February 12, 2013

Rubio's SOTU response.

Full text here.

Desperate water-drinking move got my attention more than anything else. He had to dart off camera to get a little bottle and then quickly gulp. That was awkward. I also noticed:
So Mr. President, I don’t oppose your plans because I want to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors.


somefeller said...


Anonymous said...

Damn, I missed the dart! I was busy making tea and just listening.

Anonymous said...

So the guy needs water. What's the big deal?

That's better than the slobber that Obama just laid on the country.

Y'aint nothing but a houn-dog, lying all the time.

Anonymous said...

Stage fright.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of Albert Brooks in Broadcast News.

le Douanier said...

In addition to the H2O, I thought the wiping of saliva around his mouth was also noteworthy.

I think that the GOP is setting low expectations. It's a rope a dope thing. BHO is in big trouble!!!1!!11!!

Titus said...

Was some of that shit in Spanglish?


Wince said...

Rubio's got a way to go before he's comfortable in his own skin.

While Rubio might not be ready in four years, the country might tire of the smooth and facile by then.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Desperate water-drinking move got my attention more than anything else.

I was gushing...

Titus said...

Since when did pubes start sucking Mexican uncut hog?


Lawyer Mom said...

I liked, "we don't need to build the government, we need to build the middle-class," but don't quote me on that quote. His sweating was distracting, too.

So what did Rand Paul say, or are all the networks doing a Dorner dental-records, burning-cabin cut-away?

edutcher said...

Since Barry sounded odd tonight maybe it was because SOTU was not delivered by POTUS, but by Preezy Choom.

Titus said...

Next thing you know the wings are going to be felching fags-they really have moved left.


Chuck said...

Karl Rove had an early draft and said it was a well-written speech. Parts of it were certainly good.

But Rubio's speech was about twice as long as it should have been.

Rubio almost never reads speeches. He is almost a savant, in speaking without notes or a TelePrompTer. He is a naturally brilliant speaker. But reading a speech is not natural for him.

His handlers and the speech authors should have known that. It was way too long.

(Rubio actually has a habit of speaking casually with a bottle of water in hand and sipping from it whenever he feels like it.)

edutcher said...

somefeller said...


No, what's awkward is Dictator Zero only getting majority approval for his drone policy.

Everything else is unpopular, well into the 50s and up to 60%.

Yes, he truly is awesome.

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...

It's a rope a dope thing. BHO is in big trouble!!!1!!11!!

I'd say so. The economy is looking to tank yet again (how many dips will this make?), we've got more people on food stamps than the population of Spain, even the Gray Lady admits taxes are eating people alive, Panetta tells us Barry was AWOL on 9/11, and Zero's Arab Spring is handing the crazies control of North Africa.

No wonder Choomie was high as a kite.

Roberto said...

Chuckie...are you drunk?

kentuckyliz said...

I have two crapped out salivary glands. I have to have something to sip or I panic. Gets hard to breathe.

Publius said...

"Desperate water-drinking move got my attention more than anything else."


Publius said...
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edutcher said...

kentuckyliz said...

I have two crapped out salivary glands. I have to have something to sip or I panic. Gets hard to breathe.

The Blonde has a similar problem when she eats.

That and 3 Yorks in her face begging.

Roberto said...

I kept waiting for the paramedics to arrive.

He was like a wild car salesman on the verge of a stroke.

Anonymous said...

was he ill?
or did the network purposely put him in a bad light

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I only hit enter once .. how did that post twice?

Alex said...

But Obamabi is PERFECTION. Seriously Althouse is this the best you can do?

Roberto said...

Alex...what does that even mean?

Alex said...

Roberto - go take a long walk off a short pier.

veni vidi vici said...

"My Neighbors, My Millionaires: A Memoir" by Marco Rubio


veni vidi vici said...

"My Neighbors, My Millionaires: A Memoir" by Marco Rubio


Smilin' Jack said...

Desperate water-drinking move got my attention more than anything else. He had to dart off camera to get a little bottle and then quickly gulp. That was awkward.

God, I hate bozos who need to hydrate every five seconds and carry water bottles (Hey, morons, ever hear of canteens? Much more convenient!) everywhere they go like they're crossing the Gobi.

Why is Rubio even giving the response anyway? I thought Republicans were supposed to be white.

Unknown said...

Every thing that everyone is getting all excited about sound like symptoms of the cold making the rounds in our schools. Sweating, needing a drink of water so you can talk,
I'd hate to be a political figure these days. You have to be 100% perfect all the time.

Unlless you're Obama, of course. He could committ a crime on the air and the media would cover it up.

Nini said...
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Nini said...

Ann Althouse pointed out:

Rubio : So Mr. President, I don’t oppose your plans because I want to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors.

eni vidi vici said...
"My Neighbors, My Millionaires: A Memoir" by Marco Rubio

That or Rubio was talking about the Laffer curve and Pres. Reagan's trickle-down economics.

AlanKH said...

Here's my SOTU response.


AllenS said...
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AllenS said...

Maybe he was, you know, just thirsty.

But, the biggest question is this: who wrote the speech for him?

Now that I think of it, maybe he wasn't thirsty at all, but the mysterious right wing white person who wrote the speech, specifically told him to drink water some water.

machine said...

Dang, at least move the bottle a little closer...amateurs...

Shoulda let the pant-shi&&ing pedo respond...

rhhardin said...

You're not protecting millionaires for fairness but because they don't consume much of their income.

The rest goes to raising the productivity of people to the point that people have economically viable jobs. They make stuff people are willing to pay for.

In the government's hands, it would go to economically unviable jobs, a dead weight on the economy making stuff people are not willing to pay for. Each item is a loss, but a payoff to an interest group.

pm317 said...

OMG, these crazy GOP cannot stop embarrassing Ann. Why couldn't he have a glass of water on his side? Obama did all kinds of awkward things but nobody saw them, nobody!

machine said...

"I don't always drink water, but when I do it's in the middle of the biggest moment of my career."

Sick burn...

AllenS said...

I wonder if Rubio knows how many states there are.

sakredkow said...

No, what's awkward is...

No, it really was awkward.

sakredkow said...

was he ill?
or did the network purposely put him in a bad light

It's the medias fault.

Carol said...

have two crapped out salivary glands.

whoa liz,how did that happen? I have the same problem 2 years now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What mattered was the substance. Rubio had it. Obama, as usual, did not.

Bryan C said...

This sort of scandalous behavior is exactly why I never vote for anyone who doesn't carry a hip flask. Filled with bourbon.

Tomorrow's Washington Post headline: "GOP, Rubio Under Fire For Drinking Problem"

ByondPolitics said...

The sip of water? You're really going to go with the instantly most-talked about minutia? When polish & image matter most, you're not paying attention.

roesch/voltaire said...

He was fine and I thought he gave a good example of how positive government programs benefited him and his family to make it into the middle class.

bagoh20 said...

"Desperate water-drinking move got my attention more than anything else."

Ahh, the intelligentsia is hard at work.

Rusty said...

Nini said...
Ann Althouse pointed out:

Rubio : So Mr. President, I don’t oppose your plans because I want to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors.

eni vidi vici said...
"My Neighbors, My Millionaires: A Memoir" by Marco Rubio

That or Rubio was talking about the Laffer curve and Pres. Reagan's trickle-down economics.

And here I thought it was equality of opportunity.
My bad.