February 12, 2013

After beginning its new design era with an Adorable Obama cover...

... which looked like this, The New Republic comes out with its next issue, addressing the subject of "The Republicans" ("The Party of White People"), and it looks like this:


That came in the mail today. Yes, I've subscribed. The toy robot is there to cover up my address label. And yes, I understand the reference to "The Beatles" (i.e., The White Album).


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TML said...

How utterly boring and banal. Yawn. Wow, they're really pushing into new territory.

Sofa King said...

Accusations of bigotry *really is* all they have left. Shouting Thomas has been right all along.

chickelit said...

fabula raza

James said...

Hilarity ensued...

Ace calls out progressives of pallor at The New Republic over ‘Party of White People’ cover

Sorun said...

White people are the most talented people in the world. We deserve to have our own party.

ampersand said...

Did Sam Tanenhaus put on black face when he wrote this? Mammy!

Bryan C said...

That's why I'm a Republican. I tried to register as a Democrat but I failed the paper bag test. Sigh.

chickelit said...

I guess this what Althouse and Sullivan warned would happen to Republicans?

chickelit said...

Perhaps Althouse would be so kind as to read to us some of the content of the article lest we judge it by its cover.

Freeman Hunt said...

Save on ink that way.

edutcher said...


Bryan C said...

That's why I'm a Republican. I tried to register as a Democrat but I failed the paper bag test. Sigh.

No, you passed the intelligence test.

Erich said...

"You should have seen the cover they wanted to do. It wasn't a glove I can tell you that."

Revenant said...

White people are the majority of the country.

If Republicans are "the party of white people", why aren't they in control of every branch of government? :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cold pizza said...

Anyone who leaves the Dem plantation is de facto white. What difference does skin color make, anyway? -CP

MadisonMan said...

Save on ink that way.

Maybe, but you've got to bleach more paper.

cold pizza said...

Any word on what color Livertarians are supposed to be? I need to coordinate my political accessories. -CP

Anonymous said...

A blank white cover, Republicans, whiteness...


A black cover would be racist, though unless you're:

1. Black
2. Meet the black quota of staff writers (at least 2)
3. Took a course in black poetry at Dartmouth
4. Have 'a lot of black friends'
5. Declare yourself on the right side of history in the political moment, showing your progressive loyalty, gathered around John Brown's body, like the folks over at the Nation.

You're in! Who needs experience and understanding when you've got political ideology?

6. So far up Obama's ass, that you can't see colors anymore.

test said...

The journalism in these pages will strive to be free of party ideology or partisan bias

Well, we can stamp that a fail.

garage mahal said...

Republicans are too diverse. They have old *and* white people in their party.

Anonymous said...

I think you need an "Obama The Boyfriend" tag on this one.

He's still working his coolness angle with the Rolling Stone crowd.

Freeman Hunt said...

More surprising than the blank cover are the top headlines. They do want you to buy the magazine, yes? It is hard to tell.

Known Unknown said...

Is that ... paper?

Anonymous said...

Liberals better be careful what they wish for. They may get a white people Republican Party, i.e. one where whites vote in a racial bloc similar to the way minorities vote.

Whites voted against Obama 60-40% in 2012. If that percentage were to exceed 70%, the Republican Party would be unbeatable.

That would make for some very ugly politics. But then again, things ain't that pretty now.

Sorun said...

It was important to put the robots tag in there. They have many uses, including just covering stuff up.

Rose said...

What's 'adorable' about the Obama cover?

Anonymous said...

On second thought, they sold a subscription to Althouse, and they're trying to update the old New Republic into the New New Republic.

Go into the heart of the culture, and cultivate coolness.

As for respectability and non-partisanship, maybe not.

Revenant said...

There is exceptional racial diversity. There's the race that invented the concept of the republic; the race that invented the automobile, airplane, telephone, television, radio and computer; the race that discovered most of modern science and medicine; and the race that did the lion's share of fighting in our wars.

They're missing the race that commits most of the murders and the race with most of the illegal immigrants... but you can't have everything, I guess. :)

Anonymous said...

As a photo composition, I gotta say that I love the toy robot.

test said...

garage mahal said...
Republicans are too diverse. They have old *and* white people in their party.

Garage's first thought every morning must be "how can I prove myself a bigger asshole than yesterday".

He's remarkably successful at it.

Sorun said...

"They do want you to buy the magazine, yes?"

They got the word "sex" in there. Just need to get "abs" also, and it should be a top-seller.

cubanbob said...

So is TNR going to label the democratic party the negrocratic party?

ricpic said...

Who the hell's gonna invite you to the "in" parties if you're the party of white people? This will be conveyed in no uncertain terms by the wives of the Republican Establishment to the Republican Establishment and the stampede to grovel at the black feet of America's hater nonpareil will go into overdrive.

One can only hope that one day out of the rubble a party will emerge with an unswerving dedication to liberty, a concept wholly white as it has never, not once appeared in the cultures of either blacks, browns or yellows.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pastafarian said...

Althouse, I know you're into introspective examination of the root causes of your own attitudes. I'd like to see you perform such an analysis with respect to your attitudes on race. I wonder if you could.

Why do you suppose it upset you so, to see Republicans embrace Ben Carson?

Do you need Republicans to be "the party of white people", so that your 2008 vote really proves you're not one of those vile racists?

Someone once said something like: It would be great if there were a group of vile people perpetrating all of the evil in the world, so that all we had to do was exclude ourselves from them and then destroy them. Unfortunately, evil is distributed, so that it lies in the hearts of each person, and we're much less willing to destroy a part of ourselves.

traditionalguy said...

A blanc page is a secret Liberal dream for minds that need scripting by liberals with big lies.

We have seen the existence of written digitally accessible science single handedly defeat the Biggest Mass Lie of all time dressed in Settled Science Myths about Global Warming from calling CO2 pollution instead of plant food and then announcing we must turn in all freedoms and all financial assets or be killed.

They have discovered from that episode that the liberals NEED to erase our minds and cut us off from pesky truth sources. They need a complete digital erasure in place of simple book burnings. Or maybe an imternet police like the ChiComs have created will do the trick.

fivewheels said...

If it were a Beatles reference, wouldn't it be "The White Party" instead of The Party of White People? Or are they that bad at allusion?

Known Unknown said...

"A Historical Investigation" will no doubt uncover those insidious Jim Crow laws created by Democrats, right?

Anonymous said...

Romney got 56% of white women's vote, that's diversity, isn't it?

Known Unknown said...

If it were a Beatles reference, wouldn't it be "The White Party" instead of The Party of White People? Or are they that bad at allusion?

If they were really slick, there wouldn't be any other fucking type (spot varnish the masthead?) on the cover. But they're not.

David said...

Thank God we are in the post racial era now that we have a mixed race President. All this harmony just because Obama was elected and people stopped playing race cards. It's magnificent.

ampersand said...

SWPL list

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Isn't this a stereotype?

The assignation of political thought to skin color.

Anonymous said...

Heck. The Beatles remain the most beloved pop group of all time and the White Album is their most diverse.

I'll take the comparison as a compliment.

"Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

Mark said...

I love living in Post-Racial America.

coketown said...

I love the pretension of their choice in definite article. They use 'an' because they pronounce it 'istorical'--unsounded H--as only stuffy British pedants and liberal American magazine editors can.

What? You don't think in casual conversation they would be like, "Oh, absolutely, I love the 'istory Channel! And 'istorical fiction is my faaaavorite literary genre! Oh, bloody hell--those Republicans are 'ysterical!"

So why is it "an 'istorical investigation?" Because if they meant to write it as they speak it, and wrote "an hhhhistorical investigation," they would come off like a pack of cream-of-wheat gumming retards. Not that the contents alluded to on the cover hasn't created that illusion already.

But beyond the silliness of pretending their audience pronounces 'history' in a manner contrary to the greater continental United States, this cover is the hard-left analog to that...shit, what was it...damn it to hell...the magazine that was going down the tubes and was briefly resuscitated when Tina Brown slapped Hilary Clinton on the cover...

Whatever it was, the cover was a bland, safe calculation to appeal to the very audience that was abandoning the paper in droves. This is no different. Articles claiming Republicans are racists is a perennial favorite for liberals. It's a guaranteed success. Like chicken liver to catfish, it will attract them in droves--which is good since they were leaving in droves. This headline is stinky, delicious bait. Race-bait!

Prediction: in the next couple months, there will be a spread on the up-and-coming minority faces of the New Democratic party.

Mark said...

The Rubios, Cruz', Haleys, Gomez', etc. must scare the hell out of the liberal hacks.

Unfortunately, they also scare the hell out of the Republican Back-Room Establishment.

garage mahal said...

He's remarkably successful at it.

Thanks. But I don't do this for my health, let me get you an email address to make a donation....

MayBee said...

White people are horrible.

coketown said...

See? Ann posts on the topic of Republicans being too white and, like a specter in a graveyard or a catfish to chicken liver, here comes garage mahal, right on cue, to devour and indulge the tasty bait.

An odd representative for leftist diversity, to be sure. He's so white in appearance and cultural taste he makes me look like Flava Flav.

MnMark said...

The question is: why don't other races vote for small government, personal responsibility, and economic freedom?

Some whites vote for that (by voting Republican), some vote against.

But 98% of blacks vote for big government. So do overwhelming percentages of Hispanics and Asians.

The question is not why whites split on the big government/small government question.

The question is what is wrong with the other races that they overwhelmingly vote for big government. At least whites can go either way.

Nomennovum said...

"The Republicans. The Party of the white people ...

... who freed the black people from slavery.

And we all know which party placed them in bonds -- twice.

Marty said...

Wonder why any thinking person gives a fig. It's like wondering what Andrew Sullivan thinks. Watching paint dry is 'way more fascinating.

rhhardin said...

It's a picture of the parting of the Red Sea.

The Israelites have gone by and the Egyptians haven't come yet.

Cody Jarrett said...

They said if we'd just elect Zero all this racism shit would be over.

So we did.

Then we did it again--just to make sure.

But the racism shit just keeps getting worse.

It's all they have. It's all any of them have.

Brian said...

There are six names printed on that cover: five authors (Ian McEwan, Julia Ioffe, Reuel Marc Gerecht, Adam Kirsch, and Sam Tanenhaus) and a subject (Ezra Klein). Every one of the six denotes a white person. You would think SOMEONE at TNR would notice that, wouldn't you?

DADvocate said...

Jonathon Chait and Taneshouse construct a theory based on lies and fantasy while insulting my home state of Tennessee which happens to have a slight majority of Democrats. It's a piece trying to pigeon hole the Republican Party, hoping to prevent them from mounting a challenge to the Democrats. Propaganda pure and simple.

Quite ironic after the publisher, Christopher Hughes, wrote this less than three weeks ago: The journalism in these pages will strive to be free of party ideology or partisan bias,….

If this is what he considers "free of party ideology or partisan bias", I'd love to see the ideology and bias.

Calypso Facto said...

Nothing funnier than pasty white people (NR, garage, et al) making fun of how white other people are.

I predict the magazine will (continue to) fail. Unfortunately, the Democrat-driven, identity-politics standard of caring more about a candidate's looks than his/her ideas has been a great success.

Cody Jarrett said...

Without trying to start something or anything, I'd really like to know--Madame, why did you subscribe? What did you think you were going to get from it?

No judgement, just genuine curiosity.

Was it just that you figured you'd find topics for blog posts? Is it that Chris Hughes is a married gay man? Is it the Bilderberg connection?

garage mahal said...

Nothing funnier than pasty white people (NR, garage, et al) making fun of how white other people are.

You guys seem overly sensitive on this topic. You wouldn't argue Republicans are a white party, would you?

Anonymous said...

Sam Tanenhus is the white guy who published "The Death of Conservatism" after Obama's victory in 2008, then went into hiding after the crushing Tea Party victory in 2010.

Now Tanenhus is back in 2013 and this time it's personal.

rhhardin said...

Things started going downhill when Crayola discontinued Indian Red, making drawings of Indians impossible.

It's Orwellian.

jeyi said...

At risk of ODing the readeership of the center-right blogospher, here below is a re-posting of what I put up on several threads, including Althouse's, late last month. Thanks for bearing with me on this.

Alan Potkin


Chris Hughes, who also got a ten-minute video tongue bath in today’s online NY Times, regarding his great plans for the venerable New Republic –which he’s owned outright since last March– was, of course, one of the original FaceBook developers which led in due course to him becoming a wealthy fellow indeed.

He was also in charge, during the run-up to the 2008 elections, of all the Social Media projects at the Obama for President campaign’s national HQ in Chicago.

I have much to say on Mr. Hughes’s likely responsibility for the outrageous DOS attack organized by the Obama for President HQ in Chicago just prior to the 2008 election on Milt Rosenberg’s WGN radio interview with Stanley Kurtz on the failed Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) educational initiative, of which Obama was the Executive Director, and the role in the CAC of the despicable Bill Ayers. See:


Cody Jarrett said...

I mean...Chris Hughes is so friggin white and blonde and blue eyed he could be a poster boy for a Hitler Youth assembly.

His spouse, while not blonde, is equally white.

He was born in North Carolina yet managed to go to Phillips Academy--which is also pretty fucking lily white.

They're so white they have fencing and crew teams.

But yeah. Republicans are evil racists. Sigh.

Anonymous said...


'Nuff said.

Barry Dauphin said...

Well, at least the St. Bernard has something to go on if he can't wait to go outside.

DADvocate said...

You guys seem overly sensitive on this topic. You wouldn't argue Republicans are a white party, would you?

The Republican Party is almost as white as every TNR editor, ever. Or, Obama's campaign headquarters.

Liberals are scared to death of people like Ben Carson. TNR attempts a preemptive strike to prevent more minorities from seeing the light. Plus, it's important to factionalize the country and keep us fighting against each other for the Democrats to be able to win.

Cody Jarrett said...

Garage, my question is: what difference does it make? We're all God's children, aren't we (more or less I guess).

What did MLK say about the color of someone's skin v. the content of character?

Cody Jarrett said...

Did they really, in their first issue (the one with the "adorable" Barry cover where he looks like he just dealt a wicked wet smelly one) have an article where someone pondered the hard hitting question of "why grandmother's exist"?


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A thought experiment...

Lets say the former California officer, being hunted like a dog, were a black man and the motives for the alleged shootings were not known nor surmised via a manifesto... no manifesto.

But the white republicans smelling an opportunity, would go on Fox and assign a leftist agenda as the cause for the former officer to go on the alleged spree.

Wouldn't that be called racist?

It seems to me that if this word "equality" is to mean what I think it means - direction is irrelevant? - then we have to hold ourselves to that and resist this attempt at reverse racism?

garage mahal said...

The Republican Party is almost as white as every TNR editor, ever.

Okay, so pretty white?

Cody Jarrett said...

But Garage, what difference does skin color make?

Wince said...

So, now the New Republic is playing Charlie Manson to the Republican White Album?

Oh, yeah, the Beatles laid that on him. You know, that White Album of theirs. Man, that blew Charlie's mind. He said it was beautiful. Charlie said that the Beatles were sending him messages through their music. You know, like that song ''Revolution 9.'' Charlie dug it the most, man. He said it was beautiful. l mean, Charlie was hip right away they were referring to Revelation 9...

The way Charlie had it figured out was that the Beatles were sending him messages. You know, that this was all coming down now. Not next year or sometime in the future, but right now. He'd play that song over and over again...listen to every sound real close. He said it was a message just for the tuned-in people. That the Beatles favored the revolution.

Q: But how was this revolution supposed to come about?

Well, according to Charlie...blackie would rise up and start committing super atrocious crimes...against whitey. And this would start a race war. Whitey and blackie would fight each other. Hippie liberals and uptight conservatives would fight each other. The Uncle Toms would fight the Panthers, and it'd be Helter Skelter.

DADvocate said...

Okay, so pretty white?

How white is Obama's cabinet?

garage mahal said...

But Garage, what difference does skin color make?

Some people find voting patterns and demographics interesting and worth writing about.

Cody Jarrett said...

Garage, what difference does skin color make?

Answer the question I asked you 2-3 times.

harrogate said...

It's actually a really intriguing article that makes several valid points. I wonder who among you read it? Probably a handful....

DADvocate said...

Why is it so important to Democrats to keep blacks and minorities under their thumb?

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Ellison said...

Key and Peeled do funny stuff on the problem of "who's blacker".

KCFleming said...

"I wonder who among you read it?"

Reading propaganda is pointless.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Garage is just filled with extra self loathing today, and is desperate to prove his liberal bonafides as "one of the good ones."

Sort of like a much less subtle Althouse, without the education, financial success, and healthy body weight.

harrogate said...

An awful lot of facts in there. Or, if you don't read it, "propaganda."

jr565 said...

Creeley wrote:

Heck. The Beatles remain the most beloved pop group of all time and the White Album is their most diverse.

The Beatles I'll notice had no black people in the group. And no women. All white.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I wonder who among you read it?"

I don't need to taste it to know its not rain.

Cody Jarrett said...

I like the part where they say the R's don't have any black house members--of course, not saying that they did, and he was elected from a southern state, and the reason he's not in the house is cuz he's a senator now...and gee...how come they didn't mention the senate at all?

Is it cuz the d's are a little light on dark there?

And I like how suddenly gay and lesbians are tossed in. Funny, I was under the impression that gay people came in all skin shades?

Yes Harrogate--I've read the article. Well, not all of it. I had to stop after the first 3 pages to vomit.

jr565 said...

What did MLK say about the color of someone's skin v. the content of character?

do you really think garage agrees with MLK and color blindness? he's all about the race and dividing people along racial lines.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Quacks like a duck, looks like a duck... its a duck.

harrogate said...

"I don't need to taste it to know its not rain,"

Said, in one version or another, everyone who ever limited themselves to an ideological bubble. Hell, the liberals who read this blog alone have most of you guys beat 1-0 on the front of looking at the other side's ideas. And of course, most who are reading this blog probably read more from the same part of the spectrum.

DADvocate said...

It's actually a really intriguing article that makes several valid points.

It's a hit piece intended to frame the Republican Party as the party of white people because as soon as blacks and other minorities realize how liberal policies have kept them poor, dependent on the government and the Democrats, the Democrats lose a huge advantage. Taneshouse and Chait go through 200 years of history cherry picking. For starters, they conveniently leave out that Calhoun was a Democrat.

Palladian said...


Seeing Red said...

Be thankful for small favors.

They could have reflected on the dem party and we could have been looking at a vagina.

Cody Jarrett said...

You know what else? I read about Ike, and Goldwater, and even George W...but I must have missed the part where they analyzed the quote from LBJ, on setting up welfare, where he said "I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

Imagine that. Republicans are the party of white people cuz of Ike...but democrats are racially pure cuz of...LBJ?


Palladian said...


DADvocate said...

An awful lot of facts in there. Or, if you don't read it, "propaganda."

Good propaganda always has some facts. And, if you look at the links I included in my first comment, you'll see I read the articles yesterday. So, quit patting yourself on the back for being so smart. You'll break an arm.

Cody Jarrett said...

jr: no I don't think garage is about racial blindness at all. But I wanted him to say it or not.

He won't.

He's a coward.

pm317 said...

Obviously this is their (TNR) way of not going gaga over Republicans like Dr. Carson. I know you approve of it.

harrogate said...

"For starters, they conveniently leave out that Calhoun was a Democrat."

oh, please. that's the worst kind of historical political ignorance when people do that. thank God for you that you use a psuedonym when you make public statements.

Chip Ahoy said...

As an outsider to Parties it appears to me that Republicans are the party for all people equally with nothing at all to say about race and Democrats are a party of slice and dice and curry favor to identity grievances. It's all I ever hear from those partisan fuckers and I never heard one party take so much trouble in defining the other. I do not hear so many Republican politicians trying so hard to define Democrats, if they did that in the same way they would refer to them always as rats.

Cody Jarrett said...

Palladian, if you've got blisters on your fingers you're either not doing it right or doing it too much...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Said, in one version or another, everyone who ever limited themselves to an ideological bubble.

My conservatism is color blind... or at least tries to be... period, the end.

Obsessing over color only succeeds in staying with color... slowly making color everything.

I'm sick of it... I'm tired of it.

harrogate said...

"As an outsider to Parties it appears to me that Republicans are the party for all people equally with nothing at all to say about race and Democrats are a party of slice and dice and curry favor to identity grievances."

Chip you really outdo yourself on the ridiculous front with that one. It's like Bill O'Reilly has inhabited your body. "I'm fiercely independent! Just like the Republicans!" Hmmmm. Sort of like Althouse too, come to think of it. Or maybe you *are* O'Reilly. Or Althouse.

"It's all I ever hear from those partisan fuckers and I never heard one party take so much trouble in defining the other. I do not hear so many Republican politicians trying so hard to define Democrats, if they did that in the same way they would refer to them always as rats."

More drivel. Both Parties relentlessly have tried to define one another. Remember things like "Soft on Crime" and "Party of Death" and "Soft on Terror" and "Godless" and "Party of Takers" and on and on and on?

Of course you don't remember. Pretentious fucking lies, though, you've gotten much better at since you flipped your lid after the election.

Ermagerd indeed.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

CEO-MMP said...
"Garage, what difference does skin color make?

Answer the question I asked you 2-3 times."

Looks like Manboobs Mahal bravely waddled away from his computer screen rather than answer your question.

Perhaps he urgently needed to attend a NAACP Meeting or perhaps frequent one of the local hip hop establishments?

KCFleming said...

If they chose a rock album for the Democrats, it'd have to be the Rutles.

Rocketeer said...

oh, please. that's the worst kind of historical political ignorance when people do that

Sorry, harrogate, but Democrats own Calhoun, just as they own Bull Connor, LBJ, and every other racist Democrat up to and including you and Obama.

garage mahal said...

"But 175 years ago southern Democrats were racists!"

Strong rebuttal as always.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm sure Harrogate is qualified to speak on such matters, with his Wesley Snipes/Charlie Murphy complection.

All of those labels you claim that are used to define the Democrats by the right are race neutral.

Go fuck yourself, racist.

Or as Ezra likes to say, go fuck yourself with a spiky acid tipped dick.

harrogate said...

"Sorry, harrogate, but Democrats own Calhoun...."

Riiiiggghhhhht. They have the same Party name after all!!!!! That's all that matters.

Democrats also own Jesse Helms and Ronald Reagan and Strom Thurmond and.... Oh. Wait.

The stupidity is very thick with some of you guys.

Sigivald said...

chickelit: The cover is the magazine's cover.

It's telling a story (presenting assumptions, implications, or both) all on its own.

(And the Graphic Designer in me wants to slap the idiot that thought that was good layout.)

coketown said...

I actually did read the article, and sorry harrogate, but it really was equal parts sloppy hit-piece and regurgitated liberal dogma.

The writer starts by counting the different colored beans. Curiously he mentions the scarcity of blacks in the House but neglects the Senate--where the only black senator was Republican. Oh wait. There's a Democratic one now, too, who was appointed to replace John Kerry. He also curiously neglects to mentioned that of the 9 female governors elected since 2004, six have been Republican.

Obviously he used a lot of biased discretion in gathering representative samples to show Republican lack of diversity.

Then he keeps mentioning what a Perilous, Dangerous position Republicans are in: the most perilous since 1964! In danger of becoming an irrelevant national party! (!!![!!!])

Was 2010 really that long ago? Did 2010 even happen? Was it all a dream?

The most glorious--to liberals--part of the article is suggesting--with a straight face--that nullification is gaining esteem because Obama is black.

Right. It has nothing to do with the former Democratic-controlled federal government making unprecedented and brazen power grabs, enacting a deeply flawed piece of legislation of dubious constitutionality that was and remains deeply unpopular throughout the country. And has everything to do with Obama being black. If a white Democrat had passed Obamacare, Republicans would love it.


So I can confidently declare that everyone suspecting this ridiculous piece in TNR is nothing but left-wing talking points is correct. There was nothing insightful or even original to it. It's the same narrative and assembly of factoids we've been hearing for decades.

The Republican party is facing extinction.

Until it isn't.

Which happens with uncanny regularity.

Rocketeer said...

You too, GM, here and now. I'm calling you on it. You're racist, just like Calhoun. Possibly worse, because at least he didn't try to cloak his selfishness.

Rocketeer said...

You too, harrogate.

You're racist.

Care to deny it?

Ann Althouse said...

I subscribed so I could get good iPad access to what looked like a nicely designed place. More about the style than the substance.

chickelit said...

This Tannhäuser chap really knows how to craft an allusion.

Cody Jarrett said...

Of course, I haven't cared for Tanenhaus since he drove Imus crazy with the Whittaker Chambers stuff (which led to Imus making the rest of the world crazy with it...including the best Charles McCord moment in history..."Richard Nixon is DEAD! Whittaker Chambers is DEAD! I wish I were DEAD! etc. If you didn't hear it, there's a clip of it on youtube. I was painting french doors when he started, and I was laughing so hard I got paint all over a lot of the glass...but it was worth it).


Hmm. Haus.
He's white, blond and sees race in everything...nah, couldn't be.

Cody Jarrett said...

Thank you Professor.

harrogate said...

Rocketeer is on fire. That's how you get it done, right there!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When the truth is found to be lies
And all the joy within you dies
Don't you want some country to love, don't you
Need some country to love, wouldn't you
Love some country to love, you better
Find some country to love...

Cody Jarrett said...

Heh. Rocketeer offers to give Harrogate the chance to deny it.

You can't deny racism! It's the seriousness of the charge!

test said...

harrogate said...
"DADvocate said...For starters, they conveniently leave out that Calhoun was a Democrat."

oh, please. that's the worst kind of historical political ignorance when people do that. thank God for you that you use a psuedonym when you make public statements.

Yes, only Republican sins follow the party. Much like only white skin transfers sins amongst the tribe.

chickelit said...

Regarding the "Let me be clear" TNR cover that Althouse linked: Richard Nixon would like to make one thing perfectly clear: chirbit

Cody Jarrett said...

Hmm. Garage is back, but still not answering the question.

What difference does skin color make, Garage?

I'm beginning to think they might be right--you might be a racist.

That pains me. I had hope for you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I subscribed so I could get good iPad access to what looked like a nicely designed place. More about the style than the substance.

Next time, if you don't add any chosen paragraphs from within the "story" to an obvious provocatively incendiary headline like this... I'm not going to comment... I'm going to take a pass.

Because I'm not going to reward that blather by clicking on it.

I'm not going to be bullied either.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As an outsider to Parties it appears to me that Republicans are the party for all people equally...

Let me break it down for you, Chip.

The Republicans are to American culture what oatmeal is to American cuisine.

Just smooth enough to even out most of the lumps and pretty damn boring -- unless you throw in some brown sugar. And even then, its way too gooey in consistency to allow you to discern anything with an ounce of real bite, inside.

DADvocate said...

Yes, only Republican sins follow the party. Much like only white skin transfers sins amongst the tribe.

Exactly. Chait and Taneshouse dredge up all sorts ghosts, including Democrats, to attribute racism to Republicans. Why else did they dig up Calhoun? But, like Democrats as a whole, they depend on low information voters and tools like harrogate.

test said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
Just smooth enough to even out most of the lumps and pretty damn boring --

Adults understand economics and policy is boring. If you get excited you've probably convinced yourself you can get something for nothing, which means you're wrong.

harrogate said...

Shorter Althouse boards:

"The party with an ultrawhite voting bloc is actually the colorblind party. The party with a diverse voting block is racist. Calhoun was a Democrat. Lalalalala."


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Republicans think that demography and ethnicity is about nothing more than appearance.

But it's really about how they have no culture. Or at least, no sense of culture.

So of course, they can't appreciate how different cultures - EVEN IN AMERICA - go about finding ways of life that are beautiful, appreciable and work for them.

Culture for Republicans is always reduced to strictly moral issues.

It's a big reason for their gap in understanding the world.

Basta! said...

All 6 of the people mentioned on the cover are white; throw in Chait, co-author of one of the articles, and it's 7 out of 7.

They can't even shake it up on ethnicity: 6 of these 7 people are Jewish.

Self-righteously demanding Diversity for everyone else from their tight, bland, comfortable, homogenous cocoon

garage mahal said...

I'm beginning to think they might be right--you might be a racist.

Well, I admit I don't want to have babies with Ben Carson. Worse yet, I hadn't even heard of him until a few days ago.

So, racist, and a dividerer?

chickelit said...

Raise your hand if you think Ritmogate is clear and convincing or even preponderant with evidence.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Adults understand economics and policy is boring. If you get excited you've probably convinced yourself you can get something for nothing, which means you're wrong.

Life is about more than just this.

Anyway, I'm curious to know what Republicans think they're getting from their current approach to policy and economics.

And then that elephant in the room, what they got from their approach to economic policy up to 2008 - which is basically what they're offering again. More of the same. Never mind the Great Recession, we've got the ideas that BROUGHT you the Great Recession.

Yep. Being adult also means learning from one's mistakes - especially mistakes that resulted from ideological zeal and obstinancy.

Unless you're a Republican, of course.

chickelit said...

They are however, onerous.

chickelit said...

Anyway, I'm curious to know what Republicans think they're getting from their current approach to policy and economics.

And what exactly is our Dear Leader getting with his policies?

Discord and disarray!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Garage is the worst sort of racist, the one who advocates policies that destroy and subjugate minorities to generational poverty and helplessness, from the far distance of his lilly white community.

No cracker with a confederate flag on his truck and overt racism does nearly as much damage.

Is that why your first wife left you tubby? So many possibilities now, your racism, your anti homosexual slurs, your lack of any original thought, and of course, your tub of goo physical appearance.

Maybe your first wife truly was the one who believed in diversity, and left you for a mosaic of all of those reasons?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Raise your hand if you think Ritmogate is clear and convincing or even preponderant with evidence.

Sorry if the "truthiness" of my statements doesn't, er, excite you, Chickie.

But of course, I await your rebuttals at any moment.

Guess I'll be waiting a while.

Anonymous said...

Remarkable depiction of the emptiness of the New Republic.

chickelit said...

Republicans think that demography and ethnicity is about nothing more than appearance.

The logic of that thought is so easily reversed that even you can do it

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And what exactly is our Dear Leader getting with his policies?

Discord and disarray!

He seems to be kicking your ass in this little thing we refer to as "elections".

But you'll always have gerrymandering, right? Very orderly and well arrayed thing, that gerrymandering.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The logic of that thought is so easily reversed...

Can you please explain what the heck is meant by "reversing" logic?

Ctmom4 said...

I disagree with you, professor on the new style. TNR was always painful to read - now it's actually painful to look at.

chickelit said...

CRIME IN ITALY Ritmo--will you for once own up to present direction of the economy as being shaped by Democrats?

I refuse to step back to 2008 for your hindsight banalyses.

test said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
Never mind the Great Recession, we've got the ideas that BROUGHT you the Great Recession.

It's hard to tell whether anyone believes this or merely repeats it hoping to influence others. Either way it's why you're sitting with the other children.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't know what Crime in Italy has to do with the stock market fully recovering (doubling), unemployment going from greater than 10% to less than 8% (and closer to 6% had the Republicans not demanded an unprecedented [even for them] public-sector unemployment-free recovery), and all the while with a bunch of Teahadists vetoing every idea all along the way - even those formerly endorsed by conservatives.

But we can always find ways to jerry-rig the economy by doing the Republican short-term, smoke and mirrors thing.

Stop defending liars, dude. It's making you look like a fool.

Michael K said...

" CEO-MMP said...
Garage, my question is: what difference does it make? We're all God's children, aren't we (more or less I guess).

What did MLK say about the color of someone's skin v. the content of character?

That's not a fair question. I think he was white, or something. Certainly not diverse enough.

DADvocate said...

This is what the Democrats have to offer us: between January 2009 and November 2012 the food stamp program added approximately an average 11,269 recipients per day.

Diversified, multi-cultural poverty.

edutcher said...

garage mahal said...

Republicans are too diverse. They have old *and* white people in their party.

Just like Zero's cabinet.

Rose said...

What's 'adorable' about the Obama cover?

The subject's opinion of the subject.

Unfortunately, Ann can't bring herself to say Barry's expression is too precious by half.

harrogate said...

Hell, the liberals who read this blog alone have most of you guys beat 1-0 on the front of looking at the other side's ideas

Well, first you have to find a Liberal.

Problem is, there are only Leftists and they reject any idea that isn't 80 years old and has been proven unworkable.

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Republicans think that demography and ethnicity is about nothing more than appearance.

Just like the Democrats?

But it's really about how they have no culture. Or at least, no sense of culture.

Corruption and sociopathy are not culture.

But it's all the Demos have

chickelit said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Can you please explain what the heck is meant by "reversing" logic?

Democrats think appearance is about nothing more than demography and ethnicity. That is why they think they are "winning"

They simplistically think that "white is bad" (cf. the TNR cover) and therefore will "lose"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Children", Marshal?


This is my favorite photo depiction of the maturity of the Teahadist Republicans.

And the caption is great:

Why, no, ma'am -- we don't mean to impugn the seriousness of your Founding-Fathers-Wearing-Joker-Makeup Ensemble.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Democrats think appearance is about nothing more than demography and ethnicity. That is why they think they are "winning"

They simplistically think that "white is bad" (cf. the TNR cover) and therefore will "lose"

No they don't. This is bullshit. And for those who have any real understanding of logic, a poor attempt at a tu quoque. Although it sounds like a converse accident.

Anyways, whites (WASPs) aren't bad. They're just boring.

Get over it.

chickelit said...

Ritmo taunts: Stop defending liars, dude. It's making you look like a fool.

A despicable thing for a defender of the Party of Benghazi-snoozing to say.

Freeman Hunt said...

Say you really were running out of ink, and you couldn't get more, and you didn't want your audience to know, and the only way to make the ink last was to run blank covers for as many months as possible.

What are other cover stories you could have with blank covers?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A despicable thing...

And so the descent into name-calling begins.

Allow me to spare you the trouble of finding more like this. Be like Shouting Thomas and go with "vile". Also, a good one might be "reprehensible", or even, well, even...

Oh boy. I guess I just don't have all the words you might need to substitute feigned moral outrage for a decent argument tonight, Mr Chickie.

chickelit said...

Dude, you said I was defending liars! I didn't say *you* were despicable. I said it was a despicable thing to say.

Get it?

chickelit said...

Now hit me with your ritmo shtick

Anonymous said...

Ritmo, Chickie hates the sin, but loves the sinner.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes, I get it Chickie. But it's not going to get us anywhere. I could trounce the outrage over that prefabricated scandal, but it's not going to matter. In the end, it's all a bunch of tu quoques. We're all defending liars. And so on.

But in the meantime, I'm at least coming up with reasons for why "my" "liars" are coming up with less incoherent, less irrational and less destructive approaches for America.

In fact, a lot of Obama's success simply stems from standing around and allowing the country to watch the Republicans destroy themselves.

It says a lot for who's willing to work with whom, and who's in it for something else entirely.

Aridog said...

Why would anyone subscribe to "The New Republic" which is about as "new" as "Ramparts", which ceased publishing in 1975 or so, and is less honest. Maybe it's just me...but I got over all that in the 70's upon returning from a land far away to a political shit-hole in the land I called home.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks for the link, Chickie - but I still like my Grace Slick reference better. ;-)

William said...

Bigots of taste and discrimination choose white people to dump on.....The New Republic is trying to appeal to the most discriminating and intelligent bigots. White people like the TNR staff are so much better at bigotry than the average redneck. Just beneath the surface they have all the usual racial prejudices, but they have the extra added topspin of class prejudices.....The New Republic--the magazine for people who are just better than other people.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: Just remember what the dourmouse said: 'heed your Fed, heed your Fed!

The economy will recover when monetary policy recovers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do I have it right that the article's author, Sam Tanenhaus, is conservative?

In that case, you can ignore it at your own peril.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: Obama needs a Randian at the helm of the Fed like Clinton had.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

One who renounced his own Randianism in the aftermath of the very recession that he had the humility to take partial blame for?

Oh yeah. That one.

Dude, keep up.

Anonymous said...

If Tanenbaum is a conservative, he is discussing the Republican Party's dirty little secrets, that's a big no no. It sends to him to the Siberia of Impure Conservatives, exiled forevermore.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: Tanenhaus may be conservative in the Sullivan sense--he certainly echoes the latter's disdain for Republicans--and for similar reasons: New Confederacy Race Theory.

Anonymous said...

*Tanenhaus* my German iPad keeps correcting to Tannenbaum.

Aridog said...

O Ritmo Segundo...I didn't think it of you before, but your post at 5:48 PM proves you are an immature ignorant jackass. You know nothing of real assimilation and diversity and my bet is you've never experienced it in someone else's country.

Your insult in that post is astounding for it's ignorance...especially if you think all soldiers are Democrats only...not to mention you know nothing of my experiences and activities in your sweeping presumptive hogwash. Actually I was a Democrat, registered, until 2004 and I quit them because of shit like you just said. Go now and be proud.

Methadras said...

The soft articles of leftist prejudice and bigotry. Shocking. Republicans may be primarily white, but they are not the party of racism like the D's are and have historically been. D's have spent so much money trying to 'white' wash that up.

harrogate said...


Seeing Red said...

I think Ritmo unintentionally pegged it, coolness.

Voted for the Prom King.

But it's the boring, not the flash & superficial, who actually do the work.

Hate pubbies, but love the money that they've socked away.

Of course, it's the dems who are the real party of the rich and they certainly don't want to share theirs.

edutcher said...

Rose said...

What's 'adorable' about the Obama cover?

And I said...

The subject's opinion of the subject.

Unfortunately, Ann can't bring herself to say Barry's expression is too precious by half.

Unless, of course, Miss Ann is employing her stealth /sarc tag again.

garage mahal said...

Garage is the worst sort of racist, the one who advocates policies that destroy and subjugate minorities to generational poverty and helplessness, from the far distance of his lilly white community.

Which would be a hell of a lot more than you've accomplished in your meaningless existence.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whatever, Chick.

Do you really think these personalized dismissals, "Sullivanist" and oversimplified partisanism (Conservatism = Republicanism) are going anywhere?

Anyway, read the article. What Tanenhaus says about the role of John Calhoun in shaping a political method is pretty interesting. And the whole dismissal of any confederate legacy is pretty specious. Just look at the electoral map, man. Look at it. What do you see?

Look away from the light, Chickie.

Revenant said...

Why would anyone subscribe to "The New Republic"

Pretty much nobody *does* subscribe to The New Republic.

The 100th most popular American magazine, according to the page on magazine, has a circulation of around 880,000. TNR's is one-twentieth that. Its circulation compares unfavorably to the My Little Pony comic book.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Good Ari. Then we don't need the likes of you.

Also, America is not like other countries. "Assimilation" here has a meaning, if any, that is not like what it would mean anywhere else.

Get over it.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: Did George Will ever walk back his televised poo-pooing of Sullivan's New Confederacy Theory? I missed it. I know you respect both of them, so I figured I'd ask you.

chickelit said...

Just look at the electoral map, man. I see incongruities west of the Mississippi. I hear convoluted arguments to get around these observations.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


If you look into the light, not only will the Democrats take all your stuff, they'll take you as well.

/total Road to Serfdom and other Randian bullshit satire awesomeness.

Go Galt! It's your birthday! We're going to party like it's your birthday!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I see incongruities west of the Mississippi.

Tanenhaus touches on that, too.

Don't forget the mixture of "rugged individualism" thrown into that mix. But California's done with it and so are CO and NM.

Your tentacles beyond the rump South are retracting.

Revenant said...

What are other cover stories you could have with blank covers?

They could do one on the big blizzard and how fossil fuels are to blame for it...

They could do a photo collage of important women in the Obama cabinet...

Hm. Finish up with a list of memorable TNR articles from the last twenty years? :)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

NV, WA, OR...

Rusty said...

Tell me about Californias projected budget surplus.
That never gets old.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Rusty "Deficits don't matter" Cheney speaks!

Who cares.

chickelit said...

Don't forget the mixture of "rugged individualism" thrown into that mix.

What's wrong with rugged individualism? Weren't the cowboys in "Brokeback Mountain rugged individuals? Are you saying they were "soft"?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyway, we're back full circle. The Republicans' tired strategy is causing them to lose the country. Back to Grace Slick.

Don't you want some country to love, don't you
Need some country to love, wouldn't you
Love some country to love, you better
Find some country to love...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What's wrong with rugged individualism? Weren't the cowboys in "Brokeback Mountain rugged individuals? Are you saying they were "soft"?

I don't know. But they probably weren't opposed to gay marriage and didn't mind taking it up the ass for the things they loved.. unlike your precious Kochs and their country's skewed finances...

Mark said...

But it's really about how they have no culture. Or at least, no sense of culture.

So of course, they can't appreciate how different cultures - EVEN IN AMERICA - go about finding ways of life that are beautiful, appreciable and work for them.

No racism/bigotry there.

It also provides a wonderful mechanism to delegitimize any member of a "cultural" group that deviates from the Establishment Liberal POV as being some form of oreo.

You really can't write better parody than Ritmo.

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cody Jarrett said...

So did Harrogate really accuse the R's of racism because they're white or something? Shit, it ain't our fault we're white.

But more to the point: black people vote democrat in almost total lockstep. Are they, based on harro's criteria, racist?



I'll wait...


probably all night.



...checks watch.


BTW, Garage, you still haven't answered the question.

Why does the color of one's skin matter?

Cody Jarrett said...

Only Ritty would write a post that starts with Brokeback Mountain...and the cowboys out on the trail...havin' butt sex...cowboy butt sex...sodommmmeeeeeeee...and end with railing about the Koch brothers.

God. At least next time write to separate posts man....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No racism/bigotry there.

Sorry, Mark. But to accuse someone of racism/bigotry for calling Republicans uncultured is really one of the stupidest things anyone's ever said. For one, Republicans are not thought of as a "race". The idea that "bigotry" means "isn't nice enough to my political party" is pretty pisspoor, as far as ideas go.

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one, man.

Revenant said...

But California's done with it and so are CO and NM.

New Mexico has been "done with" the Republican Party for over eighty years. That's the last time they controlled the state legislature.

They occasionally elect good governors, though, like my main man Gary. :)

furious_a said...

What are other cover stories you could have with blank covers?

* A list of Hillary's accomplishmentns as SecState.
* The ethnic makeup of The New Republic's masthead.
* The Deep Thoughts of Joe Biden.
* The New Republic's retained earnings over the last decade.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...railing about the Koch brothers.

I just think they should be willing to take one for their country, CEO. You know, seeing as how much they claim to love it and everything.

These guys do. Heck, they even seem to enjoy it!

Cody Jarrett said...

Ritty, it's not who/what exactly, it's just the sheer Freudian comedy of how you did it.

Cody Jarrett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Revenant said...

Republicans think that demography and ethnicity is about nothing more than appearance. But it's really about how they have no culture.

The notion that The Party should be the source of one's culture has pretty much been confined to the political left, historically speaking.

chickelit said...

@garage mahal: Billy Cox was a far better bass player that Noel Redding.

Just sayin'

Revenant said...

I just think they should be willing to take one for their country, CEO. You know, seeing as how much they claim to love it and everything.

Another common leftie failing, of course, is their habit of equating country with government.

The government needs more money. The country needs less government.

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