February 24, 2013

Ted Cruz's office says "in the mid-1990s, the Harvard Law School faculty included numerous self-described proponents of 'critical legal studies'..."

"... a school of thought explicitly derived from Marxism – and they far outnumbered Republicans."

That's in response to a New Yorker article quoting something Cruz said in a speech 3 years ago. (What Cruz said back then, at an Americans for Prosperity conference, was that when he was at Harvard Law School "There were fewer declared Republicans in the faculty when we were there than Communists! There was one Republican. But there were twelve who would say they were Marxists who believed in the Communists overthrowing the United States government.")

The Cruz spokesperson called it "curious that the New Yorker would dredge up a three-year-old speech and call it 'news.'"

Curious... there's a noncommittal word. I don't see anything wrong with digging stuff out of old Cruz speeches. He's a new character on the national stage, so it's not like old territory is being reworked. It was an inflammatory statement, and he needs to stand by it (and back it up), defend it as hyperbole, or concede he was wrong.
The New Yorker writer, Jane Mayer, was following up after Barbara Boxer had compared Cruz to Joseph McCarthy. That was pretty inflammatory too (as I said at the time). What Boxer said made it a valid line of inquiry for Mayer and not odd at all. What you say to your base will be heard by the outsiders too, and any politician needs to be prepared for that. Republicans hoping for a new star better not forget how badly Mitt Romney faltered when he had to deal with the 47% remark he'd used on the insider group. This Cruz quote is the same kind of thing. Don't minimize it.

Mayer talked to Charles Fried, the Harvard lawprof who was probably the one Republican referred to by Cruz. Fried says:
"I have not taken a poll, but I would be surprised if there were any members of the faculty who ‘believed in the Communists overthrowing the U.S. government".... Fried acknowledged that "there were a certain number (twelve seems to me too high) who were quite radical, but I doubt if any had allegiance or sympathy with anything called ‘the Communists,’ who at that time (unlike the thirties and forties) were in quite bad odor among radical intellectuals.” He pointed out that by the nineteen-nineties, Communist states were widely regarded as tyrannical. From Fried’s perspective, the radicals on the faculty were "a pain in the neck." But he says that Cruz’s assertion that they were Communists “misunderstands what they were about."
Clearly, it was rhetoric to call the Critical Legal Studies professors "Marxists" who believed in "Communist" revolution, and Cruz chose to do that at a particular place and time. Cruz is accountable for that. It's a shibboleth of the right to rely on the words "Marxist" and "Communist." It wasn't the way the lefty lawprofs of the time talked about themselves. I have a vivid memory of saying to a CLS lawprof — a very good friend, during a casual conversation — "I'd like to know about the connection between CLS and Marxism." She snapped: "There's none." I got the message: You sound right wing. It was understood that to sound right wing was to become toxic.

Here's a useful passage from the classic 1983 CLS book by Harvard lawprof Duncan Kennedy, "Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy: A Polemic Against the System":
Left-liberal rights analysis submerges the student in legal rhetoric, but, because of its inherent vacuousness, can provide no more than an emotional stance against the legal order. The instrumental Marxist approach is highly critical of law, but also dismissive. It is no help in coming to grips with the particularity of rules and rhetoric, because it treats them, a priori, as mere window dressing. In each case, left theory fails left students because it offers no base for the mastery of ambivalence. What is needed is to think about law in a way that will allow one to enter into it, to criticize without utterly rejecting it, and to manipulate it without self-abandonment to their system of thinking and doing.


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ricpic said...

Don't let 'em spook you, Teddy! It was the truth when you said it and it's the truth in spades today.

somefeller said...

I was at HLS about the same time as Cruz. The Crits were already fading into history and the student body was focused on taking advantage of the 90s economic boom, not whatever Duncan Kennedy was talking about.

If Cruz thinks there were a dozen Communists on the faculty who supported the overthrow of the government, he should be able to come up with the names. He won't because he can't. Charles Fried has Cruz's number on this one.

KCFleming said...

So is Cruz's description supposed to be controversial?

Apparently you can be socialist or a fascist, you just can't be called one. Like pointing out that the emperor is naked.

Just not done.

dbp said...

I think I see the problem here: To an outsider, CLS and Marxism are indistinguishable. To those immersed in them, they are like night and day.

SGT Ted said...

Cruz is revealing uncomfortable truths about Academias anti-liberty "progressive" culture. Of course he must be discredited and destroyed. Thats why they are digging this stuff up to try to mischaracterize him as a kook.

Sternhammer said...

When I was there Duncan Kennedy used to walk around campus wearing a shirt that said, "Sure, I'm a Marxist." I think it had both Groucho and Karl on it.

And note, his quote disdains "institutional Marxism" not Marxism full stop.

And while Charlie Fried isn't very much of a Republican, I think Maryann Glendon might have been a Republican too.

StoughtonSconnie said...

Boy, they sure are afraid of Cruz. The dems must make sure none stray from the plantation.

MadisonMan said...

Not Barbara Boxer.

Senator Barbara Boxer.

You know, she worked hard to get there.

Michael K said...

Cruz has chosen to be controversial. He seems able to handle the heat it draws from the left. I expect he will soon be quoting the CLS profs writing. I don't think it will hurt him as I don't expect the New York Times, or even our present host, to be supportive. He is a brilliant guy. I do agree that Romney did not handle the 47% comment as well as he could have.

Wince said...

Being a reformed leftist, I think Cruz is more right than wrong. For crissakes I watched future high-level Clinton administration appointees toast "socialism" in the 1980s after the passage of a state "bottle deposit" law.

Clearly, it was rhetoric to call the Critical Legal Studies professors "Marxists" who believed in "Communist" revolution, and Cruz chose to do that at a particular place and time. Cruz is accountable for that. It's a shibboleth of the right to rely on the words "Marxist" and "Communist."

I'd say take a look at the positions of those professors in the 1980s, before international communist movement was essentially defeated and rendered the point moot -- or too embarrassing for them to admit.

Timing is important. The left was full of "neo-Marxist"... well, at least before Communism unraveled in the early 1990s.

For example, I bet you they all supported the Sandinistas and "revolution" in Central America. Remember CISPES?

Believe it or not, that was "believing in Communist revolution".

Of course, nobody said they were for communism.

But funny how all those "peoples" struggles all died down and the Sandinistas faded immediately after the fall of Soviet communism.

BTW, Fried seems to have become the go-to HLS conservative to resurrect the reputation of left-leaning faculty, as he did for Warren.

sakredkow said...

I see those doubling down on stupid make no attempt to deal with Althouse's argument.

edutcher said...

Cruz has their number: Never apologize, never back down.

Ann Althouse said...

Republicans hoping for a new star better not forget how badly Mitt Romney faltered when he had to deal with the 47% remark he'd used on the insider group.

Baloney. He did nothing of the sort. He stood by it - which is what he should have done.

This Cruz quote is the same kind of thing. Don't minimize it.

Now you're buying the Choom propaganda, complete with thanking Bucketmouth's grandson for the tape.

somefeller said...

I was at HLS about the same time as Cruz. The Crits were already fading into history and the student body was focused on taking advantage of the 90s economic boom, not whatever Duncan Kennedy was talking about.

If Cruz thinks there were a dozen Communists on the faculty who supported the overthrow of the government, he should be able to come up with the names. He won't because he can't. Charles Fried has Cruz's number on this one.

Hell, the faculty was probably shot through with them.

If, of course, we're talking small c William Ayers type communists.

bagoh20 said...

If anyone on the political scene needs to be called out on their hyperbole it's our Hyperbolist in Chief, and on current efforts, not 3 year old distractions. Don't join the ongoing squirrel hunt. It's overcrowded already.

Ann Althouse said...

"I was at HLS about the same time as Cruz. The Crits were already fading into history and the student body was focused on taking advantage of the 90s economic boom, not whatever Duncan Kennedy was talking about."

Cruz seems like he was the kind of student who isn't interested in the faculty, and Fried is saying there was actually all this nuance. Cruz could mean: I was there to get my Harvard degree and I saw the faculty as a means to my end; as intellectuals, they were a bunch of Communists and I couldn't care less about the details.

Unknown said...

I was at HLS for three years 94-97 and Cruz most certainly was NOT wrong.

Brian Brown said...

I'd like to know about the connection between CLS and Marxism." She snapped: "There's none."

Which of course makes it fact.

Ann Althouse said...

"Now you're buying the Choom propaganda, complete with thanking Bucketmouth's grandson for the tape."

No, I'm saying Romney was unprepared (or unwilling) to fight. He was too soft.

His other big mistake was accepting the pushback at the second debate.

He was too nice. I don't think that's true of Cruz. I think he will fight. I don't think he has to fight every time someone challenges him, but he cannot minimize this stuff that will be dug up from his old speeches.

His new quote (from the spokesperson) does restate what he meant, and it is defensible, but we saw the insider version of Cruz, which was willing to label the lawprofs as Marxists. That seems crude, but it's not as crude as Boxer calling him a Joe McCarthy.

Brian Brown said...

Republicans hoping for a new star better not forget how badly Mitt Romney faltered when he had to deal with the 47% remark he'd used on the insider group. This Cruz quote is the same kind of thing. Don't minimize it.

Well, I think the difference here would be that the average person wouldn't find Cruz's comment at all controversial.

Romney's comment was targeted at the average person.

Chip S. said...

Cruz is standing at a distance from an evergreen saying, "There's a pine tree".

Fried lives in a treehouse and says, "Don't be ridiculous. It's a Canadian hemlock".

When you start engaging in political taxonomy you quickly realize there's no end to the distinctions that can be drawn, particularly by intellectuals.

I'd wager that at least a dozen HLS faculty in Cruz's time there thought of the Soviet Union as mostly a failure of implementation.

Meade said...

"Charles Fried, a solicitor general under President Reagan and Harvard Law professor, also chided Cruz, saying the Texas senator had undercounted the Republicans on the law school’s faculty."

I wonder if Professor Fried is willing to out the other Republican.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Relatedly, I do wish that right-wingers would consider rolling back the use of the word 'communist.' By and large people younger than baby boomers do not really understand what that means or why it's bad. It just sounds like something your geezer winger uncle posts on Facebook and therefore hurts more than it helps.

Chip S. said...

His other big mistake was accepting the pushback at the second debate.

I cut him some slack on this. Not too many people Romney's age are strong enough to push Candy Crowley even a little bit.

From Inwood said...

he needs to stand by it (and back it up), defend it as hyperbole, or concede he was wrong.

Alas, it's obviously hyperbole, tho not that outrageous to any intelligent person.

But the lamestream media still controls & the rule is

The minimal failings or minimal invented failings of all Republicans/ Conservatives must be maximized;

The maximum failings of all Dems/Libs/ Progressives/Socialists/Marxists must be minimized. (That is when not ignored.)

That being said, while this remark will cause the usual "there were no real witches" Lefties to get ever so excited, I'm not sure that this remark will hurt him with the same low-info voters who took the "47%" remark personally.

somefeller said...

Cruz seems like he was the kind of student who isn't interested in the faculty, and Fried is saying there was actually all this nuance.

I actually give Cruz more credit than that. He was active in Federalist Society circles (as was I, times change) and that group tended to be more intellectually engaged with faculty and theory than students who were just marking time before going to a big law firm, if only to stir up a little trouble. But you're a lawprof so maybe you're more familiar with law student typology.

Chuck said...

So the net effect here is that Ted Cruz might be technically incorrect (the left-wing Harvard faculty never really thought about a Communist revolution in the U.S.); but the Harvard faculty looks ridiculous when one sees how politically unbalanced it really is.

The funny thing is that Ted Cruz, probably rightly, has used his Harvard Law degree to his advantage. Just like the left-wing members of the Harvard faculty have cynically used the institution's stature in the heart of American capitalism to enjoy a cushy existence of wealth and privilege.

We never did get to see Elizabeth Warren's personnel file from Harvard Law, did we?

It is so, so true. The Left saves its most potent venom for conservatives from minority groups. Time and time again.

Clarence Thomas.
Miguel Estrada.
Ward Conerly.
Ken Blackwell.
Condoleezza Rice.
Marco Rubio.
Bobby Jindal.
Nikki Haley.

To many Democratic strategists, this is the list of the most dangerous people in America.

Meade said...

"I'd like to know about the connection between The Weather Underground and Terrorism."

She snapped: "There's none."

bagoh20 said...

"Republicans hoping for a new star better not forget how badly Mitt Romney faltered when he had to deal with the 47% remark he'd used on the insider group."

There were plenty of worse remarks by Obama, but when the press is in your corner, and they can so effectively get others to join them in the distraction, there is little that can be done. Even if Romney never made that statement of fact, he was not going to win. The two campaigns were so far apart on seriousness and honesty that to think that one issue or anything else said was determinant is to completely miss what happened. Stupidity happened, and when stupid is determined, it cannot be resisted or explained with reason.

The right needs to continue to lose the stupid, until their stupidity is self-evident. I'm sure plenty of Obama voters get nuanced dialogue though.

Ann Althouse said...

" By and large people younger than baby boomers do not really understand what that means or why it's bad. It just sounds like something your geezer winger uncle...."

Actually, that's how boomers of the time felt about our uncles railing about the commies.

Bob Dylan made fun of that in the 1960s.

The CLS folk Cruz is complaining about were just boomers who grew up and got comfy jobs and needed to find a way to make sense of their trajectory of their lives. Where do you think the smartest yippies went?

Ann Althouse said...

"There were plenty of worse remarks by Obama, but when the press is in your corner..."

Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again.

No point whining about that! That's what you have to be ready for.

Wince said...

Believe it or not, that was "believing in Communist revolution".

To elaborate, true socialists/communists believed themselves to be materialists and realists. And you have to take them as they come.

It's not that they were against a revolution in the US, with them at the helm of course, but didn't see it in the cards.

They saw revolution in the US as unlikely, and so looked to international revolution as the long road to bringing revolution eventually to the US.

Seriously, this was the belief pattern.

In the meanwhile, they contented themselves "working within the system" doing exactly what Obama is doing now: increasing the size, scope and influence of the government, weakening broad swaths of the private sector, and increasing dependence.

Like all commies, the good life certainly blunted their revolutionary zeal, but the totalitarian instincts survive, even if only to enrich themselves at this point.

Anonymous said...

C'mon Cruz, know your neo-Marxists and be accurate. You don't want to be seen feeding the anti-commie red-meat to the base, riding some tide of McCarthyite populism against Obama's moderate, mainstream progressive expansion of government and rights.

Progressive is the new normal, you extremist.

P.S. They're watching and waiting, with quivers full.

Tank said...

Chip S. said...

His other big mistake was accepting the pushback at the second debate.

I cut him some slack on this. Not too many people Romney's age are strong enough to push Candy Crowley even a little bit.

This was a big mistake. He should have been totally prepped on the issue and, as soon as Crowley became an advocate, as she did, he should have told her to get the fuck off the stage and let the men debate.

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

Now you're buying the Choom propaganda, complete with thanking Bucketmouth's grandson for the tape.

No, I'm saying Romney was unprepared (or unwilling) to fight. He was too soft.

His other big mistake was accepting the pushback at the second debate.

Disagree on both counts. The whole "he didn't fight" is the Libertarian attempt to put themselves as leaders of Conservatism. Romney went after Barry hard, hard enough to have the lead up to the last week or so.

As for the second debate, Crowley was supposedly looking at the transcript and he wasn't, so it's a
little hard to fight that one at the time.

He was too nice.

Newt would disagree.

I don't think that's true of Cruz. I think he will fight.

Exactly, he's read Uncle Saul and he knows how these weasels work.

I don't think he has to fight every time someone challenges him, but he cannot minimize this stuff that will be dug up from his old speeches.

I would submit this kind of thing only bothers the Gray Lady's readers.

Chip S. said...

Erika said...
It just sounds like something your geezer winger uncle posts on Facebook...

That's why I always read it as intentional irony. Cruz should just laugh this off.

I actually know a bona fide member of the Chinese Communist Party. He's a good guy, and a lot more savvy about economics than Obama.

gk1 said...

Why are socialst faculty members so bothered when they are called communists? True, the soviets have tarnished the brand but I can still remember debating lefty professors back in the 1980's who at least had the integrity to spell out how they differed from soviet's and where they were wrong. Seems like Ted hit paydirt. Why apologize for speaking the truth?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse, the word nuance does not mean what you and libruls think it means. Yet libruls use it often.

William said...

Senator Robert Taft, the evil conservative of his generation, spoke out against the internment of Japanese-American citizens at the time it was happening. Can anyone name a single victim of MaCarthyism who did likewise?....I suppose there's an element of hyperbole to Cruz's observation, but the true scandal is the aptness of his observation. The Marxists are not Stalinists, but why are there more of them on Harvard than there are Republicans?

virgil xenophon said...

Of course history has proven that McCarthy was right, the State Dept and FDR's Administration WAS shot thru with Communist spies, sympathizers and fellow-travelers. What George Orwell once said of a Tory British MP as equally despised by British "intellectuals" and leftist politicians as was McCarthy (and now Cruz) by the American left when the unpleasant fact of Japanese POW torture and medical experimentation was being brought up immediately post-war at a time when everyone just wanted to "move on" is true today: "What you have to understand is that these things actually happened, despite the fact that Lord X says they happened." What Orwell said in 1945 was to become equally true of McCarthy and now of Cruz as well..

Pogo is right, the left can't STAND for the truth to be told..

dreams said...

While Hagel refuses to provide Congress with the info they've requested.

sakredkow said...

Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again.

No point whining about that! That's what you have to be ready for.

Bingo. If you're looking for power and influence you cannot sound like a victim. The rank and file never seem to learn.

dreams said...

"I actually know a bona fide member of the Chinese Communist Party. He's a good guy, and a lot more savvy about economics than Obama."

Obama's poor brother who lives in a shack has a better understanding of economics than Obama.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's true. So waht? Nothing new here. The communists loathe being called the dictionary definiton of what they are --- neo-marxists and communists.

dreams said...

"Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again."

I don't see how a Republican can ever get elected president now that the liberal media have realized just how really powerful their control of the culture is after having destroyed Bush, Sarah Palin and Romney's reputations.

Chip S. said...


Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again.

is obviously true.


No point whining about that!

doesn't follow at all.

If the GOP never cries "foul" at the pervasive media bias, it reduces its chances of winning. To remain silent about this is to grant legitimacy to the media's absurd claim of impartiality.

YoungHegelian said...

I guess the term "Post-Marxist Left" just doesn't have quite the same heft to it as the term "Commie".

Of course, hidden in the post-Marxist left's distancing themselves from classical Marxism lies the question of "well, what exactly are the theoretical foundations of of post-marxism?"

You notice how folks like queer activists, feminists, race men, and CLS guys never, ever discuss their foundational sources in a public setting?

There's a reason for that: because there really aren't any!

dreams said...

Obama was raised to hate our country by his fellow traveler mother, an undocumented communist.

sakredkow said...

If the GOP never cries "foul" at the pervasive media bias it reduces its chances of winning.

The trouble with this theory is that GOPs crying foul over the media remind people of the GOP crying "Communist" whenever someone disagrees with them.

Paul said...

Cruz is sandbagging them. As they dredge up old stuff he will point out the info he gave was truth.

All the MSM will do is show the education establishment IS leftist (as if we didn't know.) Just as the MSM IS leftist!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's funny to hear the left spout "you're all a bunch of McCarthyites!" yet they are the ones who are always on the witch hunt.
Yeah – the squirrel hunt.

Thought crime!

Chip S. said...

The trouble with this theory is that GOPs crying foul over the media remind people of the GOP crying "Communist" whenever someone disagrees with them.

The trouble with this analysis is that the GOP doesn't cry "communist" whenever someone disagrees with it.

Hagar said...

"Words, words, words! I am so sick of words!"

(Never get caught in an argument with leftists about "nuance" and the exact meaning of words.)

Still, Ted Cruz should have been more careful about his choice of words.

And I think Romney, technocrat that he is, was relying on advice from Karl Rove & Co. to cool it (he was winning going away, so don't risk it by any rash statements!).

Michael K said...

"Romney's comment was targeted at the average person."

He needed to make clear that the 47% included the Obama voters who would not listen to his arguments. It was twisted to apply to low income voters, not necessarily voting for Obama. He should have made that clear.

sakredkow said...

The trouble with this analysis is that the GOP doesn't cry "communist" whenever someone disagrees with it.

What, me worry?

rhhardin said...

The law faculty ought to take economics as an idiocy preventative.

Chip S. said...

phx joins a discussion about alleged McCarthyism by arguing on the basis of invented facts.

I do appreciate the ironic touch. Bravo!

rhhardin said...

Favorite Latin word: obnubere, to veil.

From cloud, it gives us nuance.

sakredkow said...

phx joins a discussion about alleged McCarthyism

Some of you are discussing that. And then there are those discussing Althouse's post.

Chip S. said...

And then there are those discussing Althouse's post.

And then there's you.

How about some links to John Boehner calling any Democrat a communist?

bagoh20 said...

"Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again."

They Republicans have always been in this position. What you don't realize, is that they do best when they are most honest and most conservative. When they attempt to play to the press they lose both the race and their principles.

The press is not really the problem, any more than it ever was with Reagan who had press so negative it bordered on retarded, but he won overwhelmingly. The problem is the electorate. It has been dumbed-down to where it can't be talked to. It needs to see and feel it's mistakes, and it will. This is not the first time we have been here, but it is the most serious.

Anonymous said...

You say post-Marxist, I said neo-Marxist. Is there a there there, a foundation in classical Marxism?

I will say our mainstream media outlets are leading themselves into the vortex of post-modern, post-Marxist, race theory, environmentalism, relativist liberalism, which is to say, progressivism under dear leader's guidance.

It will be fun to watch them extricate themselves from that tar pit.

My guess is that many of them won't, and worst case scenario is we'll have the fourth estate more like a little piece of Europe on our shores.

We've been backing into it for a while now.

sakredkow said...

How about some links to John Boehner calling any Democrat a communist?

Now where did I say John Boehner called any Dem a communist? You're just as bad at arguing as you are at humor, aren't you?

Mark O said...

"No point whining about that! That's what you have to be ready for."

Another fine version of "What difference does it make?"

I think media bias makes a huge difference. The word "whining" is far to dismissive of the problem.

While I agree one must move forward with facts as they are, one of those facts, serious media bias, should regularly be discussed and openly resisted.

Saint Croix said...

If Cruz thinks there were a dozen Communists on the faculty who supported the overthrow of the government

In my opinion, a "crit" is somebody who thinks the Supreme Court should--quietly and secretly--seize power. A crit is calling on an unelected ruling class to start doing economic redistribution.

For example, Mark Tushnet is a prominent crit. He wrote that cases should be resolved by how they advance the cause of socialism.

Since (obviously) the Supreme Court is not supposed to be doing that sort of thing, there is a fair amount of deceit involved. Tushnet is one of the more honest crits and it is fair to call him a Marxist.

bagoh20 said...

With two Obama voters (phx, and Althouse) disagreeing with me, it's really too much to handle. I need to be careful not to let it go to my head. I rarely get that level of affirmation of my position.

YoungHegelian said...


Is there a there there, a foundation in classical Marxism?

This sentence is unclear to me. Are you saying that Post-marxism has foundations in classical Marxism, or are you questioning that classical Marxism really has "foundation"?

sakredkow said...

With two Obama voters (phx, and Althouse) disagreeing with me, it's really too much to handle. I need to be careful not to let it go to my head. I rarely get that level of affirmation of my position.

I affirm your position is wrong wrong wrong! : D

Saint Croix said...

See also Time magazine referring to the crits at Harvard adopting arguments that are "neo-Marxist."

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
remind people of the GOP crying "Communist" whenever someone disagrees with them.

Of course you couldn't point to an example of this ever happening if your life depended on it.

Anonymous said...


If post-Marxists have no theoretical foundation in classical Marxism, couldn't they well have a revival back to classical Marxism, despite the failure of the theories?

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

There were plenty of worse remarks by Obama, but when the press is in your corner...

Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again.

No point whining about that! That's what you have to be ready for.

You Republicans?

In any case, it's been the norm since Goldwater, Republicans have won anyhow. It's the institutionalized and pervasive vote fraud that's the issue.

When you put the Romster and Choom in the same room, it was no contest, remember?

Michael K said...
Romney's comment was targeted at the average person.

He needed to make clear that the 47% included the Obama voters who would not listen to his arguments. It was twisted to apply to low income voters, not necessarily voting for Obama. He should have made that clear.

I thought he did in the video and later when he was challenged about it.

Of course, he used plain, understandable English, so that may have been his problem.

No "You didn't build that" or "Put y'all back in chains".

phx said...

If the GOP never cries "foul" at the pervasive media bias it reduces its chances of winning.

The trouble with this theory is that GOPs crying foul over the media remind people of the GOP crying "Communist" whenever someone disagrees with them

They're right about that, too.

Saint Croix said...

Harvard article that describes the crits as Marxist.

McCarthy! McCarthy at Harvard! To the barricades!

bagoh20 said...

"I affirm your position is wrong wrong wrong! : D"

And my confidence soars. With that I can go forth today with a fearless spirit. I can do no harm. Hey, hold my beer, and watch this!

sakredkow said...

Of course you couldn't point to an example of this ever happening if your life depended on it.

Let's see...hmmmm...lemme think....hmmm...hmmmm...an example of...hmmm...

Oh snap! It couldn't be TED CRUZ could it?!?!

Brian Brown said...

Ann Althouse said...

Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again.

No point whining about that!

Given that the media is less popular than congress, which has about a 15% approval rating, I think you have it exactly backwards.

Criticism of the press is unpopular to leftists in the media.

Not across wide swaths of the population.

Chip S. said...

phx said...
The trouble with this theory is that GOPs crying foul over the media remind people of the GOP crying "Communist" whenever someone disagrees with them.

and then....

Now where did I say John Boehner called any Dem a communist?

John Boehner is a leader of the GOP. Obama and many other Dems have disagreed w/ him. By your assertion, therefore, he must have called them communists.

Why do you keep posting utter nonsense?

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

Let's see...hmmmm...lemme think....hmmm...hmmmm...an example of...hmmm...

Oh snap! It couldn't be TED CRUZ could it?!?!

Um, no.

But you're silly & ignorant.

So of course you think Ted Cruz is an example of what you said.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

Why do you keep posting utter nonsense?

Because his IQ is south of 100, Alex?

sakredkow said...

And my confidence soars. With that I can go forth today with a fearless spirit. I can do no harm. Hey, hold my beer, and watch this!

Uh oh. You're not gonna take your shirt off again, are you?

Anonymous said...


sucks when people blatantly show you to be liar and a hypocrite, doesn't it, turd-bag?

Too bad it'll be right down the memory hole with this info---because fascists don't care about reality.

Enjoy the decline, morons!

Saint Croix said...

I have a vivid memory of saying to a CLS lawprof — a very good friend, during a casual conversation — "I'd like to know about the connection between CLS and Marxism." She snapped: "There's none."

When I was going through fraternity rush at Georgia, I asked one of the KAs if they were racist.

He said no.

So, asked and answered!

sakredkow said...

John Boehner is a leader of the GOP. Obama and many other Dems have disagreed w/ him. By your assertion, therefore, he must have called them communists.

Wow. You can't even do a simple syllogism.

pst314 said...

"It was an inflammatory statement"

Only if the truth is now "inflammatory".

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

Let's see...hmmmm...lemme think....hmmm...hmmmm...an example of...hmmm...

Oh snap! It couldn't be TED CRUZ could it?!?!

Please point to any quote where Ted Cruz called people communists merely because he disagreed with them.

I can't wait to read all about it.

Thanks in advance.

madAsHell said...

No, I'm saying Romney was unprepared (or unwilling) to fight. He was too soft.

His other big mistake was accepting the pushback at the second debate.

I think he was unwilling. I can't believe he was successful in business, and was that soft.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

Wow. You can't even do a simple syllogism.


You're a liar and frankly embarrassingly stupid.

From Inwood said...

Prof A

With all due respect, you've gone native.

The Professoriate has been attacked & you assume, Pauline Kael-like, that because those in the same intellectualoid bubble of you professors, i.e., the chattering class, the lamestream media... that the low-info voter will also be upset, that Cruz is in trouble for his hyperbole.

As The Godfather would put it, the 47% was personal to the low-info voter; Communism/Marxism in The Groves of Academe — if I may channel another McCarthy? zzzzzzz.

Look, your professoriate, the chattering class, the rest of the Left may be sold on the GOP as anti-wymyn, anti gay, anti minority, anti immigration, anti science, but Joe McCarthy? Was he the guy who forgot to touch second base for The Red Sox back when? Was that the name of that ventriloquist’s dummy?

I agree with Jay.

Well, I think the difference here would be that the average person wouldn't find Cruz's comment at all controversial.

Romney's comment was targeted at the average person.

This is not another Todd Akin moment

MadisonMan said...

but why are there more of them on Harvard than there are Republicans?

Assuming you don't know the answer, and that's why you're asking, I'll give the answer.

Faculty recruit people they can get along with, people who are cheap, or people who they think will publish a lot. Ideally, a combination of all three. It's time and effort to get someone hired, from pushing the Dean to allow the hiring process to start, to having them come in, to interviewing them, to dickering with hiring parameters, and on and on. Why do that with someone who is always going to argue with you over politics and other viewpoints unrelated to getting the day-to-day work done? (Unless you like arguing, and in my experience, most professors, even law professors, don't like arguing for the sake of arguing).

Brian Brown said...

I have a vivid memory of saying to a CLS lawprof — a very good friend, during a casual conversation — "I'd like to know about the connection between CLS and Marxism." She snapped: "There's none

I have a vivid memory of saying to a Nixon Campaign Strategist — a very good friend, during a casual conversation — "I'd like to know about the connection between Nixon's Southern Strategy and racism." He snapped: "There's none!"

pst314 said...

"'I'd like to know about the connection between CLS and Marxism.' She snapped: 'There's none'."

Marxists lie all the time about who they are. It's silly to pretend, today, that this is not the case.

Chip S. said...

You can't even do a simple syllogism.

OK, you finally said something funny.

YoungHegelian said...


couldn't they well have a revival back to classical Marxism, despite the failure of the theories?

Certainly they could, but then they'd be Marxists, and that would involve wholesale re-working of their ideologies.

For Marx, and Marxists, the driver of history is class conflict & class consciousness. Being female, gay, black, third world, whatever --- doesn't mean shit compared to being part of the bourgeoisie or the proletariat.

This reductionism is one reason why classical Marxism never really caught on among feminists, queer activists, blacks, etc. It also explains why so many Marxist thinkers called in Hegel, Kant, Freud, Rousseau, etc to try & sand the hard edges off of Marx's corpus.

Brian Brown said...

Marxists lie all the time about who they are.

Well yeah.

And leftists take to the Internet to argue over the definition of the term.

Just because you idolize Che, Mao, and Castro while calling for redistribution of wealth and to wantonly arrest "big wall street bankers" doesn't mean you're a Communist, you know!

Anonymous said...

Phx's IQ is on par with the average American black person's.

So 85. At least one standard deviation below normal.

This is how Obama gets elected: by stupid people.

Enjoy the decline, morons!

Anonymous said...

The Blame Whiteys found a new way to institutionalize Blame Whitey-ism: they invented CLS, along with Women's Studies and Critical Race Theory.

Intellectually bankrupt systems all. All designed merely to blame whitey and demand handouts and put whitey down.

Shouting Thomas said...

phx is so helpful, isn't he?

So nice of him to try to define his opponent's policies, isn't it?

I'm sure that redefining the Republican Party in an image favored by leftists will lead to success. All my Democratic FB friends are saying the same thing.

You got anything beside this bullshit, phx?

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

"Uh oh. You're not gonna take your shirt off again, are you?"

For some mysterious reason that stopped working for me years ago. I can't explain it. Maybe the press is just against me.

Anonymous said...

"I'd like to know about the connection between CLS and Marxism." She snapped: "There's none."

"And when I say 'none', I mean there is a certain amount." (/montypython)

Must keep this elegantly simple rhetorical method in mind the next time we get accused of having a connection with racism.

Hagar said...

Karl Marx famously once stated that he was not a "Marxist."

Automatic_Wing said...

Is it so very hard to believe that there would more declared Marxists than declared Republicans in a given slice of academia? My impression is that that's pretty much par for the course. I didn't go to college traditionally (all night courses and correspondence) but the only prof I ever had who wanted to discuss his own political views with me was indeed a Marxist.

Anonymous said...


Got it, thanks.

I was introduced to Hegel's absolute idealism and dialectical progress as a major theoretical component to Marxism/Leninism as it defined living in communist Russia.

You had the materialist, class conscious Marxist core, but you also needed something more.

I've known Kant generally leads to a more liberal political philosophy, especially due to Rousseau's influence, but not always.

I just really tired of the humanities being taken over by the 'studies' people, including Foucault, the existentialists, critical theorists, feminist theory etc.

Saint Croix said...

Phx's IQ is on par with the average American black person's.

So 85. At least one standard deviation below normal.

I am continually shocked by how liberals can engage in moby rhetoric like this, and enjoy it so much, and simultaneously be oblivious to their own enjoyment.

Saint Croix said...

It's fascinating how the masks people put on can reveal so much.

sakredkow said...

I am continually shocked by how liberals can engage in moby rhetoric like this, and enjoy it so much, and simultaneously be oblivious to their own enjoyment.

It's phx's fault.

Michael K said...

"The press is not really the problem, any more than it ever was with Reagan who had press so negative it bordered on retarded, but he won overwhelmingly. The problem is the electorate. It has been dumbed down to where it can't be talked to. It needs to see and feel it's mistakes, and it will. This is not the first time we have been here, but it is the most serious."

Reagan was a master at reaching the voters over the heads of the press. We don't have anyone capable of doing that now.

Romney thought he was reaching them as the crowds at his rallies suggested. He just didn't have the GOTV system that the Obama supporters had. That is a new reality that the GOP has to deal with now. It is frightening how powerful the technocrats have gotten. Whether democracy can deal with that remains to be seen.

I'm reading Coolidge now and it interesting to learn how difficult it was to resist the spenders even then.

Marxism is appealing to the low IQ, as we see with phx.

Illuninati said...

Ted Cruze is my senator. I voted for him both in the primary and in the general election. The fact that he has riled up the Democrat establishment shows that he is doing exactly what we sent him to do.

I have no idea how many Harvard Law Professors are open Communists, and I don't care. I doubt very many other Texas care either. The exact number is unimportant.

I hope Senator Cruze tells them to stuff it. He expressed his opinion about what the professors believe based on his personal experience, and he's entitled to his opinion. If he had named individual professors, as his critics are hoping he will do, then he needs to offer something stronger than opinion. I hope he doesn't fall for that ploy. As it is, this is a tempest in a teapot.

Hagar said...

You are wrong Michael, and phx is not "low IQ."

However, "there is no fool like smart one."

Brian Brown said...

Maguro said...

Is it so very hard to believe that there would more declared Marxists than declared Republicans in a given slice of academia?

No. But of course liberals aren't normal thinking people so this is controversial!

sakredkow said...

I respect that Hagar.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

It's phx's fault.

Do you ever tire of posting silly stuff on these comment sections?

I mean, if Ted Cruz is an example of how Republicans merely saying anyone who disagrees with them is a "communist" why did he only say 12 faculty members?

Why not all of them?

Oh, thinking is like too hard for you.

Never mind.

Brian Brown said...

Hagar said...

You are wrong Michael, and phx is not "low IQ."

He/She/It is the very definition of low IQ.

He/She/It once confessed that He/She/It doesn't own a gun, has little interest in guns or gun laws, but banning "high capacity clip" sounds good.

He/She/It is a low information voter.

sakredkow said...

He/She/It once confessed that He/She/It doesn't own a gun, has little interest in guns or gun laws, but banning "high capacity clip" sounds good.

I stand by that.

sean said...

If the new strategy for Prof. Althouse and the Democrats is a campaign to defend the Harvard faculty against unfair calumny--"they're Marxists, not Communists"--the Republicans are going to win every election from here on in.

Darleen said...

I haven't gone through the comments yet, so excuse me if I'm repeating someone but, for heaven's sake, Ann

It was understood that to sound right wing was to become toxic.

And that's supposed to support your denunciation of Cruz's language?

ZOMG!! We can't sound "right wing" now! We might be shunned from all the correct feeling ...er...thinking people!

Good flippin' lord.

Darrell said...

Hre should have said "As many fake Indians as Republicans."

Or just 57 or 81.

This time we should wait for the VENONA II to come out before we judge.

David said...

I have a vivid memory of saying to a CLS lawprof — a very good friend, during a casual conversation — "I'd like to know about the connection between CLS and Marxism." She snapped: "There's none." I got the message: You sound right wing. It was understood that to sound right wing was to become toxic.


Rose said...

Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again.

No point whining about that! That's what you have to be ready for.

Yep. And it's time to stop playing defense. This has gone on too long.

Look what the Dems have done to California - with absolutely NO consequences. It's time the stinking albatross carcass was hung around their necks, and they were paraded down the street, to show how proud they are of their accomplishments.

Old-fashioned terms like Commie mean nothing. And it's not longer fat old southern white boys who are corrupt - the new breed wears sandals, the wine and cheese set. Hip. Necromongers. Destroy everything they touch. All in the name of 'saving you.'

David said...

Darleen, what denunciation? She said Cruz should stand behind his statement.

Darrell said...

AA crapped on Lefties the last couple of days. Deservedly. Now it's time to do Republicans. Snipes might be rabid so you can't be too careful. Cruel neutrality, you know.

Lydia said...

bagoh20 said...
The press is not really the problem, any more than it ever was with Reagan who had press so negative it bordered on retarded, but he won overwhelmingly.

But Reagan, like Obama, was special, in that he had a charisma that preceded his appearance on the political stage. His had been prepared during his Hollywood career and Obama's by all of black history in the U.S. and helped along by his physical grace and baritone voice.

Cruz will never be a guy with charisma. I'd go even further and say that, to many, he's unappealing on a gut level. And it doesn't help that he actually physically resembles Joe McCarthy and even has some of McCarthy's style when speaking.

Shouting Thomas said...

Go fuck yourself, phx!

Now, before you go nuts imagining that I'm ferociously angry, shaking my fists and popping out veins...

I'm saying Go fuck yourself cheerfully, dispassionately and without the slightest anger. I saying it nicely, and in a companionable fashion. Think of Mary Tyler Moore.

Go fuck yourself.

sakredkow said...

Big wet kiss to you Shouting Thomas!

sakredkow said...

Let's get that purple vein going.

Darrell said...

Let's get that purple vein going.

Just suck it already.

Shouting Thomas said...

The "my shit don't stink and I'm an enlightened soul who doesn't get angry" is one of the more doofus poses popular among leftists. phx!

It's been a standard in Woodstock for decades.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you are the president of the United States and you stand up in front of police and fire fighters and say that thousands of them will be fired and air traffic controllers will be let go and the military will have to let go thousands and unemployment will tick up as a result of 3 cents cut from every dollar they receive spread out over a decade or so … that’s one thing we don’t know what it is.

But if you are Cruz and perhaps you conflated some backwater legal theory with Communism or Marxism … we know what that is.

bagoh20 said...

"Look what the Dems have done to California - with absolutely NO consequences."

As someone who has lived here and watched it happen, there are serious and obvious consequences, although not to the Democrats yet, but now there is nobody else to blame. The state provides almost none of what it did 30 years ago. The streets are a mess, the schools disasters, and the infrastructure crumbling. What does get done is done via federal money, and we thank you all for that. How long can you keep that up? We like the weather and voting for more spending every chance we get. Please don't harsh our mellow.

sakredkow said...

The "my shit don't stink and I'm an enlightened soul who doesn't get angry"

I don't know about the shit (always Shouting Thomas's favorite word) part, and I don't claim to be an enlightened soul, but I do believe it's possible to live the rest of my life without getting angry. I'm working on that.

Michael K said...

" Blogger Hagar said...

You are wrong Michael, and phx is not "low IQ.""

Pardon me for quoting Forrest Gump but "stupid is as stupid does.

Some of the lefty commenters are merely trolls looking for response to validate that they are alive and breathing. The appropriate response from Cruz is to quote their previous writings. I'll bet he can do that and make his case. Whether he does, is another question.

Shouting Thomas said...

That is the "my shit don't stink" thing that you just described, phx.

Nobody buys it. It's a con.

sakredkow said...

Well we know YOUR anger is no con!

sakredkow said...

: D

Shouting Thomas said...

That's correct, phx, I'm an honest person.

You're a liar.

sakredkow said...

Get in line ST. I think you're the third person in this thread to call me a liar.

This is what you guys do when you can't hold your own in discussion or argument.

sakredkow said...

You're right there with whoresoftheinternet and Jay. Good company Shouting Thomas.

Shouting Thomas said...

You really don't get it, phx.

I don't need to have a discussion with you, if that discussion is about you defining my self-interest for me.

All I can say, in my most cheerful Shirley Temple voice, is "Go fuck yourself."

What is there to discuss?

sakredkow said...

What is there to discuss?

Nothing! So get lost.

Or keep calling me names, it's up to you.

Shouting Thomas said...

I didn't say you were lying about anything in particular, phx.

I said this posture you're striking in which you are above anger, is a lie.

You're a con artist 100% of the time. Everything you say is a con.

sakredkow said...

Fine. "Phx is a big fat liar!"

Is there anything more you'd like to contribute Shouting Thomas?

sakredkow said...

Or do you just want to say it again and again?

Shouting Thomas said...

I can say it as often as you like.

I would say once for each time you post should be sufficient.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sakredkow said...

Well if that's all you're gonna say Shouting Thomas, do you mind if I just ignore you then?

viator said...

Maybe it would be useful to go back to definitions.

"In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" Karl Marx

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" has long been the definition of a Marxist or a communist.

"According to a survey conducted by The American Revolution Center, "more than 50 percent of Americans wrongly attributed the quote “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” to either George Washington, Thomas Paine, or President Barack Obama,"


gadfly said...

In the 1980s HLS leftists established a school of Critical Legal Studies:

Although CLS has been largely a U.S. movement, it was influenced to a great extent by European philosophers, such as nineteenth-century German social theorists Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Max Weber; Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurt school of German social philosophy; the Italian marxist Antonio Gramsci . . .

Sounds Marxist to me. BTW, CLS began at UW-Madison in 1977.

Shouting Thomas said...

Well if that's all you're gonna say Shouting Thomas, do you mind if I just ignore you then?

So, you move from one con to another.

No, you won't be able to ignore me. I guarantee it.

Methadras said...

So raving leftard genocidalists like Noel Ignatiev don't count?

Darleen said...


It was an inflammatory statement, and he needs to stand by it (and back it up), defend it as hyperbole, or concede he was wrong.

I read that has denunciation .. either Cruz has to prove his statement beyond his own empirical evidence or admit he was being nothing but a trashy, tea-billy right winger.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

Seems to me that whining about the press has been effective.

The NYTimes, Boston Globe, and WaPo are dying. Newsweek is mostly dead, TIME is dying, the Big Three networks are fading, lefty radio is nonexistent.

One reason behind that is the whining.

It was too little, too late, because we have a socialist President and Congress and SCOTUS, and we have entered the stagnant phase of a standard no-growth economy from which the only escape is revolution.

I don't much care anymore whether the GOP gets its groove back. It's much too late now.

I am shocked shocked to find that Harvard Law School has a bunch of Marxists on its faculty.

Steve J. said...

I think Sen. Cruz should give the names of the professors along with evidence for his claims.

sakredkow said...

I think Sen. Cruz should give the names of the professors along with evidence for his claims.

Darleen says we don't have to do that if our evidence is empirical.

Anonymous said...

lol @ Shouting Thomas.

So the "I don't give a shit about anything but getting a gig" anti-lefty suddenly got his dander up at the lying little low-IQ turn named phx.

Remember when you refused to get upset at the way your precious negro president was ruining the country? Remember how you mocked my anger at his destructive ways? Remember how you professed an air of non chalance, happy to be playing a gig at woodstock?

And suddenly, you think its time to get angry at a black-level IQ p.o.s. like phx?

Chickens coming home to roost.

Too little, too late, buddy boy. We'll be sure to send the Trayvon lookalikes to your next gig.

Go fuck yourself and your to-late-to-the-party outrage.

Bob Ellison said...

We're not Marxists or communists. We're CLS experts.

Anonymous said...

@SteveJ and @phx:

Hahahaha, Oh you lying little turds.

Cruz: Harvard law school had numerous CLS scholars. CLS derives from Marxism. And there were a lot more CLS scholars than Republicans there.

All are plain facts. But you continue to try to deny and diminish and cast aspersions.

lmao. And you anti-lefties think the left can be treated civilly!

Enjoy the decline, sheeple!

But you continue

n.n said...

He should explain why redistributive and retributive change schemes are opportunistic and cannibalistic. He should explain why consolidation (i.e. monopolization), especially through coercion (e.g. government), of capital and control in minority hands engenders sabotage of individual rights. Explain why exploiting incidental differentials and gradients denigrates individual dignity. Explain why not everyone will enjoy a beachfront property in Hawaii. Explain why elective abortion serves to devalue human life. Explain why there are no mortal gods and people should not sacrifice their dignity (and children) to curry favor with individuals who suffer from delusions of grandeur.

He should explain why dissociation of risk causes corruption. Why dreams of material, physical, and ego gratification motivates its progress.

He should, apparently, explain why our education system is so utterly incompetent, in part because it fails to distinguish between science and philosophy, in part because it favors individual corruption. How and why it is undermining our ability to compete with over six billion other people.

He should explain that left-wing fanatics prefer establishing monopolies, especially of capital and power, because that is they way they see fit to compete. They do believe in evolutionary fitness, but not of the species, only of their class.

Synova said...

I've met more than one person in the 1990s, and the individual I'm most thinking of was in academia and was "out" as a communist and "red diaper baby."

It may well have been impolitic to declare (or admit) that you were a communist in the 1990s but the only difference between her beliefs and ideas than others on the "left" was that she was willing to use that label for herself while she espoused the exact same things.

Shouting Thomas said...

Go fuck yourself and your to-late-to-the-party outrage.

I'm not outraged about anything.

What's the party?

somefeller said...

The NYTimes, Boston Globe, and WaPo are dying. Newsweek is mostly dead, TIME is dying, the Big Three networks are fading, lefty radio is nonexistent.

Yeah, and that's all a result of conservative whining about the media. The rise of cable TV, the internet and news apps had nothing to do with all that. Here's a prediction: in 10 years the NY Times will still exist, as an all-digital platform except perhaps the Sunday paper and magazine. And conservatives will still whine about it and call it irrelevant whilst complaining about it.

Shouting Thomas said...

The college PC indoctrination system is going to fail for economic reasons, not because people oppose it intellectually or politically.

The massive superstructure of the Diversity con, which is what this is really all about, is not a viable engine for an economy.

Economic reality will win over the long haul. I can't say how long it will take for that reality to assert itself.

I don't need to do anything. This massive corrupt system will collapse of its own weight. Give it time.

Big Mike said...

It wasn't the way the lefty lawprofs of the time talked about themselves.

And we care about the way the lefty law professors -- then or now -- talk about themselves because why?

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck ...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Charles Fried was serving on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court from 1995 to 1999, so perhaps he doesn't count.

Shouting Thomas said...

And conservatives will still whine about it and call it irrelevant whilst complaining about it.

And liberals will still be slapping themselves upside the head and mumbling about "Faux Noise!"

Big Mike said...

Yeah, and that's all a result of conservative whining about the media ...

Alternatively, could it perhaps be because the ordinary people who live in the real world reject their half-truths and outright BS? Just thought I'd ask.

Robert Cook said...

"So is Cruz's description supposed to be controversial?"

No. Just fucking stupid.

Synova said...

"There were plenty of worse remarks by Obama, but when the press is in your corner..."

"Gotta learn to play without the press in your corner or you Republicans will lose again and again.

No point whining about that! That's what you have to be ready for.

The first step to being ready for that is to establish it as a public fact and common knowledge. The media is made up, overwhelmingly, of untrustworthy partisans.

Saying so is not whining, it's preparing the playing field.

Establish the media as wholly untrustworthy and and answer to almost anything can be reduced to a dismissive sniff followed by "well, it *is* the NYT you know."

Paco Wové said...

Pogo:"The NYTimes, Boston Globe, and WaPo are dying. Newsweek is mostly dead, TIME is dying, the Big Three networks are fading, lefty radio is nonexistent.

One reason behind that is the whining."

Somefeller:"Yeah, and that's all a result of conservative whining about the media."

It does me good, Somefeller, to know that someone with your severe reading comprehension difficulties can overcome their impediments and go on to a prestigious law school. Bravo!

Synova said...

So... last night I clicked through from Instapundit to an article about some progressive "non profit" with a nefarious plan to destroy someone or other. I can't remember who it was (for all I know it was Cruz) or what the plan was because I got hung up at the very beginning of the quoted bits by a statement that they were promoting "progressive policies" such as better wages, affordable health care, clean air, etc. A nice list of "wants" without a single "policy" in sight.

In fact, it was a list of things that everyone wants. EVERYONE. Conservatives and Tea Party and Libertarians and Fascists and Progressives and Liberals and Monarchists and Dictators... everyone wants those things.

I think that anyone tending conservative be they Republican or Tea Party or most Libertarians and certainly anyone "small government" needs to continue non-stop complaints and pointing out every instance of media bias and hypocrisy (Rubio drinks water, the media carries Obama's water) and not let up a bit.

But I think that they might get a good deal of traction pointing out just what I did, no matter what flavor of not-Democrat they are... a list of happy wishes is not a *policy*. Everyone wants those things, but wanting them is not a plan to get them and OUR plan is one that will work instead of make things worse.

Anonymous said...

@ Robert Cook:

hey liar.

Please explain how Cruz's factual recitation that 1) CLS was pushed by several Harvard faculty members; 2) CLS is marxist in origin; and 3) said CLS proponents outnumbered Republicans.

Go and try, liar.

sakredkow said...

I think that anyone tending conservative be they Republican or Tea Party or most Libertarians and certainly anyone "small government" needs to continue non-stop complaints and pointing out every instance of media bias and hypocrisy (Rubio drinks water, the media carries Obama's water) and not let up a bit.

I think so too. But that's because I don't believe that's a winning argument for the right.

Cedarford said...

I would not mind that much if it is a profession well stocked with Marxists that cannot subvert or order the rest of society to do things without a vote. (Provided of course that they are not loyal to a non-American nation).
In that way, if all the naturalists and US Park Service were Marxists - no impact on the rest of us. Or if all the chefs in restaurants were Marxists, or all the engineers in the utilities sector, or real estate people, or masons...no big deal.

But when it is in influencers that can subvert - like most school teachers sympathized with Marxist ideals or methods, if most progressive Jews in control of news or mass media enterprises or in prominent executive and editorial spots are Marxist by nature - that can be a real problem.
And lawyers, because our system alone gives onto them the ability to bypass democracy and use the courts to defeat the will of the masses on matters like Cay Marriage bans, wealth redistribution.
Because lawyers have that power, it is very worrisome that the top lawyers are now learning at the feet of academics at top law schools that encourage them to become progressive and Marxist flavored lawyers and judges that will shove societal transformation on the masses, bypassing the People's Will.

Robert Cook said...

"Obama's poor brother who lives in a shack has a better understanding of economics than Obama."

All Obama has to understand about economics is what his Wall Street advisers tell him, as Obama's job is to do what he was hired to do: insure the plutocrats are protected from prosecution for their crimes and that they continue to be enriched by those crimes.

(You know, it must be a sinister and insidious communist plot! Obama will work for the greater and ongoing benefit of the financial elites as they rape the American people of what little we have left, until the people--embittered, desperate and enraged--rise up in a spontaneous revolution, dispose of our present system and install a Communist dicatorship of the people! Manchurian President Obama will thereupon take his rightful place as the 21st Century Lenin/Stalin/Mao. He will then preside over show trials and mass public hangings of those Wall Street swine whom he appeared to have so assiduously worked for even as he was covertly working to bring them down. Brilliant!)

Synova said...

"I think so too. But that's because I don't believe that's a winning argument for the right."

Not by itself, no.

But most advice from concern-trolls (not saying you are one) amounts to "shut up" and I don't think that "shut up" is ever the right answer.

Not only are Republicans supposed to take the high road while others take the low road, they're not supposed to point out that low road or anyone on it for fear of sounding "whiny".

And the first time I ever heard of Cruz it was the media chiding him for being aggressive right out of the gate and drawing attention to himself. So unseemly!

So "shut up" Cruz and be unoffensive and dignified and don't whine... because the people saying you should do that think that it is a winning strategy for you and you should trust them.


Anonymous said...

@Robert Cook:

Note that the lia, Robert Cook, still cannot show how anything Cruz said about CLS/Harvard/Republicans was stupid or wrong.

But he will continue to assert it later, like the liar he is.

Because, to a leftist, repeating something often enough means its true.

And you people think leftists should be treated civilly. Ha.

Enjoy the decline, morons!

somefeller said...

Fair point, Paco. I should have been more clear. But I'll double down and say that the factors Pogo cites have nothing to do with the woes of newspaper or Big Three TV media. Those woes have to do with technology and the mass (i.e., non-ideological) marketplace. But I'll be happy to add delusions of grandeur to the other conservative characteristics of whining and claims of victimization. Thanks for providing me the opportunity to revise and extend my remarks.

Synova said...

Cook... Obama being in the pocket of Wall Street is only incompatible with theoretical communism... which doesn't exist in the world, never has and never will.

The ruling class always looks out for itself first but holds power by selling ideals of social justice, fairness and redistribution to the masses.

Automatic_Wing said...

No one is ever pure enough to be a true Marxist in Robert Cook's eyes. Even Marx himself would've had trouble measuring up if Robert had been around to judge back then.

Paco Wové said...

"I should have been more clear"

That's an interesting way to say "What I wrote was a complete mischaracterization." But then, I never went to law school.

However, you are probably correct in thinking that the rise of the Internet and related economic phenomena have a lot more to do with the pitiful state of today's mass media than sniping by conservatives.

Back to the original topic, Cruz probably shouldn't have given a specific number -- twelve, was it? -- because now he'll be expected to produce 12, and while it wouldn't surprise me at all if all the faculty minus one or two turned out to be existentially Marxist at heart, I doubt he's gonna find 12 Party memberships.

somefeller said...

The ruling class always looks out for itself first but holds power by selling ideals of social justice, fairness and redistribution to the masses.

Remember, comrades! There is no war but the class war!

machine said...

Zeb Colter sez: they ARE all communists!

SGT Ted said...

They will support a completely socialist platform, yet be insulted to be called "socialists". They are incoherent.

The neo-commies prefer "progressive". They've always prefer that term.

SGT Ted said...

Exposing and accurately identifying Marxists is always a crime. Though

They are really neo-Marxists in practice, with skin color, sex and sexual identity joining the economic working classes as the exploited and oppressed.

MadisonMan said...

Seems to me that whining about the press has been effective.

The NYTimes, Boston Globe, and WaPo are dying. Newsweek is mostly dead, TIME is dying, the Big Three networks are fading, lefty radio is nonexistent.

One reason behind that is the whining.

Correlation, yes. Causation? Not so much.

'Old' media are being replaced. The old media are too inflexible to respond to market pressures.

Robert Cook said...

"The ruling class always looks out for itself first but holds power by selling ideals of social justice, fairness and redistribution to the masses."

Look out, Synova...them's awfully subversive words you're speaking...casting aspersions on the motives of the wealthy that way might be seen by some as...Un-American!

Tregonsee said...

Reminds me of the old truism from the Cold War days that there were more ideologically committed Marxists in the English department of a major American university than in all of Eastern Europe.

machine said...

Zeb Colter sez: being an "anti-American right wing fascist is preferable to being an American Communist...."

steve uhr said...

The first Althouse article tagged with "critical legal studies." Surprising given its impact on legal education over the past twenty-five years.

Robert Cook said...

"No one is ever pure enough to be a true Marxist in Robert Cook's eyes."

Maguro, you're right and I've been terribly wrong. When it looks like a dog, acts like a dog, and barks like a dog, it's obviously...a cat! How could I have been so obtuse?

"Even Marx himself would've had trouble measuring up if Robert had been around to judge back then."

"All I know is that I am not a Marxist."
--Karl Marx

Paco Wové said...

The first rule of Critical Legal Studies is one does not speak of the Critical Legal Studies!!

DADvocate said...

Curious that the MSM has already dug up more and found more to criticize about Ted Cruz than they ever had about Obama who hung out with the likes of Bill Ayers, etc.

Anonymous said...


lol, liar. Keep trying to pretend that fascism and communism are opposites. Your lies won't change reality---that everything leftists desire is fascism.


Aw, look, the little liar is trying to pretend he never said that Cruz's factual statement was stupid or false. Typical lefty liar.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

Get in line ST. I think you're the third person in this thread to call me a liar.

This is what you guys do when you can't hold your own in discussion or argument.

Nice projection, dipshit.

You made an idiotic claim and could provide no actual evidence to support said claim.

But go on pretending that didn't happen.

Pretending is what stupid shits like you do.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

He/She/It once confessed that He/She/It doesn't own a gun, has little interest in guns or gun laws, but banning "high capacity clip" sounds good.

I stand by that.

No shit.

And at the same time, you'll pretend you can "hold your own in an argument" and stuff.

'Cause you're like super-duper informed on guns.


kentuckyliz said...

So I suppose there will come a point when "critical studies" in any field/profession means barbecuing the consecrated lefty bovines that occupy power and need some barbecuin'.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with market economics, somehow you're not a Communist. We need to stand up and say we're Communists, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any Capitalist.

garage mahal said...

Calgary Cruz looks eerily like Joe McCarthy. That's one way to reinvent your party I guess.

pst314 said...

Jay "Well yeah. And leftists take to the Internet to argue over the definition of the term."

Indeed. And in person, too. Virtually all the leftists I have known play this game.

ampersand said...

" By and large people younger than baby boomers do not really understand what that means or why it's bad. It just sounds like something your geezer winger uncle...."

Actually, that's how boomers of the time felt about our uncles railing about the commies.

Whoa! Channeling your inner Pauline Kael? There were plenty of boomers who knew communism was more than just wiping your ass in the general directions of your elders.

The only boomers I saw cheering on Uncle Ho, Che ,and waving little red books were on television and seemingly from expensive Ivy league schools.

William said...

It's a fact of life, but I do not understand why the charge of McCarthyism is more damaging than the charge of Communism. At the end of his life, Alger Hiss gave paid speeches at Harvard where he was given a standing ovation. Hiss got to wear the hero's mantle, and McCarthy died a sour drunk......I think that being a Soviet spy is a far worse crime than being an overwrought anti-communist, but that's not the opinion in Hollywood or at Harvard......Soviet espionage was not a victimless crime. American planes were shot down in Korea and Vietnam by proximity fuses. The knowledge of these fuses was supplied to the Soviets by the Rosenberg spy ring. The establishment of the North Korean regime was to some extent enabled by the Soviet spy apparatus......Instead of hurling charges of Communist at these people, I would recommend throwing dessicated bodies of Korean famine victims at them. Every time they appear in public throw the dead body of a Korean baby at them. The North Korean regime is in need of hard currency, and I'm sure that they would provide corpses at a reasonable price.

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