February 9, 2013

"'Genocide,' one eulogist called it, lamenting that guns had 'become part of our wardrobe.'"

"Another exhorted the politicians in the pews, 'Don’t give us lip service.'"

In the pews were Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Arne Duncan, Rahm Emanuel, Pat Quinn, and  Jesse Jackson. In the casket was Hadiya Pendleton, who lived to the age of 15.


chickelit said...

Were guns legal where she was killed?

Hagar said...

BS. They want to stop the gang warfare, they are going to have to send police into the Black neighborhoods.

Oso Negro said...

It is sad that the girl was killed. Her death is a product of urban Negro thug culture. Perhaps someone should try to do something about that. Oh, wait. Trillions and trillions already served on that altar of futility.

Chip S. said...

genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

Is suigenocide a word yet?

Unknown said...

If we want to stop these killings getting the guns off the street is far less important than getting the criminals off the streets.
We continue to misidentifying the problem. How do you solve a problem if political correctness keeps you from identifying it?

Michael Haz said...

It is genocide. It is mostly black-on-black genocide. Drug thugs have killed more blacks than the KKK.

Politicians can do little about it. The problem begins in the home, not in offices of the powerful.

Selling drugs, doing drugs, killing, illegitimacy, hatred of education and achievement, hypersexualization - none of these are the legacy of those where enslaved and those who fought slavery They are the product of a culture of failed families.

These are not problems that can be solved by the absence of guns.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Six libruls who have spent most of their lives in govt or in the non-profit sector or sucking at the govt teat [Jarrett].

chickelit said...

Chip: I was going to object too, on the same grounds. But I thought that he may actually have meant it based on "white people's drug policies" or some such excuse making.

Anonymous said...

we'd be better off with Dr Bill Cosby as SecEd, than Dr Arne Duncan

KLDAVIS said...

They people of Chicago are ready and willing to try absolutely anything to attempt to solve this crisis...that is, except voting for a Republican.

chickelit said...

Haz: The meaning of the word genocide has a very short history based on the WW II experience which is not comparable. The use of the word will stoke the resentment fires as well as horrify.

Anonymous said...

If it's Genocide, then along with the victim, you need a victimizer.

Exactly who is that, and don't tell me it's gun makers? If there were no guns on the streets of Chicago, there would still be steak knives, and screw drivers...

Ipso Fatso said...

"Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Arne Duncan, Rahm Emanuel, Pat Quinn, and Jesse Jackson."

What a rogues gallery. Everyone of them complete slime.

Sorun said...

Think guns are scary? This is really scary: Cops on a copkiller manhunt.

Anonymous said...

@Sorun said...

reminds me of the last 10 minutes of the Fugitive, with the Chicago Police out to get Kimball, the Cop Killer...

Chip S. said...

chick, I had that same thought.

I'm not sure which is worse: trivializing the Holocaust by calling simple murder "genocide" or using the word to legitimize claims like the CIA deals crack to oppress minorities.

But if people want to call this suigenocide, that's ok w/me, despite the apparent non-deliberate nature of the killing.

Known Unknown said...

Damn Reagan and the CIA!!!!!!111!!!!

Mark said...

Without reading the story, I'd bet money that the person who pulled the trigger didn't own the gun legally.

This is one of those situations where the "obvious" solution is to punish the innocent.

Anonymous said...

Most of the murders in Chicago occur for the most absurd, childish, room-temperature-IQ-score reasons: somebody got dissed, crack dealers are fighting over turf, or two ghetto gangbangers get in a jealous argument over some fugly ho.


DADvocate said...

There's a huge problem of blacks killing blacks and committing more violent crimes in general. Guns just happen to be a tool they use, like knives, fists, bats, etc.

wildswan said...

This was a good kid doing her best with the hand she was dealt facing a bad kid with a weapon. Disarming law abiding America would just mean that this happened over and over and over.

ricpic said...

Help us, grifters, help us.

edutcher said...

Oso Negro ("Her death is a product of urban Negro thug culture") and Drill ("along with the victim, you need a victimizer") are right on the money.

Michelle Obama (and spouse), Valerie Jarrett, Arne Duncan, Rahm Emanuel, Pat Quinn, and Jesse Jackson, along with the rest of the Race-For-Profit crowd, the Democrat Party, the pop media, the judiciary, the teacher unions, and brahmins of the Left, have done everything to create and perpetuate the culture that led to the death of that girl.

A guy in Illinois said...

Funny thing, out of all of Chicago's 500+ murders last year... they never say, of the ones solved/gun recovered, how many came from people in Illinois that Bought it legally, had a FOID card, etc...

Nope. Its not the ghetto ganters killing each other. We must crack down on those suburban gun owners!

Mark said...

Note to anyone paying attention: "Gangsta" culture doesn't particularly value lawfulness.

Probably why guns are so popular in Chicago; having one makes you one of the badasses. Hell, if they were legal to own what would the fun be in that?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The problem begins in the home.

Or lack of it... most, if not all of the institutions that held our society together have been undermined and corrupted... leaving generations of children to deal with things they have no capacity to deal with.

We have met the enemy and he is us.

Synova said...

It's a horrible, horrible thing. Do they know who shot her? Have they done anything to catch them?

I think that Mark is right, too. It's important to be one of the badasses. Thing is, it's *legitimately* important in order to gain status to be one of the badasses. Disarming the good guys means that young men in harsh environments have only one available route to badassery and status.

Darleen said...


What's even scarier? That people are supporting Dorner as #darkknight

A slimebag who ambushed & murdered a couple becuz he had a grudge against his lawyer.

Synova said...

I suppose that's another way to say that there is a lack of male role models, but it's not just that because there *are* men in the community. But who is powerful and influential? All the "good guys" allow themselves to be disarmed because that is who LAWS work to disarm. The good guys.

kimsch said...

Those that killed that girl terrorize their neighborhoods and neighbors. People are afraid to turn in these terrorists. We need to call them what they are and treat them accordingly.

chickelit said...

Synova said...
It's a horrible, horrible thing. Do they know who shot her? Have they done anything to catch them?

You may as well be talking about Benghazi...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

All the "good guys" allow themselves to be disarmed because that is who LAWS work to disarm. The good guys.

Thats what I'm saying... we are being easily manipulated and taken for fools.

Chicago Police Want 12 Percent Pay Raise

The more we are made to believe that we are not responsible for our safety and well being the more we are made to clamor for government to come in and "save" us.

The press is complicit in this.

Browndog said...


Uncomfortable, isn't it?

machine said...

Wowza...what a dark place.

chickelit said...

@machine...enlighten us...

Sam L. said...

Can a race commit genocide on itself? This is black on black.

Mark at 8:18: You bad boy! Don't you know all cultures are equally good/bad/indifferent (except for white, which is always bad).

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If "genocide" is being committed, it is at the behest of those in power.

Disarmament of the good guys for one...

The dissolution of wedlock by the Welfare state...

And the willful un-education of the youth by what we call our education system.

Mark said...

Machine is here to tell us how bad we are that we can see evil.

Machine, when you walk in the sun, you can see a beautiful world and still see the shadows. When you walk in shadow, all you see is darkness and things you don't understand.

machine said...

Brave Sir Robin!

David said...

No guts no glory Mrs. Obama. You know that the black street culture is the cause of this. You know that it has to be fixed from within the black commumity. That is why your parents kept you away from that "culture" and why you keep your girls away from it.

So make some history during Black History Month. Appear with your husband on national TV and make the internal healing of the black community your priority. Devote yourself to it.

That would be historic.

Mark said...

Machine, you're looking like a minstrel. Pray for an easy winter.

Astro said...

Clearly what we need to do is confiscate the guns of the inner city regions of large cities like Chicago -- you know, the places that had 100% precinct voting for Obama.

Automatic_Wing said...

Of all the things the politicians could do about this particular issue, something like the stop and frisk program in NYC would probably do the most good. But I doubt they'll even consider it, they'll just keep trying to crack down on legal gun owners, just like they always do.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Crime is down in NYC... what a coincidence?

Browndog said...

Take away their guns, and they'll roam with machete's, and knifes. Take them away, they'll roam with bricks and rocks.

A welfare check does not each a young adolescent the limit of his behavior.

Yet, we have a fatherless President telling us that if he had a son, he'd look like NO_LiMIT_NIGG@_

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Disney is in trouble for not frisking.

Its confusing out there sometimes.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

"Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Arne Duncan, Rahm Emanuel, Pat Quinn, and Jesse Jackson."

They were in Chicago to take credit for one hundred years of Democrat social engineering.

Bender said...

Guns are no more the problem than vacuum aspiration machines are the problem in the killing of 55 million innocent human lives.

The problem in both cases, either abortion or the rampant murder culture of Chicago and elsewhere, is so-called "freedom of choice."

People are being slaughtered on our streets and in our schools and in buildings masquerading as "clinics" because someone chose to kill them. The instrumentality of death is beside the point.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They were in Chicago to take credit for one hundred years of Democrat social engineering.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell

Bender said...

The Rwandan genocide was not caused by an excess of machetes in that country.

chickelit said...

"Genocide" fits the description of Chicago's murders the way "Holocaust" fits the AIDS epidemic.

chickelit said...

@Chip. S: If you're still reading, how about "internecide."
I'm trying for something close to internecine.

Kin slaughter?

Tribal warfare

Big Mike said...

Some day a genuine Black leader will rise up and figure out how to put an end to the inner city thug culture and black on black murders. But it probably won't happen in my lifetime.

This authoritative site leads off with the chilling words "From 1865 to 1965 more than 6,000 African-Americans died in racial violence in the United States." More African-Americans die each year at the hands of other African-Americans than died due to racial violence in the entire century after the Civil War.

You'd think some liberal would care.

Aaron said...

Why don't be ban rap music?

I mean, its the "assault rifle" of free speech.

edutcher said...

Mike, caring is only for the TV cameras and political campaigns.

To them, Margaret Sanger's a saint, not a Nazi fellow traveler.

jacksonjay said...

Truths about Chicago:

1. Saint Hope and Change once said "...you bring a knife, we bring a gun!"

2. "Snitches get stitches"

3. Mayor Ballet Boy told the gangsta to "keep it in the alley!"

4. Cops are more hated than the murderous gangstas!

Tim said...

Only an idiot would believe more gun control will stop criminals from killing other people with guns.

Methadras said...

About time gangs were deemed terrorist organizations and gang members as terrorists, then Urkel can send his drones in.

Methadras said...

Chip S. said...

genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

Is suigenocide a word yet?

Suigenericide perhaps?

Anonymous said...

And yet there will be no Obama administration presence at the funeral of Genelle Conway-Allen who lived to the age of 13.

Any theories as to why?

Revenant said...

I'm white.

Explain why black people shooting black people leads to me giving up MY guns.

MayBee said...

There is no reason in the world for our great nation to have the thug culture that leads to gang violence and poor school performance.
Change is going to have to come from inside these communities.

Paul said...

Meanwhile President dronekiller has ordered the assassination of hundreds of 'suspected' terrorist without trial, most of the ones present have bodyguards who are armed, their own law enforcement has sold guns (thousands of them that we KNOW OF) to drug cartels across the border, and ironically, some during civil rights marches years ago were armed!

Well at least 'God Damn America' Rev. Wright, was not there (or was he?)

And as for the problem of youths killing youths or blacks killing blacks well some are NOT killed by guns. I guess it's not that they want to stop the killings, just stop the killings by guns.

Yet, as Rahm's on Chicago has shown, banning guns merely rose the murder rate while El Paso, one of the safest cities in the U.S., along the most violent border we have ever had, has the LOWEST murder rate of big cities (and is awash in guns.)

The ones present at the sermon shed crocodile tears for it's apparent they don't care about the causes of the high murder rates, they only care about image. Their image.

vet66 said...

Let us not forget the flash mobs that plagued the Chicago area during past summers. Maybe Twinkle Toes will reinstate the special gang unit he disbanded a few years ago. Let's follow the money that is dumped on this benighted area. Phleger, Wright, Jackson, Sharpton should be held accountable for what they are doing with taxpayer money that is having zero effect on the situation. Little more than carpetbaggers maintaining the status quo enriching themselves off the misery of others. This is the expected outcome of politically correct politics running a business off the rainbow coalition by controlling the pot-of-gold.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Progress requires that the older sacrifice their own dreams and ambitions for their kids. These inner city cultures don't get that and Obama does not get it either. He should be trying to shame the older generations in those neighborhoods so that they undertand they must give up their own dreams to try and save their own kids.

Rusty said...

Skippy Daley got out just in time.

The city has asked the "Nation of Islam" to patrol some neighborhoods because.........................
you figure it out.

Brian Brown said...

Rahm Emanuel

Yes, that White Jew Mayor.

Just imagine, Imagine, if he were a Republican presiding over the murders of all these blacks.

Fernandinande said...

"...honors student..."

Paging Tom Wolfe!

cubanbob said...

What Chicago needs is a fleet of drones and Robocop. All that Zero and Holder need to do is get their Hollywood buds on the job and problem solved.

Bruce Hayden said...

I suppose that's another way to say that there is a lack of male role models, but it's not just that because there *are* men in the community. But who is powerful and influential? All the "good guys" allow themselves to be disarmed because that is who LAWS work to disarm. The good guys.

Nearing 50 years ago, Assistant Secretary of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan really identified the fundamental problem in his The Negro Family: The Case For National Action, and that was the breakup of the Black family. At that time, maybe 1 of 4 Blacks were being born out of wedlock. Now, it is maybe 3 of 4.

And, let me suggest that the base problem is not that the role models in the community are criminals and thugs, but rather, that boys are not civilized properly by their fathers and male relatives, and then made responsible by marriage and raising of their own families.

Adolescent males need fathers, or something fairly close, in order to have proper limits set for them. Their real identities are built resisting those limits. Most of the guys here probably remember well the fights and strife they had with their fathers (or older brothers) growing up. Without that, a lot of males seem to look for some other authority to challenge, and that means society. And, if not married raising a family of their own, males tend to continue to run in violent juvenile male gangs, which, by their very nature terrorize their local community.

So, the two parts of progressive social engineering that have greatly contributed to this are the De-illigitimization of bastardry, and subsidizing fatherless families through welfare and other "safety net" programs. And, Blacks in this country have suffered the most from these two trends for, I think, two different reasons. One is that their marriages before the Great Society and War on Poverty were weaker than non-Black marriages, likely due at least in part to slavery. And, second, that this has a big economic basis - middle class and successful Blacks, and esp. middle class Black males, strongly tend to come from two parent families (excluding, interestingly, Barrack Obama II), just like with Whites. There just are just a lot more poor Blacks, and, so, a lot more fatherless Black families.

There are a lot of solutions to these underlying problems, and none of them have anything to do with disarming the law abiding citizenry. One that I think might have some merit would be to re-institute orphanages, and when a woman has children she cannot afford to raise on her own, without state aid, to take the kids away from her, and put them in such a facility. That way, she can work for a living, and the kids can live in a system where strong consequences can be imposed on negative behavior. Maybe after the second child born out of wedlock, the women can be given the choice between sterilization and being branded with a "S" for "Slut" or something.

What must always be remember though is that if we are worried about the children (and, that is the avowed basis for much of this progressive social engineering), that the worst thing that we can be doing for children, long term, is subsidizing and socially legitimizing fatherless child raising.

Anonymous said...

Never let a good murder go to waste.

MarkD said...

The good people of Chicago can let the police protect them. They've done a bang up job so far, but the year is young and things will get better. Rahm's all over it. After all, victory in the war on drugs is right around the corner.

They just need more laws.

Sorry, anyone looking to a government for the solution cannot be paying attention.

chickelit said...

Orahma could lead a War On Thugs and no one would bedrudge them for it.

jr565 said...


With people like Dorner running around shooting people, having a gun sounds like a good idea.

Note how many people in the black community have a such a negative relationship with cops. They wont cooperate with them even if their neighbor is murdered because the cops are the enemy.
If you live that kind of mentality then what do you expect to happen in your community.
There has to be some police presence, and if you remove the police then you have to police yourselves. Don't cry about how your community is nothing but gang shootings if you aren't fully supportive of cops going out of their way to deal with the thugs in the community and also celebrate the THUG life.

jr565 said...

In the case of Dormer here we have an actual rogue cop going on a killing spree and cops are out looking for this guy. One of their own. So called blue wall of silence.
And yet there is a sizable portion of the community that is now viewing him as a folk hero.

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