am touched by your attention to my posting habits. But while I am a pretty busy guy, I did find time to post here in the weeks before the election, including a post or two predicting an Obama win, though I underestimated the magnitude. You can find such postings if you look around. You obviously have plenty of time to do so, though all that time may not help much given your lack of research and comprehension skills.

David said...

You realize that he is driving us bonkers. Who gives a damn if if he was actually shooting skeet. It's just a pose. Even his strongest supporters know that.

edutcher said...

somefeller said...

Yeah, some phony folksy was in hiding until after the "election" and phx was so sure Barry would lose, he was all conciliatory for a month.

Once again, I am touched by your attention to my posting habits. But while I am a pretty busy guy, I did find time to post here in the weeks before the election, including a post or two predicting an Obama win, though I underestimated the magnitude. You can find such postings if you look around. You obviously have plenty of time to do so, though all that time may not help much given your lack of research and comprehension skills.

Falling back on that one again?

You've already had your head handed to you several times, but, yes, let's talk about time spent, since you spend so much lurking around here.

Especially during "office" hours and on "work" days.

I don't know too many people who have the day after Election Day off.

But, then, every day's an off day in Mom's basement, isn't it?

And looking for comments (Ann's the only one who "posts" here) and copying them for future reference is the kind of anal retentive tic which obsesses you and your alter egos.

Mommy have trouble potty training you?

PS Unlike you, I'm not so obsessive as to hit the little button so all subsequent comments get emailed to me.

somefeller said...

Nice rant, edutcher. Such insight!

edutcher said...

And no rebuttal, I see.

somefeller said...

Nothing to rebut. Story of your life.

Mark said...

When all the correct-thinking folk have had time to reflect, and when the young folk are old enough to look back on the images from these times with world-weary condescension, the one thing that will ring through is how truly awkward, vapid, and vainglorious our President was.

edutcher said...

No, apparently, some phony folksy's life.

When the truth is told, he goes limp.

Mark said...

somefeller said:

I haven't given up on you or people like you and neither has the President. It's a burden, but one cheerfully shouldered.

This is the best representation of where our government has headed. (has gone to already?) They are our intellectual and moral superiors and it their "burden" to see to it that we get their help to live our lives as only they can help us do.

Which is why we can't have soft drinks in NYC bigger than 16 oz.

And why we shouldn't own big scary guns, either.

Brian Brown said...

somefeller said...
I haven't given up on you or people like you and neither has the President

What a fucking idiotic thing to say.

Methadras said...

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Shooting level to the ground is definitely an issue with this photo. Gun should normally be aimed up at least some.

The most glaring for me is the venting out of the side of the barrel. I've never seen that with this type of weapon. Ever. If someone can explain it to me. I'm all eyes.

Anonymous said...

cause we want it to be Photoshop Synthetic urine

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