Says Drudge, collecting a set of teasers under what seems to be a very old picture of Michelle and Barack (as if to say, they were in love once but not anymore):
Those 2 go on plenty of vacations together, and now, he wants to golf and she doesn't have anything she likes doing in Florida. And she likes to ski. She's going to Aspen. This seems perfectly fine to me.
Spouses can travel together or alone, it makes no difference to me at all - SO LONG AS THEY PAY FOR THE TRIPS THEMSELVES AND NOT CHARGE THE GOVERNMENT(TWICE!)LIKE B & M WILL APPARENTLY BE DOING.
The president and his family need a travel budget. How many tax increases has he already spent this week, flying all over the country? And now two vacations.
Couples should do what makes them happy as a couple and strengthens their marriage. Sometimes sacrifice is worth it. They could probably find something fun to do together if they wanted to. It's not like they're doing something all that special or once-in-a-lifetime here.
The fact that these people are the first couple should factor in, just to be respectful of the cost to their constituents, but I doubt that came up.
I encourage all married men to bless their wives' going on vacations with their girlfriends to Spain, Italy, Morrocco -- whereever. You can trust them.
All the questions in the poll refer to normal people, not to the President and his wife.
The President and First Lady have jobs to do. In this economy, those jobs include acting like they like each other, and acting like they understand that many people can't afford takeout right now, let alone think of enjoying Beyond First Class travel to fabulous resorts.
So, they should cut out the vacays and start acting like they understand Economics 101, and act like they give a shit about the suffering masses.
Crikey - the Queen of England began to pay taxes when The People began to question the cost of maintaining a Royal Family. Our "royal couple" should do no less.
I object because he will come here and fuck up traffic. Last time, he fucked up the ocean because there was some kind of "no go" zone around the hotel defended by speed boats with big machine guns. Gun control for us but not for him.
Presidents should not be allowed to leave Washington except to go to Camp David.
Unless spend long holiday weekend in Florida is the new gone hiking on the Appalachian Trail, I don't see an issue. My wife and I take separate trips occasionally. This is a weekend. NBD.
Cost is a separate issue. Who is paying for it. I assume taxpayers, and I'm not so okay with that.
If Michelle can't find anything she likes to do in Florida, she's not trying hard enough! I'm sure she'd do just fine at the Miccosukee alligator wrestling with those arms.
Yeah, what wyo said--Barry released that picture himself off his twitter feed. You know, Dearest Michelle you're the greatest, here's a picture featuring mostly me cuz I'm a giant conceited cunt.
Suddenly Barack and Michelle's marriage isn't so AWESOME?
Why did we have a feeling about this...
Went with 3, but with conditions.
Yeah, you should try to share activities and interests, but, if there's something one adores but the other doesn't, it's OK to cheer from the sidelines.
That said, the old wheeze about abstinence makes the heart grow fonder is true. sometimes you need a little space.
The Blonde had to go down to FL about a month ago for 2 1/2 weeks to take care of her brother. I stayed home and watched the pups. We were both very happy when she got back.
As sis motes, it's what works and what makes you happy.
Curious mean there's nothing she could do in Florida? Sunbathing? Body surfing? She seemed to like it well enough in Spain as I recall. Or is Florida simply to 'american' for her?
I don't care if she wants to go skiing, I just don't understand why she wouldn't want to spend a few days in Florida. I mean...I'd like to, and I don't even care for it as a rule.
Then again--I can certainly see why she wouldn't want to hang with him. Would you?
I mean, anyone besides Inga and Garage (that's not a shot at either of you, it's just sayin'...).
We are paying double for the two prima donnas to vacation.
No, it very much is not fine.
Hell, the GOP should ask the President why his huge travel budget should be sacrosanct when so many have to do without in this country? Make it part of the sequestration debate.
I don't give a shit what they do, except that they 1) Spend my money in doing so 2) Want more and more of my money for this crap 3) They are destroying the economy $) They want to dictate every tiny little aspect of my life, from light bulbs to toilets to soda to guns.
The president and his family need a travel budget. How many tax increases has he already spent this week, flying all over the country? And now two vacations.
This liar of a president can't even get a national budget together on time if ever at all. And you want him to put together a travel budget?
I don't care what they do. The country is slightly better off when The Won is on vacation. I'd like to see them pay their own expenses but that will never happen. Michelle has to have AF 1.5 so she can take that 3 AM phone call.
machine...tell me...where did the last couple of Republican Presidents take their down time? Did they go to their own property, or did they jet off all over the landscape?
I can certainly understand that having Michelle looking over your shoulder every time you tried to order a bacon double cheese burger would be a buzz kill.
And as for "how it looks" to be going on separate costly vacations? Not to worry, He's just fulfilling his role as surrogate of success in chief. The 47% are basking in his glory, and the Left wing intellectual elite consider it an appropriate reward for doing their bidding.
The rest of us? well lets be honest, we couldn't hate his guts any worse than we already do.
I don't know how to answer that because... it depends.
Going on trips yourself when you both *need* a trip together, well that would make it worse.
But if you're close and one partner isn't getting all the fun while the other stuck to drudgery(like my grandpa bragging that his 9 kids never had had a baby sitter... well *he* wasn't home every moment of 20 years!)that's really no good.
I don't think that spouses are required to enjoy the same things so long as they both remember to cheer-lead for the other and their interests.
Taking separate vaacations is a sign of a healthy marriage, not a troubled one, edutcher. I guess the blonde wouldn't allow you to go on one yourself. Yeah, that's real healthy!
I could care less and I am particularly unconcerned about the chump change that it costs to get this guy to a vacation spot. It would be cheap at three times the price to keep him in one place, out of Washington and off the stump. Unlike other Presidents this one does not have a home away from home of his own, at least not yet. So I don't begrudge him and his wife and children these trips. Before becoming President I don't get the idea that they traveled much as a family, certainly not as exotically as they do now. Not a big deal.
I don't think a weekend trip is a big deal (although most people's weekend trips aren't to ASPEN), but I have a coworker who travels for weeks at a time, to Maine, Overseas, etc.. every year without his wife. I don't know what she does. We all think it's really, really weird.
Hey Mike: he does have a home away from home (so to speak).
Remember the house in Chicago that he got a sweetheart deal on, including the extra building lot so he could have a bigger lawn, courtesy of convicted felon Tony Rezko?
Yeah...some people like to pretend that didn't happen.
Of course, much could be made about him being such a pathetic twat that he doesn't own a home.
Hell--I'm not POTUS, I was never a conlaw visiting assistant instructor and my wife (not that I have one, but if I did, she's not) doesn't have a big paying job...and I own 3 houses. And I'm younger than the pathetic twat in chief.
CEO-MMP: Understood. I am of the opinion that he is a lot less dangerous swanning around golf courses than he is demonizing me. I would gladly support paying him a billion dollars to resign
Given the choice, I'd prefer to see him led from the WH in chains, along with the rest of the cabal. But if we could get him to take the deal...maybe give him Guam or something...I'd go along with that but he'd have to take Jumpin' Joe with him.
No, the poor baby had to cut his vacay short to rush back for something or other. Then he went back.
I don't get how him taking a week out of his month long vacation, then going back and taking an extra week counts as him cutting his vacation short, like some are saying, but whatever.
No, the poor baby had to cut his vacay short to rush back for something or other. Then he went back.
I don't get how him taking a week out of his month long vacation, then going back and taking an extra week counts as him cutting his vacation short, like some are saying, but whatever.
At my house, vacations are a limited commodity, so we prefer to maximize our time together rather than our enjoyment of specific activities. For example, my husband likes to go deep-sea fishing and I don't, so I shop or just relax while he goes out on the boat.
However, in a world where vacation resources are unlimited, I supposed these rules wouldn't apply. Or if we liked our activities more than we liked each other.
In all cases, however, the money we spend would be our own. All the rules go out the window if I'm on someone else's dime.
Oh, that's just nonsense. I've seen plenty of pictures of BJ and Hillary going to church, and they're still together. There never has been any talk about divorce. As a matter of fact, they have been portrayed as having an absolutely perfect marriage.
There is no right or wrong answer. Oh wait, that's not right. There is a right or wrong answer, but it depends on the people.
We never vacation apart, but I did get one pass to take a crazy trip by ferry 1000 kilometers south of Tokyo to a remote place with basic accommodations and few food choices where no one spoke English to film sperm whales in the open ocean with no land in sight. She just wasn't that interested.
I forgot to add, I don't really care about what POTUS and FLOTUS do. It doesn't register one way or the other because I know so many couples that cover any or all the choices provided and I can't connect to good, bad or abnormal.
Those two, POTUS and FLOTUS, don't look like they're in love in that Drudge photo. Barak appears unhappy, and just look at Michelel, for crying out loud. I mean, her eyes. She's got lifeless eyes, like doll's eyes.
If their marriage were in trouble, we'd know less about it than we do about BenGhazi......I would have thought the Gores would have been too embarrassed to divorce after their many public displays of affection, but they went their seperate ways. So it's possible.....If it happens, we'll learn how the President is setting a good, positive example of how to break up a marriage. With all that secret service I don't think anyone would believe him if he would claim to mistake her for an intruder so I hope he doesn't try that ploy.
Kinda like the older mother in No Country For Old Men who'd never seen a Mexican in a suit before, I gotta confess I've never known of a black skier before. But, then, before BHO, I never knew of a black surfer dude either. New vistas abound...
I don't mind the vacationing, other than the tremendous expense that it entails. The less time this guy spends wielding power, the better. Enjoy West Palm Beach! Get some quality golf in! Take a cruise.
I'm sure his body man has stocked up on cigars and cigarettes, golfing is just an excuse. Michelle gets to act like a queen. We are paying for it. There's nothing wrong with all that.
And for a final point re: vacations. The White House has a world-class kitchen staff, a movie theater, and a frickin' bowling alley. The President's family has staff to take care of their every material need. Performers fall over themselves for an invitation to play the White House.
I don't begrudge their needs for a change of scenery on occasion, but a week living like the President's family would make the best vacation most of us ever had seem like very weak beer.
G. W. Bush spent 1,020 days of his presidency on vacation....including one 5 week single vacation...
President Obama vacation days: 84 as of the new year...
Apology accepted....
Never apologize, it's a sign of weakness.
If Dubya was at Camp David, that's like a summer capital, no vacation spot. He also visited with the families of troops killed or wounded and gave up golf. Choomie hasn't done either.
Factor in all of Barry's golf days, electioneering on the public dime, and fundraisers.
he wants to golf and she doesn't have anything she likes doing in Florida. And she likes to ski. She's going to Aspen. This seems perfectly fine to me.
It would be perfectly fine IF they were paying for these vacations themselves. Instead WE have to pick up the cost of TWO air flights, TWO sets of security guards, TWO or MORE sets of rooms and establishments rented out.
The cost of these Imperial vacations are more than most people can hope to make in THREE or more lifetimes. is perfectly fine. It isn't their money. And I guess we owe them them these lavish expensive vacations while the rest of us grind out our lives and try to figure out if we can afford to buy milk or gasoline. Can't have both.
They make me sick and the fact that YOU think this is perfectly fine is pretty nauseating as well.
Seriously, Obama can not give a damn when his Ambassador and "good friend" are under attack just as effectively from a surfboard as he could from the Oval Office. So what difference, really?
Hey Machine, what's your opinion on how Obama handled Benghazi? And can you tell me whether partying with Jay-Z in Vegas the next day was considered a vacation day or not?
None of the above. This not a normal situation. The cost of this, the logistics, the manpower that goes into separate vacations for the first family is mind boggling. Otherwise, I see nothing wrong with a short, separate vacation. My husband is going on a golf outing with some army buddies over Father's Day. I would go, except the area he is going has nothing that interests me. He works hard and deserves to go and do something he loves.
You'd think 2 people who were so awesome together and who are separated so much (I mean Barry works soooo long and hard when he's in DC) would want to spend some quality time alone together.
My last vacation....5 years ago. Largely because of what this goofball of a president did to healthcare. So, yes, I begrudge them their many vacations at taxpayer expense.
The less he works, the less chances for more screw ups.
Let Mrs. Robinson run the country.
(Just kidding.)
More seriously, I say "who cares." Eisenhower was a pretty good president and he played golf a quarter of a zillion times while in office. Playing too much golf and taking too much time off is not Obama's main flaw.
The idea of a Presidential "vacation day" is a faulty one. Where they are is where the job is. They can be dedicated to the job in Crawford or Hawaii, and they can be apathetic in The White House
We only know blocks of time when they are or are not doing the country's work. In a briefing, yea, On the golf course, no. Other than that we have no idea if they have checked out or engaged
So I prefer to focus on the cost to us, the taxpayer.s The White House, Camp David, and AF 1 are luxurious, expensive, and available only 8 years out of an entire adult life. Use them wisely. Self control is a wonderful quality in a president.
Is there anyone willing to argue that the stresses of the job really demand Obama have a weekend away? Is there anyone who thinks Obama's job is very stressful to him right now?
I really don't begrudge the First Couple taking the occasional long weekend. What I do mind is the ostentation and the concomitant disruption of the lives of their subjects.
The scandal isn't that the Obamas are taking separate vacations. The scandal is that they are taking any vactions in February, with the fast-approaching Sequester date coming up on March 1 and the Senate having failed to pass a budget yet.
Democrats; pass a budget please. Now; before you go on vacation.
What I wonder is why are they taking all of these vacations? Is the White House inadequate for their needs? What about going to Camp David; nearby, already paid for etc. STOP WASTING OUR MONEY WHILE SO MANY OF US CAN BARELY TAKE A DAY OFF (or have all of them off but can't do anything because they can't get a job)!
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Spouses can travel together or alone, it makes no difference to me at all - SO LONG AS THEY PAY FOR THE TRIPS THEMSELVES AND NOT CHARGE THE GOVERNMENT(TWICE!)LIKE B & M WILL APPARENTLY BE DOING.
I voted incorrectly because I didn't realize it was just a weekend trip.
No big deal.
The president and his family need a travel budget. How many tax increases has he already spent this week, flying all over the country? And now two vacations.
Couples should do what makes them happy as a couple and strengthens their marriage. Sometimes sacrifice is worth it. They could probably find something fun to do together if they wanted to. It's not like they're doing something all that special or once-in-a-lifetime here.
The fact that these people are the first couple should factor in, just to be respectful of the cost to their constituents, but I doubt that came up.
I encourage all married men to bless their wives' going on vacations with their girlfriends to Spain, Italy, Morrocco -- whereever. You can trust them.
All the questions in the poll refer to normal people, not to the President and his wife.
The President and First Lady have jobs to do. In this economy, those jobs include acting like they like each other, and acting like they understand that many people can't afford takeout right now, let alone think of enjoying Beyond First Class travel to fabulous resorts.
So, they should cut out the vacays and start acting like they understand Economics 101, and act like they give a shit about the suffering masses.
Crikey - the Queen of England began to pay taxes when The People began to question the cost of maintaining a Royal Family. Our "royal couple" should do no less.
I believe that photo was released by Obama himself yesterday as a Valentine's day tribute to his wife or something like that.
I object because he will come here and fuck up traffic. Last time, he fucked up the ocean because there was some kind of "no go" zone around the hotel defended by speed boats with big machine guns. Gun control for us but not for him.
Presidents should not be allowed to leave Washington except to go to Camp David.
Unless spend long holiday weekend in Florida is the new gone hiking on the Appalachian Trail, I don't see an issue. My wife and I take separate trips occasionally. This is a weekend. NBD.
Cost is a separate issue. Who is paying for it. I assume taxpayers, and I'm not so okay with that.
If Michelle can't find anything she likes to do in Florida, she's not trying hard enough! I'm sure she'd do just fine at the Miccosukee alligator wrestling with those arms.
Are we Africa yet?
Yeah, what wyo said--Barry released that picture himself off his twitter feed. You know, Dearest Michelle you're the greatest, here's a picture featuring mostly me cuz I'm a giant conceited cunt.
And I don't care if they take separate mini vacations. He's on what, about 60 days off since he said he wouldn't rest until the economy improved?
Besides, what's Michelle gonna do while he's spending all that time with the other boys?
Obama's a crappy skier and is too embarassed to let anyone see him ski.
I'd love to know the gender breakdown of the 26% voting for the last option.
Would it really be a good idea to drag your spouse along every time you want to do something they don't want to do? You'll get to do it less often.
Should you give up all unshared interests?
You'll both resent the situation (and possibly each other).
I'd love to know the gender breakdown of the 26% voting for the last option.
I voted for it because I thought it was funny and many ex-wives do exactly that sort of thing.
Suddenly Barack and Michelle's marriage isn't so AWESOME?
Why did we have a feeling about this...
Went with 3, but with conditions.
Yeah, you should try to share activities and interests, but, if there's something one adores but the other doesn't, it's OK to cheer from the sidelines.
That said, the old wheeze about abstinence makes the heart grow fonder is true. sometimes you need a little space.
The Blonde had to go down to FL about a month ago for 2 1/2 weeks to take care of her brother. I stayed home and watched the pups. We were both very happy when she got back.
As sis motes, it's what works and what makes you happy.
Yes it's been quite a summer, rent-a-cars and west bound trains. And now you're off on vacation, somethin' you tried to explain.
And darlin' I love you so. That's the reason I just let you go.
Curious mean there's nothing she could do in Florida? Sunbathing? Body surfing? She seemed to like it well enough in Spain as I recall. Or is Florida simply to 'american' for her?
I don't care if she wants to go skiing, I just don't understand why she wouldn't want to spend a few days in Florida. I mean...I'd like to, and I don't even care for it as a rule.
Then again--I can certainly see why she wouldn't want to hang with him. Would you?
I mean, anyone besides Inga and Garage (that's not a shot at either of you, it's just sayin'...).
We are paying double for the two prima donnas to vacation.
No, it very much is not fine.
Hell, the GOP should ask the President why his huge travel budget should be sacrosanct when so many have to do without in this country? Make it part of the sequestration debate.
I don't give a shit what they do, except that they
1) Spend my money in doing so
2) Want more and more of my money for this crap
3) They are destroying the economy
$) They want to dictate every tiny little aspect of my life, from light bulbs to toilets to soda to guns.
So fuck them.
MayBee said...
The president and his family need a travel budget. How many tax increases has he already spent this week, flying all over the country? And now two vacations.
This liar of a president can't even get a national budget together on time if ever at all. And you want him to put together a travel budget?
That black and white photo makes them look like they were in love during the Dust Bowl era in the '30s.
Yeah, republican Presidents never take vacations!
Start the revolucion! Arm the children!
I don't care what they do. The country is slightly better off when The Won is on vacation. I'd like to see them pay their own expenses but that will never happen. Michelle has to have AF 1.5 so she can take that 3 AM phone call.
machine...tell me...where did the last couple of Republican Presidents take their down time? Did they go to their own property, or did they jet off all over the landscape?
I'll wait.
I think this might have been an episode of The Bob Newhart Show.
Joe Biden would make a pretty good Howard Borden.
I can certainly understand that having Michelle looking over your shoulder every time you tried to order a bacon double cheese burger would be a buzz kill.
And as for "how it looks" to be going on separate costly vacations? Not to worry, He's just fulfilling his role as surrogate of success in chief. The 47% are basking in his glory, and the Left wing intellectual elite consider it an appropriate reward for doing their bidding.
The rest of us? well lets be honest, we couldn't hate his guts any worse than we already do.
Viva la Revolucion!
What if Zero's plane crashed into Moochie's plane?
What a great Blog topic that would be.
President "just Joe."
I don't know how to answer that because... it depends.
Going on trips yourself when you both *need* a trip together, well that would make it worse.
But if you're close and one partner isn't getting all the fun while the other stuck to drudgery(like my grandpa bragging that his 9 kids never had had a baby sitter... well *he* wasn't home every moment of 20 years!)that's really no good.
I don't think that spouses are required to enjoy the same things so long as they both remember to cheer-lead for the other and their interests.
Taking separate vaacations is a sign of a healthy marriage, not a troubled one, edutcher. I guess the blonde wouldn't allow you to go on one yourself. Yeah, that's real healthy!
I could care less and I am particularly unconcerned about the chump change that it costs to get this guy to a vacation spot. It would be cheap at three times the price to keep him in one place, out of Washington and off the stump. Unlike other Presidents this one does not have a home away from home of his own, at least not yet. So I don't begrudge him and his wife and children these trips. Before becoming President I don't get the idea that they traveled much as a family, certainly not as exotically as they do now. Not a big deal.
And I agree 100% with Rick Caird.
I don't think a weekend trip is a big deal (although most people's weekend trips aren't to ASPEN), but I have a coworker who travels for weeks at a time, to Maine, Overseas, etc.. every year without his wife. I don't know what she does. We all think it's really, really weird.
Hey Mike: he does have a home away from home (so to speak).
Remember the house in Chicago that he got a sweetheart deal on, including the extra building lot so he could have a bigger lawn, courtesy of convicted felon Tony Rezko?
Yeah...some people like to pretend that didn't happen.
Of course, much could be made about him being such a pathetic twat that he doesn't own a home.
Hell--I'm not POTUS, I was never a conlaw visiting assistant instructor and my wife (not that I have one, but if I did, she's not) doesn't have a big paying job...and I own 3 houses. And I'm younger than the pathetic twat in chief.
By a lot.
So screw him.
I think their are three 747's outfitted for the president.
I wonder if Michelle will travel in one of the extra 747's?
No, I lied.....I don't wonder, I know she will roll in the 747.
CEO-MMP: Understood. I am of the opinion that he is a lot less dangerous swanning around golf courses than he is demonizing me. I would gladly support paying him a billion dollars to resign
The president and his family need a travel budget.
Nu-uh because multiplier effect.
Given the choice, I'd prefer to see him led from the WH in chains, along with the rest of the cabal. But if we could get him to take the deal...maybe give him Guam or something...I'd go along with that but he'd have to take Jumpin' Joe with him.
Weren't they just in Hawaii?
Did he golf his ass off there?
No, the poor baby had to cut his vacay short to rush back for something or other. Then he went back.
I don't get how him taking a week out of his month long vacation, then going back and taking an extra week counts as him cutting his vacation short, like some are saying, but whatever.
If you think that picture looks like they were in love, you should consider his body language.
No, the poor baby had to cut his vacay short to rush back for something or other. Then he went back.
I don't get how him taking a week out of his month long vacation, then going back and taking an extra week counts as him cutting his vacation short, like some are saying, but whatever.
At my house, vacations are a limited commodity, so we prefer to maximize our time together rather than our enjoyment of specific activities. For example, my husband likes to go deep-sea fishing and I don't, so I shop or just relax while he goes out on the boat.
However, in a world where vacation resources are unlimited, I supposed these rules wouldn't apply. Or if we liked our activities more than we liked each other.
In all cases, however, the money we spend would be our own. All the rules go out the window if I'm on someone else's dime.
Drudge should show some class, like Obama has shown.
We can pry open their sealed divorce records later.
BTW, Professor:
in case you needed proof that Zero tweeted that picture.
Oh, that's just nonsense. I've seen plenty of pictures of BJ and Hillary going to church, and they're still together. There never has been any talk about divorce. As a matter of fact, they have been portrayed as having an absolutely perfect marriage.
There is no right or wrong answer. Oh wait, that's not right. There is a right or wrong answer, but it depends on the people.
We never vacation apart, but I did get one pass to take a crazy trip by ferry 1000 kilometers south of Tokyo to a remote place with basic accommodations and few food choices where no one spoke English to film sperm whales in the open ocean with no land in sight. She just wasn't that interested.
I forgot to add, I don't really care about what POTUS and FLOTUS do. It doesn't register one way or the other because I know so many couples that cover any or all the choices provided and I can't connect to good, bad or abnormal.
machine said...
Yeah, republican Presidents never take vacations!
Wanna bet Dubya never took as much time off as Choom? And when he did, he spent his time doing real work.
ndspinelli said...
Taking separate vaacations is a sign of a healthy marriage, not a troubled one, edutcher.
It is? Lots of people would disagree, but, seeing as how I never said separate vacas were a bad idea, I can only assume nd is projecting again.
I guess the blonde wouldn't allow you to go on one yourself. Yeah, that's real healthy!
Gee, you're sounding more like the She-Wolf of the SS every day.
If that identity problem persists, be sure to seek professional help.
Those two, POTUS and FLOTUS, don't look like they're in love in that Drudge photo. Barak appears unhappy, and just look at Michelel, for crying out loud. I mean, her eyes. She's got lifeless eyes, like doll's eyes.
Hispanics are dying of thirst, and this is what we are talking about ?!?!?!?!!??
If their marriage were in trouble, we'd know less about it than we do about BenGhazi......I would have thought the Gores would have been too embarrassed to divorce after their many public displays of affection, but they went their seperate ways. So it's possible.....If it happens, we'll learn how the President is setting a good, positive example of how to break up a marriage. With all that secret service I don't think anyone would believe him if he would claim to mistake her for an intruder so I hope he doesn't try that ploy.
G. W. Bush spent 1,020 days of his presidency on vacation....including one 5 week single vacation...
President Obama vacation days: 84 as of the new year...
Apology accepted....
And she likes to ski
Kinda like the older mother in No Country For Old Men who'd never seen a Mexican in a suit before, I gotta confess I've never known of a black skier before. But, then, before BHO, I never knew of a black surfer dude either. New vistas abound...
Obama can be derelict in his duties in Florida as well as he can in DC, so what difference, at this point, does it make?
Nakoula Nakoula was unavailable for comment.
machine said...
G. W. Bush spent 1,020 days of his presidency on vacation....including one 5 week single vacation..
Complete & utter bullshit.
"long holiday weekend" ? Maybe for them but not for everyone.
Just so long as they are living large while we pay for it and the unemployment lines get longer.
I don't mind the vacationing, other than the tremendous expense that it entails. The less time this guy spends wielding power, the better. Enjoy West Palm Beach! Get some quality golf in! Take a cruise.
Apples to oranges, Machine. Camp David is specifically structured as a working environment (in addition to having skeet shooting ranges, etc.)
Bush's Crawford ranch was isolated, secure, and used to conduct Government business.
FWIW, I doubt many of the approximately 2016 greens Obama has worked has been equipped for teleconferencing.
I'm sure his body man has stocked up on cigars and cigarettes, golfing is just an excuse. Michelle gets to act like a queen. We are paying for it. There's nothing wrong with all that.
Jay said:
Complete & utter bullshit.
C'mon man, I'm sure machine has a totally reputable source. He just accidentally neglected to cite it.
Just kidding. You're right, of course.
And for a final point re: vacations. The White House has a world-class kitchen staff, a movie theater, and a frickin' bowling alley. The President's family has staff to take care of their every material need. Performers fall over themselves for an invitation to play the White House.
I don't begrudge their needs for a change of scenery on occasion, but a week living like the President's family would make the best vacation most of us ever had seem like very weak beer.
machine said...
G. W. Bush spent 1,020 days of his presidency on vacation....including one 5 week single vacation...
President Obama vacation days: 84 as of the new year...
Apology accepted....
Never apologize, it's a sign of weakness.
If Dubya was at Camp David, that's like a summer capital, no vacation spot. He also visited with the families of troops killed or wounded and gave up golf. Choomie hasn't done either.
Factor in all of Barry's golf days, electioneering on the public dime, and fundraisers.
he wants to golf and she doesn't have anything she likes doing in Florida. And she likes to ski. She's going to Aspen. This seems perfectly fine to me.
It would be perfectly fine IF they were paying for these vacations themselves. Instead WE have to pick up the cost of TWO air flights, TWO sets of security guards, TWO or MORE sets of rooms and establishments rented out.
The cost of these Imperial vacations are more than most people can hope to make in THREE or more lifetimes. is perfectly fine. It isn't their money. And I guess we owe them them these lavish expensive vacations while the rest of us grind out our lives and try to figure out if we can afford to buy milk or gasoline. Can't have both.
They make me sick and the fact that YOU think this is perfectly fine is pretty nauseating as well.
Seriously, Obama can not give a damn when his Ambassador and "good friend" are under attack just as effectively from a surfboard as he could from the Oval Office. So what difference, really?
George of a 1000 days...and don't forget cheerleader camp!
Tough choice. I love to ski and golf. If it were me, I'd do both.
Hey Machine, what's your opinion on how Obama handled Benghazi? And can you tell me whether partying with Jay-Z in Vegas the next day was considered a vacation day or not?
Other than the increased costs, of course.
Machine you lost, don't get all garage stupid on us. Just stay a partisan hack.
Vacation...unless Kanye and Kim were there too.
None of the above. This not a normal situation. The cost of this, the logistics, the manpower that goes into separate vacations for the first family is mind boggling. Otherwise, I see nothing wrong with a short, separate vacation. My husband is going on a golf outing with some army buddies over Father's Day. I would go, except the area he is going has nothing that interests me. He works hard and deserves to go and do something he loves.
Flight Sim. How to land a 747 at Aspen Airport. Solution: don't do it.
machine said...
George of a 1000 days...and don't forget cheerleader camp!
Remember how you stupids freaked out when GW landed on an aircraft carrier?
You fighter pilot landing truther, you...
You'd think 2 people who were so awesome together and who are separated so much (I mean Barry works soooo long and hard when he's in DC) would want to spend some quality time alone together.
My last vacation....5 years ago. Largely because of what this goofball of a president did to healthcare. So, yes, I begrudge them their many vacations at taxpayer expense.
I think a lot more people than we can imagine do.
Frank and Ellie had more class.
Pogo @ 1:39: Ditto.
Isn't Obama's flirtation living in the Bahamas?
Vera Baker lives in Martinique.
I say more vacations for Obama.
The more he plays the less he works.
The less he works, the less chances for more screw ups.
Let Mrs. Robinson run the country.
(Just kidding.)
More seriously, I say "who cares." Eisenhower was a pretty good president and he played golf a quarter of a zillion times while in office. Playing too much golf and taking too much time off is not Obama's main flaw.
Cost of President/First Lady vacations is definitely a concern and should be debated openly. Democratic ones that is.
The idea of a Presidential "vacation day" is a faulty one. Where they are is where the job is. They can be dedicated to the job in Crawford or Hawaii, and they can be apathetic in The White House
We only know blocks of time when they are or are not doing the country's work. In a briefing, yea, On the golf course, no. Other than that we have no idea if they have checked out or engaged
So I prefer to focus on the cost to us, the taxpayer.s The White House, Camp David, and AF 1 are luxurious, expensive, and available only 8 years out of an entire adult life. Use them wisely. Self control is a wonderful quality in a president.
Garage is right. A Democratic country should be able to discuss the cost of the travel of the President. It's our money!
Is there anyone willing to argue that the stresses of the job really demand Obama have a weekend away?
Is there anyone who thinks Obama's job is very stressful to him right now?
And of course there are the indirect costs associated with, just for example, disrupting NYC just to take in a Broadway show.
Does anyone know where the photo on Drudge's site was taken? The crooked light pole in the background suggests it wasn't in the continental U.S.
And I'm surprised at seeing them in a b&w/sepia photo given their relatively young ages.
I really don't begrudge the First Couple taking the occasional long weekend. What I do mind is the ostentation and the concomitant disruption of the lives of their subjects.
The scandal isn't that the Obamas are taking separate vacations. The scandal is that they are taking any vactions in February, with the fast-approaching Sequester date coming up on March 1 and the Senate having failed to pass a budget yet.
Democrats; pass a budget please. Now; before you go on vacation.
Democrats; pass a budget please. Now; before you go on vacation.
The people are reduced to begging!
What I wonder is why are they taking all of these vacations? Is the White House inadequate for their needs? What about going to Camp David; nearby, already paid for etc. STOP WASTING OUR MONEY WHILE SO MANY OF US CAN BARELY TAKE A DAY OFF (or have all of them off but can't do anything because they can't get a job)!
A sport Michelle doesn't like: gay male sex?
...he wants to golf and she doesn't have anything she likes doing in Florida.
Bullshit. I've been to Florida. They have food there.
Michelle without one of her wigs.
The pres. should quit vacationing until this country is on a path of sustainable fiscal responsibility.
As for his wife and kids they can wherever whenever they please, provided they pay their own freight.
I think they should take a cruise.
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