February 6, 2013

"99.99% of the gun owners of America are wonderful people that you are hanging around with here today."

"Perfectly safe. Perfectly harmless. Wonderful, loving, generous, giving, caring people. Would you leave us the hell alone? Go after the nut jobs, go after the murderers, because I don’t know any. We need to lock up the bad guys and when people show dangerous, murderous intent, which everyone one of these mass-murderers showed."


Brew Master said...


TML said...

100,000 Americans are hit by gunfire every year. OK. Anyone think that's not a cooked stat?

Hysterical Piers: "Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm??!?!?"

About as meaningful.

Shanna said...

Hysterical Piers: "Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm??!?!?"

I live within 10 feet of a firearm.

ooonaughtykitty said...

I agree with Ted, we don't have a 'gun' problem, we have a mental health problem.

Scott M said...

"Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm??!?!?"

Given the number of firearms in the country, from Piers point of view, this is a self-defeating stat. It highlights how few people are injured by firearms.

And, if stats hold, vehicular injury is 10x more common and I'm betting an equivalent number of people live MUCH closer to an automobile.

rhhardin said...

It's a stand-in for whether or not the Constitution is optional.

Obama says it is and means to prove it.

Shouting Thomas said...

My Woodstock FB correspondents went completely bonkers over guns for about a month after Sandy Hook.

Things are calming down now.

Gun violence is so rare in Woodstock that it's almost non-existent. Lots of people own guns for hunting and sport shooting. Most of the musicians I've worked with over the years like to hunt.

I don't have a clue why everybody got so worked up. I can't even remember an instance of an accidental gun discharge that caused an injury in Woodstock.

Anonymous said...

TML said...
100,000 Americans are hit by gunfire every year

Given WIA to KIA ratios, that might be 20-30 thousand gun deaths a year if the basic data were accruate instead of pulled out of somebody's a$$.

Brent said...

Reality shoved into the clueless face of a man looking anywhere to support his ridiculous agneda.

The anti-gun nuts are 2 Steps removed from reality. They should be examined for mental illness. Seriously.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The idea is to play for time until there's a different moral panic.

Brew Master said...

Shouting Thomas said...
I don't have a clue why everybody got so worked up.

At first, it was the horror of dead children. It is hard not to get worked up over circumstances such as those.

But then, that horror was seized by leftists in order to push one of their prime tenants of gun control/confiscation/elimination.

It is right and healthy to get worked up by mass murder, and we are all prone to it even more so when it is done againsst the innocent.

It is wrong and evil to coopt that natural emotion to attempt to remove natural rights in the pursuit of power.

chickelit said...

The silver lining is that guys like Morgan are helping Conservatives by showing one extreme ridiculous alternative.

mariner said...

Obama knows that the Constitution gets in the way of what he wants to do.

But only when people demand compliance with it, which is less and less frequent.

CWJ said...

Mental health problem - exactly.

Shanna said...

At first, it was the horror of dead children. It is hard not to get worked up over circumstances such as those.

I started reading a book by an FBI criminal profiler the other day and the first story in it was about a killing of elementary school students in scotland in the mid 90's. Looking it up, according to CNN: 'Within a year and a half of the Dunblane massacre, UK lawmakers had passed a ban on the private ownership of all handguns in mainland Britain'.

Scott M said...

Mental health problem - exactly.

I still haven't seen a curious academic or reporter ask what prescribed medications all of the recent (say last ten years or so) mass shooters have in common. It has to have occurred to someone.

TMink said...

Blame Reagan, I do. It was he who made it more difficult to hospitalize the mentally ill against their wishes and that led to an explosion of homelessness and the occasional mass murder committed by those who would have been committed.

I understand his libertarian thinking, but medicine is not an alternative to committment for people who do not think that they need medicine.

So I blame Reagan.


Big Mike said...

Hysterical Piers: "Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm??!?!?"

You're way closer than that if you live in or near the inner city, but those guns are unregistered and probably acquired illegally, so Piers isn't very upset about them.

Brian Brown said...

Hysterical Piers: "Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm??!?!?"

I have concealed weapons permits from multiple states.

Why is that guy a boob.

Brian Brown said...

By the way, doesn't Piers have bodyguards?

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

If we can save the life of even ONE child, we ought to reduce all speed limits by one half.

AllenS said...

So I blame Reagan.

It was a long time ago, but to the best of my recollection, he was only half to blame, for his I want to save money, and the other half were the I care about people (libs) that also wanted the mental health facilities closed.

Tank said...

I was happy to have a firearm in my hands yesterday. It was fun. I shot lefty, righty and with both hands (I always practice with both hands).

When I am asleep, I am 6 feet from a firearm. I rarely think about it, but, when I do, I feel that much safer.

Henry said...

Huff post helpfully links the 100,000 Americans hit by gunfire to the CDC FastStats page.

Where you find out that a lot of people are affected by a lot of things. That's what happens when you have a lot of people.

Poisoning is a bitch.

Pettifogger said...

TML said: "100,000 Americans are hit by gunfire every year. OK. Anyone think that's not a cooked stat?"

I would not be surprised, but take it at face value and round the U.S. population down to 300,000,000.

100,000/300,000,000 is .0003333. Three hundredths of a percent or three basis points, for those familiar with that term.

It doesn't seem as though guns are our biggest problem. But they are offensive to the clerisy, so the clerisy wants them gone.

ooonaughtykitty said...

Scott M 2/6/13, 8:46 AM --- I never thought of that, but that's a great question. The 'dots' are staring at us waiting for someone to connect them, and the media, and GOV, are too busy using this opportunity to dismantle our rights and Constitution.
They'd rather spend time selling flu shots to the public to better their health, than protect the public from the crimes of the health profession, and their enablers. (parents, etc)

Brian Brown said...

Huff post helpfully links the 100,000 Americans hit by gunfire to the CDC FastStats page.

Coming from the same people who just got done celebrating Roe at 40!.

I'm unpersuaded.

Marie said...

Piers Morgan: I won't leave you alone because this is a debate that has to be had.

Ted Nugent: And we appreciate that because you're the perfect poster boy to stand up for the things that make no sense at all to common sense people.


Hagar said...

Whenever there is an incident involving guns, the gun "control" (read : "removal") crowd wants to take their guns away from people who have not been involved in any "gun violence."

At present, I think the main reason is that almost all the actual "gun violence" involves specific population groups that according to the affluent left are supposed to be "victims of social injustice" that they are trying to "help," and they are not going to face up to the fact some members of these groups are really the "bad guys" and no kind of "vicrims."

Hagar said...


ooonaughtykitty said...

I think this underlines how out of control the mental health of our society really is...


You can't tell me that guy, the crazy driver, not hitchhiker, hasn't 'acted up' around others before.

victoria said...

Ted's the nut job. But then Piers is obsessed, never good.

Vicki from Pasadena

Bob Ellison said...

TMink, it wasn't Reagan. It began with JFK, and pretty much everyone rode the deinstitutionalization wave. Good intentions; bad results.

Unknown said...

TMink said...

"Blame Reagan, I do. It was he who made it more difficult to hospitalize the mentally ill against their wishes and that led to an explosion of homelessness and the occasional mass murder committed by those who would have been committed."
Odd, I always thought that Reagan was President, not a Supreme Court justice. Or have you never heard of O'Connor v/s Donaldson?

victoria said...

What is the world coming to when we take what Ted Nugent says as factual (remember Joe the plumber). I think we need some serious fact checking on his statistics. Oh and Piers's too.

Vicki from Pasadena

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Piers Morgan is English. The Brits are fucking morons.

The democrats are desperate to copy British stupidity. ...From their lousy and deadly healthcare to their ineffective gun laws.

Marie said...

victoria, what lies did joe the plumber tell? I've forgotten.

Strelnikov said...


TML said...

Shanna: good.

Just to be clear, I was making fun of Piers.

Also, I'd like to know how many of those gunfire "hits" are fatal. How many are black youth killing black youth? How many are police-related? How many are self defense?

We do ourselves a huge disservice by trying to placate idiots like Piers by not including "protection from a tyrannical government" in our list of legitimate reasons to own a firearm.

How many peoples over time have had their guns taken away by a government and then seen their freedoms taken away afterwards?

I love the, "Oh, that could NEVER happen here in America" jackasses. Sure.

In other news, Obama can now unilaterally decide to kill Americans.

Chip Ahoy said...

Piers needed someone nutty to argue with in order to be a hit with the Huffington crowd. This is like a pretend car accident in which there is no impulse to even peek, just keep your eyes on the road. Now, had he taken Piers out on a boar hunt that would be different, plus he does that with a bow, I think, so Piers wouldn't be interested.

Monkeon suspected, and then produced a page that shows Piers Morgan is the biggest asshole in the world judged by Twitter key tweets. You can see for yourself at monkeon mob trumps. Except asshole is not the invective monkon used, you can enter anything to compare.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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CWJ said...


No. Diebold and whomever of Columbine fame were nut jobs. Loughner's a nut job. The Aurora shooter's a nut job. Sandy Hook guy was a nut job. Major Hassan may prove to be a nut job.

See a pattern here as to what the real problem is?

William said...

The saws that are made for removing casts are fabricated in such a way that they immediately stop when they touch human flesh. Why can't this valuable safeguard be incorporated into the manufacture of chain saws? The nexus of madmen and chainsaws is a volatile combination that has caused deep, gouging wounds to our society. Anyone who has ever been caught alone in an abandoned house with a madman and his chainsaw knows how traumatic that experience can be. The technology now exists to remedy this problem. We should not let the appetite of chain saw manufacturers for ever greater profits to stop us from applying this remedy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want my law abiding citizen neighbors to own guns. I makes me feel safe.

Now, I am a gun owner. In fact I was never interested in owning a gun until the our soviet style propaganda democrat party started pissing on about the removal of this and that... for our own good.

The government is scary. Get a gun.

(own) (fixed)

edutcher said...

Who's likelier to get there first if some creep breaks into your house, your next door neighbor who owns a .45, or the cops?

ooonaughtykitty said...

I agree with Ted, we don't have a 'gun' problem, we have a mental health problem.

Actually what we have is a small c communist problem.

Fix that and the others will be fixed quickly.

victoria said...

Sorry, peeps, still think that Ted Nugent is a nut job, a harmless one.

Joe the plumber was, and I still think he is, a shill for the uber right wing. Useless, useless, useless. It only serves to prove the adage that there is one born every minute. (idiot that is)


victoria said...

CWJ, those dudes were not nut jobs, those were seriously deranged people. Nut jobs are harmless.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

100,000 Americans are hit by gunfire every year

And most of them live in Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles. Is there a common pattern here? Naaaah.

machine said...

Is elevating a self-admitted pedophile and draft dodger to be the national spokesman for such a touchy subject a symptom of a political party's mental illness?

edutcher said...

Yes, but we're supposed to believe Bubba saved Barry's Presidency.

edutcher said...

victoria said...

CWJ, those dudes were not nut jobs, those were seriously deranged people. Nut jobs are harmless.

Clearly, she's never been around any.

Paul said...

Ted is 100 percent right.

Been shooting guns since maybe 13. Never even threatened with an arrest. Packed heat legally for over 15 years and for maybe 40 of the years had so-called 'assault rifles' and magazines way over 10 rounds.

And lots of my friends and co-workers have guns, many of them have ARs.

So go after the INSANE PEOPLE and those with long criminal records and leave us alone.

Hagar said...

The "nut jobs" are like meteor strikes; spectacular, but not all that significant, since they are so rare.

The real carnage is from the day in - day out gang warfare that is being refused to face up to.

Unknown said...

Miss Vickie from Pasadena--I think you may bit sanguine about nut jobs (your words)--some are harmless, but alas, others are not. I am totally in favor of mental health treatment for all nut jobs, harmless or not.

edutcher said...

Hagar said...

The "nut jobs" are like meteor strikes; spectacular, but not all that significant, since they are so rare.

The real carnage is from the day in - day out gang warfare that is being refused to face up to.

But, to do anything about that, we'd have to start getting black people away from the cult of victimology and make them start understanding they have to take control of their circumstances, rather than blaming everything on white people and waiting for the government to save them.

Michael said...

If you are concerned, as am I, about government overreach I would recommend the following. Buy one or more handguns in private transactions as soon as you are able. Then buy one handgun of the same caliber as the others at retail and with the standard background checks. When they come for the guns you can give up the registered one. And they will come for the guns. Hide and watch.

Bruce Hayden said...

I got part way through the article and gave up, after they again pointed again at Morgan's brilliance in his smackdown of Nugent.

"Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm??!?!?"

When I first saw that, I said "What?". I am just surprised that they didn't have decimal places on the numbers of Americans. Would have been more effective if they had said "250 million", than that bogus precise "254,659,021", esp. when they are essentially using ">=".

So, I sleep w/i a foot or two of a gun, and so apparently infect the entire town (not paranoia, but rather, it was a good place to store it). Not that I am alone here, or the only one infecting the populace with this malady. For a start, I live about 1/2 mile from the police station, and they are all armed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I purchased a gun through a "gun show". I had to go through a back-ground check.

Once again, the collective left are lying about the "gun show loop hole".

bagoh20 said...

I was talking with my stepson yesterday about this. Even though it's California, there are a lot of people that carry guns legally in some places and times. We were remarking that even when you are in one of those places where you know a lot - if not most - are packing, that you never see a firearm. They never come out, they never get brandished, they rarely even get seen by accident, but everyone knows they are there. It also changes the atmosphere to one of respect, since in such a place everyone knows they are essentially equal, regardless of size or badness.

President-Mom-Jeans said...


What statistic did Joe the Plumber say that needed to be fact checked? Just because some dumb bint from pasadena thinks he is a "schill" means fuck all.


Oh, and Machine, a question for you. Is having a noted pederast like Harry Reid as Senate Majority leader a symptom of a partys mental illness?

mikeski said...

"100,000 Americans are hit by gunfire every year."

Sure, if you count paintball and Airsoft guns.

Synova said...

Is it worth clicking on Huff-Po to see what it said?

CWJ said...


Piers Morgan is an admitted pedophile and draft dodger?!

Who knew!?

CWJ said...
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victoria said...

Language, President mom-jeans, language. Learn how to spell or use the auto-correct. One is judged as much by how they write as how they express their opinions.

How successful was our "Joe the plumber"(not even his real name) with winning elections? Just about as successful as Dear Sarah Palin.

Vicki From Pasadena

Hey,peeps, spell my name correctly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sandy Hook father understands the law.

Shanna said...

Is elevating a self-admitted pedophile and draft dodger to be the national spokesman

People who run TV programs like to book Ted Nugent because he's hilarious and looks slightly unhinged. No political party nominated him as a spokesman for anything.

That doesn't mean he isn't right.

Revenant said...

Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm

This makes me wonder where the heck the other 60 million Americans live.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchy old lady from Pasadena (think Jan and Dean for cadence)

How is the grammar on this sentence? Eat a bag of dicks.

I'm much less concerned about nitpicking spelling and punctuation than by your complete inability to back up your original statement. Plenty of people run for elected office, and whether they won or lost has nothing to do with the accuracy of the statements they make (if you like your insurance you can keep it...I will half the deficit in four years.)

I will also point out that you were the one who referred to him as Joe the Plumber in your original post.

But hey, if you want to continue being the self appointed language police, knock yourself out.

A vapid twat with an eye for grammar and spelling, but a vapid twat nonetheless.

Roger J. said...

Seems to me that "statistic" quoted by Mr Morgan is about useless. Let's unpack it a little (although it really deserves shitcanning). Assuming normal distributions in the population then one half of that number lives within .8 of a mile of a firearm, Considering the round trip time for a citizen to have access to a firearm you will need to double the one way distance. That amount of time pretty well negates the importance of a firearm as police response, slow as it is, is faster than the citizen making the round trip to procure said firearm.

I have in my lifetime seen some crimes committed against statistics, but Mr Morgan's deployment of such a useless factoid confirms the fact he is an ignorant and pontificating ass. And his ratings are still in the toilet. Wonder why.

Michael said...

Further to the "statistics" issue I would add that this degree of specificity offered by an intellectual opponent is generally a sign of weakness. They are hoping that the extreme specificity adds weight to a light argument. I think we will be a safer country if we can get that distance down below a mile and then aim for a target, yes, of one hundred yards.

victoria said...

Ouch, mom jeans, ouch. You got me good.

Put me in my place. Where is that place? Well above you.

At least I can express myself without resorting to vile, almost unprintable language. This illustrates the bad state of public education today. Any school that would graduate you must be educating the dregs of society.


Big Mike said...

Based on the (admittedly few) gunshows I've been to, most of the people at a gun show who purchase firearms without undergoing background checks are buying antique firearms or replicas of percussion or flintlock pistols and muskets (Civil and Revolutionary War reenacting is popular here in Virginia).

And I don't think that's 40% of the attendees.

Known Unknown said...

How many people live near cops?

I have one across the street.

My previous home was next door to one.

Dumb statistics.

Kirk Parker said...


"I live within 10 feet of a firearm."

My distance, during the day, is literally a hair's breadth. All day, every day; no harm.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Oh spare me the vapors and

"vile, almost unprintable language"?

Fuck you. Seven little letters. Fuck you. Two words. Fuck you, Vicki. That's three words. Obscenity is exactly the sort language necessary to address worthless pieces of shit like you who cheer on the loss of civil liberties.

Sad to inform you, but you are not the arbiter of what words may be spoken/typed/written.

And thank God for that, the authoritarian streak in thoughtless petty little idiots like you is strong. I get to express myself however it pleases me, and there is not one damn thing you can do about it.

Since you bring it up, yes I did attend a public high school, although my B.A. and J.D. were earned at private institutions. What did I learn there? I learned that I am under no obligation to censor how I write or speak because it offends the delicate sensibilities of some dumb bitch on the other side of the country.

Resorting to "vile, almost unprintable language"? Hardly. Resorting implies there is no other option available to me. I CHOOSE my words very carefully.

Thankfully, the abillity of liberals to take away the first amendment will fail as surely as their attempts to take away the second. From my cold dead mouth will you take my obscenity.

So again, fuck you.

TML said...
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TML said...

OK, my bad for not making it 100% clear that statistic was 100% made up by me as an EXAMPLE of the idiotic shit Morgan would likely spout. I'm sorry. Piers Morgan never said

"Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm??!?!?"

I just made it up as a "fr'instance" of a Morganism.

Sorry about the confusion.

And, frankly, I'll bet that more Americans than that live a lot closer than that to a firearm.

Bruce Hayden said...

And I don't think that's 40% of the attendees.

I think that that statistic comes from the Clinton era, about the time they passed their "assault weapon" ban and tightened up on registrations. Definitely not current.

No expert here, but this is my understanding. At one time, a lot of people who went to gun shows to sell guns were individuals. But, then, the professionals moved in - the gun manufacturers, stores, etc., and they all have FFL licenses. If you do more than a limited number of sales a year, you need an FFL license, and if you have an FFL license, you need to do background checks on your buyers.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Do you not know that over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm??!?!?"

The more I think about this statistic, the more bogus it appears - though probably it is strictly accurate, because I think that it underestimates the situation.

Ask yourself, where are you going to live, where you would be more than 1.57 miles from someone having a gun? Rural America is out, because most everyone has at least one around the house. Inner cities are out because of the police and the gangs. Maybe parts of suburbia. But, even there, I suspect that the penetration of gun ownership is much more extensive than Morgan might suspect. I can't think of a time in my life when I have lived somewhere where there hasn't been a gun w/i 1.57 miles of me. Likely the situation for most here.

Think of how they must have come up with this statistic (if they didn't pull it full born from their collective derrières). Someone must have calculated what they believed to be a gun density map of the U.S., and then compared that to a corresponding population density map. Or, something like that. But, how would they get the data for the gun density map? Polling or sampling? A lot of self-reporting, or, more likely, self-non-reporting, even if it were done by the Census bureau. Plenty of people are very hesitant to letting the government, directly or indirectly know that they own guns. Government non-polling/sampling data? Mostly illegal, since the only viable source would seem to be ATF records, which are sharply limited.

3john2 said...

I'd press Piers on his statistic. He's already lost one high-profile media job for making stuff up.

Plus, the Brits have always been opposed to Americans having guns, going back to Lexington and Concord.

Calypso Facto said...

over 254,659,021 Americans live within 1.67 miles of a firearm

Aren't you GLAD your policemen and those in the armed services have firearms and are close by to protect you?

Jason said...

I, too, would like Vicki to back up her original slur on Joe the Plumber.

Because if she can't (I don't think she can), than that's an obscenity far worse than anything Mom_Jeans wrote about her.

Actually, it seems like Mom_Jeans has her pegged.

So go ahead, Vicki... Back it up. :-)

victoria said...

President Mom-jeans,

You have a law degree? Really? No lawyer I know would use the language you use, even in a chat room.

Hopefully you don't use that kind of language in public or in front of your children.

I am all for civil liberties, say what you want. I could give a rats ass.

What I am saying, which you so rudely ignored, is that there are better ways to express yourself. Say all the fuck you's you want, it doesn't change the fact that you are rude, arrogant,ignorant and a nasty bitch to boot.

I can't believe that you do choose your words carefully.By the way, I am a liberal and proud of it. So what. I would never, never deny anyone's right to express themselves, no matter how stupidly they do it.

It seems I got a little under your skin, good. Your high horse self important demeanor is tiresome and oh so boring.

I am originally from the East Coast and the mid-west and proud of it. I live on the west coast now, or as you fringy righties call it, the Left Coast. Who cares. Remember that just because you are from the east coast does not make you the self appointed arbiter of all that is right and good.

We all live in the USA, thank god, where, even when you are wrong, you have the right to be wrong. Whoopee!!

Vicki From Pasadena

furious_a said...

Any story with any mention of Piers Morgan should come with the following disclaimer:

Piers Morgan was sacked as the editor of the Daily Mirror last night as the newspaper's board made an unreserved apology for publishing fake pictures of British troops torturing Iraqi prisoners.


He was immediately escorted from the building by security staff.

Escorted from the building. By security staff.

Revenant said...

A simpler but still-accurate summary, furious_a, is "he was fired by a tabloid for faking the news".

Says it all, yes?

Revenant said...

No lawyer I know would use the language you use, even in a chat room.

You obviously don't know many lawyers. :)

3john2 said...

Escorted from the building. By security staff.

Were they armed? I hope they were armed!

Cincinnatus said...

The most significant clue to the fact that Obama has made an enemy out of Britain is that they sent us Piers Morgan.

Vile little git.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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furious_a said...

Says it all, yes?

"Sacked" works on so many levels.

furious_a said...

vicki: One is judged as much by how they back up their bullshit assertions as how they hide behind spell-check.

There, fixed it for you.

Could have added attract gibbering ninnies like Inga as allies, but that would have just been piling on.

Anonymous said...

From someone who names themselves Furious_A.

Mouth foamers, he and his cohort PMJ.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Nothing to back up your claims about Joe the Plumber I see Vicki.

You certainly don't know many lawyers if you think that they are all the shrinking violets when it comes to coarse language you think they are. Most attorneys I know swear like sailors. Maybe its a generational thing, but I doubt it.

As to using "better" language, there you go putting your personal opinion and feelings as arbiter of what is correct. The words I chose conveyed exactly the meaning and sentiment that I intended. I use exactly the same language in public, when the people I am directing it at in public are braindead leftwing old bags like you. And as to children, why the hell would you assume that I have any? Because I'm a lawyer? No wonder you don't know shit about how attorneys use profanity in their speech.

No shit you are liberal, it is glaringly obvious. The fact that you still can't name on thing that you accused Joe the Plumber of, combined with your hysterical emotionalism are dead giveaways.

And saying "rat's ass" there, why, I believe you are using vile and unprintable language. Who is under who's skin, hmmmm?

Go back to nitpicking grammar and spelling, and avoid throwing out unsubstantiated claims you can't back up, unless you are prepared to be called out on it.

victoria said...

Ok here goes, Joe the plumber, not named Joe and not really a plumber. Gave a speech earlier this year saying that gun control in Germany lead to the holocaust. Not true. Do you want me to go on? I can. For all of you "plumberites" i hope that satisfies you.

Still scratching my head over the fact that you actually graduated from Law School. Oh Well.

vicki from Pasadfena

Michael said...

Victoria. If his name isnt Joe, what is it? Has he used a false name? Do you assert that guns would have been of no use to Jews in Germany as they were rounded up like cattle?
I think you mean to say that whats his name was not a licensed plumber because I think it is clear that he made his living plying that trade.

Michael said...

Victoria. If his name isnt Joe, what is it? Has he used a false name? Do you assert that guns would have been of no use to Jews in Germany as they were rounded up like cattle?
I think you mean to say that whats his name was not a licensed plumber because I think it is clear that he made his living plying that trade.

Cody Jarrett said...

His name is Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher. Can you see how he might have gone by "Joe"?

Stupid fucking brain dead liberal cow.

Cody Jarrett said...

spot the irony:

"Still scratching my head over the fact that you actually graduated from Law School. Oh Well.

vicki from Pasadfena"

victoria said...

His name, boys is Sam.

Vicki from Pasadena (oops for the bad spelling on previous posting)

bagoh20 said...

His name is Barry Soetoro

Jason said...

Jesus, vicki, you're an idiot.

Go sit next to Andy R. and Garage Mahal.

Jason said...

Jesus, vicki, you're an idiot.

Go sit next to Andy R. and Garage Mahal.

Revenant said...

Do you realize that Bill Clinton was never elected President?

True story.

William Clinton was elected President. The whole "Bill Clinton" thing was just a lie made up by leftie moonbats. :)

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