February 13, 2013

At the Flipped Ear Café...


... there's disarray, but only so very slight.


pm317 said...

What if that cop killer in LA was a white male who left behind a manifesto praising Palin, instead of being black and praising Obama?

I despise the left and right divide, the lapdog big media favoring one party and on, on.. Nothing seems right.

pm317 said...

He told a story to highlight how people have grown so sensitive that you can hardly say anything anymore. “I was talking to a group about the difference between a human brain and a dog’s brain and a man got offended,” Dr. Carson recalled. “He said you can’t talk about dogs like that.”

Waiting for a savior, may be a real one this time..Not that I am saying it is Dr.Carson. Somebody as courageous and super smart, but perhaps less religious.

Methadras said...

He is so darned cute. Well until he is full grown and takes 3 pound shits twice a day. Good luck with that.

DADvocate said...

I like the multi colored cabinet on the right. When I went to Disney World (in my thirties, not as a kid) and visited Mickey Mouse's house, the entire house was done similar to that. I thought it'd be pretty cool to live in Mickey's comic book house.

Ann Althouse said...


m stone said...

Are St. Bernard's smart on the dog scale? Certainly languid from the photos and one of the commenter's observation yesterday.

pm317 said...

Hey, you can't talk about dogs like that!

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

Whew. Title loaded before image. For a dreadful second I thought it was a Van Gogh post.

Anonymous said...

You need a top 10 list of St Bernard puppy photos.

PianoLessons said...

I just love this new pup - and I am SOOOOO jealous of you guys.

I just need to go out an get me a couple pups (We've had dogs since we met in college many years ago - we're probably done grieving the loss of our Golden Retriever now)

Thanks a million for sharing your dog life - you inspire:-)

PianoLessons said...

I just love this new pup - and I am SOOOOO jealous of you guys.

I just need to go out an get me a couple pups (We've had dogs since we met in college many years ago - we're probably done grieving the loss of our Golden Retriever now)

Thanks a million for sharing your dog life - you inspire:-)

kentuckyliz said...

Borrowing the neighbors' dogs is genius. For the most part, three pound shits are not your problem. Nor is the kibble bill that produces them.

Unknown said...

First rugs out of alignment now ears! Oh, the humanity.

kentuckyliz said...

She is adorable. I think, that ear must ave been very itchy. And it might be getting cold. All that cold air flowing into her exposed ear. I suppose if it bothered her, she'd just toss her head and flip it right round.

Meade said...

You think that's bad, you should see my out-of-alignment spine after picking up those 3 pounders.

kentuckyliz said...

Bernadine is so soft and cuddly looking. I want to roll around on the floor with her and play...then we can nap and cuddle together.

kentuckyliz said...

Banana Joe the affenpinscher as on the Today show this morning. Delightful pupper.

Mark said...

How do we know she isn't just a very well crafted stuffed toy?

Mark said...

Yes, I'm a cuddlier.

le Douanier said...

Meadehouse would be really impressed if Rubio had scooped a three pounder.

Humanizing. Wholesome. Downside is: Too much methane waste. So recycle--Meade fertilizer.

It could be a thing!!

le Douanier said...


Fritz said...


Give it up now. All big dogs are expected to be male and all little dogs are expected to be female. Our Siberian bitch is never offended when someone call her "he".

kentuckyliz said...

I clicked the dogs tag to make sure I hadn't missed out on any doggy goodness.

Dogs tag. Dog tags.

edutcher said...

You really are in love with that great big moose, aren't you?

Chip Ahoy said...

The Saint Bernard dogs were officially canonized by Pius VII following the conclave of 1899-1900 which itself followed the period of disruption that accompanied the death of Pius VI.

The Bernard dogs of that time were different than they are today, the breed having suffered near extinction during increased avalanches of WWII and interbreeding with similar mastiff and Sennenhund types resulted in a new Bernard type with significantly longer and thicker coats unsuitable for mountain rescue.

The small barrel of brandy with which the breed is popularly associated is entirely apocryphal. That was tequila with orange juice and a little grenadine, so a sunrise, but not the original sunrise which has crème de cassis .

Lyle said...

I always flip the ear back.

kentuckyliz said...

Edutcher...are you asking that of me or our esteemed blogress?

Lyle said...

I always flip the ear back.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

You people are killing me. I've been pining away to get a cat, or preferably a dog, lately, and my husband says no. I think I've become that cliche wherein my youngest child is not a baby anymore and I want a cuddly new friend who will make me laugh and not ever get too cool to be seen with me. I wish my husband would stop being a bunghole about it.

Petunia said...

Hope that cute big puppy gets a gastropexy when she is spayed. St. Bernards are at high risk for gastric dilatation/volvulus, a very serious and very expensive surgical emergency.

Re someone's question on an earlier dog post...yes, good idea to clean paws after walking in winter; a lot of ice melters are pet-safe, but some are not, and of course salt can be irritating.

Synova said...

Wish me luck. I've got a math test tomorrow and I seem to have developed a severe test anxiety problem. I've never in my life suffered from test anxiety where I know the material and sit down and look at the test and my brain just stops. It's sort of upsetting.

I don't know if this confession will help it or not, but we'll see.

Synova said...

Erika, if you can't be home all the time a cat is a better choice because they really don't care if they get to be queen of the house while you're out.

A bird can be interesting and affectionate. Have you considered a little Quaker parrot or hand fed cockatiel? Your husband might not associate those with litter boxes and shredded furniture and hair all over. I've seen people take their birds out for walks and if you don't have a cat or dog they can be out to play with you in the house when you're home and then get put nicely away in their cage again.

(My impression is that large parrots are demanding, socially, and get crazy if they're alone just like a dog will, and it would probably be best to have *two* of the small birds. Many of the super colorful mid-sized birds are crazy shrieking noisy horrors.)

Smilin' Jack said...

At the Flipped Ear Café...... there's disarray, but only so very slight.

And also, unless Althouse is the heartless, soulless, cute-proof creature her commie commentators make her out to be, a new member of the family. Congatulations!

Darrell said...

Here, Erika.
They need you.


Darrell said...


Carnifex said...

I miss having a dog in the house. On late nights like tonight, they click clack down the hall to keep you company. I know there is a God just from the existence of dogs.

Carnifex said...

Okay, just a one time thing here, but I am going to stand up for cats. Not all, (there are 1 or 2) but most, of our cats are very affectionate. They can be demanding of attention, just like a dog. They will play with you, just like a dog. We even have cats that will fetch.

But the affection part, neither I nor my wife cannot sit down without 1 or more cats trying to sit on our laps, shoulders, head, chest...(a cats motto is always "IF I FITS, I SITS"). But they enjoy attention just as much as any dog does.

Also a cat will find a person who they will bond to almost exclusively. We had 1 named Morgan. She was a little bitty thing, and she bonded with me for some reason. When I worked on the house she would either sit beside me, or in my toolbox, or my lap, and watch me work. Sometimes she would try to help, like when I would strip wallpaper, she would get on her back legs and scratch at the paper with her front paws. she also liked to rub up against what ever I was painting >:-/ so I'd wind up with a painted cat, and cat hair on my baseboards.

Carnifex said...

I agree with Synova about the mid sized parrots. A friend of mine has 2, and jeez, the shrieking they do. You walk into a room and SCREAMMMM!!11.

You walk out of the room and SCREAMMMM!!11.

A car drives down the street and SCREAMMMM!!11.

The sun goes down...SCREAMMMM!!11.

The sun comes up...SCREAMMMM!!11.

in between the screaming, they do a few amusing things like spit their food onto the floor, splash their water on everything, and then they SCREAMMMM!!11 about it.

Every now and then 1 will say "hello." Really not worth the aggravation.


I was told the shrieking was a "hawk" warning. Apparently, anything not a parrot is a hawk, and so, induces a shriek.

Is there any white meat on a mid-sized parrot?

Dante said...

Waiting for a savior, may be a real one this time..Not that I am saying it is Dr.Carson. Somebody as courageous and super smart, but perhaps less religious.

I really enjoyed what the man had to say. It made so much sense to me. But, it's probably too late, even though the thinks not.

edutcher said...

Ms liz, both, of course.

There's a ghastly expression used by some of the animalrights crowd for dog owners - pet parents.

If that's true, then Meadhouse are pet grandparents. They sure fit the definition of people who have fun with the kids, then get to send them home when they're tired of them.

rhhardin said...

If you have a dog around, you can photograph words.

pm317 said...

Dante said...

I agree. Dr. Carson said a lot of things that needed to be said like the one about 'standing up to the bullies'. We know the bully at the bully pulpit. The state of the union is such that one side has all the resources without checks and balances and is marginalizing the other side bit by bit. The other side has not figured out what to do or how to counter it. The soft touch from blogs like Althouse will not help the people who need a voice. And it emboldens the bullies on the other side by its weakness. But then again Althouse does not seem like a 'controversial', take a stand kind of gal with her blog. Looking around it is hard for me to find any on the right that has a big influence or can generate one in the near future. We are all doomed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is this your new dog - or the neighbors?

Tank said...

Synova said...
Wish me luck. I've got a math test tomorrow and I seem to have developed a severe test anxiety problem. I've never in my life suffered from test anxiety where I know the material and sit down and look at the test and my brain just stops. It's sort of upsetting.

I don't know if this confession will help it or not, but we'll see.

Bring a small bottle of water.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN: The new joke network?
CNN: Pro-murderer, but they hate Republicans who sip water.

Got it.

AllenS said...

Good luck, Synova.

Shanna said...

I'll echo the good luck to Synova and Carnifex's point about affectionate cats.

My parents have a Westie that is really fond of my mother and whenever I come over and she's not there the dog gloms onto me. They also have an outside great pyranees which is just a gorgeous dog.

Anonymous said...

Borrow the dog to match the rug?

marvel said...

I think the dog flipped the ear to purposefully introduce a small flaw, a small element of disarray, because only God is perfect.

(GK Chesterton's Father Brown: "Well, some people treat a D-O-G as if it were a G-O-D.")

rhhardin said...

Walter Russell Mead via insty.

An economic death spiral is like a straitjacket: the more fitfully you try to get out, the tighter it gets.

That's a Chinese finger trap, not a straight-jacket.

dandean said...

I've always felt that dogs have very expressive ears and eyebrows.

I'd have thought you guys would have opted for America's most popular pooch - the noble Lab!